Sorry about the delay, real life has been getting in the way with a poorly husband, but he is definitely on the mend now thankfully. So I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for your patience, I hope to get the next chapter up soon, already written quite a bit of it.

Profuse apologies again for the length of time taken to post this one though!


Lois could feel the heat from his naked body as it was pressed up against her's, his strong arms around her, holding her tight to him. She could feel his need for her, because she needed him too, her desire for him was pooling in her core.

He cupped her face gently with his right hand so he could look right into her eyes, he held her gaze and his beautiful blue green eyes were looking straight to her soul, through her shining hazel ones. He was letting her know without words how much he knew her, cared for her and loved her.

He glided his hand through her hair to pull her face too him, lips now crashing together in desperation at the intensity of the moment, to show her in his kiss how much he really felt for her. She was lost in that kiss, it was deep and sensuous, leaving her feeling lightheaded but her body wanting more.

His right hand trailed down her shoulders and to the small dip of her back, gently rubbing small circles over her skin, he was searing her with his touch, ensuring that she knew she was only his from this moment on. His other hand moved to her perfect tear drop breasts, as he started to fondle one of her nipples with his thumb and index finger, as he caressed her right breast the nipple budded and he knew he needed to taste her. When he assaulted the bud, his tongue sweeping over it and taking it in his mouth, Lois could feel all her nerve endings rushing through her. She moved her hands to his firm butt and pulled him closer to her as she needed to have some friction because his tongue was mesmerising her body and she needed to gain some semblance of thought!

Lois knew this was special, no man had ever assaulted her senses like this before. He was making her lose all rational thought and she needed him, "oh so good" she cried, "so good", when his hand gently glided down her body to her centre. "You're so wet for me" he said huskily as he stroked her inner folds with his index and middle fingers, "let's see if I can make you even wetter and get you to come for me baby"," I want to hear you calling my name when you come Lo."he voiced making her stomach flutter...

"Good Morning Ms Lane!"

"What!" she said "Morning, What do you mean?" she told him lazily, "keep going, just there...oh that's it...we don't need to move yet... there's no rush"..."please don't stop"...she cried out to him.

There it was again!

Knock knock!

"Good Morning Miss Lane, it's 8am. I have your coffee and the copy of the Daily Planet you requested."

Oh crap! she thought that must be the wake up call I ordered, can't they get we are busy in here! Do not disturb means just that! She said to the gorgeous dark haired man touching her in a way she had never been touched before in her entire life.

Unfortunately the porter was not on her wave length and added a further knock to her hotel room door!

As as her eyes flew open, adjusting to the morning light, Lois realised there was knocking coming from the door to her room. "Coming she called!"as she threw back the covers and rushed for the door, grabbing her robe from the dressing table chair on her way.

Quickly tying the belt of her robe and opening the door to the porter, he walked in the room and placed the tray of coffee and the paper down on the table for her and after receiving a small tip, he left the room.

Lois was only to aware of the wonderful smell that now permeated the room.

Coffee! How could she ever live without it, even though the British seemed to like tea better, she knew coffee was the one thing that hit the spot in the morning bringing all her faculties to life.

She poured herself a cup and headed to the couch in the hotel room, to relax and enjoy her drink. It started to soothe her from her head to her toes. As Lois settled back into the cushions on the couch, she couldn't help but reminisce on the dream before she had been disturbed. A slight pink tinge dressed across her cheeks as she wondered if the porter could see by her countenance or had heard what kind of dream she had been having.

It was quite a dream for a girl who hadn't ever been with a man in that way before. She found her thoughts were being filled by a pair of cerulean blue eyes, inky black hair and the most kissable lips she had ever seen before. A face she feared would haunt her dreams for a long time to come. She shivered slightly when she remembered the touch of him in her dreams, he seemed to know how to play her body perfectly and boy did he hit the right notes. Making her feel...!

Lois quickly shook her head trying to dissemble the memories of the dream crashing through her mind, "Once" she said out loud to herself, "I only saw him once and look at me". Perhaps it's because it's been a while since I dated anyone or even looked at a man that way, not been anyone recently to grab my attention so that must be it, she thought to herself whilst taking a sip of her coffee.

"Coffee, yes more coffee that's what I need", Lois said out loud to herself, surely it was only the dream and nothing more that's why she couldn't stop thinking about a certain man from the hotel. She poured herself another cup to give herself something to do, trying to stop the visions of him plaguing her mind. She couldn't help herself though all the questions about him going through her reporters mind. Was he staying there at the hotel as a guest or was he just waiting for someone to come down. Was he married? Was he already in love? Oh what's wrong with me she thought, get a grip Lois, you'll probably never see him again, so just put him out of your mind and focus on your job as usual.

The problem for Lois was she realised she had never felt this connection before and wondered if he had felt it too. How does just a look make you feel that way about someone, like your life will never be the same without them in it.

As she looked at the clock and it was quarter after eight, Lois decided to get a move on as she needed to shower, pack up her last few things and get ready to meet Lucy at nine fifteen for breakfast before her journey to Paris started. It was going to be a long day and she needed to concentrate on the job at hand. There was a peace conference to attend and she had heard the rumblings of concern about the situation in Europe, Lois needed to have her reporters instinct firing on all cylinders to see if any problems would arise or could this conference hold off the future that seemed to be looming in this part of the world.


Clark was already in the shower when Lois was awakened by the hotel porter. He had had a similar night to Lois, dreams of a particular brunette had invaded his thinking and the feelings those dreams had evoked in him were so strong that it had felt so real. But Clark like Lois had not had a relationship so physical before. So he stood under the spray of the shower letting the water cascade down his firm naked body, allowing it to wake his body up until he could get out so that the sun could reenergise him, it had been a restless and sleepless night and even though he didn't need as much sleep as others, he still needed help to get his body going today, he'd swear he had been around kryptonite with how sluggish he felt, but knew it was his mind dwelling on a women he had never met that had kept his mind active in the night.

