UPDATE: I have added the second story in this 'verse. Go read it please! :) And I meant to put this in chapter 11 of this story, but I forgot so I thought I'd add it here as a little surprise. This happens sometime before the wedding/mating ceremony thing.

Harry was packing boxes in his flat, preparing to move in with Severus. It still gave him butterflies in his stomach sometimes to think about it and he was quite sure that would last a while. He often found himself thinking about things when he was packing, for though his hands were busy with his task, it did little to occupy his mind on its own.

After discussing it with his future mate, Harry had decided it was time to change his last name. He hadn't wanted to when mating Nathaniel; it was almost as if he'd somehow known it wasn't the right time to change his name, that it was best to leave things as open as possible to a second chance. He was now taking that second chance with Severus. Unlike with Nathaniel, it felt right - natural - to be changing his name to match Sev's. Besides, not only would that increase the obvious unity between the two of them, but he would no longer have to see that look on everyone's face whenever he was introduced by his full name. His looks weren't as well-known as his name anymore, but no one failed to recognize the name of Harry Potter.

Harry wanted people to see him as more than just the Boy Who Lived. Being Harry Snape would label him as being together with his mate. and that was far more important to him than fame ever could have come close to being.