I know I haven't been good on maintaining this story, but I am going to at least make the chapters it does have longer and less lame.

This is an OC centered story. Their actions will change the RWBY Universe so it is non canon.

Disclaimers: This is my first Fanfiction. Please don't judge. RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum (Rest in Peace). I own nothing but my OCs.

Vytal Festival Coliseum

Yang Xiao Long, stand down!" The soldier ordered.

The crowd was booing, scared and angry at the blonde boxer's actions. The Jumbotron replays the scene: Yang just attacked another student for no reason when the fightwas already over. Mercury Black had taken the full force of her punch right to his legs, as his Aura had already been depleted. He was on the ground, writhing in pain, his partner right next to him. Yang was in shock about the turn of events, he attacked her... didn't he?

To the onlookers, this was blatant assault. To Yang, it was self-defense. To Mercury's team, it was all part of the plan... but to four certain individuals, it was the signal to begin a secret plan. This plan, was called Operation: Bows Drawn.

Arena Entrance

"I don't understand why we don't attack! They're right there, and vulnerable too!" A tall, cloaked, and hooded man stated from the shadows to his equally mysterious, though more muscular, partner. "We can take the two down there and call her out now."

"No, we need evidence first." The other argued. "They can excuse their confessions for satisfying the attackers. We need to show the people they're guilty, no one would believe the word of a supposedly dead and infamous team."

The first grunted in response as the two watched as the medics, along with a member of their shadowy team disguised as one of the medical personnel, carried Mercury off to the waiting medical ship, Emerald Sustrai at his side the entire time.

"Tracker's on the vehicle, now we wait for those goons to lead us home." A gruff voice, belonging to the disguised operative, reported in their comm headsets.

"Acknowledged. Signal reads loud and clear, just as I knew it would," another voice, this one more refined, confirmed over the comms, at their base of operations somewhere in Downtown Vale. "They're heading to a warehouse near the docks. Abandoned, of course." A heavy and disappointed sigh came through their headsets. How original. Sending coordinates to your Scrolls."

Devices on their arms beeped. "Coordinates received. Do they suspect us, Fenrir?" The second man who seems to be the leader asks the fake medic, now code named Fenrir.

"Don't think so, Commander. I was face to face with Fall and she didn't bat an eye. Burn's disguise device actually worked this time." Fenrir reported, along with a jibe to the team's engineer, Burn.

"Funny, Dogmeat. Remember that when your weapon needs repairing." Burn quipped.

"Enough you two. Fenrir, get to the transport and return to base. Burn, get us a layout of the warehouse, and prepare the containment cell. Crimson, get Wicked Thorn ready, let's go catch a criminal." The Commander ordered.

"Got it," Fenrir confirmed.

"Of course," Burn acknowledged.

"Finally!" The last man, Crimson, added.

"Alright men. The light is green. Team AERC, {Pronounced: Aero or Arrow} move out!" Commanded the leader of the dubbed Team AERC.

Crimson and the still unnamed Commander turn to leave, but instead of leaving through the arena entrances, Crimson raises his hand and a red and black glowing portal opens, black rose petals falling from around it and dissipating as they touch the ground.

The light emitted reveals the face of the Commander. He has strong and chiseled facial features, strikingly blue eyes, his sandy hair a standard military buzz cut. What was very prominent was his armor. It was Atlesian soldier armor, but it was black instead of white, with grey markings. A data scroll was part of the left gauntlet. For weapons: a rifle was magnetically attached to his back that seemed to have four separate six-shooter revolver cylinders, each cylinder having a different color glow to it. Under the barrel was a foregrip and a holographic sight on top. On his hips were two large magnum pistols with different tally counts on both of them. Each pistol had a name on the side facing out. They were Negotiations and Diplomacy. On his person were several extra cylinders, some with an ethereal glow and some not, and numerous magazines for his pistols. He was built and stood an intimidating seven feet tall. A literal giant with armor.

The portal blows a wind at Crimson, billowing his full body cloak and throwing his hood off. He was shorter, younger, and leaner than his partner, about 6 feet, but gave off an even scarier air. His face is gaunt, rugged, yet handsome. He's also pale, he must spend a lot of time under that hood. His eyes are determined and serious, yet have an adventurous glint to them. His dark hair was in a crew cut that His cloak was primarily black, but had traces of white on the seams, a blood red zipper, and gold drawstring weights. His weapon wasn't readily visible, but it was probably hidden beneath his cloak.