How could someone whom he had never spoken to or even met, evoke so much in him. As he soaped his body his mind flicked back to her, one Lois Lane. He could see her legs in that dress teasing him through the split and he couldn't stop the thoughts of how he would like to feel those long legs wrapped around his waist, whilst he was holding her rounded bottom and his lips were assaulting the spot between her neck and shoulder and how he would make her moan in delight! Then he saw those bright hazel eyes and how they had bored straight into him when their gazes had locked on each other in the foyer of the hotel.

He yearned to touch her, feel her, he wanted to see if just one kiss would settle this inner turmoil and need he was feeling or would it leave him wanting more. Suddenly, Clark groaned and turned the shower to cold as he needed to deaden his senses and bring himself out of this drunken stupor he felt like he was in. Drunk on thoughts of her. "Lois". "Lois Lane" he spoke out loud to no one but himself, he loved how her name sounded on his lips as he let the water cool his ardour.

It was now 8:30am and that left 2 hours before the train was due to leave Euston Station for the port of Dover. Clark knew he could fly to his destination but due to it being a covert op and needing his undercover credentials as a reporter he needed to cover himself by travelling by conventional means. Especially, if someone wanted to check him and his background out. Besides a certain brunette was hopefully heading in his direction.

Clark finished his ablutions, dressed and packed in about 2 minutes, he then reviewed his travel arrangements. He would take the 10:30 to Dover, then at 14:00 a Ferry to Calais, he would then pick up a train to Paris-the beautiful and romantic City of Lights, where he would pick up a sleeper train at 18:00 hours for the rest of the journey to Geneva. Clark sighed inwardly to himself, knowing this journey could take him seconds, especially frustrating as he loved the rush of flying and being in control. But not to be. However, Clark knew how to be patient, especially as there was important work ahead.

He had to establish what General Zods plans were. What were these atomic weapons being produced? How did they work? What effect did the meteor rocks make to the weapons? Also, what was its effect on the people caught up in the blast if they survived? Who was supplying them from Smallville? So many questions they needed to answer, but he had confidence that the team could uncover the truth and hopefully put a stop to it. His only personal concern was keeping himself alert to the kryptonite being involved, Clark knew he had to be careful as he neueded to be able to watch he wasn't near the kryptonite as he knew the effect it could have on him and especially the green kryptonite as it could be deadly to him.

So much to do and to find out. Clark needed to keep his senses alert and not be distracted or side tracked. A lot riding on this operation. So as much of a temptation as Lois Lane surely was, he knew there were more important things to focus on.

Perhaps a meeting in Geneva, when reporting on the conference would be OK he mused. He needed to know if the connection he felt was as real and strong as it felt and not just him overeacting to an attractive woman, when he had been feeling so alone and his emotions just getting it wrong. Or were the feelings as true as they felt when he saw her and looked into those soulful hazel eyes and felt like he had finally come home!


Lucy ordered tea and crumpets, however, Lois never shy of wanting a good meal ordered bacon, eggs, sauté potatoes and toast, with more coffee to help those brain cells along. It was a quaint cafe, run by a loud Cockney women and her quiet husband. The food was tasty and plentiful, which for Lois was perfect especially knowing she may not get much more of a meal until she was aboard the sleeper train in Paris.

It was lovely to have another hour or so with Lucy, who was excitedly telling Lois more of the wedding plans and trying to arrange with Lois to come back for the wedding. The General had spoken to Lucy that morning and explained he wasn't sure if he could attend the wedding to give his daughter away, but this had not been a surprise to the girls, as he was never around much when they were growing up on the different army bases around the world. They had known from early on the Army was more important to their father than they were. However, things had improved somewhat in their relationship with him as the girls had grown older. But, with the world scene being very fragile at present, commanding military personnel were limited for any leave. So Lois was even more determined to try and be at Lucy's wedding to Ron in a few months time.

Lois sighed in contentment and patted her trim stomach when she placed her knife and fork on the now empty plate in front of her. Lucy laughed and said "How do you stay so slim with what you pack away? I am sure you are a bottomless pit!"

"I don't know, although I think some days I only exist of coffee, adrenaline and fresh air" Lois said humorously. "Perry is forever checking up on me. Besides I have had a few meals out with Chloe and Oliver before I left. So probably eaten more in the last week than the whole of last month". "Amazed my clothes still fit after all the smart restaurant meals I had"

Lucy said "You have always been the same Lo, feast or famine with you", then Lucy added "Like many aspects of your life"

Lois asked "What do you mean?"

"Well when was the last time you had a man in your life?" "Surely you are breaking some kind of record at the moment" Lucy said teasingly.

Lois laughed and shook her head at Lucy saying "With all the articles and hours I work, it's no wonder I am single. Perry always tells me to get a life outside of the Planet, but then he assigns me another story. Besides I am happy enough with my life at the moment, if I had someone perhaps I wouldn't be able to travel to Europe at the drop of a hat and see my baby sister get engaged. So I get the odd benefit."

"I just want to see you happy and settled Lois, I love you, your my big sis. I suppose because I am feeling so happy after meeting Ron, I just want that for you to. I want you to meet that someone who makes you eager to go home, to feel what you do is worth it. Don't get me wrong I am not saying your job is worthless, just saying sometimes you want someone who makes it worth it! Do you understand what I mean? I mean is there anyone on the horizon?" Lucy asked.

Lois chewed on her lower lip as was her habit when feeling self conscious or when she is contemplating something. Lucy who knew her sister well, spotted it and quickly said. "You ok Lo?" Then realised by the look on Lois's face "Oh, so what's his name then?"

"Who's name" Lois asked?

"The man who is obviously in there." Lucy pointed to and then tapped twice on the side of her head.

