My eldest brother:
the ever steadfast and honorable one.
You, mighty warrior, Hamato Yoshi's favorite son.
Before you, foes fell, one after another.

I always resented you, you know.
So much faster and stronger and braver than me,
Father gifted you his precious katanas, you see
and in my hands dropped nothing but a bō.

Those steel enforcers of justice and truth,
they gave you your power and courage.
Your fighting spirit was only earnest
because your fear your blades did soothe.

How was I to look death in the eyes and laugh?
Go conquer the world with nothing but a tree limb?
I've never heard an idea so dim.
My weapon snapped a thousand times in half.

No, no. It was your blades that made you brave and true.
You hid behind them, waited for the storm of battle to abate,
While I faced the world with empty hands, and tempted fate.
I was the courageous one, not you.

And then…
There came a night from which you did not rise.
Brother, I was foolish to let my jealousy vandalize
our bond. I would give anything to have you here again.

When you died, I… I took your swords.
I thought I deserved them more than you ever had,
thought I could bear their weight, but it drove me mad.
I recognized a reality that I had not believed before.

When I stood behind those swords, my fear only grew.
I always thought it was the katanas that made
You a warrior. Take them away and your might would fade,
I assumed, but it wasn't true.

Leo… I've figured out the real source of the valor in those blades.
It was you.

It was always you.