Smallville does not belong to me, and unfortunately nor does Superman.

I have to warn you, the first two chapters will be a little recap with my favorite dialogues, i made some changes of course to serve the purpose of which I want to take this season. Questions and suggestions are appreciated. Also english is not my fist language i am still learning, so be nice.


Clark was human, after all this time wanting to be normal, this wasn`t in his plans, in his imagination, beeing human meant work at the farm with Lana at his side as his wife and having children running around. A dream, a beautiful one but even if he got back to the farm this dream would never come true. Lana left so he could protect the people and he did the exact opposite by losing his powers the way he did, he blamed Jor-El but knew deep down that his A.I of a biological father was right by making him human so that he couldn't be used as a weapon against the world. He gave to much power to Lex and ignored Jor-El`s warnings now he had only himself to blame, but complaining about his A.I father is more satisfying. Chloe needs his help and he can't even scape this form of enslavement. Think about it wasn't going to help his case his only chance now was Olliver and the rest of the team finding him. His attempt of scape was ridiculous he ended up with a headache and more bruises and sores, but he could take it, the pain when under green kryptonite was far worse for him.


It toke a entire month for Olliver and his team to find Clark and when they did Olliver was the one to go pick him up as the others went back to their lives and missions. Olliver just understood the motive behind the need to pick Clark up from the Russians when he looked at his friend`s face and saw fatigue and the cuts he was spotting apparently Clark is without his powers. The conversation on the way to Black Creeak was comfortable but tense Olliver didn`t want Clark to go, the man has no training on fighting, but his friend wanted to play hero, and by having powers and advantages Clark never worried about being over powered by the enemy unless they had green kryptonite, he was also never afraid of bullets or any other kind of weapons or closed doors or any other thing, Clark don't have any normal survival skills really. And that sucks not only for him but for every one that normally don't have to worry about Clark being shoot now have to.

" We have 15 minutes maximum " said the Archer looking around in search of guards nearby " Stay behind me "

" No, we'll cover more ground if we split " replied Clark. The Archer looked incredulous " What will you do if caught ? Bite someone ? " said him sarcastically.

"I will not argue with you , Chloe is in danger! " stated Clark firmly.

"All right Clark, go and be the hero, but who will be there to save you ? " concluded the angry Archer with the stubbornness of his friend . After looking at each other for a few seconds then they followed in opposite directions.


Lois! Clark couldn't believe it. How does she do that? That woman is always in the middle of the danger, even with the resources the team have, they didn't found were Chloe was until this morning, Lois investigative skills are truly impressive some times.

After they disabled the guards Lois grabs the gun from one of them. "What are you doing here?" she asks as they continue to look for her cousin.

"I heard they have a good espresso" he replied automatically. Even in these situations the instinct of teasing Lois was stronger than simply responding. "What, you disappear for a month and come back with a sense of humor?" asked her already annoyed with the idiot who disappeared when she needed him, not that she would admit it of course.

"I'm looking for Chloe, the question is how did you get in here?"

"Feminine charm" Clark makes a snorting soud with his mouth. "Yes, i do have some"

"Good job protecting your short suply of it" said him teasingly.

"Why don't you stop complaining and do exactly as I say, then we can find Chloe and stay safe at the same time" she said cocking the gun. "Could you stop pointing that gun at me." said Clark "Oh Clark, i am not pointing at you" Lois replied. Clark looks at her in disbelief. "What! I'm not! Even so that is only your keecap."

"That makes me feel so much better," said him half joke half serious.

"Look, I know you're nervous, but I grew up in the middle of the Navi Seals in camps and not in the cornfield, stay with me and I'll protect you, you'll be fine"

"Chloe," Clark said when he found his friend in one of the rooms, he tries to open the door but it's locked and without his powers it would be difficult to open. "Out of the way Smallville" Lois looks at him confident point the gun to the lock, Clark immediately looks at her and obeys understanding what she plans to do. Lois then shoots.


Chloe could not believe that of all people Lois was the one who found her first, surprised she was not fast enough to warn about the hidden coward. Clark then came in right after Lois and knocked the agent out, then he checked to see if she was not badly hurt . Chloe knew she should be more concerned with her fallen cousing, but knowing what happened to Clark and warning him about the others took precedence.


Oliver could not control his body no matter how hard he tried, his answers were Automatic trying to follow the order imposed on him . He found himself threatening Clark, found himself shooting the first, the second time and then his body was again completely his. Whit Clark powerless the arrows shots were lethal, Chloe ran to him, but could not heal his wounds, she was without her skills too. Then a strange Martian appeared and saved his friend when he could not .


Clark was dying and the images he was seeing were of his father his mother`s and Lana`s, all the images had a nostalgic felling on it. After confirming that his powers were where they should be, the talk with Jones who sacrificed his own powers because they saw something great in Clark.

He will have to face the fact that it was time to accept that his old life, was only that, his past, it's time to say goodbye and start going towards his future, his destiny. Him actively participating Oliver's group also appeared to be an inevitable thing. Beeing two different people did not seem so ridiculous anymore. Being a reporter and know the disaster in advance was the most logical, having an excuse to be in most places even more, and working alongside Lois was perfect, she attracts a lot of attention and causes his presence not to be the main focus. Also annoying her would be a nice bonus.


The noise of the chair that belongs to the desk in front of her's was starting to really annoy Lois, even not wanting to give in, the silence was worse. She glared at the offender sitting in the chair.

"Oh! I am sorry Is this bothering you?" asked Clark trying not to laugh.

"The chair or you on it" she replied with a half smile.

Clark smiled back and took the name plate of the table he is sitting and leaned in a little closer to Lois "Lois" he started to say "I, hn, i wanted to say that you did really well out there" She continued to stare at him with that half smille "You lived up to your father's camp"

"Thanks," she replied "And as for you" she says trying not to smile more than she already was "That really surprised me, for your first attempt at heroism" Clark opens a quick secret smile.

"I better get going," he said getting up "I'll see you bright and early Monday morning" continued toward the exit.

"Wait a minute! Why Monday? What do you mean with bright and early?"

"Lois, you were the one who gave me the application" said Clark turning to her with a playful smile "You're looking at the newest recruit to the Daily Planet" Lois contains a satisfied smile.

"This is great, what made you change your mind?"

"I think I wanted to be in the middle of the action"

"Good for you, so you will start in the mail room?" Clark makes a small humorous noise.

"No, I'll be a little closer to home," he says looking at her and then to the table that he occupied not long ago "It looks like we will be neighbors Lane" he said walking away with a huge smile on his face. Lois got up quickly and took the sign plate that had the name 'Clark Kent'

"You have got to be kidding me"
