Hey guys, Jeff here!

So, today I'm gonna start with a story called Unexpected Unity.

This story is a weird one, as it will involve a same gender ship, but just bear with me. You'll find out what it is at some point ;)

This is going to be an interesting story as you guys reading will be the ones coming up with the ideas. I know, its confusing, but let me explain. So, after every chapter, I will be taking in ideas to write for the next chapter and it will all be all from you guys, so make sure to REVIEW or PRIVATE MESSAGE me at the end of every single chapter.

The consequence is that this story will go very slow, but then again, I still have to write My Little Pikachu, so this will give you guys time to come up with ideas ;)

Anyways, let's get to reading...

"So, Ash?" Clemont asked as he tapped Ash's shoulder to grab his attention. "When are you going to tell her?"

Ash froze in his tracks, stopped and grinded to a halt. He then immediately turned around to face Clemont – who was giggling at him just a bit, covering his mouth whilst doing so – and Bonnie – who was nearly bursting out with laughter, nearly making Serena hear them from the distance in front of them – to try and hide his bright red blush that has just formed in his face from Serena.

Ash knew that this day would come, this day that Clemont and Bonnie would confront him about this. I suppose you could say that they were being very observant after he was caught by Clemont and Bonnie staring blankly at Serena whilst they were filming her in that Fennekin costume. The two blonde siblings knew that something was up at that point, something that no-one would understand other than Ash himself, as well as Bonnie of course, which surprised almost everyone.

The main problem he had, however, was how he is going to tell her. He had been already planned on telling Serena ever since she dressed up in that Fennekin costume, but he knew that he had to get ahead and tell her before Clemont and Bonnie started to tease him.

Ash stuttered as looked at the two blonde siblings directly in the eyes. "W-what? W-what ar-are you t-two talking a-about?"

"You know…" Bonnie chuckled, smiling after cheekily sticking her tongue out.

Ash shrugged, still displaying a red blush, but now it is not as bright or vibrant as a few moments ago. "Seriously guys, you're startling me. What are you on about?"

Clemont sighed. "Come on, Ash. When will you tell her? You know it has been a while since that incident…"

It was true. It had been a while. Ash did promise himself that he would tell her at least the week after the 'incident' Clemont was talking about, but it has been two weeks after that certain 'incident' that has been bothering him still after all this time.

"This is not the time or the place you guys!" Ash yelled, screaming at the top of his voice, even making Serena hear up ahead indicated by her turning around to see what was going on and then turned his voice down to a whisper. "Can we please talk about this later, eh Clemont and Bonnie?"

Bonnie giggled. "Sure, Ash. As long as you tell the whole story."

All Ash could give as a response was a loud moan of annoyance and irritation. Irritated that his two travelling companions had to approach him like this, an out of nowhere experience, and annoyed as Clemont and Bonnie were kind of bothering him with his own personal matters; but how can he blame them, they were just trying to help, obviously with their kind of 'helping'.

What scared him the most was Serena finding whilst he was talking to Clemont and Bonnie later in the day, when they get to their night stop in the Pokémon Centre. He couldn't not find the courage and the strength to tell Serena how his feelings for her, how he loved her deep down in his heart.

He felt that rejection was his biggest enemy most of all, the one that he feared most of all. I mean, she had already shot down Tierno by telling him how she doesn't like him and how he was apparently according to Serena 'incredibly annoying', which Ash didn't blame Serena for. He just couldn't stand being shot down, shot down in front of everyone and embarrassing himself, but what can he do? He has to try to see how it works out.

After this quick ordeal between Ash, Clemont and Bonnie, they all re-joined Serena – who was quite confused as to what was going on between the three friends and was curious as to what topic they were talking about. Being good friends, Clemont and Bonnie stuck to their word and just gave a random excuse to get the attention off Serena towards their overnight halt in the Pokémon Centre.

With the sun setting beyond the horizon after a few hours passed, it was now the afternoon as the whole gang reached their overnight halt in the Pokémon Centre. They first of all went to check in by the reception desk with Nurse Joy and selected their rooms – one for Serena and Bonnie, and one for Clemont and Ash. They all have been used to sharing with each other, especially since they were all getting along with each other pretty well anyways, so how can they argue with that?

After reaching and checking into the Pokémon Centre for the night, Serena interestingly decides to practise for her upcoming showcase in the next few days on the battlefield outside the Pokémon Centre, which therefore left Ash, Clemont and Bonnie all alone in their rooms. This was the perfect opportunity to question Ash about what they were going to talk about, about what they touched the subject on this morning whilst walking through the forest.

Clemont giggled as he nudged Ash by his arm to grab his attention. "Hey, Ash? Care to explain yourself? Come on, you can't hide from us, especially Bonnie."

"That's true!" Bonnie proclaimed.

Clemont was right. It was time for Ash to come clean and just confess to them about how he felt about Serena. I mean, he cannot hide that fact especially for Bonnie, which amazed him at first as for a young person, Bonnie understands romance better than Clemont. He noticed this when he was looking at Serena from that 'incident'.

