Author's Note: I do not own any of the characters in Mass Effect, this story was written out of entertainment. However, to sync up with the storyline of the game, some of the dialogues is verbatim to the script. The story starts off in the middle of Mass Effect 2.

Anyways, hope you guys like it and please leave some comments if you'd like. ^_^

Joan tried her best to understand Kaidan's anger, but a part of her wanted to punch him in the face for not understanding her perspective. She wasn't loyal to Cerberus or the Illusive Man, she simply joined forces with them because they were the only ones that were willing to do a damn thing about the Collectors. The Alliance wasn't going to help. The council refused to acknowledge the threat. Why didn't he see that?

Typical thoughts to be thinking while she was trying to wash muck and debris off of her. The one place where she could relax was also the one place where most of the thinking occurred. Her thoughts went back to the old Normandy, before Ilos. Kaidan had shared with her a very intimate moment, it did mean a lot to her. She sighed and closed her eyes at the memory; she wished he was there with her.

Slowly, she opened her eyes. There were important matters that needed tending to, her personal fucked up love life could wait. Almost lazily, she turned off the shower, dried off and got dressed. She needed to get something more comfortable than the ridiculous Cerberus uniform. But it would have to do for now. She quickly brushed her long black hair into a bun and continued to put her makeup on. Subtle black eyeshadow just to make her light blue eyes pop, a bit of mascara for her long lashes and a hint of blush just to give her a little bit of color.

She chuckled to herself. She didn't have time to take care of her love life but she somehow managed to make herself look a little presentable. How ironic.

She quickly went to her private terminal, trying to avoid the photo of Kaidan that was placed on her desk. She had intentionally avoided using her private terminal for fear that she would keep rereading the email Kaidan sent to her. Self torture.

She reviewed the dossiers the Illusive Man sent her to see who else needed to be added to the team. She already picked up the Justicar Samara, a very beautiful asari who had a penchant for chasing down criminals. It was almost frustrating having to deal with the Eclipse mercenaries, but she managed. Tali was already on board. It was so nice to have another old friend on the team. She could use the extra stability.

Joan opened the dossier on the assassin, this one was on Illium as well. She would need to go and check up with Liara to see what information she could provide on… what was his name? Thane Krios?

She closed her terminal and headed down to the CIC.

The words in Kaidan's email still stuck in her head. He mourned her, he missed her, and… drinks with a doctor. Maybe she should let him move on. She wasn't sure what do think. He did have a right to move on, she was technically dead for two years.

The elevator door pinged and she stepped out into the CIC. She headed straight for the galaxy map and decided to head to head back to Illium. It looked like the assassin was also on Nos Astra. She hounded herself internally for not picking him up when she picked up Samara. Oh well.

"EDI," she called into the com.

"Yes, Commander?"

"I'm plotting a course to Illium, make sure Joker gets us there in one piece," she joked.

"Right away, Commander."