Summary: Because "The End" doesn't really mean the end. Sequel to Out of Sync. Japanese University AU. Eventual SasuSaku.

Disclaimer: Naruto and all its characters used in this story do not belong to me.


Sorry to Interrupt

He stared at the ceiling for what seemed like hours.

His mind was all over the place as thought after thought jumbled around his head. He hadn't been this bothered by something since, well, that day at the courtyard. To be honest, he began questioning everything that had occurred just days prior. He was at the mall with his girlfriend and his two best friends. They were near the foodcourt when all of a sudden, after a whole entire year of not seeing each other, he finally sees her again.

Was it fate? He didn't know. However, what he did know was at the time, it seemed like it was a good idea to walk away from her. Thinking back on it now...he began to question his train of thought as to why he acted that way. After all this time, all these mixed emotions were still bothering him. How could things have ended if he still felt conflicted?

Seeing her with that other boy—he wasn't exactly annoyed, but he felt a little disappointed. However, he brushed it off and let it go at the moment. It seemed like he would be fine with it back then but now, all of a sudden, he was thinking maybe it was the wrong choice. Feelings of regret kicked in and he could not understand why he could not let it go. He had to.

Clearly, they had unfinished business. But it was so obvious that both parties had moved on. He had a girlfriend and she had a boyfriend. Done. There was nothing else to dwell on. Yet for some reason, his brain would not give him peace of mind. The strange part that continuously bothered him was: instead of finally talking face-to-face, they just accepted what was in front of them.

Sure, it would have been better to talk, as he probably wouldn't be this bothered if he finally expressed what he was feeling. But, again, they clearly had both moved on. Why bring up the past if you've already moved forward? He didn't understand why this bothered him so much. Wasn't this how closure worked? Accepting what cannot be changed and then moving on?

You haven't accepted anything.

Closing his eyes, he rubbed the temple of his head with his hands. All of these thoughts were giving him a migraine. It wasn't like he could just talk to her anyway. While her being in Suna was a factor, it wasn't like they exchanged contact information. Literally, the only form of contact they had, besides the day at the mall, was a letter she had written that was passed on through Ino. There was no way in hell he would ask Ino for her number. She probably wouldn't even give it to him in the first place—wait...what was he thinking?

He sighed as he turned around on his bed. Hello! Did you forget about your girlfriend? There was no way he could do it anyway. Karin would definitely find out and then it would be endless drama and fighting and...

Sakura smiled softly as she patted the side of Sai's cheek with her hand, gently.

Why couldn't he let her go? Her smile continued to plague his mind the rest of the night.

A few months later...

It was a cold winter day in Konoha as Sasuke and Karin were in the library after school studying. Entrance exams were coming up for those students who wanted to attend university. Karin, who was bored playing with her pencil, glanced up at her boyfriend who was busy reading his textbook. She watched as he took notes in his notebook and highlighted key information. She sighed as she looked back down at her textbook. She didn't think she could read another word.

Deciding to take a break, she closed her books then looked at her boyfriend again. Noticing her stare, he looked up from his textbook with an incredulous gaze.

Karin tapped her pencil against her lips as she casually asked, "So, Sasuke-kun, did you hand in your slip to the office?"

He nodded his head, "Yeah." He looked a little annoyed because he wanted to keep studying. Only 20 minutes have passed and he wasn't ready to take a break yet. To be honest, he didn't really go to the library with Karin often. She didn't really like studying for long periods of time so usually, she would end up distracting him when he was really trying to focus.

Not liking his short answer, Karin began to inquire for more information. "And?"

Sasuke raised his right eyebrow while slowly replying, "I'm going to Oto."

Karin's eyes widened as she sputtered, "O-Otokagure University?" Although she knew Sasuke wanted to go to a really good university, she had no idea he wanted to get into Oto. She bit her lip as things just got a lot more complicated than she had expected.

He nodded his head as he continued reading from his textbook.

"B-But that's l-like the top university of Japan!" the redhead stuttered as she continued to panic. If Sasuke went to Oto, where would that leave their relationship? She wasn't expecting to have a long distance relationship with him. Although she at first wanted to go back to her hometown in Kumo and go to university there, after getting a boyfriend, her plans changed. She dreamed of going to a private university in Konoha with Sasuke and continuing on their happy relationship.

Sasuke, annoyed at his girlfriend's behavior, copied her question from earlier. "And?"

Karin sighed as she looked down at the table. She began to fidget in place as she began tapping her feet on the ground. She answered, "Well...I thought we would go to the same university...together."

Sasuke shook his head and closed his textbook. "Look, Karin, I didn't study this hard to get into a private university. I'm an Uchiha, and the Uchiha family has always gone to Oto. That has always been my plan ever since I entered Konoha Gakuen." In Japan, public universities were seen as prestigious as opposed to private universities. There were seven public universities that were considered the best in the nation, Oto University being one of them.


The dark headed boy sighed. It was probably best to study when he got back home. There was no point anymore since his girlfriend wanted to talk. He then looked up at her and asked, "What about you?"

