Fated Sidestories


I'm Okay

Reborn had barely gotten through the back door of the small house when he was shoved against the door and kissed furiously, hands grasping his jacket tightly.

"I'm okay," he said between kisses, winding his hands through the other person's hair. "I'm okay, Shamal." He stroked along Shamal's jaw, looking into his dark brown eyes. "I'm okay," he breathed into his mouth as they kissed again, gentler now.

Finally Shamal pulled away, head dropping to rest on Reborn's shoulder. "I could have lost you, Reborn," he choked out. "I know it's stupid, either of us could die at any moment on a job, but damn it Reborn you're my soulmate and you could have died in that avalanche!"

"Psht, as if The World's Greatest Hitman would ever die in an avalanche," Reborn scoffed.