In order to avoid taking up too much space, the bulk of my author's note is down at the bottom. Since this is the final chapter, I simply will say I hope you enjoy, and I'll see you in the next one.

-Two Years Later-

The sound of a whetstone grinding against a blade filled the empty room. Ruby was seated cross-legged on the floor, calmly running the stone over Crescent Rose's blade one more time. Carefully wiping off the oil with a rag next to her, she gave the blade a once-over. Nodding, satisfied with her work, she began reassembling Crescent Rose.

As she tightened each bolt, slid each part into place, she let her mind go blank. Just taking comfort in the small actions she was doing, keeping her breathing even and steady. It had been ten years since she had stepped foot in Vale. Two years since she'd returned from her self-imposed exile. Two years since she'd decided to stop letting the voices in her head manipulate her. It had been a long, hard road, one she still was fighting.

She realized early on, it'd never truly go away…her brain itself was damaged, and Aura could only do so much. Modern medicine could only do so much. Even after she'd made her choice, she kept having those days where it was a struggle to even get out of bed, much less train for what was to come today. And she knew she wasn't the only one. She had to watch her beloved fight with the demons that plagued her within, had to watch her sister constantly battle against a desperate desire within her body to drink. Had to watch as one of her oldest friends still had trouble knowing friend from foe in the midst of battle, had to watch someone she looked up to as a warrior fight the same battle as her sister. Had to watch a man who became like her brother to her struggle with his own body.

But perhaps it was worth it, she mused. Maybe they didn't deserve what happened (although it was hard for her to acknowledge that sort of positive thought), but they'd clawed their way out of their individual pits as a team, as a family. At times kicking and screaming, other times sobbing, but they'd used each other's strengths to help cover the others weaknesses, insecurities, and pains. They had come so far in only two years, and in Ruby's eyes, they could only go forward…depending on how today went.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the door next to her opening. She squinted, the glaring light silhouetting the figure in the doorway. A smile crossed her face as she caught note of the long, white hair, the ice blue eyes gazing warmly down on her. Weiss' smile grew as she caught Ruby just tightening the final bolts on her weapon, before clambering to her feet. Weiss spoke softly. "It's time." Ruby nodded, sweeping her cloak back over her shoulders. Taking Weiss' hand in her own, she stepped outside.

Ruby wasn't sure she'd ever seen such an array of warriors before in her entire life. Hell, she couldn't think of many stories where such a display had occurred. Standing upon a cliff wall above the outer edge of Vale, her cloak fluttering in the soft breeze, she gazed along the lines beside her.

Hundreds of huntresses and huntsmen were arrayed together, standing shoulder to shoulder along the cliff wall, stretching out on both sides from Ruby. She could see team ABRN farther down, Arslan brushing at Reese's shoulder. Ruby could see the familiar scolding expression on her face as Reese just grinned cockily, giggling at Arslan's obsession with keeping dirt off their clothing. What was left of team FNKI was beside ABRN, only Flynt and Neon remaining. Still, they stood, smiling and joking with the hunters around them, holding whispered conversations and checking gear.

Team CFVY was only a few groups down from Ruby. Velvet was smiling gamely, flinching every so often as engines of Bullheads whirred by, setting down more and more troops in turn behind the assembled hunters, but standing strong. Yatsuhashi and Coco flanked her, reassuring hands on her shoulders as Fox carefully inspected his blades. Team SSSN had come, although Neptune was not in the front lines. As Ruby scanned her eyes over the area, she could see Neptune wishing his team the best, giving Sun a final hug, before he hurried back towards the medical tents gathered further back and set under heavy guard. She spotted Bercilak welcoming Neptune, before handing him a medical kit and sterilization equipment to begin preparing. Scarlet was double checking his Dust supply, making sure everything was ready as he could only fight as artillery still.

Ruby could see more…team's BRNZ, NDGO, and many more she didn't know or were simply solo hunters from the respective kingdoms. Each and every one gathered together, ready to go into a mission she was leading. A mission she had spent two years planning, with her family and friends, with Ozpin. Ruby let her gaze continue along, looking behind her.