Karin glanced shyly down at the table. "Well, I didn't fill mine out yet...but if you're going to Oto, I will too."

Sasuke sighed deeply as he got up from his seat. "Karin, don't go just because I'll be there. Entrance exams for universities are coming up soon and Oto University's exam is not something you can pass easily without intensive studying. Just because a person passes the nationalized standard exam doesn't mean they'll pass Oto's individual exam. You need to score high on both to get in."

Usually, if someone were applying to a private university, their score for the nationalized standard exam would be enough for the university's decision. However, top universities, like Oto, required another exam. This exam was significantly harder to pass as opposed to the nationalized standard exam. Not just anyone could get in, no matter how well your grades were in high school.

Karin gave out a huff as she crossed her arms over her chest. He just didn't get it. How could he be okay being a part? "I know that! But I can't just let you go to university where I won't be there."


Karin sighed again as she glanced out the window. How clueless was her boyfriend? She shook her head. She would just have to get straight to the point.

"Sasuke-kun, do you know how good looking you are?" He didn't reply so she continued on, "girls will be all over you when you go there and just thinking about that makes me anxious."

Sasuke, oblivious to Karin's worries, was confused on how that related to anything. So this was all about him meeting other girls? He scoffed. Like he would go dating someone else when he was in a committed relationship. He wasn't that much of a douche, how could she think he would cheat on her? "So, you don't trust me?"

"I-It's not like that!" Karin tried to calm down the situation. She didn't want to argue with him over this but that didn't mean she didn't want to talk about her concerns. "Please don't misunderstand. I just don't feel comfortable with you being around girls I don't really know."

"So what if we do end up going to different universities? What are you going to do?"

Karin bit her lip before she quietly remarked, "I'll follow you regardless..."

The boy stared blankly at his girlfriend before realizing what she just said. "Are you crazy?!" he questioned, clearly bewildered by her answer.

"No! I love Sasuke-kun! I just want to be with you..."

Ignoring her abrupt confession and wanting to get out of the situation, Sasuke began putting this books in his bag and putting his coat on. "Karin, think about this realistically, okay?

"B-But, Sasuke-kun!" the redhead tried to protest as she could see her boyfriend getting ready to leave. Why was he acting like this? She didn't see what the problem was.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow when you've calmed down." He quickly packed up the rest of his stuff, gave a short goodbye, and then headed home to do some more studying.

Karin just sat there, still flabbergasted on what just occurred.

This was utterly ridiculous. Sasuke was trying to study but the earlier conversation he had with Karin was bothering him. He understood why she would be worried but he had given her no reason to believe that he would be unfaithful. Not only that, but he was still confused as to why she would blindly follow him without even thinking through everything. He appreciated the thought but to be honest, it was stupid.

Sasuke sighed as he went to his bed to take a break. He wouldn't get anymore studying done so it was worthless to even try. After a few minutes of lying on his bed, his phone went off. He looked at it to see who was calling. Once he saw the name, he rolled his eyes. Of course she would be calling him. He answered the phone.


"What did you do?"

Sasuke sighed as he sat up. Why did he have to be accused every time something went wrong? "Why do you assume I did something?"

"Because Karin just called me, bawling on the phone."

The boy let out another deep breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Dealing with girls could be really troublesome sometimes. "Tenten, you know she's just being dramatic, as usual."

The girl gasped, "How can you say that?"

He rolled his eyes. He just wanted to rest. He never asked to be yelled at for something that wasn't even wrong. "Because it's true?! She plans to go to Oto just because I'm going there. Tenten, let's be serious. Karin is smart but at this point, she will never be able to pass the Oto entrance exam. It's way too late to start studying everything that needs to be covered."

"Karin is just worried about your relationship. She just wants to feel secure about where your relationship is headed. She thinks you'll break up once you go to Oto. You need to comfort her!"

"Hn." Was Karin that insecure about their relationship? He never thought about it.

Tenten sighed as she continued, "Sasuke, this is your girlfriend we're talking about! You need to talk things through with her so she can understand what you're thinking."

"I think I've been pretty clear on what I've been thinking. If she doesn't get it by now, then she needs to figure it out on her own," Sasuke grunted. This conversation was just as annoying as the one with Karin. Girls really knew how to stress him out. He massaged the temples of his head wishing this could all just end so he could rest.

"You're being a total douche right now."

Okay, that was the last straw. Sasuke retaliated, "And she's being crazy obsessive. If she thinks following me to Oto is a romantic gesture then she obviously doesn't know me. Going to Oto has nothing to do with our relationship. I'm trying to look out for my future, my career."

"And she can't be a part of that?" Tenten questioned sadly.


"Sasuke!" the brunette yelled through the phone.

"Look, Karin can go to Oto if she really wants, but if it's for a selfish reason as to watch over me to prevent me from meeting other girls...this relationship will go nowhere and you know it. If she wants to go to advance her career, by all means, she should apply. But again, if it's only because she wants to make sure I'm being faithful...I can't continue this then."

There was a silent pause before his best friend grumbled out, "Ugh. I hate it when you make sense."

