"Many of you were brave…"

A figure stood over the dead body of Storm. Storm had oil stains on her neck and chest, and head, from when Dust and Hank killed her.

"And bravery is what I need," said a chilling female voice.

A paw slammed onto Storm's breasts, and began to glow a bright white. Storm's body shook all over the place. The paw continued to glow brightly then stopped. Storm lay there, steaming. Her eyes shot wide-open and her wounds disappeared.

Storm is Bigger

Storm was shot with an rpg, and was sent back into a building. Dust smiled and laughed," boom! Right on the center! Rest in pieces."

An ice ball shot out of the dust cloud and hit Dust, freezing him in place. He looked down and sighed, 'great.'

Storm walked out the dust cloud, smoking. She glared at Dust, two katanas slid out of her back. She grabbed them and walked to the frozen Dust.

She's Faster

Eclipse swung his fists at her with blurring speeds. She dodged them and kicked for his legs. He teleported behind her, kicking at her head. She shattered to ice particles and reappeared next to Eclipse, kicking him away. He grabbed her foot and flung her across the street. She twisted her body and landed on her feet, skidding to a halt. Eclipse smiled and slammed his fists together, his right fist turned to ice and his other into fire.

"You've gotten fast Frosty," chuckled Eclipse.

She's Stronger

Storm looked around her, she was surrounded by Lexi, Candy, Lara, and Eclipse. She remained calm and put her katanas away. She jumped in the air and slammed her fist in the ground, causing a tremor around her, sending the four animatronics away.

And is Coming Back

Dust held his shoulder in pain, and looked at a dazed Eclipse. He shook his head and looked at Storm. Storm walked to them angrily.

"I have come back from the dead to kick your ass," she said out loud.

With More Characters…

Luna, Nadia, Scarlett, Salazar, and Jester looked around them. They were surrounded by many anthros.

Enter Baron

Arachne slammed Elder Luna to the ground, and stabbed her in the stomach. Luna screamed loudly in pain, tears pouring down her cheeks. Arachne smiled wickedly. An axe flew in front of her face. She gasped and flinched back, looking to her right. She growled as she saw the tall muscular grey wolf. He walked to her, cracking his knuckles. He summoned his axe in his paws. He growled and stared at Arachne angrily. Arachne growled and faced him.

Enter Dust

"How's it going?" asked Dust to Nightmare Freddy.

Dust ran towards Nightmare Freddy and Nightmare Bonnie. He pulled out his katanas and spun horizontally, dodging Bonnie's and Freddy's claws. Freddy looked back, and swung at Dust. Dust blocked his claws and flip kicked Freddy. Nightmare Bonnie pounced on top of Dust, and snapped at his face. Dust grabbed her mouth and stabbed her through her head. She screeched and turned to black mist. She reappeared beside Nightmare Freddy.

Enter Exo

"Storm, this isn't you," said Exo, looking at Storm.

Storm covered herself in ice, and used her strength to shatter it. She looked at Exo and smirked.

"The Joy of Creation must continue," said Storm.

"Wrong answer," said Exo.

Exo slammed her face into the ground, and continuously punched her. He growled and lifted her up, throwing her across the street. She landed on her feet and glared at him, spitting out blood. She stared at him angrily, and growled loudly. Her eyes began to glow bright white. She pounced at Exo, and swung her fsts at him.

Enter Arachne

Arachne laughed loudly in the sky. A rocket was hot towards her with immense force. She caught the rocket in her paws and looked at it. She smirked and faced it back the direction it came from. She let go and it shot back to its owner. A large black figure was hit in the chest and flew back, through a building. The figure fell to the ground and slammed his fist against the floor angrily. Two glowing white eyes were seen through the dust cloud.

Luna spun around, swinging her katanas at her, in blurring speeds. Arachne dodged them all and smiled grimly. Luna slashed through Arachne's chest, and smiled in success. It soon went away as she saw Arachne just standing there, smiling. Arachne's body turned into a swarm of scarab beetles and they flew around Luna. The scarab beetles flew together and formed Arachne again.

