" Speech"

' Thoughts '

School Rumble X Katekyo Hitman Reborn.


Karasuma lay on his bed,feeling the pain slowly diminishing as the cold embrace of death claimed him. A sense of relief washed over him as the battle with cancer was finally over. As he slipped from the realm of the living, the last thing he felt was the warmth of Tenma's hand in his. He had enjoyed the last few years of his life with her. They had made unforgettable memories and he would be happy.

But...what of the heartbroken girl he left behind. Regret tore away the fleeting happiness of a battle done. He started to grab out at his surroundings, trying to pull his way back to the woman who had stood by him no matter the circumstances. The normally stoic man felt his mask slip. He felt tears well up at the thought of her crying over his cold body.

" Not yet...please... "

Memories of her sleeping in a chair next to his bed with a smile on her face, her hand always in his. Their fingers intertwined in an expression of their love. She had always been there. Even when he had given up, she had been there, holding his hands and putting on that brave smile that never wavered.

" please... "

He had yet to realize that he was in an all encompassing darkness. An image of her smiling face slowly disappearing frightened him even further as he started to flail out even more desperately towards the void.


"Damn it, stop shouting would you, I'm right here..."

Karasuma froze.

He slowly turned towards the voice he had just heard and was blinded by the bedazzling light that had appeared.

" This bright light, it must the radiance of a holy being! "

As his eyes adjusted to the brightness he was greeted to the sight of...

A light bulb.

" I'm over here you know "

Karasuma's head snapped back forward to the owner of the voice. He was greeted by the sight of a healthier and more traditionally dressed version of himself.

" Who're you? "

" Yo. I'm Kami. "

There was a moment of silence as Karasuma observed the individual before him.

'... Am I just passed out and having a weird dream?'

A brief flicker of hope licked at his heart as he suddenly wished that this was all a dream...that he was still with her, their hands still interlocked.

" Yeah, uhhhh... Not happening lover boy. You're dead. Accept it and move on. "

Kami-sama was unexpectedly harsh. And the fact that his mind had just been read did not go missed by Karasuma.

" Moving on. I assume you know who I am? "

Karasuma let out a sigh at having his hopes so brutally and bluntly crushed by an apparently holy being and answered

" You're Kami-sama , if what I heard earlier was to be believed. Right? "

Small party poppers went off as Kami clapped.

" Ding ding ding. Right on the money. Observant little monkey aren't you."

Kami-sama was uncharacteristically friendly as well.

" Now before I get to the heavy stuff, any questions you might have? "

Karasuma assumed a thinking pose ( Head turned to either the left or right, tilted up or down, with a hand under the chin as the other arm is crossed, for those looking for a more visual description. ). He looked around and noticed he was in a traditional Japanese room with his personal artifacts scattered around. Even his manga tools were there.

" Where are we Kami-sama? "

Kami-sama abruptly stood and flared his hands out dramatically.

" This my young friend is a depiction of your soul. All your passions and ambitions, memories and thoughts. Everything in this room was a part of you. Behold, your very soul given form.

Karasuma looked around and noted that everything that Kami-sama had said was true. The articles scattered around were indeed parts of what made him who he was. There was his kappa rain set, his various costumes, his snowboard, his guitar, photos of various events in his short life, figurines from his manga, even volumes of the manga were scattered around. But something was missing. Something big.

Where was Tenma's presence? Tenma had played a huge role and had definitely influenced his life.

A hand suddenly found its way to his shoulder. Looking back at Kami-sama, he saw a barely suppressed laugh. Karasuma raised his eyebrow. Kami-sama covered his laugh with one hand as he pointed up.

Karasuma followed the direction of Kami-sama's finger and cast his gaze upwards and felt himself fighting a small blush. There was no ceiling to the room.

There, in the night sky was an image of Tenma made up completely of stars. His adoration of her had made her his star to shoot for. Literally apparently.

The sight of her brought a slight pang of pain to his heart. He had left her miserable and alone. He needed to move things along.

Casting his gaze towards Kami-sama, he found himself wondering about his appearance. Was this what they meant when God had made humans in his image?

" Not exactly, I just appear before you lost souls in forms you are most comfortable with...yourselves. "

Karasuma hadn't even asked the question yet.

Kami-sama was unexpectedly impatient as well.

" Well, it's not like I can do anything about it, I'm busy you know. Good help is hard to find these days."

Well, this was getting awkward.

" ARRGHHH. Enough with the questions I can get someone to fill you in later. "

Karasuma sweat dropped at Kami-sama's ranting. He had technically only asked one question, that too Kami-sama had asked him too.

Wait...what did he mean later?

