A/N:Hey guys, sorry for the delay in updates. Between finishing my finals, moving, applying for a new job, and being sick with not only strep but mono too, i haven't had much time or energy to write. But I am going to try my hardest to update at least every other week. Sorry again for the delay. Hope you like this chapter. :)

Emma and Killian had fallen into a comfortable routine in the last two weeks since deciding to give their relationship a try. Mostly hanging at Emma's place since Mary Margret moved in with David and Emma did not want to fight over space with them. When they weren't at class or studying together they alternated their time between watching Netflix and making out like teenagers, but hey it was fun. Emma was currently cuddle together with Killian on her couch watching some horrible movie that was on TV that neither of them were interested in but both were to lazy to change.

"So Swan I was thinking. How would you feel about going on our first date tomorrow night?"

"What do you mean go on our first date? Did you forget the four dates that we have already had Killian?" Emma said while simultaneously pulling away from him and giving him a look that told him he should choose his next words very carefully.

"Emma you know what I mean. Like our first real date. The other ones don't really count."

Killian had never seen Emma look so angry in his life. "Bloody Hell this is all coming out wrong. Lass you know what I mean. Of course those dates count and they were real but I want to take you out on an actual date. Outside of this bloody apartment. Now don't get me wrong Swan, I love cuddling on the couch and watching Netflix with you but I want to take you out on a real date. Show the world that we are together."

After a pause that Killian thought could have lasted hours or minutes, he wasn't really sure, Emma finally turned back at him and released a sigh along with the angry look she had on her face.

"Sorry for overreacting the way I did. And a date tomorrow night sounds lovely." Emma said while shifting back so she was once again cuddling his side.

"No need to apologize lass." Killian said before kissing the top of her head and returning to that crappy movie.

Emma heard a knock on her door just as she was finishing the final touches on her look for her date tonight. She was only partially embarrassed to say that once Killian left the previous night she immediately went to her closet in search of the perfect outfit to wear for their date. After she looked through her closet she realized she had nothing to wear. All of her usual date dresses didn't feel right since she usually wore them only to attract a guy for a quick fling or she wore them for… nope she wasn't going down that train of thought right now. She just needed to quick run out and find the perfect dress and she did. She bought a beautiful pale pink dress that ended just below her knees, showed a hint of cleavage, and was completely different from what she usually wore. She paired her dress with nude pumps, a high pony tail and simple makeup. Emma quickly grabbed her clutch before all but running to the door. When she answered the door she realized how cliché she was because he literally knocked the air right out of her with how handsome he looked. He was wearing a dark blue dress shirt, black vest and leather jacket. Oh and did she mention the dark form fitting jeans he was wearing. Damn no one should look that good in jeans. She didn't want to say out loud how good he looked cause the man had quite the ego but she was sure the look on her face gave her away.

"you look stunning swan"

"you look…."

"I know."

Yup he knew exactly how good he looked. "Okay how about you lead the way to wherever you are taking me."

"Right this way swan." Killian said as he held his arm out like a proper gentleman for her to take.

"Okay but seriously where are you taking me? You know I hate surprises."

"Oh but if I told you what fun would that be."

After rolling her eyes quite dramatically Emma added. "Well if you are trying to kill me I'll have you know that at least 3 people know I'm going out with you tonight so you won't get away with it."

As it turns out he took her to Tony's, a romantic Italian restaurant, that just happened to be her favorite.

"How did you know this is my favorite restaurant? Did Mary Margret tell you, because I told her not to help you."

"Well I didn't actually know that but it does happen to be one of my favorite so I thought I would see if you liked it." Killian said while scratching behind his ear.

Dinner was perfect. The food was great, there wasn't any awkward pauses in their conversation. After dinner Emma thought that they would just go straight back but Killian surprised her again by taking her for a walk by the docks before heading back to her apartment.

"So… do you want to come in for some coffee or you know something else?" Emma said with a seductive tone.

"While that might sound like a bloody fantastic idea lass, I don't want to rush things."

"Oh come on I know you want to. I mean really would you be Killian Jones if you didn't have sex on a first date." Emma regretted saying that once it flew out of her mouth. The look that crossed Killian's face made her heart ache. "Killian…. Shit I didn't mean that."

"No worries Swan, you're right. That's all I could seem to manage relationship wise. One night stands and all that."

"Killian stop. You know I am horrible with words and I shouldn't have been so careless with them. I wasn't thinking. And I definitely didn't mean them. I know that you aren't the same guy that you were. Would the old, one-night stand only Killian, plan an amazing date at a romantic Italian restaurant followed by an even more romantic walk by the docs. Or would he spend the last two weeks curled up with me on my couch watching Netflix in our pajamas. No he wouldn't. Okay? So stop with the self deprecating thoughts."

"Swan I didn't mean to upset you, it's just that I'm trying my hardest to change. To be a better man for you. And of course I know that you mean more to me than a one-night stand but its hard to change the way you view yourself."

"Killian I get it. I'm not usually a relationship kind of girl and it scares me to death that I want to be one now." They were silent for a moment as Emma let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. After a few more seconds Emma burst into laughter. Laughing even harder when she saw the look on Killian's face. "Oh shit." Emma got out before more uncontrollable laughter. "I'm so sorry. You must really think I'm crazy. I just…. I mean what a heavy fucking conversation to have after a first date."

Killian face lit up at her, adding a few chuckles of his own. "Well lass, if your offer still stands, why don't we see what's on TV and have some actual coffee."

"Sounds perfect."