A/N: Hello wonderful people of the fanfiction world! I apologize for being gone for so long. I promise I haven't abandoned Reign; it's just going to take me a while to plan things out for it. Meanwhile, I have this little story for you, updated daily through this whole month!

"Hello, hello, recent Hogwarts graduates! We have gathered you all here today to reveal one of the Ministry's newest decrees." A witch in cotton candy pink robes and a cotton candy blue hat stood on the podium before all of the graduating class of 1998, or those who had survived the war at least. There were a great number of them, and all who hadn't yet left Britain were herded to this mandatory event. The witch spoke again in her annoyingly high-pitched voice, reminding them all of Umbridge. "You are all going to be so excited! Now, who's ready? Oh, come on now. Don't be shy. I know you're all enthusiastic!" The false, overdone excitement she displayed made most of them want to vomit. "In light of the tragic, tragic war, the Ministry has decided to make each class spend a month out in the Muggle World!" Murmurs broke out at this. The muggleborns seemed worried yet excited, the half-bloods contemplative, and the purebloods split evenly between curiosity and disgust. "Isn't this wonderful? You all are the first class to get to be part of this program!"

"Haven't we been through enough?" a voice asked.

"Honestly though. Why are we the guinea pigs?" someone replied.

The Ministry witch attempted to glare at them in a way that looked almost comical. "You all ought to be honored." She went on to praise the Ministry for a solid ten minutes. Kingsley seemed to have established a much better government, but clearly he had allowed the Muggle Relations Department too much free reign. Finally, the woman stopped talking. Other Ministry workers began handing out slim books to each of the graduates entitled The Wizard's Guide to the Muggle World. These will be your guide to everything! Of course, if you run into any issues, please consult the nearest muggleborn. He or she will surely help you out."

A couple people flipped through the pages. Hermione shrieked out, "This is entirely wrong though! A television set does NOT shrink people down temporarily! Who even edited this?"

Once again, the witch gave her a disdainful look. "This is Ministry-approved material Miss Granger. Do try and respect the work of our researchers. Being a war heroine doesn't mean you know everything."

Hermione scoffed and muttered under her breath something about having to "burn the piece of utter rubbish" and "wouldn't a muggleborn know more anyway?"

"Okay now everyone," the witch began, switching back to her sugary voice. "If you would just follow me this way, here is the entrance to the Muggle World. Please place your wands in the receptor. They will be returned to you at the end of the month.

"Wait! We're going now?!" Several people screamed out in a near panic. "I don't have any of my things!"

"That's not to matter. You can simply get new things there. Come along now."

One by one, they entered the Muggle World, the purebloods huddling together right outside of the bus station they had just seemingly exited. It was most people's first time there, and they felt naked without their wands. Some self-consciously realized that they would need new clothes as their robes were starting to attract attention. The group gave a collective sigh. It was going to be a long month.

A/N: Thoughts? Most chapters will be about this length (500 ish words). In case you didn't know, reviews are the sustenance of my soul. This is one of those stories that I'm entirely open to suggestions. I'll try my best to get another chapter out tonight. If not, I'll have two out tomorrow.