"Ha!" shouted Arachne, biting into Luna's neck. Luna shrieked in pain, falling to the ground.

Enter Beth

Beth was a young female snow tiger. She had white fur, and purple stripes. She wore a white shirt and blue pants. She pulled out a katana and faced Lexi the assassin wolf. She gave a ferocious tiger roar, and ran at her on all fours. Lexi got into a defensive stance and glared at her old friend. Bath pounced at Lexi and just as soon as she was in arm's length, she teleported behind Lexi and tackled her down. Beth stabbed Lexi through her chest. Lexi screamed in pain, the sword just missed her heart. Beth smiled grimly. Eclipse shot her off with fire and chased after her.

Enter Scarlett

Luna was getting beaten on by Arachne and two other evil Elders, known as "COJOCs." Luna spat out blood and was held up by two of the COJOC's. She breathed heavily, looking up at Arachne with a swollen eye and a cut lip. Blood dripped from her nose and mouth, she was scratched up and had bruises and cuts all over her body. Her robe was torn, exposing some of her personal parts. The COJOC's laughed at Luna and watched as Arachne pulled out a golden khopesh. Luna coughed up more blood and looked at Arachne sadly, and in fear. A shadow raced across the floor, towards Luna. The shadow rose into a female wolf figure, soon turning into Scarlett. She jumped in the air and kicked the two COJOC's away. She threw two kunai at Arachne, who blocked them. Scarlett pounced at her, roaring angrily. Arachne slashed down at Scarlett, but it was a fake shadow clone. Scarlett stabbed Arachne from behind. She growled and turned to a horde of black widows, crawling away.

"Luna!" said Scarlett, helping her up," let's heal you up."

And Many More, Who Will be Kept as a Surprise

Many Anthro silhouettes appeared on a mountain. Two dragons stood behind them. They stared at you, the viewer and waved. The dragons roared and blew smoke in front of them, making all of them disappear.

From the distance, Jester's silhouette was seen on a mountain. He stared down at the viewers, and readers.

"Do you think you have what it takes to read on to see what happens?" asked Jester.

Six more silhouettes, three on both his sides, appeared. They each had different looks, but all had the Plague Doctor bird beak mask on. Seven Jesters now stood on the mountain. They all posed and disappeared in smoke. Out from the smoke came Arachne, staring at you. She smiled at you sweetly, and four silhouettes walked beside her, two on each side. They remained black with no eye holes, two were female, and two were male.

"I'm looking for some recruits to be on my team. Do you have what it takes to be my ally, and a COJOC? I am accepting four characters to be on my team, two male and two female. I will be watching you all in your sleep, and penetrate those minds of yours, to see your wonderful Anthros. Submit your character now, and choose wisely. There are only four who will make it, and only two males and females who will get in. Two Elders, One Legend, and One Champion, so come join me!" announced Arachne, pointing to you.

"Are you still here? Go down now before it's too late!" said Arachne, grabbing your screen and pulling it down. She and the other COJOCs were no longer in view.

"Follow these guidelines, and submit your character now. Remember, only two males and females will make it," said Arachne, laughing wickedly.

OC Guidelines:


Fur Color:

Hair Color(If Any Hair):



Elements(If Any. Examples-Eclipse has fire, ice, and lightning. Storm has ice.):


Weapons(If Any):

Rival(If Any):

Crush(If Any):



Specialty(If Any. Example-Eclipse's specialty is hand to hand combat):


Short Summary of Backstory:

"Good luck to all of you Warriors, Gladiators, Legends, Champions, and Elders out there! We wish you the best of luck and to not let the Joy of Creation infect you! See you all on the other side! Have a wonderful day or night, we are always here to protect you! Good luck, and may the power of the Elder sword be with you," said Master Elder Luna, raising her paws and teleporting all of the characters away, leaving a board and pencil for the four open spots for OC's.