Chapter 16: Friends and Ramen

A/N: I'm skipping the written exam because it's too boring

"That was one hard test." Kagome sighed in relief.

"I'll say. I thought that we would fail for sure." Naruto said as he stretched his arms out.


Team Seven looked behind them and saw Kohaku running towards them.

"Kohaku." Kagome said as Kohaku stopped in front of her.

"Glad that we finally pass the first exam?" Kohaku asked.

"Hai, although that Anko woman seemed really strange to me." Kagome said.

"I agree with you fully on that, Kagome." Kohaku said, "Hey, would you mind taking a walk with me? I haven't seen the rest of the village, would mind giving me a tour?" Kohaku scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Sure, I would love to." Kagome said with a closed eye smile. At that moment, Sasuke stiffened at Kagome's words.

She's willing to be in his presence?! Sasuke thought with comical shock. He knew that the boy in front of them was Kumo shinobi. He didn't really trust him to be near Kagome. But somehow, Kagome was comfortable with him.

"So, you've been training really hard for a long time, right?" Kagome asked.

"Hai, I know that I failed to protect someone once. But I promised myself that I won't fail again." Kohaku declared with determination.

"That's a great goal to have, Kohaku." Kagome smiled.

"Thank you, Kagome." Kohaku smiled back.

"So where did you find Isamu?" Kagome gazed at the two tailed cat that sat on Kohaku's shoulder.

"On one of my missions. He instantly got attached to me." Kohaku petted Isamu who began purring.

"I can see that." Kagome commented as she pet Kirara who also began to purr as well, "By the way, are you training with Shippo?"

"Hai, how did you know that?" Kohaku asked.

"Well, I visited Sesshomaru-sama and Sōten-sama told me that you were one of his summoners." Kagome replied.

"I found the contract when I was nine and I've training with them ever since." Kohaku said.

"I've trained with them just as much, too." Kagome said, "But it's kind of hard to when the village isn't so friendly with yōkai. Especially with kitsunes."

"Sorry." Kohaku said with a sad smile, "I'm sure that Shippo-sama is glad to train with you."

"Hai, you should have seen the face he had when he saw me again after coming into this world." Kagome smiled.

"I can almost imagine." Kohaku said.

"Hey, have you ever had ramen?" Kagome asked.

"I know that this might sound odd, but no." Kohaku said.

"Really? Well, I'll take you to the best ramen shop in all of Konoha!" Kagome grabbed Kohaku's hand and lead him to the Ichiraku's.

What the two didn't know was that Kohaku and Kagome's team stood behind the fences and watched them walk down the streets.

"Kagome is so lucky. She always gets the guys." Sakura whined.

"How does she know him is the question." Sasuke said.

"It's so unfair! Kohaku was able to get a girl just like that!" Ken whined with anime tears going down his cheeks.

"I'm amazed that he can easily get along with her." Nao said.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"Kohaku barely hangs out with any girls. He spent most of his time training and doing missions." Nao said.

"He was also very popular back in the academy. He got at least ten love letters a week and five confessions in a month." Ken sighed, "Yet he turned them all down."

"Why would he do that?" Sakura pondered.

"No idea. He never really told us." Nao shrugged, "But he seems to be very interested in your teammate though."

Then they noticed that Kohaku and Kagome were going down the street. Naruto knew exactly where the two were going to next. So they followed them.

"Ichiraku?" Kohaku asked as the two stood in front of the ramen shop.

"Hai, Naruto and I always come here whenever we get the chance." Kagome said.

"Come in!" Teuchi yelled.

"Hey Teuchi-san." Kagome said as she walked in with Kohaku behind her.

"Oh hey, Kagome-chan. It's been a while, hasn't it?" Teuchi asked.

"Hai, it has." Kagome smiled.

"I seen that you've brought someone new here." Teuchi spotted Kohaku.

"This is Kohaku, it's his first time at a ramen shop." Kagome gestured to Kohaku.

"Oh, well. How about two misos?" Teuchi suggested.

"Sure, that would be great." Kagome smiled.

