He hates Digimon, he thinks. Now that he knows the word, he hates them.

No, he doesn't. Not really. He hates big Digimon. He hates imposing ones, ones that shove their world view on you without asking if you really cared. He hates bully Digimon.

Nat-chan was kind of like that. Except she backed off, all of the time. She backed off every time he looked uncomfortable and never pressed and he wishes she had a little more. He wished she had come to him when he made her cry because then they would have been stronger together. As it was, he had made her weak.

He hates himself.

He needs to find her again, no matter what.

Daimon Suguru is naive.

He thinks if you just punch something enough and they punch you back that's enough to have an understanding. He doesn't understand the true nature of some creatures. Nor does he understand their longing or love.

Akihiro does. He knows much better than Suguru. That's why he's on this journey. He's going to find her, his Nat-chan.

He's going to say he's sorry.

He doesn't know what else will happen. But maybe, if they just try again, they'll have a better future.

(He knows in his last moments that he's wrong, very wrong.)

A/N: so this could have gone on another ten chapters. And it almost did. But that would have dragged onthrough what we already can guess. Probably. So if you want to take a guess, please do! And please look at Onixflame the Blue's ZH series as well as Spreading of the Roots, my upcoming Savers AU. For more Rhythm, please look outfor Something Like a Best Friend. Thanks so much!