Ash sighed. "Fine, I give up from you two. But you two have to promise me that you will tell no-one. Guys, I'm being serious about this."

"Okay, we promise." Clemont responded on behalf of himself and Bonnie.

"Come on, Ash. What do you think about Serena for a start?" Bonnie asked.

Clemont hissed. "Bonnie! Come on, let's not rush Ash here. Let him take as long as he like. Don't tease him that much."

"Fine." Bonnie responded as she crossed her arms from disappointment and annoyance.

"So, Ash…" Clemont mentioned as he quizzically raised one eyebrow. "Come on, we're waiting for what you have to say."

Ash sat there, nervous and concerned about how he will say this to his friends. How he was going to break the news to them. How he was going to phrase his sentences. At that moment, he was choosing the words that he was going to use very carefully, to try not to sound too obvious but also not to sound too stupid.

'Okay. Here goes.' Ash thought as he took in a breath.

Ash sighed. "So, as you probably know by now, I have a crush at Serena. No, scratch that. It's not a crush anymore – it's now more than that. I want her to be part of my life. I feel that every day I'm incomplete, and I feel that the one that will complete me most of all is Serena. I just want her in my arms, in my loving care. I admire her so much. She is a beautiful and a cute talented person that cares a lot for others. I… l-love her so much!"

As Ash stopped, all Clemont and Bonnie could do in response to what Ash said was just in front of him with a shocked and surprised faces. Shocked about how detailed his confession and surprised about how much his feelings for Serena has come so far. They both did not expect this kind of confession from Ash; they didn't expect this kind of confession from the trainer that was always oblivious and dense to start with.

"Wow, Ash." Clemont spoke, still shocked and surprised about the whole situation. "I never thought you having deep feelings, and for a crush as well."

Bonnie chuckled, not caring about how awkward this situation is right at that very moment. "So… how long have you kept this to yourself, Ash?"

Ash shrugged, trying to resist himself from telling them more information, but he felt that this was a battle that he will never win. "You know when I saved Serena from the forest back in Professor Oak's Summer Camp, that's when I started to have some feelings for her. This feeling that I kept for so many years has 'evolved' into a crush when I saw her back in Santalune City."

"You mean that this crush, well I don't think you can call it like that now, was from long ago, when you two were best friends at that camp you both went?" Clemont questioned.

Ash sighed. "You can say so."

Ash had developed a small and subtle blush on his face. He had been trying to hide himself away from everyone by covering his face with his own hat after he made that confession to Clemont and Bonnie. A confession that all of them will never forget and the one that will change everything, supposedly Ash and Serena.

"Wait, Ash?" Bonnie spoke as she tugged on of Ash's sleeves to grab his attention. "What are you going to do about it, though? Are you going to tell her at some point?"

Ash shrugged. "W-well, I'm going to tell her at some point. I know our whole journey will be over when Serena competes at the Master Class Showcase and when I battle it out in the Kalos League. I've still got a lot of time left 'till I actually feel the need to tell her."

"But, how are you going to break it to her?" Clemont asked with eagerness.

"I don't know just yet." Ash said as he was looking down towards the ground with despair and embarrassment. "I just don't know what to do, guys. Can you two please help me?"

Bonnie smiled. "Of course we'll help Ash. We're you're friends, right?"

"We'll help you get through to Serena, even though it'll probably be a bit of a challenge." Clemont spoke as he patted Ash's back to reassure him and give him a bit of confidence.

"What do you mean a 'challenge'?" Ash asked, confused about Clemont's terminology.

Clemont sighed. "It's quite hard to get through girls, especially when you're the one who's confessing to them about how you feel about them."

Bonnie giggled. "Is that why you don't have a wife yet, Clemont?"

"Bonnie!" Clemont hissed, telling his younger sibling off. "I told you not to do things of that sort!"

"Oops. I'm sorry, big brother." Bonnie apologised.

"So, Clemont…" Ash spoke, forgetting about Bonnie's cheeky ordeal, even though he was laughing about it a few moments ago. "What do you propose on me doing?"

"I don't even know, Ash." Clemont spoke in an apologetic tone.

Ash sighed. "It's okay, Clemont. We've got plenty of time to work that bit out. There is no need to worry."

Bonnie shrugged and spoke in a whisper. "But that's when I worry the most."

"Bonnie, what was that you just said?" Clemont asked, lifting up one eyebrow.

"N-nothing big brother." Bonnie spoke as she had both her arms around her back, hiding them from the view of Clemont as well as Ash, hiding her plans for Ash to tell Serena his feelings.

There you have it, guys! Hopefully you have enjoyed this chapter and the official start of this story! :)

Remember to Private Message me or put in the Reviews of your ideas for the next chapter and I will take in those ideas and write a chapter from it! :)

Anyways, I'll see you all in the next chapter, but also please put your thoughts of this story in the reviews! Please show some support!
But also Private Message me for any story suggestions!

Also, please check me out on Twitter on jeff_amour if you can for updates of my stories!

So, that's it from me!

See ya! Have a great day!