Here is biankies long awaited request! I hope you like it! Also, I think this will be the last chapter of The Tales of an Arrow and Her Candlestick. I want to take a break from Gabby and focus on other stories and characters. So, I hope you enjoy!

Gabriella hid behind a tree, her friends hiding in similar positions all around. Today, they had decided it was time for some group fun, and at the expense of their greatest friends here in Auradon. She snickered as her thoughts strayed to just what they had planned.


The footsteps of their prey approached, causing each VK to have giant smirks. Following the footsteps were calls of their names.



"Ella? Jay? Carlos?"

The VKs struggled to keep their laughter quiet as their three targets came closer to their positions. Gabriella held up her arm, her hand in a fist. The VKs froze, focusing on her. Slowly, the footsteps came closer. When they were a few yards away, Gabriella swung her arm down, screaming, "ATTACK!"

VKs erupted from the trees, shocking Ben, Doug, and Lucian. Mal and Evie began a frontal strike, tossing water balloons at the three shocked boys. They exploded on impact, soaking them thoroughly. Then, they were attacked from the trees by Jay, who shot them with a tricked out water gun that Gabriella must have tinkered with. The boys shouted out in protest, running for cover. However, they were cut off by Carlos, who gave them a wide grin as he pulled out a water hose and began to spray them.

At this point, the boys were soaked thoroughly to the bone, and had no idea what to do. Then, a voice broke over the chaos.


The spray of hose and water gun stopped while no more balloons were thrown. Gabriella, the only VK that hadn't attacked them with water, approached them. She stopped a few feet away from them, hands clasped behind her back as if she were some kind of war general.

"Do you know the reason you have been attacked, gentlemen?" she questioned, smirking at them.

"No," all three answered in unison.

Gabriella's smirk grew. "'Tis retribution. Those that prank the masters of pranks…" She pulled out a shiny, familiar arrowhead. "Are rewarded for their actions by an even better prank." She pressed the button on it and tossed it into Luc's hands. "Fire in the hole!"

The VKs dove for cover.

There was a loud boom.

Mal peeked at the boys, and then promptly fell into hysterical laughter. She was soon followed by her friends while the three purple, blue, and red, glitter covered boys glared at them.

"I thought you got rid of these," Ben growled with a heated glare.

Gabriella shrugged. "Eh, my honesty grade is the one I struggle with most." She and Jay high-fived. "Besides, they're way too much fun to get rid of!"

"Oh?" Luc smirked. "Well, how about a hug, Ella?"

"Nah, I'm good."

"No, you and I both need a great big hug…"

"Not until you de-glitterize yourself, candlestick."

The VKs quickly fled, the girls attempting to avoid their boyfriends in order to prevent themselves from falling to the same fate. Even if they were caught, it was still worth it to pull off a group prank. In fact, Gabriella had a feeling they would be doing it more often…

And that's it for now. This book is over for now. No requests. This is it. I'm focusing on my other stories for now.