An: Started on the first episode after Tenzin said he couldn't train Korra. It's a crossover fusion

"I don't understand. Why are you making me wait?" Korra asked.

In the South Pole there was a somewhat secret compound. Its purpose was to train the successor of Avatar Aang who would be the next savoir of the world. But unfortunately the protector's protectors took Aang's final wishes of keeping the next Avatar safe to the extreme as she at seventeen years of age hadn't even seen the outside world let alone set foot in it.

"I have a responsibility to Republic City. I am one of its leaders, and the situation there is very unstable right now." Tenzin Aang's youngest son and the current leader of the Air Nomad way of life stated as he sat next to the young Avatar in the dining hall of training facility.

"But you also have a responsibility to teach me." Korra snapped back referring to Tenzin's obligated duty to teach her the ways of Airbending as she had already learned Water, Fire and Earth. "Believe me, I'd be happy to find another Airbending master, but you're the only one…

But before the young Avatar could finish her sentence a piece of the hall's ceiling broke off and landed right in front of her completely ruining the dinner that was laid out in front of her.

"What in the world!" Tenzin shouted as he and the other members of the White Louts the once secret society of enlightened artisans got up from the table and were about to rush Korra out of the hall for her safety when someone landed right in front of the Avatar.

A young man around the Avatar's age wearing a long-sleeved black tactical turtleneck shirt with orange pants and black sandals fell through the celling and landed safety on the dining table by creating an invisible force of wind to slow his acceleration as he land on the dinning furniture.

"That's….did he just!" Tenzin squeaked out as he tried to understand what had just happened.

"It's not possible!" the White Lotus leader of Water Tribe whispered in disbelief just as Tenzin did.

"You're…" Korra said slowly before she started to shout out. "You're a… you can't be….. can you!"

The young man flipped off the table and landed on the opposite side of it as he looked Korra in the eye with a smirk. "I know you mind is frozen with wonder but its true." He said with gusto as he ran his hand on the top of his head. "But this is my natural hair color." he said referring to his short spiky yellow hair. "I don't dye it or anything."

The room fell silently before everyone shouted back at him. "We weren't talking about that!"

The young man frowned slightly as he looked back at Korra. "Oh then why are you all freacking out so bad if it's because of the hole in your building I can just fix it later….uhoh prepare for impact!" the young Airbender turned around and held up one hand as he created a large barrier of wind that shielded Korra, Tenzin and the White Lotus members from the debris created when a large capsule fell in from the sky obliterating the rest of the hall's celling.

Just as the mysterious Airbender stopped his air shield the hatch on the cylinder capsule swung open as a squad of men dressed in identical outfits that covered them all in brown leather with the exception of their lower face stumbled out of the example pod. The last man out wasn't dressed like the others as he was only wearing a pair of black pants allowing the world to see his scaly white skin along with the large snake that had been attached to the man at the belly button.

"That was a clever try Agent Naruto." The snake man said as his goons where trying desperately to stand up straight but where failing due to vertigo from the fall most likely. "But you should have known blowing up my airship wouldn't have been enough to destroy me or my men!" right as he said that the man's belly snake slumped to the ground and began to throw up. "Lieutenant Hiss!" the patsy snake man shouted over his second in command. "Are you all right!"

The snake hissed back a reply in silent tongue that he was just air sick.

"Who or what is that?" Korra asked having jumped over the table and standing right next to the Airbender now known as Agent Naruto. "Is he a spirit?"

"No that's Kabuto he's just a member of this crazy snake cult that works for an even freakier snake guy named Orochimaru who wants to unlock the key to immortality."

"And to achieve this goal members of this cult have sworn their lives to an evil snake spirit!" Tenzin shouted as he too jumped over the table and tried to push Korra back from the strange snake man and his goons.

"What, no they didn't sell their souls to a snake spirit you weirdo!" Naruto said in disbelieve. "That would be crazy they just injected themselves with super snake steroid dna to alter their genetic codes to become half man half serpent foot soldier guys. What you said was just stupid."



Korra and Tenzin looked back at each other and shrugged having relatively no knowledge in the principles of the advanced bio chemical sciences.

"Silence!" Kabuto shouted as Lieutenant Hiss finally finished throwing up. "Give me the medusa serum you stole and I might let the bulgy female and the old people of this retirement home live!" Kabuto finally took a look at his surroundings as he turned to one of his henchmen. "Where did we land anyway is this a retirement home?"

While the goon pulled out a map trying to guess their location Korra's eye started to tick as she shouted "Who's that freak show calling bulgy!" she shouted while self-consciously looking over her biceps.

"Don't listen to him." Naruto said back. "I think you look super sexy!" he said with a wink and a thumb up. "After I'm done beating these guys up maybe we can go out on a date."

While Korra's face lit up like the northern lights while she tried to brush off the Airbender's complement, Tenzin stood between them having his parental mode begin to rise at the yellow haired boy's boldness on asking the Avatar out on a date.

"You aren't going anywhere near Korra not while I have some questions that need answering!"