She hadn't expected Mistral or Vacuo to send as many as they had. The kingdoms had practically emptied out, leaving only a skeleton guard in each in order to send as many soldiers as they could. She could see Vacuan scouts chatting and drinking with Mistralian Dragoons, could see the few Atlas soldiers who had either survived the Fall or joined in the new army being built hyping themselves up. Further back, she spotted the green raiment marking troops from Vale, the very small veteran contingent who survived the Fall. She hadn't expected them to come, but they had considered it their duty and had objected vociferously at the thought of not being part of the invasion. She couldn't stand in the way of that kind of determination, and had been happy to welcome them into the force.

Bullheads roared overhead, more and more supplies being dropped. The hunters had cleared this staging point out only a few days back, but already the army had built temporary shelter, set up defenses, and begin entrenching themselves in case the fallback position was necessary. Far in the back, Ruby spotted the Reclamation, its engines idling as it waited for the signal. Ruby smirked to herself, knowing that even though Raine was in the pilot's seat, Penny would still be in most of the control.

Turning to her left, Ruby nodded at her sister team, JNPR, standing at the ready next to them. Pyrrha had her arm wrapped around Jaune's waist, her spear held loosely in her other hand as Jaune gazed out over the battlefield before them. Nora was practically vibrating with excitement, her fists clenched around her hammer, sparks flitting off of her as her Semblance was barely being held in check. Ren rolled his eyes indulgently, before her noticed Ruby's gaze. He winked, then grinned and nodded behind Ruby.

Ruby turned around, instantly rolling her own eyes as she caught Yang and Blake kissing in a manner that was definitely not appropriate for public, much less the battlefield. Especially considering where Yang's hands were resting, as that was not the Faunus woman's waist. She coughed loudly, making Blake break off the kiss with a sheepish grin as Yang stuck her tongue out at Ruby for interrupting them. Ruby rolled her eyes a second time before turning her gaze to meet blue, her own expression softening.

Ruby reached up and cupped Weiss' cheek gently, the white-haired woman nuzzling into her hand for a moment with closed eyes. After a moment, Weiss opened her eyes to gaze at Ruby once more, leaning forward and brushing her lips across Ruby's gently. Ruby could feel Weiss' love, her confidence and faith, and it filled her with a strength she hadn't known she had.

"Commander, are you ready?" came the voice from behind, making Ruby turn to see Ozpin standing, cane planted in the ground as he placed both hands on it.

Ruby let out a rueful sigh. "Still weird to hear you call me that, Headmaster."

Ozpin scoffed. "You are the commander of this force, so that is your title. And in this fight, I follow your lead." Ozpin bowed deeply, before stepping up to take his position to the left of team JNPR, flipping his cane up into his hand and holding it at the ready.

Ruby took a deep breath, before tapping her earpiece. "Penny, do you read me?"

"Load and clear, Ruby. The bridge is ready, Raine is at the helm, and the cannon is charged," came the response through her earpiece.

"Any activity?" Ruby asked.

"Scans show the Grimm have begun mobilizing, but they seem scattered and confused. We have confirmed only one Drake so far, but it appears there are Leviathan's in the port waters. There still may be more Drake's in the city. However, the cannon should be able to take a Drake out. But I must give this reminder friend Ruby, the particle cannon needs time between shots to cool."

"Yeah, I know. I got a plan for the Drake anyways. If you're still up to it, Weiss…?" Ruby trailed off, turning to look at Weiss.

Weiss nodded. "I can do it. I'm sure."

Ruby smiled. "Good enough for me, Princess." Ignoring Weiss' glare at the nickname, Ruby turned her attention back to Penny. "Alright. Penny, can you open the comm channel then? I want to address everyone before we begin."

"Affirmative." Penny's voice faded out as Ruby heard the telltale beep in her ear signifying the channel connection, and noticed how everyone turned their attention towards where she was standing. Ruby took one more deep breath.

"Today is the day we've spent years preparing for. The day we've fought for, bled for, and some of us died for. And today, we may see the same. We still have a bigger fight before us, more blood to be spilled, more lives to be lost in what sometimes feels like a never-ending fight against the dark."

Ruby took a moment to look over her team, taking strength in the encouraging glances they gave her. Focusing, she closed her eyes as she concentrated. "But that ends today. The people of Remnant have never before managed to retake what has been taken from us by the darkness, but today, today we come together and we will. We lost Vale, not to the Grimm, not to the White Fang, not even to Cinder…no, we lost Vale to the same fear and loss the Grimm feed on. We lost Vale to our own fears. But not today. Not anymore."

