Hello guys,

After much consideration, I have finally decided to get the story, The Five That Changed, a rewrite. Now to explain myself: it is a personal choice, due to me not being able to keep up with the demand of long chapters and short chapters being a weird change to the original. More importantly, I, like W.O.T.D, was too easy on the protagonist. I feel that the transition from kid to hero should have been more developed and frustrating, whereas I based the premise of my story on Super Eds, while I have succeeded in doing what I intended as going further than NintendoNut1, I preferably feel that even that may have been too easy. They were pushed and forced to adapt to their powers, but this time around, I think that maybe it could be different and this is where this story will come into play and definitely stand out, to me.

I hope you all do enjoy this story. I really do. So, without further ado, I present you the first chapter of the new series:

Being Heroes

Chapter I: Ed

"Heroes wear capes and tights,"Ed thought. But today, as he walked in the drizzling night of First City, he wore dark jeans, black running shoes, his green leather jacket shinning from the rain that stuck. IT was zipped up, hiding his plain red shirt. His hair was shaved and ginger and his dark orange, rather peculiar color, eyes were tired yet full of purpose. His twenty year old features gave his seventeen self a mannish look.

His feet lightly tapped against the sidewalk as he made it to his destination: the Pub. Despite being underage, he was let in the bar with no complaints from the bartender; he was a regular.

"Hey Daniel," Ed said taking a seat on a stool next to a man with his head down and drink up in his left hand. He spared a small glance of pity before he continued his dialogue. "the usual please."

The funny thing, Ed thought, was that he didn't even drink alcohol; it was bad for him. Really bad. Had unforeseen effects to his body. The usual was a Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, Coke, mixed with a little bit of vanilla, crumbled mint leaves, and dash of salt; blended, then shaken with the ice. It resembled beer in a sense of the foam coming to the very top, but the blend of flavor in the drink was nothing like alcohol. To Ed, it was better.

"Heroes don't drink," Ed repeated in his head as he smiled and drunk his usual.

"How you been doing Ed? Haven't seen you in the last couple of days." Daniel was a black man, think and a bald head and grey shirt wrinkled at the top and cargo pants. He was simply twenty-six, a lot of life left in him.

"I've been…busy." Ed simply said. Daniel didn't pry. Ed was a strange fellow, he knew that much from the time he met him a few years ago and took him in. Ed was parentless, a simple orphan. The pub was his home as much as Daniel's, however, and the man understood that Ed could go and wander for a few days at a time and come back, ask for his usual as if nothing happened, and be back. But tonight was different, Daniel felt, Ed was different.

"You on cleaning duty tonight." While he may be an orphan and Daniel treated him as a son, he refused to let him slack. Ed was a tough kid, grown up hard in the foster homes and he didn't lack the muscle. He was inhumanly strong. Ed only gave nod and continued his drink. The time went as Ed's usual got less and less full as the bar did of patrons. Soon, only two droplets were left in the glass and only Daniel and Ed were left in the bar. Daniel closed the shop up and headed to the upstairs for his rest, the clock at fifteen pass midnight.

As Daniel left, Ed went to do his job. He wiped down the tables and bar, taking any liquid, both artificial and human and soaked it in the rag; he put the chairs on their rounded tables and the stools on the glass bar; he swept the deck and threw any trash away. It was closing in on one: thirty in the morning by the time he was done. The tiredness in his eyes was more prominent. He didn't refuse the feeling, but he refuse the bed. His thoughts went back to the last few days; he don't know what happened, all of it was nothing more than a haze. All he did remember was a strange light, four others he didn't know, and then he was back in a random alley in First City, miles and miles and miles away from where he was before things got hazy; he was on his way to the Pub then the haze then the alley.

Ed stood, his body slow but he needed air and the Top was the best he could go for his thoughts to be cleared. The Top was the roof of the Pub. It was clear, nothing much about it besides the maroon couch with a tarp held over it by wooden beams. Ed took a seat on the always comfortable couch and thought.

He couldn't tell Daniel, Ed instantly thought, and his thoughts wandered to how to avoid it. He hadn't use it, but he knew something was wrong inside him. He felt the other energy, or energies, or whatever the hell he felt. Ed let out a frustrated sigh. He was curious what they meant. It all came after the haze. The four guys, he didn't know a thing about them, but they were there, he felt familiar to them, as if he had known them. He had no friends. No one but Daniel was with him through and through, the only real family and friend he knew.

"So who were they?" Ed thought a loud, his voice annoyed and tired. The night was cloudy, the rooftop wet with rain and the drizzle had long ago stopped. But Ed brushed them away, he had other matters to attend to.

"I wonder," Ed thought as he felt the energies in him. He had to know what they were, he felt a stirring. He felt something. As he focused more on it, the more it wanted to come out. Like a lion, starved and the caged, the cage swung open to a feast of meat. Just like that, Ed opened his eyes and before him ten balls of light in a line, all a different hue, all a different color, all a different feeling.

Ed stared with disbelief, just a minute ago the rooftop was just him, the tarp, the beams, and the couch, now it was all that and the ten things in front of him. From left to right, red, blue, purple, green, dark green, cyan blue, dark blue, light blue, pitch black, and pure white. Ed just sat there, unmoving, but he stood. His stance lingered before he moved towards them, unfearful as he didn't feel it, strangely he did not feel strange as if he knew these ten orbs. He reached for the white orb, only for a box that held eccentric, elegant designs to appear and repel his hand and as soon as he moved it away, it disappeared but Ed knew it was there.

He tried the black one, another box appeared but it was made of chains. The light blue gained a bluish hue. The box around the dark blue didn't repeal him but it pushed his hand down, the cyan blue blew his hand away, the dark green grew green and rock around it in a box, the green while it did feel good a box of crosses came around it, the purple burned his hand but like a tingling. By this point, Ed assumed a reaction and a rejection from the objects. He reached for the blue and got a feel good, but wet reaction but no rejection. In fact, he touched the orb and felt it wet and it started to glow. He removed his hand.

"Okay?" Ed muttered under his breath. He went for the red with his left hand and it gave a hot sensation, however it did not hurt but felt more good. It too started to glow. He once again pulled away. It dimmed to its original red. Ed wondered what he should do. The only ones to react differently were the two at the end, he figured he couldn't really do much with the others. So Ed, with his left hand to the red orb and his right hand to the blue, he reached and touched the orbs, the two polar feelings flooded his body as the two colors only glowed brighter and brighter, consuming him in their light.

Suddenly, the glow went away and Ed, on the couch, lay unconscious. The orbs were gone. On his left arm were small orbs that flew around him, leaving trails and black smoke and his right were blue orbs that left trails that dripped away like water but dissipated milliseconds later into thin air. The orbs stayed for some time, until they, like the patrons of the bar, like the night on the approach of day, left and left Ed laying soundly with the sky turning blue and sun rising on First City.

I hope you all enjoy this. Definitely an idea that I am really starting to like, this concept of the Heroes will be better, hopefully. I know the last story was awesome, I honestly do, but I believe that his decision is best and more fair to you guys. As you all noticed, Outbreak Chronicles had fast updates because it had short chapters, good quality, and just nicely wrapped. While the chapters won't be long and extensive, until the battles come in, they will be content filled and each one will have a significance to the characters and to the plot. Even the filler chapters that I may do.

As you notice, I am introducing each individual character with their own chapter dedicated solely to them. I hope you all really do like this.

Tell me what you all think. Again, like always, reviews, flames, criticism, ideas, all of it, I love it. PM me, review me, please guys, I want to hear your opinions

JohnTheMoon, out!