" Kara-chan, I'm gonna get straight to the point. I want you to come work for me. I haven't been able to get new help in ages and these circumstances are miraculous. "

" What circumstances? "

" Well you see, I can't just Bibbity Boppity Angels out of nowhere. Their are a set number of circumstances that need to be fulfilled first. These are..."

Kami-sama suddenly did a spin and appeared in a chef costume, complete with pot and ladle.

" Two souls that were prematurely released. "

Kami-sama dumped two eggs into the pot.

" One with deep rooted and unfulfilled desires, the other with a complete and satisfied life. "

Kami-sama brought two cabbages one ripe and the other not.

" And lastly, also obviously, a contract! "

Kami-sama dumped a piece of paper that had what looked to be the words ' Will not become like lucifer ' written on it into the pot.

Okay, that last one was not even remotely a cooking ingredient...

Kami-sama stirred and suddenly a mini Karasuma with wings, stoic expression and a halo emerged.

These circumstances have been fulfilled and an amazing opportunity has emerged. An opportunity to give Tenma a chance to live a happy life.

Karasuma tensed. He was willing to do anything for her. But how would him becoming an angel help her?

" Well, you see, the other soul gets sent to replace yours, thereby changing the course of events and creating a new future. One where Tenma gets to grow old with the man she loves."

Karasuma felt his heart clench at the thought of Tenma loving another man. Had this been what Harima had felt whenever he had sacrificed his love for theirs.

Kami-sama moved forward and placed a comforting hand on his shoulders.

" I know it's hard, but think about her. She'll get another chance at happiness, and so will several others. Besides, haven't you got all those memories together? "

Karasuma closed his eyes and thought of her. An image of her smiling in the embrace of Harima greeted him. But he didn't feel jealous or sad. The exact opposite actually.

' I guess it's my turn to sacrifice my love, Harima... '

Kami-sama smiled gently and seemed serious for the first time in their encounter.

" I can honestly tell you this, she will be happy. "

A tear fell from Karasuma's eye as he smiled and nodded.

" I accept your offer Kami-sama."

Kami-sama did another spin and appeared in a lawyers suit, complete with glasses and briefcase.

An ancient parchment with a list of signatures magically appeared in his arms as he checked his pockets for a pen.

Karasuma was handed a quill and a gentle smile.

He returned the smile and signed.

Just as he handed the parchment back, he noticed the first name and teardrops near it.

' Lucifer '

" Glad to be working with you Kara-chan, to a bright future ahead! "

Kami-sama had grabbed him in a half embrace and quickly snapped a selfie with the once again stoic Karasuma.

Kami-sama had a phone?

" Oh this is going to be a good partnership, I can see it already. I'll have to call Gabby-chan to get you up to speed though. "

" Before that Kami-sama, who is it that will be replacing me? "

Kami-sama grimaced and rubbed his head.

" A 'poor soul' by the name of Hibari Kyoya. He was killed by some mafioso while protecting a young child. But seriously, who hits God! He even had the audacity to take someone with him to your life! But just you wait Kyoya, I'll have the last laugh. Muahahahahahahahahah-"

As Kami-sama laughed, Karasuma began having second thoughts immediately.


Hibari Kyoya opened his eyes to the sight of utter darkness. Wasn't he biting those herbivores to death. Where was he and what had happened.

A sudden and bright light came on, illuminating the room he was in. A room of traditional tastes of both the Chinese and Japanese cultures, as well as a hint of Italian. Scattered around the room were very few objects. Dino's whip, his tonfas, a training dummy, pictures of his family, familia and hibird. A red pacifier was present as well.

Hibari'is gaze sharpened at the sight of the pacifier.


Suddenly a voice spoke up behind him.

" Welcome Hiba-"

A tonfa immediately came down on his lookalike.

Hibari had assumed the speaker to be skilled to have snuck up on him.

He hadn't expected himself in a purple yukata being the opponent. It mattered not, this herbivore must be bitten to death for sneaking up on him for unknown purposes as well as kidnapping him.


Hibari continued to pummel his lookalike, clearly listening to his victims pleas.

" I need someone who can reason with this beast!"

Luckily, or unluckily, depends on who you are, another soul had come with Hibari. Someone close to him.


In a flash of light, Hibari's cousin stood next to Hibari.

" Kyoya-kun, I believe it would be best if you were to allow Kami-sama to explain the situation..."

Hibari briefly relented and stalked off towards the different articles to prove their authenticity.

And so, as Kusakabe kept Hibari from beating up God, as ridiculous as that sounds, Hibari's lack of love was brought to light and an offer put forward.

" Will I fight any carnivores?"

" I don't know, maybe?"

Hibari reached for his tonfas.


Hibari nodded, grabbed Kusakabe and they vanished.


Did he just take that other soul with him?

How was that even possible?!