So. This three part story was originally going to be a one shot but the idea just kept growing so three chapters it is. This is the final installment of Happy Ending and the most disturbing one. I am going to warn you now that there is detailed violence and character death. I always found it interesting that everyone just assumes Damon has never turned his emotions off. Well I decided to improvise and bring out the darker side of Damon.

It might help to explain that I see The Ripper and Stefan Salvatore as two different parts of a single person. A evil and good side so to speak. So I created The Crow for Damon Salvatore with this thought in mind. Hope that lessens any confusion you might have.

All recognized characters belong to their respective owners. Nadia and the other unnamed people are mine.

Also, tell me what you think. I would love to hear your thoughts.

The Crow stands on the roof of a crumbling building, watching the maimed and dying humans wail and shriek. He hasn't been out for a while but it seems that Nadia's death was enough for Damon to drag him up. He clasps his hands behind his back, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. He tilts his head as one of the humans spots him and starts an ungodly racket. Before they can tell he has moved, the Crow stands in front of the one who spotted him, grinning wickedly. The man is missing half his leg, yet still attempts to escape by dragging himself along. The Crow watches for several moments, amused, before becoming bored and shoving his hand through the man's stomach. He grips the human's spine, ripping out as he pulls his arm back out of the gaping hole in the man's stomach.

There is another vampire next to him, watching as the Crow carelessly drops the spine to the ground. The Ripper tilts his head, observing the chaos around them. "Are you planning on wiping Mystic Falls from the map?" The Ripper is eager to join in the fun.

Kicking the dead man away, the Crow returns the vicious grin. "Not at first. But all in all not a bad idea, brother. Would you care to join me? I'm afraid I'm a bit out of practice in town destruction."

The scattered fires cast shadowed light over the younger Salvatore's features, creating a look that would send Satan running. "I'd be delighted. Have you gotten to the Bennett witch yet? I see that the baby vampire already tried to stop you." The Ripper glances over at Caroline Forbes' desiccated corpse permanently fixated in a look of horror. "The witch is going to be trouble."

The Crow and Ripper walk through the ruins that were once Mystic Falls, pausing every now and again to torment and then dispose of some straggling humans. The Crow had almost forgotten how pleasurable ripping someone's spine through their stomach can be. "Yes, well, the emotional half made a deal with a Bennett ancestor witch that has him protecting the line." The Crow scowls, flicking blood from his hand. "He gave his word to not hurt them and we are nothing if not honorable to our word. You, brother," glacier eyes slide to meet frosted emerald eyes, "are bound by no such thing."

The Ripper's answering smile would terrify the most hardened of men. "I am not, you are correct, brother. I've never especially liked that line of witches. Too self entitled for my tastes." He finishes putting his victim back together, leaving the body looking whole. "My emotional half likes her for some reason, it will make it all the more enjoyable to rip her into pieces."

The Salvatore brothers stop in front of the city hall, listening to the desperation of the humans and witch inside. Klaus has clearly not cleared out the entirety of his hybrids and the reason is obvious when the brothers catch the doppelganger's voice. The Crow forces the wind to pick up, making it rattle the thick wooden doors. The Ripper casts an Illusion that makes the hiding survivors believe that the brothers have left. The Crow raises his hand, manipulating the energy around and within him so that lightning sparks from his fingertips. He motions for the Ripper to step back before casting the lightning out at the doors, blasting them into pieces. The shocked screams are music to the brothers' ears.

"Well this looks like quite the party." The Crow strolls into the building, standing casually in the hall, blocking the entrance. "If I cared, I would be hurt you didn't invite me." Arms crossed over his chest, the Crow is a fearsome sight especially as the weather outside begins to turn foul. "We're just the life of the party, aren't we brother?"

"It has been mentioned once or twice." The Ripper comes to stand beside his brother, hands casually placed in his pockets. He takes in the looks of betrayal and fear, drawing a perverse pleasure from the sight. "You." He addresses one of the hybrids with contempt. "Feel free to take the doppelganger and leave. We don't especially want to kill her—"

"Speak for yourself, brother."

"—but accidents happen and we guarantee nothing if you stay." The Ripper is giving them an offer that they would be suicidal to refuse. The hybrids realize the olive branch for what it is and one grabs Elena with the intent to leave with her. The Ripper scowls when the hybrid drops to the floor, groaning in pain.

"I believe you forgot who we came here for, brother." The Crow is amused, easily thwarting the Bennett witch's attempts to harm his mind. While Damon may have played along and hidden his true Power, the Crow has no such reservations. "You're simply going to wear yourself out, Bennett. And I'm not the one to watch out for." The Crow then dismisses the witch entirely, spotting two people that he is unwilling to kill. He stalks over to the two Lockwoods, halting when the hybrid steps between him and Carol. His eyebrow raises, amused. "I'm only going to offer this once and then you're on your own. Nadia was fond of both of you." The Crow grimaces at the insistence in sparing these two coming from Damon. Not so asleep are you? "And I was fond of Nadia. It is because of this that I am offering a one-time deal." Dead ice eyes lock onto the younger Lockwood. "Take your mother and leave. Do it now and you will leave unharmed. If you wait I guarantee nothing of your survival."