Naruto just looked back at Tenzin blankly while he leaned forward to look back at the Water Tribe girl. "So you're Korra? I like it your name sounds just as beautiful as you are."

Korra's cheeks turned even brighter as she tried even more desperately to brush him off. " saying stuff like that!" she shouted.

"Enough with this nonsense!" Kaburo shouted as he pointed a clawed finger at Naruto. "Get him!" only for the snake man to point a little more to the left away from Naruto.

"Who are you pointing at?" Naruto asked not at all threated at getting into a rumble with the snakes.

"Arggg I broke my glasses from the fall you ass my vision's blurry!"

Kabuto then noticed that despite his poor pointing his men hadn't move a muscle as they stood completely still. "What are you waiting for I said go get him!"

"Ah sir he just took down an imperial sized airship whit just a tanto I'm not going anywhere near him!" one moock shouted.

"Yeah I thought we were going to just run away after we came out of the capsule!" another shouted.

"Silence you fools and obey my commands!" Kabuto screamed. "Lord Orochimaru will have our heads if we don't get that canister back! Besides if it makes you feel better I can't smell Uzumaki's blade he most likely lost it when he took down the ship!"

"What I didn't lose my…" Naruto feel silent as he reached over towards his leg sheath and realized it was now empty. "Damn it I did lose….wait what do you mean you can't smell my blade?"

Kabuto let out a toothy grin as he taped his nose. "My radical appearance isn't merely cosmetic I have the advanced smell receptors of a true serpent that and you never wash your tool it smells just like that grinding device that a butcher uses to ground up meat."

"What do you mean a meat grinder?"

"Yes I suppose it is what it….Ah enough of this kick his ass!"

Naruto shrugged as he reached in his back pocket and pulled out a metal canister and tossed it over towards Tenzin who almost fumbled the container. "Hold on to that for me Pops I got to take care of these guys!" taking only a small step forward Naruto looked back at Korra and said. "After I take care of these guys maybe your grandpa will let me take you out." He said before charging forward.

"He doesn't decide who I can and can't go out with!" Korra shouted out angrily.

"And I'm not her grandfather!" Tenzin shouted as well.

As Naruto ran he held out his and created a small orb of wind that distorted and started to span out a whirling ring around itself. "Let's start off with a bang Rasenshuriken!" he shouted out his attack as he threw the destructive disk.

The attack flew across the hall and headed right towards Kabuto and his goons. With a quick command of "Scatter!" the snake people dodged just as the Rasenshuriken pasted right at them and struck their escape pod. The air attack then imploded as it expanded and took the shape of a large sphere of death that claimed the limbs of a few goons and the head of Lieutenant Hiss.

Kabuto gasped out in sorrow as he literally lost a part of himself. "Lt. Hiss, Uzumaki you suck!" he shouted just as Naruto got in his face and threw a left hook. With his snake reflexes Kabuto dodged the attack only to be stuck by an inviable force that broke his nose and sent him flying back.

"What just happened?" Korra asked out loud having not taking part of the rumble only she could observe how well a fighter Naruto was. "That Kabuto guy dodged that punch?"

"It's the because of Boss' fighting style!" a voice shouted out causing Korra and Tenzin to look up to see that an even younger boy around Tenzin's oldest daughter's age slowly float though the giant hole in the roof via the metal backpack he wore that was letting out a volley of fire that not only slowed his decent but also made him hover above the ground once he was in the hall.

The boy had brown hair and wore an outfit identical to Naruto's with the only exception of wearing a long blue scarf with his style. "That's the sage toad style of Airbending!"

Hovering right next to the Air Nomad the young boy used his scarf as an extension of his self as he yanked the metal canister out of Tenzin's hands and into his. The boy then placed the metal canister on his own metal backpack as it clasped into place as he undid his buckle and feel to the floor while that metal backpack shot up into the air and into the sky.

"The names Konohamaru I'm boss Naruto's right hand man!"

"No you're not!" Naruto shouted back as he knocked another goon out with a whirlwind kick that held an actual whirlwind at the other end of it. "You're my sidekick, and that jet pack's coming out of your next paycheck!"

"Same thing!" Konohamaru shouted back. "And that's not fair I'm still in training I barely make minimum wage!"

"Wait young man what did you mean when you said toad sage style?" Tenzin asked.

"Oh I said that's the Boss' fighting style." Rubbing the top of his head Kona nodded over to Tenzin "That giant tattoo means you're an Air Nomad right?"

"Yes I am and up until a short time ago I thought me and my children where the only other Airbenders left." Tenzin said slowly as he just realized with shock that there was another Airbender in the world.

"Well the last Nomad sure but there are a tone more Airbenders out there!" Kona exclaimed. "Like a long, long time ago the Air nomad people got into this big fight. I don't know what it was about but basically the Airbenders split off into two major groups the Air nomad monks like you and the Air ninjas like Boss Naruto and my Uncle Asuma."

"Your Uncle's an Airbender too?" Korra asked her eyes not leaving Naruto as she watched him slam a flat palm against Kabuto that shot the snake man off the ground and crashing into a wall.