But what really attracted attention was a collection of his features, or rather, who else had them: His stature, hairstyle, and facial type was exactly like Qrow Branwen's. His hair and eye colors were that of Summer Rose, but that gleam was Taiyang Xiao Long's. And that frightening aura {Not the Aura that powers Semblances and all that.} could only be claimed by the infamous Raven Branwen. On the back of his cloak, was Summer's emblem, a rose in full bloom, colored crimson.

"Alright, let's go. We got a regime to overthrow." Crimson said impatiently. "...And scores to settle," He added quietly and darkly as an afterthought. "I'd much rather be using Wicked Thorn than holding a portal open forever."

"What's with you?" The leader asked. "You're only this zealous when your... Oh. Right." He looked away from his team member.
'How could I forget that? She's one of them.' He thought to himself, gazing in the direction Yang had been taken.

"I'm not even going to comment on how clueless you are sometimes, Atlas."

"Yeah. Funny." The now-named Commander Atlas deadpanned. He drew his rifle and entered the portal. Crimson looked back, seemingly at nobody, gave a devious smirk, then walked into the portal.

Other Side of Vytal Arena

Glynda Goodwitch was having a bad day. In no particular order: She lost a bet on the match before this one to Ozpin, Ironwood kept trying to schmooze her, her hair wouldn't cooperate with her, and one of her best fighters thought it would be great to break her defeated opponent's legs.

'I would expect that from Miss Valkyrie, but certainly not Miss Xiao Long,' the huntress reflected. 'Something does not feel right...'

That's when she notices a flash of red on the far side of the arena. Peering over with senses only a Hunter or Huntress could have, Glynda caught sight of the silhouettes of two figures suspended in front of a glowing red oval. Then one disappeared into the glowing object. The other turned around, stared right at her, and she saw him smirk.

Then she realized, 'Wait, was that Qrow? No, that's impossible. He can't control portals, but his sister can. And since I saw two people, that crosses her out. Raven was always a lone wolf of sorts, and is still one now. Now, who looks like Qrow, controls portals, and can... No. No no no no no no. NO! That's impossible! Did they do this?' She grew worried and even slightly scared.

Goodwitch began to leave, quickly at that. Most would think she was going down there to punish Yang, but in reality, she called the Scrolls of a certain Headmaster, General, and alcoholic Hunter.

"Yes Ms. Goodwitch, what do you need?" Headmaster Ozpin inquired.

"Yes ma'am, what is the pleasure to which we speak?" General Ironwood inquired, still trying to woo her, evidently.

"Aw put a sock in it Jimmy!" The dusty old crow slurred over his Scroll.

"Enough!" Goodwitch snapped at the two. "There's something wrong. The arrow flies!"

At this code phrase, Ironwood's eyes widened with dread surprise, Ozpin raised his eyebrows, and Qrow just snickered.

"Impossible, you must be mistaken." The Atlesian denied the idea the AERC is back, they just can't be. "Team AERC was declared KIA. They can't still be alive."

"Unless Qrow and Raven swapped Semblances all of a sudden and he decided to get his hair tips dyed red, then there is at least Crimson in play. And I believe Atlas was with him." The woman returned.

"Besides, Crimson's got a little of me in him," Qrow boasted. "He'll be hard to kill."

The General swore over the call.

"What I want to know is this: is AERC with THEM?" Ozpin questioned sternly.

"I don't think so." Goodwitch reported. "They appeared to be merely watching the events before they ported away. Their intentions are still unknown."

"We shall discuss this in my office. It may be time to introduce Ruby and Yang to their…other family." The headmaster quietly requested.

Different confirmations were given as Qrow, then Glynda signed off. Ozpin turned to the last person still logged in.

"We need to be careful Oz." Ironwood warned gravely. "These four are dangerous. They have killed before and will most likely do it again."

"I understand James," Ozpin nodded his agreement. "But our enemy is also dangerous and has killed. We just might need a little dangerous on our side to even the odds."

Nodding to this, the General's feed went black, leaving Ozpin alone with his thoughts as the clock gears ticked on around his office, and he had much to think about. He considered the options and factors of this mysterious team. 'This may turn out well for us after all,' the Headmaster mused.

That is the end of the first rewritten chapter of Team AERC. I really would love to continue this story; please review or answer the poll I have on my profile and forum. The links are below.

Forum: myforums/Theothergy/6435939/

Profile: u/6435939/Theothergy

This is Theothergy (The-Other-Guy) signing off!