Lois sighed and said "Ok, last night after I left you, well you know what happened with Grant as I said earlier to you, but when I got back to the hotel, as I entered the lift I saw a man in the foyer." Lois paused before continuing as she usually kept things close to her chest and wasn't always comfortable opening up even to family, "Believe me when I say he was tall, dark and deliciously handsome. But it was the way he looked at me. I just felt a connection, Lucy, that I've never had before."

"So you just saw him and you didn't speak to him?" Lucy enquired.

"Well no, I was in the lift and the doors were just about to close, but the way he was looking at me, it was just, it just felt right." "But," Lois continued, "I didn't see him around today before I left the hotel. I know I probably sound stupid but to be honest he was all I could think of since seeing him."

Lois groaned out loud "Boy do I sound like a desperate girl." She then continued "But, as I doubt I will ever meet him again, I am going to put him out of my mind and get Perry the best damn story on the conference I can. I am going to get an interview with General Zod of Kandor, I am going to get that scoop for Perry. Even if it kills me."

"I think you'll survive, although I wonder if the heads of state will after meeting you!" Lucy teased. "You never know though Lois, sometimes destiny lends a hand. Just don't forget Lo all work and no play makes Lo a dull girl." Lucy then stated "Make some room in your life for more than work, Lo"

As Lucy could see Lois was pondering on what she said and knew Lois had opened up to her more than she ever had before, she felt a change of subject was best.

"By the way, how are Chloe and Oliver?" Lucy asked.

"Oh they are real good. Happy and busy. Work takes them everywhere, you know Queen Industries is a worldwide company but it's been so nice having them in Metropolis the last few weeks. They said they will be back for a few months which suits me to a T." Lois answered smilingly.

"Well, when you see them, send them my love and thanks, for their generous gift. Tell them when the date for the wedding is confirmed I will let you know." Lucy continued wistfully "It would mean a lot to me to have them there as well, otherwise it'll be pretty empty on my side, as you never know with the General if he will be free."

"Ok will do." Lois replied.

Suddenly, they heard the clock on the wall of the cafe start to chime, looking up Lois realised the time and informed Lucy.

"Oh look it's 10am already, I had better start heading to the station, can't miss the train or my whole journey will be off and need that sleeper train later, don't want to miss it and get stuck on a non berth train."

"Well I'll just pay for breakfast and we'll head to the station." Lucy paid at the counter and thanked the blonde haired cockney woman for a scrummy breakfast and they headed out into the busy London streets to get a taxi to Euston station


Clark had already boarded the train to Dover and his luggage was safely ensconced in the overhead holder of his carriage. He generally travelled light as it was so easy to fly home for a change and anything he had forgotten or needed for the op. But as undercover had to be a journalist at the conference so he had 1 large and 1 small holdall for this trip.

He also had a briefcase with details for the op! Although this was well secured and as Clark had an eidetic memory he could easily destroy the more important papers but kept any journalism notes and paperwork for his cover in the briefcase He made sure the briefcase was on hand at all times and even though it had a secret compartment, he never overly worried about it as he could easily protect it.

At present Clark was alone in the train compartment but he saw some reserved tickets above 3 of the other seats, so he knew he was due some company heading to Dover. So in the compartment for 6 there would be at least 4 occupants.

As this would be a good 2 hour journey to Dover he would get up to date with the news in general and had purchased a copy of the day's papers for The Times Newspaper and yesterday's Daily Planet which tended to be day behind due to being in England. Clark liked to keep abreast of the news in general in Europe, USA and the world. As both world renowned newspapers Clark felt happy with any knowledge he would gain from what he read.

In The Times were several articles on the conference due to start in 2 days in Geneva and how many heads of state would be attending, who the important meetings would be between, even surmising what different outcomes would mean for those nations and possibly Europe.

An article and a photo of General Zod caught his eye. He read some of Zod's rhetoric and found he was probably able to easily pull the wool over people's eyes. However, reading between the lines he could tell Zod would say what he wanted people to hear but not mean it or stick to what he said.

This made Clark even more determined to get to the truth, as the liberty of the people of Europe and possibly the world may depend on it. He knew he may not avert the war that was seemingly inevitable, but if the Dept. Of Justice could at least stop the weaponry that could do untold damage to many citizens. Then he would do all he could to stop this weaponry being used.

Just as Clark was pondering these thoughts a man entered the compartment, Clark realised he looked very familiar but was unsure why. He smiled and nodded as a stranger would when they were the only people in a small space for a period of time and would begin any acquaintance. Clark, noticed he had his hair short on the back and sides but longer on top and he slicked it back a bit, he looked a bit like Spike, a man he had known from college in his younger days, but clearly this man was older.

When the man had settled in and organised his baggage, he turned to Clark with a firm hand and introduced himself. "Hello I'm Professor Milton Fine." "Hello" Clark replied, "nice to meet you I am, Clark Kent."

Professor Fine's heart beat hitched but if not for Clarke's super hearing he would not have known as the Professor's face remained impassive. But Clark knew there was something there, besides he was convinced he had heard of him somewhere before. Interesting he had an American accent too.

Clark knew now he needed to find out more about this man. Especially as already familiar to Clark but could not place him yet, he would soon though, Clark knew it was there in his memory. Besides he could always check with Chloe and Oliver if they could get some research done. He could fly to Watchtower at any time but as on a train currently not so easy to disappear. He just knew as the uneasy feeling flooded through his nerves and senses there was something about Professor Fine he needed to find out.

Fine then inquired if Clark was on a touring holiday or business trip. Clark explained it was a business trip as he worked as a freelance reporter and he was headed to the conference in Geneva.

Fine nodded "Of course the conference, yes, you will be busy no doubt, so much can happen at these conferences. Not always good." Clark found it an odd statement but tried to keep the mood light to not give anything away.

"What about yourself?" Clark found himself asking.