"Yeah he's the one who taught Naruto how to use the air to create unstable blades of wind!"

"But that goes against the teaching of Airbending!" Tenzin shouted as he began to realize Naruto wasn't using the art defensively but in close range combat.

"Well that's how you Nomad guys learned to fight from the sky cows." Konohamaru stated. "But like I said before Boss learned to Airbend from the frog sages of Mount Myoboku. They taught him how to use the air around him to create an invisible force of armor that makes him faster, stronger, and tougher than any other human! The armor even extends his reach so if he punches someone and they dodge they'll still get affected if their within the armor's range."

Just as the boy said that Naruto stomped on the ground crushing the arm of another random goon who thought he moved his limb on time.

"Tenzin I guess you can go home now." Korra said having takin everything Kona said to heart as she could keep her eyes off of Naruto for more than one reason. "I think I just found my new Airbending teacher!"

That horrified Tenzin more than the sight of Naruto using a close line attack that knocked Kabuto out as the villain screamed in pain. "Korra you can't be serious we don't even know who either of these boys are!"

"Oh Boss didn't introduce himself!" Kona reached into his pocket and showed Tenzin a flip wallet badge that held an i.d. card. The card in the bage had a distorted picture of Konohamaru with the word Spyral right next to it in bold letters.

"Spyral?" Tenzin asked as he read the badge out loud.

"Yes sir we're a global peace keeping organization that's been keeping the world save from monsters, crazy science guys and munch of other super weird stuff for the last five thousand years." The boy stated as reached to his side and pulled out a Tanto sword and tossed it over towards Naruto.

Naruto without turning around Naruto caught the blade and showed the rest of the snake themed villains an evil smile as he got ready to swing the weapon.

"Hit the deck!" Konohamaru ordered as he fell to the floor and covered his head.

"What why?" Korra asked ash she took the little boy's words to heart and followed his lead.

"Remember when I said my Uncle taught Naruto to create blades out of air."

Both Korra and Tenzin nodded as the older man as well as the White Louts members who were silent went on the ground as well.

"Well he also showed Naruto who to extend the reach of anything with a sharp edge."

"How far a reach are we talking about?"


"Quickly fall back to building that looks like a cafeteria!" Sakon Kabuto's head henchman shouted as he ordered the rest of Orochimaru's cannon folder soldiers to head towards the building were they say Konohamaru's jet pack fly out of. "That punk Uzumaki and his pet monkey are in there!" the creepy pale young man commanded as the mooks with him were busy keeping an approaching army of White Louts sentries at bay via the metal weapons they had strapped on their arms.

"It's easier said than done sir the Resonating Echo Speakers aren't working on those little airbenders!"

'Little airbenders?" looking behind he saw three children dressed in Air Nomad garb shooting out air blasts that distorted the sound attacks created from arm speakers. "Damn it sound can't travel if the air molecules are manipulated, Ukon!"

Sakon had awaken his twin brother that was physically attached to him from the back. "We need fire support!"

Ukon woke with a smile as he opened his mouth and let out a firestorm while Sakon ran forward towards the cafeteria only for it the be invisibly sliced in half and fall over to the ground.

"Ah crap Uzumaki really is in there…."

An: So I thought of doing a sort of spy fiction with this one so instead of going off to Republic City Korra joins along with Naruto and Konohamaru as they travel the world and getting missions that would lead towards espials adventures and as Avatar or not Korra would have a intern badge making her lower then Konohamaru

Eventually they would go to Republic City but not when the Equalists rise to power but to stop one of Orochimaru's plots to turn the city into snake people. Which in turn would overcloud Amon and his stuff. Korra would have learned as well as sage mode style Airbending that while the Avatars kept the world of balanced Spyral would have kept the planet from dying, exploding, imploding being eaten by an old one, or sacrificed to summon an elder god stuff like that.

A story arch would have been that the reason that Spyral didn't do anything to stop the one hundred year war was because it's instigator was a country's leader just expanding and trying to take over another country so it wasn't really important to them as well as the Air Nomad genocide mostly due to the fact that the Air Ninja's who make up a majority of Spyral have had a long standing feud with the nomads as the nomads tried to hide the fact that Guru Laghima was a psychopath that was able to fly because he was incapable to form any earthly attachments and who started fires for no reason and the reason he never touched the earth in his final years because he was running from the Airbenders who were hunting him down. When Laghima was brought in the half the nomads wanted tell the world what he did the others wanted to cover his actions up and just alter his history in the books. This causes a split in the fractions the ones who wanted a cover up became the modern day Air Nomads, while the ones who wanted the truth out there became the first incarnation of ninja's and Spyral. Which is ironic since they work in the shadows but in modern times don't care if people find out about them because the idea of a secret group of Airbenders who have access to tech that's like fifty to a hundred years ahead of its time is just silly.

Next time my short story segment of the Fire Ferrets facing off a different team in the preliminary round a team composed of a rapping Waterbender, a solemn and somewhat seriously scary Earthbender, and a strange Firebender with yellow hair. Go team Tailed Beast!