The day was pleasantly warm, the beginning of spring was just around the corner and Cullen happily welcomed it. He set down his axe by the leftover wood from winter and wiped the sweat from his brow. The sun started to creep under the horizon, marking the end of another day and casting long shadows across the plains. Cullen found himself smiling over the nostalgic view. It was a view he often gazed at as a child before he left for the Templars. It was good to be back again.

"Working hard I see." The soft voice made him jump and he turned to meet Lavellan smiling up at him. She looked as beautiful as ever with the sunset dying her skin a light shade of pink. The white summer dress she wore did nothing to hide her small frame.

"I uh...was just taking a break to admire the view." He stuttered.

The elf raised a brow and chuckled. "No need to defend yourself to me." She crept up next to Cullen and took his hand, intertwining their fingers together. "Sorry your sister won't let you inside."

Cullen laughed. "That's just human customs when it comes to this sort of thing."

Lavellan tilted her head. "I know, it's still a little odd though." She said.

"Well, to be fair Mia is making more of a deal out of it than most people would." Cullen sighed as he rubs his sore neck.

"I don't blame her though. Her little brother is going through a big event in his life. She wants to celebrate." Cullen looked down to met Lavellan's glittering eyes. He couldn't help but smile back at her.

"I guess I have you to thank for that." He lifted her tiny hand to his lips and gave it a small kiss on the fingers.

"ARI!" A voice suddenly booms from the cabin, making the two jump in unison.

The elf let out a tired sigh. "Guess I better get back to my wedding dress fitting before Mia has a heart attack."

"A wedding, huh? He must be a lucky man." Cullen jokingly winked, earning a laugh from his beloved.

"You have no idea." Lavellan reached up to her tip toes and wrapped her thin arm around his neck. "See you later tonight?"

"Of course."

They share a long kiss in the dying sunlight before Mia calls Lavellan back inside. Cullen watched her go for a bit and then turned his gaze back to the horizon.

But instead of the setting sun against the orange sky he instead spots the shadow of a figure. A great beast with a mane of flowing fur and eyes as sharp as daggers. A wolf.

Somehow Cullen didn't feel any fear for this creature as he stared at it. It seemed to meet his stare with a peculiar intelligence in its glowing eyes. After a few heartbeats the beast slowly rose to its full height and turned back to melt into the shadows of the forest. Disappearing forever.