"Oh a touring holiday, I have wanted to travel around Europe for a long time and an opportunity presented itself recently, so I felt I had to take it." Fine replied casually.

"Have you enjoyed it so far?" Clark asked.

"Yes, I have been to London obviously and around some of England."he explained "But, I'm looking forward to travelling over Europe, taking the train to Paris then headed to Belgium, Kandor and Italy."he informed Clark. "Before Spain and into the Baltics. I am a University Professor, I teach History and Astronomy so I am looking forward to places like Rome, Kandor and Macedonia as always been intrigued by Alexander the Great."

Clark's gut reaction was this man needs to be watched and felt the need to be alert and keep tabs on him. So it looked like the operation had started in earnest. He would appraise Oliver and Chloe when he gets to Paris about who he had met on the train. As Clark had remembered where he knew Fine from. He had given a lecture at the University in Metroplolis about the properties in meteor rocks and more specifically the meteor shower in Smallville. The very one Clark had arrived in all those years before!

At this point of their conversation it was interrupted by the new arrival to their compartment, a young man slim, of medium build and dirty blond hair carrying a backpack. He took a seat near the door and this left a space between him and Clark. He also nodded and said hello to the two other occupants. Once settled he opened his bag and took out a sandwich. Then he explained to the other occupants " I know not long after breakfast but it's been a busy morning and due to running around, starving now and need to keep my energy up, don't want to sap all my strength, still growing" he said with a cheeky smile.

"By the way name is Bart Allen." He said and shook Fine's and Clark's hands, ensuring no obvious flicker of recognition passed between them. He said "Off to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre as I am a student and already done London and England, but wanted the chance to see places and different cultures, before things change in Europe."

Clark realised Bart must only be on the train to pass on some Intel, as he knew he wasn't due to contact him until Geneva, he figured he could ask Bart to contact Chloe to investigate Fine and his recent movements, but would wait until disembark this train and board the ferry, then Bart could get to Paris or wherever he needed in a flash! And no one would know! Clark mused to himself.

Bart knew Clark would be curious why he was on the train. But he needed to let him know Bruce was in Paris already and he would be headed to Geneva too. Bruce had said he would be there as the one to tell Clark, they had some new Intel about who was helping Zod and he needed to let him know before he found out himself, as Oliver and Chloe did not want Clark to be affected by the sight of her, they knew she had broken his heart.

Even if it was a few years ago, Chloe had been concerned when she had found out about their involvement. Especially as Clark had not been in a relationship since they had last split up, they did not know if he still harboured the same feelings for her, as they had always had an off and on romance until they finally broke up and she married him, his nemesis. She had always been the one when Clark and Chloe had been in Smallville.

She had broken his heart, the team heard him say he was ok now and had been for the last couple of years but the shock of seeing her may affect him so they needed to prepare him for it.

The 3 passengers heard the conductor call out "the 10:30 to Dover will be departing in 2 mins." At this call Clark decided to stand and stretch his legs before the journey would begin and he went along the corridor of the carriage.


Lois arrived with 10 minutes to spare at Euston station as a porter took her luggage and loaded it on a trolley.

Lucy laughed at the amount of luggage Lois had with her "Still travel light I see" Lucy said with a grin and teasing eyes.

"It's like the general always says be prepared for every eventuality" Lois replied with a stern look, a slightly deeper voice and a slightly cocked right brow.

Lucy laughed at the imitation of their father.

"Besides never know when I may meet the man of my dreams need to look my best." But as Lois spoke these words she blushed lightly as the image of her very vivid dream during the night came to mind.

Lucy noticed and looked at Lois through slightly narrowed eyes-thinking how much did that man affect her, as Lois had already said no one else on the horizon. She was intrigued by her sister's blush, she realised this man had had a major impact on her sister but hoped it would not stop Lois meeting anyone else. She was pleased her sister had allowed her to see through some of those carefully erected walls around her heart, the ones she knew Lois had built up from the loss of their mum when young and the lonely life the girls had had, from army base to army base, a lot of people around but no one emotionally to support and love them as little girls needed.

They reached the train that Lois would travel on to Dover. The porter loaded all her luggage for her and passed her a ticket for the baggage in the hold, she could retrieve when arriving at the Dover docks. Lois kept a handbag and small travelling bag for the compartment.

Reaching into her handbag Lois took out a generous tip and smiling thanked the young man. With the kind tip and the bright smiles from the Lane sisters the young porter left feeling he had had one of the better jobs for the day, 2 very pretty women to help and their smiles to brighten his day ahead. Especially before he had to deal with some of the complaining cronies they get at the station. Older cantankerous men!

Lucy giggled slightly and said "I think you just made his day."

Lois laughed back lightly replying "I think it was the Lane sister special that did it."

A voice called out from the end of the platform "All aboard for the 10:30 to Dover."

The sisters looked at each other with a slight wistfulness knowing it would be a few months before they would see each other again. But so grateful their time together had further healed their relationship.

They hugged each other and with moist eyes kissed each other on the cheek and hugged again. With hands clasping Lucy's, Lois said "Hey, you'll be so busy with the wedding planning and looking for a home for you both, you won't have time to miss me besides it'll go in a flash. Only a few months and I will be here count on it, wouldn't miss your big day for anything. Love you sis." Lucy said "Love you too." They then had one last hug.

"The 10:30 to Dover will be departing in 2 minutes" the voice called again just as the engine of the train roared to life and steam started to drift slowly along the busy platform.

Lois hurried up the steps to the carriage as a train conductor was arriving and he swung the door of the carriage closed, with a bang.

Lois stayed by the window to wave to Lucy. Finally the train started to pull away but Lucy stayed on the platform waving Lois off until train out of sight.

As Lois was busy heading to find her compartment and the seat she had reserved she didn't notice the tall dark haired man who's eyes lit up at the sight of her. Who's mouth tilted into a subtle smile and knew this was going to be his favourite assignment to date.


