Harry frowned as he read the scans. They seemed oddly familiar and he could tell Severus was thinking the same. He took Tom in his lap and hugged him like he was a giant Teddy Bear.

"We'll need to start your healing treatment ." Severus said, "You have had broken bones that haven't healed right . I'm sorry to say that I'll have to rebreak them but don't worry I'll give you something that will make it so you do not feel anything okay, son?"

Tom nodded. Magic was cool if it could tell that.

"Now I'm a Potion's Master," Severus told the boy. "It's a type of medicine we use in the Wizard World and I'm telling you now that most taste terrible but they help."

"Okay, daddy." Severus jolted then smiled at the boy and messed up the child's hair. Tom smiled back. " I'll take anything if it makes be better."

"There is nothing wrong with you!" Harry snapped, then took a few deep breaths. "Magic is nothing to be scared of, Tom, Nothing at all. Never be scared of your magic and never let people tell you that having magic is wrong or that you are a freak." he tried to smile at the boy but his lips just twitched. "You are perfectly normal except that you have two daddies . "

Tom blinked in shock then nodded. He liked being told that. He hugged Harry-daddy and hid his happy tears.

"Do not hide when you cry," Severus said gently to Tom. "We are your parents and want to know when something is wrong with you. "

Tom's eyes got big but nodded. He could just tell he was going to like it here.

It was a week later before they got to go to the park.

"Now remember ..." Harry started.

"I am not allowed to mention Magic." Tom quoted, "and I'm not to tell people that you are both my daddies. Harry -daddy is my daddy and Sev-Daddy is my uncle because people outside the magical community will not understand or accept your relationship."

Harry laughed and kissed Tom's head. He took the boy's hand.

"That's my boy," Harry said absently, not noting how that made Tom smile at him. The three of them set off toward the park and Tom noted that people looked at them in shock as they left the house. Apparently, no one had ever seen his daddies before."

Harry ignored everyone. The park was closer than he thought. It was right across the street. They lived in a coulda sac. In the middle was the playground. Harry lifted Tom onto a swing and began pushing him the best he could. Severus stood nearby watching. Tom was soon laughing and pumping his legs so he could swing higher and higher. Harry was now over by Severus watching their son.

"Excuse me." A woman said, " But I saw you come out of the house next to mine and was wondering how long you've been living there?"

"A few weeks, " Severus replied, Harry was now standing next to the slide watching Tom go down it. "That's my cousin Harry and his son Tom. My name is Severus. Tom will be starting the local Primary school when school starts. "

"Oh?" the woman watched the five-year-old. "And what is your family name?"

"Mine is Prince." Severus said, "Harry's is Potter and Tom's is Riddle. " Severus' eyes trailed his son and Harry as Tom explored everything. "Harry's wife left him when the Orphanage they got Tom from refused to hand the boy over even though they were approved. Harry sued the orphanage and got it shut down. He still wanted Tom and they gave him to him."

The woman was dabbing at her eyes by the end of the story. Severus fought the urge to roll his eyes.

"Tom, let's get you an Ice Cream!" Harry called, and Tom came running over with big wide eyes. Ice Cream was for rich people at least that was his view because he'd never gotten Ice Cream before. Harry smiled at him as if reading his mind. Harry bought Tom an Ice Cream and made sure he sat down to eat it. He also made sure to keep any from getting on Tom. "Do you like it?"

"I sure do, daddy." Tom beamed. "This is great! May we practice writing again when we get home?"

"Of course." Harry smiled, "I have to get you ready for school. "

Tom's eyes shown with excitement at the word school. Harry and Severus had already found out that Tom was a curious boy who wanted to know anything and everything. They were already discussing getting him a training wand and begin teaching him magic early. Like they did outside Britain. Severus was saying they should just move somewhere else outside Britain but Harry didn't want to and Tom wasn't going to force him.

After tucking Tom into bed that night Harry took a nice long hot shower and then joined Severus in bed. He was getting used to sleeping with the man but he still got nervous because lately he'd been waking up with an erection and didn't want Severus to find out. He knew Severus knew that he loved him and he knew Severus loved him in return but still they were here for a reason and Harry didn't want to get distracted. Severus it seemed did not have the same thoughts.

Severus leaned over and kissed Harry. Harry was shocked but soon returning the kiss almost desperately and was soon clinging to the man.

Severus ended the kiss and pulled Harry into his arms as they lay down. He made sure Harry could feel his erection. He chuckled when Harry moaned for him.

"I love you, Harry Potter."

"I love you too, Severus Prince."