Ruby paused, before pulling Crescent Rose out from behind her and extending her scythe to its full length. Slamming the haft down into the earth underneath her, she continued. "Vale is ours!" Remnant is ours! Everything in this world is ours, and no one, no one gets to take them from us! Look at us! Look around you! Humans and Faunus, people from every kingdom, together for one purpose, to bring back what was lost. Cinder thought she had us figured out. She thought she could make us destroy ourselves. But she was wrong. She's not here, but I am. I am because I had people who loved me, who were willing to do what it took to save me, and she was all alone. I'm standing here, with you by my side, and together, we can take back our city, and our world!" Ruby shouted the last words, raising her weapon above her head, a wide grin on her face as every other hunter lifted theirs. As the soldiers raised their weapons and a roar echoed out from the gathered forces, the sound carrying down the cliff and into the city below.

Ruby could see them below, the massive teeming wave of darkness, the white masks and red eyes glaring up at those gathered above them. But she could also see the Grimm take a collective step back, confusion on their faces. She knew, deep inside, there was no fear they could sense, no trepidation, no despair. The Grimm didn't understand it, couldn't understand it, and Ruby took an inordinate amount of joy in that knowledge.

A roar in return came from the direction of the center of the city, and Ruby watched as the massive black wings extended. A huge form flew up into the sky, its figure blotting out the rising sun that had been playing over the assembled forces, but she didn't feel a single iota of fear. Even as a second one launched itself behind the first, as the Grimm below began to shuffle restlessly, Ruby just smiled.

The whining of engines alerted the forces to the liftoff of the Reclamation, and Ruby didn't even bother to move as the gusting winds kicked up, buffeting them as it flew into the air. She heard the cannon's charge, could easily imagine Penny correcting the targeting. Raine's voice came over her earpiece. "Permission to fire, Commander?"

"Permission granted," Ruby replied. Raine had been waiting for the command, and before Ruby had even finished saying 'granted', the cannon fired. A massive pure white beam of energy shot out, rocketing into the first Drake and carving clean through it, blowing a hole in it large enough the Reclamation could have flown through it. Its eyes were open in shock as it began to fall, its body already dissipating into nothingness. The other Drake shrieked in rage, flapping its wings rapidly as it began to race towards the gathered forces. Ruby watched as Griffons and Nevermores lifted off, as more and more Grimm began to spill out of the city towards the cliff walls.

"We'll need another ten minutes before we can fire again, Commander," Raine reminded Ruby.

Ruby smirked, taking a step back from the cliff edge, one mirrored by every hunter save Weiss. "No worries. We got this. Weiss?"

Weiss took a deep breath, nodding. Closing her eyes, she steadied herself, Myrtenaster in hand. A single glyph appeared behind her, rotating slowly, as she held her rapier point down, both hands clasped over its hilt. With a cry, she thrust it down into the ground, the glyph behind her exploding as white erupted in the shape of a glyph from the ground below her.

A massive white figure burst out of the enormous glyph, wings spread wide as it roared out its own challenge to the world. Brilliant blue eyes replacing red, sparkling crystal like scales replacing oozing black. It tucked its wings back in as it settled down on its haunches, peering a curious gaze over at the now panting Weiss. Ruby wrapped one arm around Weiss' waist to help her stand steady, getting an appreciative head pat as Weiss got her breathing back under control.

Weiss looked up at the summoned Drake, reaching up and patting it on one of its massive claws. It made a whuffling noise, before a second roar from the Grimm Drake had it snapping its head towards it. It growled, the sound shaking the earth below it, before turning swirling blue eyes on Weiss, a questioning look in them. Weiss nodded, before quickly leaping up onto its back, Ruby just a step behind her. Yang and Blake followed suit, Blake rolling her eyes as Yang raised her arms above her head and cheered. Weiss scoffed, before turning back to Ruby.

Ruby raised her scythe above her head, activing the channel once more. "Now…for Vale. For Remnant. For the lost, for the living, and for those to come. For our world!" She shot one bullet from Crescent Rose, the summoned Drake roaring in unison, before it lifted off the ground, arrowing itself at the Grimm Drake with a singular intent, four huntresses gripping strongly as they followed it into battle. With one voice, one battle cry, the assembled hunters and the tens of thousands of soldiers followed suit, launching themselves off the cliffs and into the horde below, ready to retake their world.