On arriving Lois found the compartment already occupied by 2 men, one older and one younger but both had a studious air to them, however, she could tell they were not travelling together. Lois noticed a jacket on the seat opposite hers and wondered where the fourth occupant of the compartment was, as they had only just pulled out of the station and not too many places to disappear to on the train. But she swiftly put it out of her mind, knowing it was just her naturally inquisitive nature to wonder. As she looked at the two other occupants she smiled a small hello.

The younger man was gazing at her and clearly appreciated the view he could see. Lois settled into her seat and said an apology for not introducing herself immediately. But she then said "Hi, I am pleased to make your acquaintance, seeing as how we are in here together for next two hours. My name is Lois Lane", she went to shake hands with Prof. Fine first, then as went to shake Bart's hand, he took it and said, "Hey senorita, it's very nice to meet you too, mucho caliente and please call me Bart." He said as seductively as he could.

"Ok, Bart." Lois replied with a slight quirk of a smile to her lips! Bart was still holding her hand and winked at her.

Lois, silently told herself this will be fun, nice enough but a bit young for my taste and remembering her dream last night, thought definitely not her dark haired mystery man.

Introductions done, Lois crossed her legs one over the other and her skirt slightly rode up her long lean legs, she noticed Bart's eyes roving up from her ankles and even though her skirt was a modest length, Lois found it amusing how forward this young man was and confident with it. He obviously liked the ladies although she wondered by his youthful features if any women ever did respond to him, probably scare him so much he would run the other way in a flash!

Just as she mused this thought the missing passenger of the carriage entered.

Lois looked up and her breath hitched, her stomach rolled over, her heart shuddered to a stop and all the air in her lungs were sucked out of her, it was him!

The man from the hotel!

Her dream man but now he was very, very real and standing in the doorway looking at her the way he had last night with want, need and definite desire. Like she was an ice cream and he was looking forward to devouring her all up, one lick at a time. She shivered at the thought of it.

Clark nodded at the men in the compartment as he entered. Clark had noticed her reaction, felt her heart stop and her breath falter and inwardly he was floating ten feet off of the ground, but tried to remain composed.

He noticed her cheeks were slightly blushed and hoped again it was due to him. He couldn't believe of all the carriages on the train they ended up in seats opposite each other, he hoped he could control himself enough to not stare at her for the next 2 hours or worse do or say something foolish!

Clark stepped forward and took his seat whilst all these thoughts ran through his mind, as he sat down he looked sacross and smiled at her as a way of giving her the opportunity to introduce herself to him.

Inwardly, Lois was feeling like an erupting volcano, on fire and heat rushing from her core. He was just as gorgeous as she remembered from last night. She felt nervous and a little shy, which was very unlike her, but for all her show of confidence generally, it was usually a front for the many times Lois had felt left behind before, she never wanted anyone to think she had to rely on them. She had learnt over the years to only truly rely on herself.

Due to these thoughts and feelings, affecting her, Lois suddenly heard her fathers' voice in her mind.

"Lane's are never afraid and never back down! We man up and meet things head on!".

So Lois did did what all good Lane's do, she maned up!

Putting her left hand forward towards Clark, her chin up and looking him in the eye said "Hi, I'm Lois, Lois Lane, very pleased to meet you".

Clark saw her calm demeanour but heard her heartbeat, pumping ten to the dozen so he knew she was just as affected by their meeting as he was, even though she was covering it up well.

As he took her left hand in his he immediately loved the feel of it, her soft skin gave it a feminine feel and it seemed to fit perfectly in his larger hand, like it was made just for that purpose, to be held by him. He then noticed she was watching him and waiting to hear his voice.

Still holding her hand he replied "I'm Clark Kent, nice to met you too and I hope you enjoy the journey ahead" and smiled a bright charming smile at her. His smile lit up his whole face but especially those eyes.

Lois was lost in a haze of bewitching sea blue eyes, which were drawing her in and her hazel gold flecked eyes never wavered from the spell he was casting over her.

Finally, Lois removed her hand from his and immediately felt the loss of his warmth and touch! She hadn't wanted to let go but she sensed the other two occupants were watching this meeting closely and suddenly feeling the gaze of 2 pairs of eyes on her and the blush she could feel on her cheeks, she quickly picked up her purse and checked for her train ticket!

The train was by now heading out of the centre of London and would have a few more stops to make in its journey, before it reached the lush green countryside of the county of Kent and continued on towards the coast and those famous white cliffs near Dover.

Clark was trying hard not to stare at Lois without much luck as he felt so drawn to her it was indescribable, he hoped she felt that way too as he had felt her gaze upon him too. However, his study of Lois Lane was cut short as Prof. Fine commented on the political situation in Europe.

He asked Clark, "Being a journalist, how easy he found it to write his articles and keep his personal bias or politics out of it and just report the facts, it must be very hard to remian neutral?".

Clark replied "It can be, but I try and report the facts as you said, but ..." Clark continued "it's hard not to have some opinion on what we see and hear, as we all have a viewpoint on the world scene, especially if it is something that needs brining to people's attention due to injustices we need to report on".

"I mean people need to understand the issues clearly to make informed decisions and to see the full picture of a situation". Clark explained and then swept his right hand through his thick black hair, brushing a lose curl back that had fallen forward over his forehead.

Lois inwardly groaned as she had been itching to reach across and do exactly that, she was dying to run her hands through his hair and then bring those kissable lips to hers, she was watching his full lips now mesmerised as he spoke thinking of the incredible things they had done in that dream of hers, not good, is it getting hot in here she thought, feeling the need to fan herself.

Whoa get a grip girl, she thought to herself, you are seriously behaving like a giddy schoolgirl?! Besides, you just learned he is a journalist too and wait what did he just say? She realised Clark was still talking.