"Alright, comin' right up!" Teuchi turned on the stove and began to cook. Kagome and Kohaku sat down on the stools. The two watched Teuchi make the ramen. For some strange reason, it felt like forever since Kagome and Kohaku had last seen each other.

"So, you nervous about the exam?" Kagome asked.

"A little bit. But I wouldn't be a shinobi if I wasn't." Kohaku said.

"I feel the same way." Kagome said with a small smile. "But I can't help feel that something might happen in the exams."

"I was having the same feelings." Kohaku asked, "Do you think it might be bad?"

"I don't know. But we have to be on guard during the exam." Kagome said.

"I agree with you fully on that, Kagome." Kohaku said.

"Order up!" Teuchi placed the two misos in front of Kagome and Kohaku.

"Well Kohaku, let's dig in!" Kagome split the chopsticks and began eating.

"No fair. We have to watch them eat while we're sitting over here." Naruto complained.

"Is eating ramen always on your mind, Naruto?" Sakura asked with an irk mark on her temple.

"Maybe." Naruto mumbled, looking away.

"Interesting. Kohaku is trying ramen." Nao said.

"What's so interesting about that?" Sasuke asked. Nao and Ken shrugged.

"Kohaku hardly ever eats out. He's more of a home cooked meal type of guy." Ken replied.

"We've always went to his house after training. His mom would cook up lunch for us and our sensei." Nao said.

"I do find that quite odd. Naruto is the only one who constantly goes out to have ramen." Sakura pondered. "He also eats Kagome's mother's home cooked meals as well."

"I wish I was having so ramen right now." Naruto whined with anime tears falling down his cheeks.

"Idiot! We can't let those two know that we've been watching them! Who knows how they'll react to that!" Sakura whispered.

What the five genin didn't know was that Kagome already knew that they were there. So Kagome knew that Naruto was disappointed that he wasn't having ramen right now. Well, he could always come back another day.

To Sasuke's point of view, he wished that he was the one having ramen with Kagome instead of that Kumo shinobi. He began to hate that guy even more than before.

When the two were finally finished with their ramen, Kohaku decided to walk Kagome home.

"I have to admit that that was so good ramen, Kagome." Kohaku said.

"I'm glad. Teuchi-san always makes the best in all of Konoha." Kagome said. "If Naruto was here, he would probably go on about all the kinds of ramen that you should try."

"Naruto really likes ramen, huh?" Kohaku asked.

"Hai, he could eat it everyday. But my mom managed to get him to try other foods and made sure that he will stay healthy." Kagome said.

"You two are very lucky to have a mom like that." Kohaku said.

"Thank you, Kohaku." Kagome smiled.

Soon enough, the two finally arrived at Kagome's house. Kagome could see that the lights were still on in the kitchen and in her mother's room. She figured that Naruto probably told her that she was going to be coming home a little bit later than the usual.

"Well, this is my house." Kagome said, standing in front of Kohaku with her hands behind her back. "Thank you for walking me home, Kohaku."

"No problem, Kagome. I was glad to do it." Kohaku rubbed the back of his head while smiling. There was an awkward silence between the two.

"Just be careful on your way back as well." Kagome said.

"I will...see at the exams?" Kohaku asked.

"Hai." Kagome nodded. Then she opened the door before entering inside.


The five genin watched Kohaku and Kagome outside as they talked before Kagome went inside. They couldn't believe that nothing happened the entire time they were following them. How boring it was. Naruto was disappointed that he didn't get any ramen. Nao and Ken couldn't believe that Kohaku was able to get a date with a beautiful kunoichi. Sakura was jealous that Kagome was able to get a date with a cute guy.

Well, at least she wasn't on Sasuke-teme. So I'm fine with Kohaku-kun. Naruto thought before disappearing and reappearing at his window which was opened a crack so that he could get in without his mother noticing.

For Sasuke, he was boiling mad on the inside. He couldn't understand what Kagome saw in that Kumo shinobi! His fists clenched in rage as he watched Kohaku stare at Kagome's house before turning to leave. He knew that he couldn't attack that boy now. He would fight him in the Chūnin exams. That was a promise.

To be with old friends is very warming and comforting.

- Ian Ziering