-Five Years Later-

Ruby shot upright, gasping as she placed one hand over her heart. Panting into the darkness, she leaned her head back and looked up at the ceiling above. Realizing it had just been a nightmare, she let out a deep sigh and relaxed slightly, willing her heart to stop racing. Glancing down at the bed beside her, she smiled softly as she noticed the white haired woman beside her, softly breathing. Blinking rapidly, Ruby looked over at the clock on the nightstand.

'Six in the morning', she thought to herself. 'Been a while since I had a nightmare, but I guess it's too much to ask for them to stop forever.'

With a sigh, she knew sleep wasn't coming anytime soon. Besides, the alarm was set for only an hour hence, might as well get up. Carefully slipping out of the bed, trying to avoid waking the peacefully sleeping Weiss, Ruby grabbed up a tank top and slipped it on over her bare upper body. Walking towards the doors set in the exterior wall, she drew the curtains aside and opened the balcony doors quietly, stepping out onto their semicircular balcony. She leaned forward onto the fence circling it, resting her elbows on the cool metal as she gazed down.

She forgot how many stories up they were, but the newly rebuilt Beacon had been a marvel of engineering and design, featuring not one tower, but two, side by side. With the Vale citizenry clamoring for team RWBY to become the Kingdom's leadership, they hadn't given them much choice in where to reside. Not that Ruby minded much, the view up here was absolutely incredible.

She knew even now, other hunters would be waking in the rooms below hers, starting their day, and preparing for what was to come later in the evening. She knew Ren would already be up cooking, with Nora 'helping'. She knew Jaune would be down in the training room with Pyrrha, getting his morning exercises in to keep himself from going stiff. She knew that team CFVY (namely Coco) were busy getting everyone's clothing together…knew that SSSN were probably getting into trouble already. On and on, Ruby knew people were already moving. She would too, soon.

"Couldn't sleep?" came a voice from Ruby's right. Glancing over, Ruby saw Yang yawning, stepping out onto the balcony next to hers as she raised her arms over her head and stretched.

Ruby smiled softly. "Just a nightmare. Wanted some fresh air. You?"

Yang shrugged. "Lot's to do today. Set my alarm a bit earlier. Was hoping to avoid waking Blakey up."

"You didn't do a very good job," came the grumble from the doorway behind Yang. Blake stepped out, arching her back in a way that made Ruby's eyes widen and Yang smirk. Blake saw the gazes and rolled her eyes. "You two ever going to get over how flexible I am?"

"If I ever get over it, just shoot me. It's far too much fun!" Yang said with a giggle. Blake smacked Yang's arm, outrage plastered on her face. It only lasted a moment though, before she broke down into giggles too. She snuggled herself under Yang's arm, wrapping both arms around Yang's waist as Yang's arm went over her shoulder, holding each other close.

"I don't need the sordid details, Yang," Ruby said in a deadpan tone.

Yang stuck her tongue out at Ruby, making Ruby snort. A pair of arms came around Ruby's waist from behind as a form leaned into her. Ruby could feel a face pressing between her shoulder blades, and glanced back to see the white hair of her partner and lover. "Did I wake you?" Ruby asked, concerned.

Weiss shook her head into Ruby's back, before turning it just enough that her closed eyes and sleepy expression were visible. With her voice partly muffled by Ruby's shirt, she replied. "No. I just wanted to see you now, before you get whisked away for the ceremony."

Ruby smiled softly. "Well, marriage is a big deal I guess."

"Or so Coco is making it out to be," Blake deadpanned.

Yang shrugged. "Not every day you do a double wedding for some old ladies."

"Old?" Weiss practically shrieked, her eyes snapping open as she spun her head to glare at Yang. "I am not old! I'm only thirty-seven! I'm…refined!"

Yang snorted before replying in a sing song voice. "You mean oooolllddd."

"Ruby, I'm not old, am I?" Weiss asked, her voice becoming pleading as she tried to wheedle her soon to be wife.

Ruby turned around, taking Weiss in her arms and kissing her softly. "What you are is beautiful."

Weiss smiled for a moment, before it clicked. "Hey, you didn't answer my question! Don't think you're getting away with that!"