"But unlike some reporters as a freelance, I am not beholden to the political views of a particular paper and don't have to do their bidding so to speak when writing my articles." Clark finished off saying to Prof. Fine, who nodded at his statement.

Lois however, was not so sanguine in her demeanour and asked Clark with a hint of anger in her tone "So I take it from that comment, you think ALL newspaper reporters who are employed directly by a paper, have a hidden agenda or distort the point to suit the papers politics?" Clark noticed the emphasis on the word All in Lois's question' not just the tone but he saw the fire flashing in those beautiful hazel eyes and clearly her stance in her seat had changed. If she was standing he could just see her with hands on hips in full battle mode!

Clark realised he had offended her but, as he knew who she was and didn't want to let this fact on to her, he answered with a slight smirk on his lips. "Well some do, pretty obvious when you read some of their articles, besides most papers back the owners political affiliation and views. I'm sure you'ld agree it's been that way for a while, not all reporters have integrity, as we are all earning money from it." He waited for the fallout, even though he had spoken the truth. He was worried that he could end all his chances with this beautiful woman before it had started.

Lois knew what he said to be true but still felt he was taking her with the same brush, even if he didn't know her work situation. But, Lois being Lois couldn't help herself and replied "Well I take it from what you just said you are a freelance journalist" and smiling at Clark continued "And obviously one with a moral conscience".

Clark said in reply "Yes, I am freelance. But, I do try to be open and honest in what I report, with no motive behind it". Then he followed it with "I am not trying to say I am the only reporter out there with that viewpoint".

Prof fine who was enjoying this discussion turned to Lois and said "You sound very interested in Mr Kent's opinion, Miss Lane, do you work in politics?"

Lois turned and answered "No, not in politics but as a newspaper reporter, I generally report on politics and criminal activities actually."

As as the words came out, Bart let out a laugh and tried to quickly cover this up with a cough. Clark shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he felt Lois's eyes narrow and look directly at him. He felt his collar tightening and hope she wouldn't hold it his comments against him, as really just saying what many already knew.

Prof Fine was also clearly amused and smile slightly and said through intrigued eyes as he was looking between Lois and Clark, "How, interesting".

The heat in the compartment had gone up a notch earlier when Clark had entered, but now it felt positively frosty!

Clark groaned internally wondering how he could rescue the situation as going wrong so fast.

Bart then piped up "Oh, that's a coincidence, what paper do you work for Miss Lane or are you freelance?"

"I write for The Daily Planet actually, my editor is Perry White and sure he would love to hear your opinion on the ethics of most journalists, Mr Kent!" Lois added for good measure.

Clark swallowed slowly, but decided he was not going down without a fight and knew Lois was a strong person, one a woman doing generally a man's job, confident to travel alone across Europe and knew she had a fire in her for truth as he had read many of her articles, but, especially from what he had heard about her from Chloe.

Watching her enjoying his discomfort, he sat up straighter and said "He already does".

When Lois looked at him quizzically, he continued, "Perry, I mean. He knows my opinion and that's why he takes some of my articles and is happy to print them." He conitinued to add emphasis to his point "You see, I know Mr White has integrity, so that's why I am going to the conference in Geneva and when I get my articles to him, I feel confident no spin or changes will be made to them. So the people back in home in the US, will know the truth about what's happening in Europe." He said confidently and smiled a warm smile at Lois, hoping to convey his genuineness about what he said.

"So we're in competition then, Mr Kent. You see I am also over here for the same reason." Lois continued looking into Clark's eyes and then said with a slight huskiness "I look forward to being up against you". Clark cocked his brow and his face lit up with a grin as Lois continued, "You see, I like a challenge and I think I will enjoy this one." Lois smiled seductively when she finished her sentence as hearing Clark's words and seeing he was confident and didn't back down, she liked his boldness even though there were times when he seemed all meek and polite, there was a touch of steel in this man too, which she found very intriguing.

At hearing her words it took all of Clark's control to stop the burning behind his eyes, wouldn't do to react like a hormonal teenage boy and set fire to the carriage. But the vision in his head of her body up against him, the feel of her firm breasts across his chest, his hands on her hips holding her flush to him. It was too much and clearing his throat he swallowed thickly and replied in a voice an octave lower "I look forward to it, Miss Lane".

As he said it Lois noticed how his eyes which were smiling seemed to darken and then she saw the desire in them as he continued to look right through her. She was transported back to the previous evening in the hotel foyer, when they looked right into each other and the whole world faded from view and it was just the two of them, engulfed by something neither could explain at this time, but it just felt right!

Bart noticed and felt the atmosphere thicken, he realised the message he was sent to give Clark, was going to be pointless but it would need to be done anyway.

All of a sudden the rhythm of the train slowed and the sound of the screeching of the breaks on the tracks broke the moment! It was gone! The train came to a halt at the station.

Clark and Lois averted their gaze and Clark quickly stood to look out the window at the hustle and bustle on the busy platform. Prof Fine got up too and left the compartment to stretch his legs in the corridor. Bart just sat in his seat with an amused expression and then raided his backpack for food, he needed to keep his metabolism balanced, energy levels needed fuelling. Bart couldn't wait to get to Dover just to be free from the confined space and run like the wind. Although watching the tension between Clark and Lois was entertaining to say the least. As Bart looked up to his friend, Clark turned and looked at him with an expression say anything and you are getting drop kicked into the atmosphere.

Bart just ate his sandwich silently! During this intermission Lois decided to concentrate on the papers she had with her and do some search ahead of the conference.

A few minutes later as the train had headed away from the station the party had settled back down in the small compartment and all kept to themselves, reading newspapers, books or doing research. It wasn't so intense now, although every now and then Lois would flick her eyes up to look out the window, which she hoped would cover her real motive of stealing glances at the man sittng opposite her.

