Following the events of Loki creating havoc one busy afternoon in New York, Tony Stark adopted six more people into his small family under his roof.

The rest of the Avengers were simple and reasonable. Nick Fury, their supposed director, wanted his team under one roof in case an emergency as fantastical as Loki's happens again and he needs a group of extraordinary misfits to solve his problem. Since Stark Tower is the only building that has more than enough rooms (floors- Tony Stark gave them a floor each) to spare, it is rationally so that they all bunk in there. It was like a permanent sleepover party for the team without the drinking and the movies. Besides, Thor did not 'sleep' in as usual except when he misses Jane Foster or his brother.

His brother, however, had been an entirely different matter. Weeks after the disaster, Thor came up to his door one day with a half-terrified half-confused nine-year old Loki, begging them to take care of the poor shivering child. He told them that his father almighty sees fit that Loki's punishment will be exile as a child in the realm he caused much damage. It would have been Asgard, had he not live there all his life, but he did so Midgard would be the next best choice.

Clint Barton was quick to disagree, however. They cannot be babysitters of the world's most wanted villain. They are superheroes. Stark and Natasha Romanoff couldn't quite agree otherwise either. But when Pepper Potts saw the child, innocent of the pain he'd caused, almost sincerely asking for forgiveness, she decided that she wanted to raise him properly. Banner and Rogers sided with Potts.

"I have as much as rights as you do in decision making, Tony," she said. "We are going to raise this child as properly as possible to be a contributing citizen to Earth."

When Stark tried to argue more, Thor beseeched. Now who could refuse those large puppy baby blue eyes?

This happened two years ago.

And Odin proved himself to be wiser than what meets the eyes. Midgard's superheroes learned the value of second chances and Loki learned that Odin was really the one at fault by raising him hating his own kind... and that Midgardians are not made to be ruled, of course.

Loki is now an eleven-year old and as behave as ever. Pepper Potts has been a good foster mother. The rest were trying at first, awkwardly and grudgingly, but soon those feelings faded. It was getting harder and harder to hold up a grudge against a kid who smiles ever so cutely until all they saw was the child Loki could have been.

Hawkeye was last to let his guard down.

He still does what he wants. He is a trickster by nature, but, then again, so is Tony. They've had Trickster Wars quite a few times, which were smiled and frowned upon at the same time by the non-participants. The only difference now are the tricks and pranks are not as ill-mannered and evil-driven as before and that they are all directed towards Tony. Pepper and Natasha didn't have to worry about their hair being cut, thankfully. He still lies, only to get himself out of trouble. But as far as lying is concerned, everyone does. Especially Tony.

Another thing the Avenger couldn't change was Loki's use of the English vocabulary. He refused to speak American slang and stayed as formal and as ancient as before. His adorable accent was never gone, too.

They tried to get him to school but his intellect sent most of his teachers crying of shame and at least half a dozen counselors begging to quit their job. The kid knows even more than me, one counselor admitted. Pepper merely gave him an earful talk about how incapable he is that he cannot contain a child. Steve suggested that Loki be provided a library and learn on his own.

No more than a month later, Loki had been helping Bruce with astrophysics and genetics, solving complicated universal mysteries, and making his very own mini remote-controlled Ironman figurine that actually flies and shoots whatever it shoots. Much to the Avengers' surprise, he was barely a teenager.

That was the time when Tony Stark did believe that Loki grew up as a better citizen.

Natasha only scoffed at idea. "Loki had been spending too much time with Ironman."

To which Stark replied, very maturely sticking his tongue out, "You're only jealous because Little Loki favored me instead of Black Widow."

Loki is, indeed, a very talented child. And, he knows it enough not to brag about it (with the exception of quips Loki shares with Barton and Stark.) He possesses so much talent that one fine morning an owl banged right on the Tower's unsuspecting window.

The sound was quick. When their attention caught, there were no more than dusts on the window. Tony made a mental note to ask Jarvis to clean it later.

Natasha, who was preparing sandwiches, opened the window slowly as the rest of the Avengers prepared for battle. It might have been nothing, but it wouldn't help to let your guard down. Even Loki was in his battle stance, a butter knife in hand.

A few seconds passed. Nothing happened.

Tony had to ask, "Jarvis, status?"

An elegant male voice with a more handsome accent spoke out of nowhere. "It seems like a bird hit the window, sir."

"A bird?" He repeated dumbly. His question was answered when something very white shot through the open window and landed on the table, completely disrupting their merry breakfast.

Natasha closed the window. All held breathes were relieved.

It was definitely a bird, white with a few dark spots and fat with feathers. It struggled to its feet for a moment. An act like that most probably addled its wits. The Avengers gave it a minute. When it finally regained its balance, the bird then stared at Loki, and, as if curious, cocked its head sideways.

Clint was the one who broke the silence. "What kind of creative scheme does our enemy have planned now?"

"Jarvis, I don't remember ordering a fowl for breakfast." Tony just really has to say something. Loki rolled his eyes. Only fools do that.

"I don't think owls are even edible," Dr. Banner said. "But we could try, at least."

His suggestion mortified the group for a minute. Even the owl broke its eye contact with Loki to glare at Bruce. And if Jarvis was also shocked, he did not comment.

It was a joke none of them expected coming from the big guy.

Steve carefully lifted the bird from the table. He inspected it as animal-friendly as his hands can inspect. When he felt something tied to its foot, the owl was relieved of its burden and a rolled piece of parchment was removed. The soldier gave the owl tentatively to Loki as he tried to open the letter.

Alright, there were two pieces of paper.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," the letter said with an elaborate dark blue font. "Dear Mr. Laufeyson."

The rest of the group could only look at Steve, dumbfounded, as he read.

Even Loki stopped petting the owl.

Then it struck him.

An owl sending letters in broad daylight!

A/N: Sorry about that. I didn't notice. I will appreciate all reviews :)