Ruby snickered, but quickly kissed Weiss again, cutting her off. Weiss tried to protest, but Ruby just kept landing kisses on her lips, keeping them occupied and enjoying how Weiss began to melt in her arms. Finally, with a loud groan, Weiss broke the kiss and slumped against Ruby. "Cheating dolt," she muttered, squeezing Ruby in a hug. Any further comments were cut off by a quiet bark, as Zwei tottered out onto the balcony to join them, flopping down onto Ruby's feet. Ruby smiled down at her pup as he yawned, planting his head on his paws as though he planned on going back to sleep.

Ruby turned back around, taking a moment to appreciate the rising sun. Weiss slipped to her side, taking up a mirrored posture like Blake was with Yang, watching it with her. Yang kissed the top of Blake's head, before speaking softly. "You guys ever think it'd turn out like this?"

Blake shrugged, content not to reply. Weiss kept quiet, closing her eyes as she leaned into Ruby's side. Ruby gazed out over the city, letting her eyes roam across it. "Not like this, no. But you know what?" Ruby paused, looking up at the sky above. As the sun crested the horizon, sending beams of warming light across the city, Ruby felt something inside her slowly loosen. Closing her eyes and breathing in the summer air, she smiled. "It didn't turn out so bad. We got each other…and that's good enough for me."

Weiss kissed Ruby on the cheek, nuzzling into her neck. Yang let out an acknowledging sound, as Blake nodded, closing her eyes. "Yeah. Not too bad for four girls thrown together by chance."

Ruby smiled up at the sky, taking in a deep breath of air that smelled a little like roses. Softly, she spoke. "Maybe it wasn't chance. Maybe this was meant to be. But either way…I'm happy. Happy I have all of you. My family."

Yang sniffled slightly. "I love you, baby sis. And you, Blakey. Even you, Ice Queen."

"Such a sap," Blake teased. "I love you too, sunshine. And my soon to be sisters, Ruby and Weiss."

Weiss rolled her eyes. "I love you too, Blake…who else would commiserate with me on these two ruffians?" Blake snickered in response. "And you, you big oaf." Turning to Ruby, Weiss kissed her on the nose. "And of course I love you, you big goof."

Ruby returned the kiss, brushing her lips against Weiss'. "I love all of you, with everything I am, and everything I will ever be. Now come on…I think it's about time we started the day." Reaching down, Ruby took Weiss' hand in her own. She could see out of the corner of her eyes as Blake yanked Yang up into her arms bridal style, the Faunus giggling at the flabbergasted expression on Yang's face as she carried Yang back into their bedroom to prepare for the day. Ruby brushed her thumb over the back of Weiss' hand and smiled down at her, carefully walking beside her back into the bedroom.

As Ruby walked with her soon to be wife back into their room, in their home, in their city, she spotted her cloak hanging on the chair at the desk. It clicked then, in her mind, why she could smell roses on the air earlier. Smiling to herself, she had just one thought. 'This…this is okay. This is good. I'm happy with this. Thanks for looking out for me...Mom.' With that single thought, Ruby pulled Weiss into her arms and kissed her deeply, confident in the world she'd helped build, and ready to face it once more. Together...forever.

Geez...I don't know how to express how I feel right now. Well, first, I'll explain why I'm ending it here...honestly, I have a bit of OCD, and the idea of doing 41 chapters bothered me deeply. So, I put two timeskips in one chapter. I apologize for that, but I don't think it hurt it that badly. And once again, this chapter was written to my favorite Two Steps From Hell songs, Never Back Down and Two Hearts.

However, to get to the way I feel about this...I'm sad to put this story down. It has, by far, been my most popular, without a doubt. I've personally not experienced this response from the community before, and its...a bit overwhelming, honestly. A lot of you have read this story as I wrote it, and many of you have expressed being in the situation of one of these girls...depression, schizophrenia, alcholism even, and while it saddens me to know you've been there, I am on the other hand glad this story could strike a chord within you. But honestly, I just have to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart, your support and kindness has been so incredible to me, and I am very thankful to all of you.

What does the future hold? Well, I have a number of ideas I'd like to move towards in my next stories, but I haven't decided yet. I'll probably take a short break, a week or two, and then put up a poll on my tumblr for what comes next. If you're interested in voting in said poll, and getting updates when I post or plan to post (or seeing lots of reblogged fanart), my tumblr is lupos-corvidae.

Anyways...thank you all once again for reading and joining me on this journey, and I really hope you all enjoyed it! See you all later!