"I'll talk to Karin soon, but she has to think about this clearly."

Tenten agreed, "You're right. I'll see if I can talk to Karin, too. When you say things like that...she is being a bit over the top."

"Alright, thanks."

With that said, the call ended and Sasuke was finally able to return to relaxing.

The next day, before class started, Sasuke was sitting at his desk studying before class started. Although it didn't show on the outside, he was really anxious about seeing his girlfriend. He knew Tenten talked to her, but who knows how she was still feeling. Would she overreact still? Would she make a scene?

He sighed as he closed his books. He just wanted to focus on preparing for the entrance exams without any drama festering his mind. Too bad life had other plans for him instead.

"I can't believe you didn't call me."

Sasuke turned around to see a pouting Karin avoiding his stare. Her face was flushed as she was slightly fidgeting in place. He was glad he wasn't the only one worrying about their next encounter.

He cleared his throat and asked, "Are you okay now?"

The redhead nodded her head as she sat down at her desk next to his. "Of course I am...I know I was being crazy about everything, I just...I'm just like that."

"I know. We've been together for more than a year now." To be honest, it shouldn't be a surprise to him for Karin to react this way. He was actually kind of expecting some sort of protest, he just didn't think she would be so extreme.

She gave a thankful smile in return as she looked like she was reminiscing the past. "And I still can't believe you're still able to deal with me."

There was a silent pause before Sasuke decided to ask, "So, have you figured things out?"

"Yeah, before our conversation the other day, I was actually thinking about either attending a private university in Kumo, my hometown, or going to one here in Konoha. They both have interesting biology programs so I'll be applying to both."

"That's good." Sasuke nodded his head.

There was another pause as the two were struggling to move on with the conversation. It was getting kind of awkward but they weren't sure how to break it.

With a small voice, Karin looked at him pleadingly before saying, "We'll make things work, right?"

He stared at her for a bit before looking straight ahead to the front of the class. Their sensei walked in, ready for homeroom. He could still feel her stare as she waited for his answer.

With assurance, he answered, "Aa."

Fast forward to a month after taking all entrance exams...

The day finally came where Sasuke would finally find out if he got into Otokagure University.

Like mentioned previously with Karin, he had to take two exams—one national standardized exam and one entrance exam by Oto University. Thank goodness he was able to score high on the national standardized exam because then he wouldn't be able to take the latter exam. That didn't mean he could be cocky though. Thousands of other students also studied just as hard for these exams and probably did just as well. The seven national public universities of Japan did not just want good—they wanted the very best students.

Now he could find out if both scores combined were high enough to qualify for entry into his dream university.

After walking through the entrance gate of Otokagure University, he calmly walked through the crowd of other students who were just as eager to see if they got in. On the far left he could see a student who just found out his results. A group of classmates, wearing blue and black tracksuits, were throwing him up in the air in celebration. That guy most definitely passed.

"Lucky bastard..." Sasuke muttered under his breath.

In all honesty, he did not want his friends to be here when he found out the results. It's not that he didn't want to celebrate with them, but he wanted this to be private. Like mentioned to Karin before, the Uchihas' have always gone to Oto University. This was clearly something he had to do for himself. Although he would have loved for his older brother, Itachi, to be there, he was too busy with work. His brother was currently working in depth on a complicated case. Itachi was a cop, but he never talked about his work, probably for confidentiality reasons. His parents, on the other hand, passed away early. He wanted nothing more than to share this experience with them, but he knew that it would never happen. Although they were no longer present, he felt that he should find out the results by himself in honor of his parents.

The names of those who passed were listed in alphabetical order so he had to go near the end where the "U's" started. This was it. He looked up at the sky, thinking about his family.

Okaa-san. Otou-san. Please watch over me as I find out the results. I hope I can continue to make the Uchiha Family proud by getting in to Oto University like the generations of Uchiha before me.

He closed his eyes and took another breath. Counting to three in his mind to calm him down, he slowly opened his eyes staring at the crowd before him. He looked up at the list of names and began searching for his. Among the names, he saw: Ubagai Shirori, Ubaraki Umai, Uchibori Kousuke, and Uchida Gou. His name should be coming up soon. After seeing the name Uchigasaki Mio, he held his breath as he looked down at the next name.

Uchiha Sasuke. Finally.

Honestly, Sakura had been in many awkward situations, but this really took the icing off the cake.

"Sorry, repeat that?" Sakura gaped at the boy before her. Was this really happening to her right now?

"I'm gay."

A/N: Oto and all other universities mentioned will be loosely based off of real Japanese Universities. So in this case, Otokagure University = Tokyo University. I still wanted to keep names and other information from the Naruto manga in the story while keeping the setting still in Japan.

Sorry for the long wait! I know many of you have been waiting patiently for this and I'm happy I was finally able to get it done. Just like the prequel, most of the things I write will be inspired off of events that have happened to me. And again, SasuKarin is not a ship I am fond of, but it's needed for the sake of this story. So bare with me.

Thank you again for the support & please give Sorry to Interrupt as much love as you did for Out of Sync.

Reviews are appreciated.
