"The Joy of Creation…a term used to describe the happiness and joy that is brought to a being, or spirit, who has created life. This Joy of Creation was used by God as he created the first known humans on earth. Then came the serpent, which drove them to sin, and sin spread to their young, then to all humans. And now we live in this world we live in now, a world full of war, hatred, violence, sex, drugs, death, and sin. Welcome to the human world. A world that was unfortunately poised…poised by the Joy of Creation you see now," said Luna, glowing a bright white.

You've Read the Pre-Quels

FNAF: Foxy in Love

"I, Foxy, take you, Vixey, to be my wife, my friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live," said Foxy sobbing in happiness.

I Vixey, take you Foxy to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live," said Vixey crying in joy.

"True that," asked Marionette," that must be something popular these days. True that…true that…true-to-the-that…that true…truly that is true…truly that…"

'Shut up please,' said Mike annoyed.

FNAF: Legend's Reborn

"I am the one protecting this world…you humans and Fazbear Crew don't understand!" said Okami sitting up, looking up at Marionette. The Fazbear Crew looked at each other.

A figure growled in the darkness, and its eyes glowed bright red. It walked into the basement and growled louder, its eyes searching around the room. Its chest was open and its power core was purple, and on the core read a name, Arachne. She walked up the stairs and into the kitchen, seeing nothing in there. She heard pounding again and it was coming from the basement again, she walked down the stairs and followed the noise to the very back of the basement, which was another door. It was scratched and looked worn down, and an old worn out sign on the door that read "Nightmares Behind This Door."

"Ah, the Elders did do as I said!" said Arachne in a strong and soft regal feminine voice. The pounding continued and got louder, along with screeches and roars. "shh, hush now my pets, momma is here to unleash you from this dreaded room, now stand back!"

The pounding stopped and footsteps were heard moving away from the door. Arachne smiled and looked at her claws; she glared at the door, and swung her claws at it, breaking it down. Four pairs of eyes looked down at the door and up at her

And Now the Trilogy Has Arrived

"Luna, Arachne has awakened!" shouted a tall slim light grey wolf, with a white underbelly. She had large thighs, wide hips, curvy waist, D cupped sized breasts, long white and grey hair that fell to her shoulders, and wore a skin tight black latex suit. She sprinted into a wooden home, in the forest.

"Impossible! We destroyed her years ago!" gasped a tall black fur colored wolf, with white underbelly. Her hair was black and went down to her upper back. She had the same body as the other wolf, just larger breasts, "come on Scarlett. We must warn the others!"

A New Evil Lurks

Luna and Scarlett sprinted to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Luna sniffed the air and looked around. She saw a tall anthro female Doberman pinscher silhouette, on top of a tall building, staring down at them. Luna growled lowly and continued to run.

She is on the Hunt

Lara and Candy sprinted side by side, panting heavily. They looked behind them and gasped. They sprinted faster down the streets, and turned a corner.

"Oh no, dead end!" said Candy the cat.

"Here kittie kittie kittie," said a chilling female voice.

Candy and Lara both gasped and turned around, wide-eyed.

She's Thirsty for Blood

A female scream was heard throughout the city. Everyone looked around curiously. A Doberman pinscher dragged a dead teenage girl's body across the floor, in an alley way.

Bonds Will Form

Luna shook hands with Marionette, and everyone cheered happily. Luna hugged Marionette," glad to be your friend again Marionette."

"Just one big family reunion," chuckled Eclipse.

Fang heard that and sighed. Storm Jr. and Willa looked at him sadly and hugged him," we miss her too daddy…"

Fang hugged them back and sighed sadly," I wish I could have saved her…"

Elders Will be Reborn

"…we need your help," pleaded Elder Luna.

Two glowing red eyes stood a couple feet taller than Luna. The eyes got closer until a large muscular grey wolf stepped into the light. He stared down at Luna and reached out to her. He gently stroked her hair.

"How can the mighty Baron be of service to you, Elder Luna?" asked the giant wolf, pulling out his battle axe.

New Allies Will be Found

"We're gonna need more power to take down Arachne," said Marionette to the others.

"Humans won't do much," said Freddy."

"You want more power…I can find you more power," said Jester.

