Disclaimer: Craig Bartlette owns all the characters and Hey Arnold.

Summary: This heads a little further in time and I wanted to address the topic of Helga and Arnold having more children. Thank you for reviewing and yes, I think they should have more than one too! This chapter touches on some of Helga's insecurities I think she would have growing her family.

A/N: Thank you all for reviewing. I'm a huge fluff nut so it's nice to know it's appreciated. Anyway, thank you for the ideas as well! I'll be working on one where she tells Arnold she's pregnant and a few more scenarios I've been playing around with. Keep reviewing if you can!

Arnold flopped down unceremoniously on the bed. His face landed on his pillow, which muffled his exhausted grunt.

"Did you finally get her down?" Helga asked putting her book aside and tugging on the covers for him to get in.

Arnold turned his head to the side to face her, but made no move to lift his body, just let it play like a dead weight on the covers, arms splayed out to the sides.

"How can a four year old have so much energy? She's NEVER tired! We read five different stories before she even considered getting into bed." He tried to sound annoyed at his daughter's behavior, but he could never truly be upset at her for being such a rambunctious personality.

Helga chuckled, "She's a reader like her mother."

Arnold's face lit up and he finally sat up, "I know I might just be saying this because I'm her father, but, Helga, our daughter is a genius! She's only four, but she reads along with me, and after dinner we were doing second grade, SECOND GRADE, math problems! I've never seen a little girl so bright! And the way she took to the piano, I swear she'll be a concern pianist if she decides not to be a professional softball player. She's the ONLY one in that tots T-ball class that can hit the ball off the post on the first swing. It's kind of scary how amazing she is at everything, how did we get so lucky?"

Helga giggled along with him, "That, she gets from her father."

Arnold stole a quick kiss before going to the dresser to get ready to join his wife for the night. As he turned back to face the bed, Helga was unusually quite. She had her hands around her pregnant belly and was staring down at it sullenly, clearly deep in thought.

Arnold's face dropped as well, and he quickly crawled in next to her wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"What's wrong?"

Helga bit her lip and sighed thinking of the right words.

"Stella is so perfect, and we are having this new baby. I'm so excited but I can't help but think about my parents. I don't want us, or me, to act like they did praising Stella and putting her on a pedestal while ignoring our other children. I love Stella so much and I already love this baby, but what if it's not the same? What if I can't give him what I give Stella? What if I can't break the cycle and this baby ends up feeling neglected and never as good as his big sister? That would break me, it would break me so wholly and completely I wouldn't know what to do." tears began to pool at her eyes as she began to unravel her deepest insecurities.

Arnold wiped escaped tears from her cheek and turned her to him.

"You are not your mother, or your father for that matter. You are an amazing mother and Stella wants for nothing. Neither will this baby. You know how I know?"

Helga shook her head looking up at him with those puppy dog eyes that always made him melt.

"Because you already love this baby. You are excited about every aspect, just look at all the things in his nursery already." Arnold chuckled in his attempt to lighten the mood.

"You went through something no child should, you were amazing in your own right and I'm so sorry your parents couldn't have seen it earlier. You would never do that, the fact that you are worried about it already says as much. We're a team and we will work together to make sure all of our children feel loved, appreciated, intelligent, talented, and most of all important. We made them, two people that love each other more than words can describe and because of that we will NEVER become your parents."

With her anxieties quelled Helga nodded and reached to hug her husband, "Thank you, you're right."

As they embraced, her stomach moved on it's own accord so much that even Arnold felt a very subtle nudge due to their proximity.

"He says thank you too!" Helga laughed.

Arnold chucked as well, "He should really have a name. We only have a few weeks left to decide."

Helga pecked him on the lips and turned over to turn out her bedside lamp, "That's a discussion for the morning hair boy, me and your son are tired. We were taking care of a super energetic little girl today and need to do it all again tomorrow."

He rolled his eyes but smiled, relieved to know his wife was no longer in a state of worry and settled in to cuddle her under the blanket.

"Whatever you say, Helga."