She had enjoyed their difference of opinion earlier, she liked a man who stood up for himself and didn't change who he was to please anyone else or to garner a good impression. Lois was strong minded and had a father who was the same, it was what Lois knew.

Studying him him at closer acquaintance she realised he had a firm physique, he was well built and reasonably tall, definitely over six foot. Lois was not a dainty, petite woman, she was tall, athletic but trim, she had been taught well on the various army bases how to handle herself, looking at him she knew he could handle her too. As she subtly studied him, Lois couldn't help her tongue darting out and moistening her lips, then she bit down on the side of her lower lip and holding it between her teeth as she tarted to imagine the many different ways she would like him to handle her!

Clark could feel her scrutiny of him, he had looked away when he saw her gaze drift to the window, as she was copying his means of sneaking a glance at her. He needed to know she was real and not a figment of his imagination. Because it had been a long time since he had reacted to any woman like this or ever he realised!

Clark started to reminisce how a few years ago he had though himself in love and how he had felt bereft at the loss of the woman he had loved most of his life. She had betrayed him and broken his heart, there was a time he had never thought he would recover from it or heal and he was nearly invulnerable!

But, as he matured and time had moved on he realised all the angst and hurt he thought would never leave, had, it was gone and only relief in its place.

Relief he had not told the truth about himself and his secret!

Relief he had not given himself to her fully, physically, emotionally and mentally. He had kept things back and even though he knew this had contributed to the on and off again relationship they had. When he saw her true colours he was relieved he had never been truly honest and open with his heritage and knew he had done the right thing.

He had seen her through rose tinted glasses as a teenager and not seen her flaws. Clark new nobody was perfect, heck he lied all the time to cover his Intergalatic background but as a young man he had idolised her! Couldn't see no wrong in her, even when others warned him to be careful! But, now Clark was a man, he could see the truth about her.

Clark knew they did not belong together and very rarely even thought about her, except when he heard his name or saw their photo in a newspaper, they were a good match he thought.

Looking now at the beautiful woman across from him, he knew this coould be the start of something special, real and above all solid. He was a man know and he had completed his training with daddy dearest Jor-el and as he felt he knew himself better, Clark also knew what he needed better too, in life and in a woman who he could see a future with. As opposed to the lonely future he thought was in store for him.

To think just yesterday he had looked out over the city of London and had heard the lives being lived through the city, full of people living, connecting and he had felt empty!

Now as he drunk he drunk in the sight of this woman in, he felt full, replete. Clark knew it wouldn't be easy, with his work and who he really was but he knew she was the one he needed!

As the train continued to wind its way towards their destination. Clark knew he needed to find a way to speak with Bart soon, before they left the port of Dover, as he needed to privately discuss why Bart had turned up on the train. As their was a job to be done and Clark realised just how much of a distraction the leggy brunette could become, and enticing distraction but a distraction nonetheless.

Two hoots of the horn reminded them it was nearly time to vacate the train for the next stage of thei journey. The four passengers started to gather their belongings together as the train slowed down ready for its final stop. Finally the train stood still!

Bart was the first to leave with a swift, salute goodbye to everyone, grabbing his knapsack and a final appreciation of the lovely Miss Lane.

Lois stood to put on her coat, as she did Clark quickly rose to his feet and helped her into it, as he took it from her their fingers brushed and the spark hit again! Their eyes locked both widened and saw the other one had felt their connection too. As Clark lowered her coat onto her shoulders, he watched as Lois had turned her back to him, she used her left hand to sweep her long chestnut hair out from under her coat, he could just see the back of her long next and had to suppress the urge to drop butterfly kisses on it, just the spot where the next and shoulder meet.

As he placed the coat down, his fingers brushed the spot where he envisaged kissing and felt the shiver go through Lois and heard a slight intake of breath. Clark promised himself as soon as he got a chance he would be tormenting her at that exact spot! Just to see how much more a reaction he could ignite in her.

Lois turned to look at him, at her reaction she felt the shyness steal across her again, but through her long lashes she thanked him and graced him with a small smile. Then started to gather her belongings again.

Prof Fine had finally gotten all his bags together and with a handshake said goodbye to his companions, saying probably see you again on the boat and train. But been nice to meet them and headed on his way.

This left Lois and Clark alone, but neither seemed in a hurry to go, eventually Lois turned and said the Clark "Well it's been interesting meeting you and sure we will meet in Geneva at any press conferences". Clark replied "It'll be a pleasure and have a safe journey, Miss Lane."

Just as they both paused, looking at each other, the porter arrived with Lois's baggage and the moment was broken. Lois said her goodbye and left with the porter following, Clark couldn't help but grin when he saw how much luggage she had with her. He thought good thing I am strong, if this goes the way I would like it too!

Clark started walking along the busy platform, scanning for Bart as knew he would be somewhere waiting to catch up with him. He spotted him pretending to review ferry details. They headed towards passport control and got into line with all the other passengers waiting to board the ferry.

Lois was a few places ahead, with the porter still following with her luggage. Clark could see a few men sending admiring glances her way, he bristled and wanted to use his heat vision on them. Surprised at the jealousy that had come up! Even with his immense strength Clark always tried to hold back and had learned how to stop criminals without over using his powers, but doing enough. Now he felt like putting anyone ogling Lois through a brick wall!


After the ferry had departed from the docks and the of the famous white cliffs was disappearing from view, Clark headed up to the top deck and using his X-ray vision saw Bart on the port side, he quickly zipped to meet him.

"Hey CK" he addressed him, "glad you caught up, still slow over water then". Bart teasingly said.

"Hey flash! Don't push me or you may arrive in France quicker than expecting, I can still remember how to kick from my quarterback days". Clark replied with a broad grin.

Then he quickly asked, "Look, we have to be careful I am not sure about Fine, but what are you doing here I thought we were rendezvousing in Geneva with the rest of the Team".