Enemies Beware

"What's happening? Why didn't the building collapse?" asked the female Doberman Pinscher. She had an athletic body, large D sized breasts, six pack abs, large thighs, wide hips, and slim arms. She had long hair that went to her mid-back. She wore a golden crown, white drapes over her breasts, and lower body. She wore gold bracelets and necklaces. Her fur color was a tannish-brown, and her hair was black. She was an Egyptain Doberman with markings all over her body.

She looked in the distance at a small one story building, seeing it was floating above the ground. It was set down gently, and six figures jumped on the roof. She saw six different plague doctors, staring at her.

"Meet my brothers and sisters," said Jester, pointing to them.

New Enemies

Nightmare Foxy pinned down Fang, growling. Fang growled back at him. Nightmare Chica appeared above Fang. She smiled and retracted her claws, and teeth. She screeched loudly at Fang.

"What's happening? Something is running around," said Chica to Toy Chica," there!"

They saw a glimpse of a tiny yellow bunny running behind a corner.

"Golden Freddy! We have company!" called Marionette. Golden Freddy teleported beside him and looked at Nightmare and Nightmare Fredbear, creeping to them.

"Just like old times," smiled Golden Freddy.

Marionette and Golden Freddy pounced at the two Nightmares.

Love Will Grow

Arachne growled, throwing Mike Schmidt across the parking lot. She growled and pounced on top of him, raising her claws to finish him off. Mike stared up at her with care and sorrow. She stopped and looked back down at his eyes, and lowered her claws. She stared back at him with fear, and sadness in her eyes, as if she was asking for help. A rocket hit Arachne and she shrieked. She looked at Mike on last time before running away. Mike sat up and watched her leave wide-eyed.

"She has good inside of her, I saw it with my own eyes. It's like she's asking for help," said Mike to Marionette.

"She's manipulating your mind Mike," said Marionette.

"Brother, are you sure you're okay?" asked Michelle Schmidt, his little sister.

Scarlett had Michelle on her lap, and cuddled her lovingly.

"I'm fine, but I want to figure out more about this Arachne," said Mike.

Legends Will Rise

"Eclipse, let's get this daughter of Anubis!" said a black wolf, with red markings on him.

"Whatever you say Dust," said Eclipse. Dust activated his jet pack, and flew towards a run-away Arachne. Eclipse sprinted ahead of him, in blurring speeds.

Eclipse sprinted faster, but was shot with ice. He froze in place and slid across the floor. Dust looked at the scene wide-eyed and was shot out of the sky. He landed on the ground with a loud thud, and looked up. A white foot stepped in front of him. He looked up and his eyes widened at the sight of a young white female wolf, with large breasts, and an athletic body. She wore a scarf over her breasts, and covered her face with it, and ore a hoodie over her long white hair.

"No way…Storm?" asked Dust.

Storm looked down at Dust and growled, grabbing him and throwing him across the street. She made two katanas made of ice and sprinted to him.

What Side Will You Choose?

Jester tackled Nightmare out of the Pizzeria, and slammed him to the ground hard. Jester grabbed his two twin ring blades out and slashed at Nightmare.

Arachne swung her fist at Bulldozer as he swung his fist at her. Their fists collided, causing a loud bang. Arachne and Bulldozer didn't move an inch, their strengths were matched.

Dust kicked Nightmare Foxy back, and punched Nightmare Fredbear away. Storm rammed an ice hammer into Dust's face, sending him flying back. Fang punched Storm and kicked her legs from under her. Storm punched Fang while in mid-air, and landed on her feet. She kicked Fang back hard. He slid across the floor, staring at Storm.

"Hello Arachne," said Salazar, walking to her.

"Ah, Salazar, my sweet," smiled Arachne happily," have you come to finally be my mate?"

"Sorry, but the answer stays the same," said Salazar, making his eyes glow green," unfortunately, I came here to fight you."

"Pity…" sighed Arachne.

Salazar was slammed into a wall hard by Arachne. He opened his palm, and lifted Arachne up by her soul. He flung her across the streets and dragged her back towards him. He formed an axe with the darkness of the shadows and jumped above her, with it raised high above his head.

She's Misunderstood

"Help me…someone save me…p-please," cried Arachne, in bed.

The Nightmares were around her, sad for their mother.

"I can't escape it…the Joy of Creation…it's poisoned my mind. Help me please," cried Arachne.

Her eyes shot open and she laughed insanely.

"I don't need any help! I'm fine! I will rule the world!" her eyes became red and she laughed wickedly.

FNAF: Nightmare's Unleashed