"Fine." The hybrid snarls, grabbing his mother. "Come on, Mom. We need to go." Thus Tyler and Carol Lockwood escape from Death that day. The boy wisely ignores the pleading of the surrounding humans, making a beeline to the broken city hall doors. He and his mother disappear into the incoming fog, never to come back until Carol dies a decade later and then only to bury her in the Lockwood cemetery plot next to Nadia.

His brother dealing with that, the Ripper saunters to the Bennett witch, frightening smile upon his face. He can feel her magic trying to harm him, but with the amount of human blood and people he has killed today, her attempts are no more than a gnat during summer. His grin widens to disturbing proportions. "Come now, Bon-Bon. Is that any way to treat a friend? I just want to have a chat."

The witch has an unattractive snarl on her face and he tells her so with a laugh. She casts a wall of fire before herself, frustrated and terrified that her magic isn't working on him directly. "Stay the hell away from me, vampire. You're no friend of mine. The only reason I ever tolerated you was because of Elena and that you never drank from humans."

The Ripper stops, placing a hand over his heart in a mockery of pain. "Now that's just hurtful, Bon-Bon. And here I thought we had really bonded over all the trouble we've been through together." He rocks back and forth on his feet, paying the wall of fire no mind. "Anyways, I was going to ask if you would stop hindering our fun with your magic, but clearly you won't. You really should you know, Bon-Bon."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" The young witch is enraged at the callousness he treats this situation. It nearly makes her sick; she forces the bile down in order to face him with some dignity. "Not another step, Stefan, or I will set you on fire." She is panicky with her desperation to keep the deranged vampire away.

The perplexingly cheerful smile has never left his face, though the flames' flickering adds a sinister quality. But he has become bored with talking. As fun as it is to rile the Bennett girl, there is more fun to be found in the massacring of Mystic Falls. The Ripper forces the flames to die down with his Power, stepping over the glowing ashes. He can just use his speed to be in front of her in seconds, but that would deny him the delight of watching her terror rise with each step he takes to corner her against the wall. He savors the look the Bennett witch gains when she realizes she has nowhere left to run. Then he lunges.

The Crow traipses his way to the center of the room, quickly joined by the Ripper. A glance shows his younger brother's face dripping with blood. Another glance reveals the witch's corpse, torn apart at every joint and scattered about her head frozen with an expression of pain and fear. A smirk curls the corner of his mouth. The last of the Bennett line is dead and he owes allegiance to no one but his brother. Perfect. The Crow turns to the sobbing, petrified humans, clapping his hands in front of him. "Now, I find it no fun for my prey to just sit and snivel waiting for death. So! We're going to play a game. The game is Hide-and-Seek but with a couple different rules. First: you get caught, you die. Second: feel free to try and defend yourselves, it makes the game that much more fun." The Crow grins widely at the horrified looks he is given. "Brother, if you would."

The Ripper steps forward, demented smile in place. About three centuries ago, the Ripper discovered he has a unique talent that few vampires ever master. He is able to compel a crowd with relative ease. He uses that now, drawing his Power and spreading it over the humans so that they are forced to look at his eyes. "Now. Go hide. Run. When we find you, fight until you can no longer fight. And then fight some more." He takes a moment to ensure that his compulsion reaches everyone. "Ready? GO!" The last word is a bellow enhanced with Power, ensuring the humans will run.

Clapping a hand on his younger sibling's shoulder, the Crow finds himself proud of the piccolo bastardo. "Excellent work, brother. Shall we give them a moment more?" He has nearly forgotten the hybrids and doppelganger off to the side. Nearly. The Crow turns to the girl, making deliberate strides in her direction, only stopping a few feet away. "And I almost forgot about you, poco simile a. My apologies."

Her big doe eyes are staring at him and his brother in abject horror. Elena's voice cracks when she speaks, getting shriller with every word. "You. You're not Damon. And you're not Stefan. What did you do?! What did you do?!"

Slow claps bring her attention to the Ripper. He blurs to stand next to his older brother, grinning down at the doppelganger. "Right you are, E-len-a. I am not Stefan and he is not Damon. Well we are, but we aren't. I am the Ripper. You'd remember me from history books as Jack the Ripper." His eyes grow distant for a moment, clearly reminiscing. "Good times. Good times."

"While I am not nearly as well known as my brother," the Crow squeezes his brother's shoulder, "I have my own reputation. I was the majority of the September Massacre in 1792. I took part in the Hamidian Massacres from 1894 to 1896. I am the Crow. A pleasure to meet you."

As Elena gapes in disgust and abhorrence the only thing she can bring herself to say is, "You're monsters."

The Crow flashes a dangerous smile. "That we are. You thought that what Damon did was bad before. That is nothing compared to what I have and will do."

"Brother, the game? I think we have given them enough time to begin to hope we will not come after them." The Ripper gives a sharp grin at his brother's agreeing nod. "Goodbye, Elena Gilbert. For your sake we should never meet again."

The brothers make a terrifying silhouette against the still burning town. One looks to break apart into dozens of crows, flying off to the right with hideous caws. The other throws his head back, a bone chilling laugh echoing through the annihilated town before he disappears.

They had always wondered what would happen if Damon Salvatore shut off his emotions.

Now they know.