"Well big guy, Oli sent me to give you a warning, they wanted you to know, they are here and heading Geneva too!" Bart said waiting for a reaction, "Chloe and Oli found out and asked me to just give you a heads up!"

Clark was surprised at first then realised, no reaction in his heart or gut, but worried over why they were here, was he involved, I mean they know plenty about meteor rocks as coming from Smallville.

Bart was watching Clark and saw a myriad of emotions adorn his face, due to his silence Bart was worried this was going to affect Clark's ability in the op.

Clark finally answered "Ok, that's fine, at least I can be prepared if I see them, especially her, but Bart I will be ok. As I have told Chloe and Oli many times I am quite immune to her now, but at least I won't be caught on the hop if and when we meet." Then he continued "Does make me wonder why Lex is here though, I mean he has the connections and the money to be involved and the ability and organisation to cover his tracks, but I can't believe he has changed so much from when I knew him to put so many lives at risk!"

Bart knew Clark tried to look for the good in people, even with his new code name he would always be the Boy Scout to them. "Well, don't underestimate him, you don't want t rule anyone out, especially knowing how dangerous those rocks are to you personally". Bart said with concern.

"Don't worry, Bart, I can take care of myself, besides I am not naive when it comes to Lex" Clark replied and continued to look out across the English Channel.

"Ok big guy, well I have passed the message on, I am going to head out and I will see you in Geneva." Enjoy the rest of your long journey" Bart teased "although I am sure you can find some interesting company, under the name of Lois Lane" He said waggling his brows.

"Yeah, thanks Bart" Clarked groaned slightly "Was it that obvious?" He asked.

Bart laughed but answered him "Hey CK just relax, it was good to see you enamoured with someone finally, besides she is one attractive lady."

"She is" Clark said with genuineness.

"I think she felt the same about you CK," Bart told him, " so just go with the flow and see what happens". Bart started to walk away from Clark, but turning back said "Don't forget I want to hear all the details, especially after the sleeper train". And laughing out loud, Bart disappeared from view in a Flash!

Bart was halway across Belgium when he realised he had forgot to tell CK about Bruce. Oh well he thought the big guy will know soon enough.

Clark shook his head, but did grin at the young mans cheek.

Unknown to Clark they were others up on the top deck, even though he had xrayed the area before catching up with Bart, other people had strolled up to the deck to enjoy the fresh sea air. Turning to head back down to the internal seating area Clark spotted Prof Fine walking away from the port side. Clark wondered if he had seen them talking or heard anything, so decided to keep a sharp eye on the Proffesor.

When Clark had gone back through the door, a figure came out from behind the stairway. Lois Lane was wearing an expression that showed she had heard enough to be throughly intrigued.

So Mr Kent obviously knew Bart much more than he let on on the train, also he knew one Lex Luthor. What did he mean about meteor rocks hurting him? So many questions were racing through her mind. Her reporter instinct made her realise there was more going on with him than she at first thought. However, Lois had heard what he had said about her and it had definatey left her with a warm, fuzzy feeling. Lois realised time was swiftly moving and she was desperate for a coffee and headed back down to drink the nectar of the gods as far as she was concerned, she need to be firing on all cylinders if she was going to keep her eye on Mr Kent and find out a bit more as to what he was involved in.


The ferry arrived in Calais and the passengers quickly disembarked and it only took about 45 minutes to get through Passport Control and get settled on the train that would carry them all to Paris, where the next stage of their journey would commence, when they would switch to the famous sleeper train to Geneva.

During the train journey, all the antagonists of this story were in different compartments and didn't meet each other, which was a disappointment for Lois and Clark. Although Clark had used his super hearing to zone in and realised Lois was only a couple of compartments down. He could hear her arguing with some man about a woman travelling alone across Europe and being a working woman too. Lois was letting him know in no uncertain terms that she was not a little woman who was going to be chained to the kitchen sink! Thank you very much!

Clark smiled at this and realised, he was going to enjoy any time with her, there would never be a dull moment.

The time went quickly and the train soon arrived in Paris. The main station was Gare De Lyon was alive with the sounds or the local Parisians and the many tourists itching to see the Eiffel Tower or the magnificent paintings in the Louvre. The smells of the famous patisseries were wafting along the platform and Lois wondered if her stomach could take it any longer, she was ready to eat, but at the same time, the butterflies in her stomach due to a particular dark haired reporter made her wonder if she could keep anything down.

Clark boarded the train and he and Lois glanced at each other as the reached their respective cabins. Clark's was in cabin 11 whilst Lois was in cabin 9.

The porter had assisted Lois again with all her luggage, leaving her travelling valise and vanity case, taking the rest of her luggage to the baggage car. Lois realised she had about 1 hour to get ready and freshen up before the restaurant car would be open for the diners to attend.

Clark quickly settled in and noticed even though all the cabins were double berthed he had no one sharing his cabin which was a relief as he was unsure if he would need to do any investigating during the night and this left him free to come and go as he pleased.

Clark started to freshen up too as he knew he would be expected to eat and attend the dining car as Lois and Fine would have known not eaten all day. Besides he was hoping a certain leggy brunette would like some company for dinner.

The conductor noted all the passengers had boarded the train, especially the last 2 cabin guests, they were a league above the others travelling on this most famous of trains, they could easily afford to reserve the whole train he thought to himself. But he signalled that the train was ready to leave the station for the 16 hour journey to Geneva across the Alps and beautiful European countryside.

Unbeknown to Clark who had tuned out his super hearing as he kept listening to Lois and it was unfair on her whilst she was obviously getting freshened up. He was not aware of the passengers entering the cabins numbered 12, 2 and 6. Little did he know the mission would soon be starting on this very train!


Hope you enjoyed that and if any poor grammar or phrasing, I apologise as I have to proof read it myself.