She walked away, heels tapping on the damp tarmac, the knife still clutched in her hand. Do the brave thing she'd always told herself … words that now made her sick to her stomach.

Belle slipped back into town quietly, keeping to the shadows. She crept into the house they'd shared; to their room. The bed was still unmade and she curled herself up amongst the wrinkled sheets, breathing his scent. Their scent.

When the phone rang, she couldn't rouse herself to answer. The door bell sounded, followed by a hail of knocking. Someone shouted and still she did not move. Belle needed them to leave her alone, to let her mourn her husband's descent into darkness.

It started to rain, great drops beating against the windows. She wondered if he was still there, out beyond the town line. On his knees. Begging. Her self control shattered. Great, ugly tears splashed down her cheeks, staining the pristine white pillow. Her body convulsed as she wrapped her arms around her stomach trying to stop the long angry sobs.

Belle cried herself out during the night. By the time the sun rose she had nothing left to give. Not for herself, not for anyone in this town. With the stillness of the new day came clarity. And, in that moment, Belle knew that she couldn't stay. She washed her face, wiped away the traces of her tears and tried to pull together the last remnants of any strength she might once have had.

She packed a bag and slipped the wedding ring from her finger. If, by some chance, he came back to Storybrooke he would find it. He would know. Taking one last look around their house, Belle realised that there was nothing here that she wanted. Not the selfie she had forced him to take on their wedding day… not the chipped cup. She left everything, closing the door softly behind her as she walked out into the early morning light.

She only made one call. A simple request, refused at first. But Belle argued, begged … pleaded. In the end she made her deal.

And six weeks later, in a city called New York, a girl called Lacey French discovered that she was pregnant.