Hello everybody!

Look! Two updates in the same month! Yay!

I've neglected this story, I know. Which is odd, considering how free-flowing it feels when I write it. I feel like there are no rules for me to follow, nothing to hold me back, and like there's and infinite amount of possibilities that this story offers creatively to me as an author.

This chapter

-Kara feels neglected because Alex is out late.

-Kara gets Sick

-Eliza finds out

-Kara and Alex after the Red-K


Next chapter - Kara goes into her special room.


Feeling Neglected

Kara had gotten home before Alex did, which was odd, as the older girl usually arrived home first. She wasn't exactly sure what to do, so she went and sat patiently waiting for Alex, but when the girl wasn't there within a half an hour, Kara lost what patience she did have.

She sat back on the couch and whined, not knowing what else to do.

Finally she heard the keys turn in the door, and Kara rushed over to see Alex, hugging her tightly and asking to be picked up.

Alex complied, though half-heartedly.

"I'm sorry baby girl, but I'm late! I have to go and get ready." Alex sat Kara down and rushed off into her room.

"Sissy!" Kara whined, clambering into Alex's lap when the older Danvers tried to take off her shoes.

"Whaty!" Alex copied, raising an eyebrow at her little sister.

"No go." Kara sat down in Alex's lap, turning and facing her.

"It's okay Kara, I'll be back later! And I promise I'll put you to bed when I get home. I won't be gone very long, okay? You just stay here and be a good girl for sissy." Alex brushed a piece of hair behind Kara's ear and kissed her nose.

Kara buried her face in Alex's neck, "no. No go sissy. 'Tay wif me." Kara said with her voice breaking.

"Shhhh. I gotta go baby." Alex stood up with Kara still in her arms and sat her down on the bed.

"Sissyyyyyyyyy!" Kara cried, holding her arms out to Alex and making grabbing motions with her hands.

"Kara, no. I have to go. I love you, okay? Sissy has to go bye bye." Alex kissed Kara's forehead one more time and then left.

Kara huffed and folded her arms, sitting and sulking in Alex's bed.

After about ten minutes or so, Kara got up and went into the kitchen and looked for something to eat for dinner.

She knew she couldn't touch anything hot, but she also knew that there wasn't a lot she could eat cold.

She found some animal crackers on the counter and a half drank sippycup of apple juice in the living room floor.

After eating her "dinner" and watching some cartoons, Kara noticed that Alex still wasn't home and that it was dark out side. She knew she was supposed to be asleep by 9:30 but she wasn't sure what time it was.

She headed into her bedroom and stripped down.

She put forth her best efforts, and she managed to get the t-shirt over her head, albeit backwards.

Kara went back into the living room and climbed back up on the couch and waited for Alex to come home.

The hours continued to tick bye, and finally Kara fell asleep on the couch waiting for Alex to come home.

Alex stumbled through door and shut it behind her. She managed to lock it and she headed into her room.

After getting changed, Alex came back out into the kitchen to get a glass of water, and there she saw Kara asleep on the couch.

With a light chuckle Alex went and got Kara off of the couch and took her into her room to put her in the crib.

The alien stirred slightly before waking up. "Awex?"

"Yeah, it's me. I think you may have put your shirt on backwards." Alex took it off of Kara, but being a little drunk didn't make it easy and she had put it back on a little to ruff for Kara.

"Owie." She rubbed her arms.

"Shh. Your okay. It's time to go night night. I love you." Alex kissed Kara's cheek and put her to bed.

"Seep wif 'ou?" Kara sniffled.

"Not tonight, maybe tomorrow. Goodnight Kara, I love you." Alex stood in the doorway before flicking the lights off.

"Night night sissy. Lobe ou too." Kara hugged her bear tightly to her.

Alex went to sleep not even ten minutes after she got into bed, but Kara took a little longer.

The next morning when Kara woke up, Alex was already gone so she simply sighed and got ready.

The work day was long and Kara really, really, really just wanted a hug.

Cat Grant had yelled at her, she'd been in four fights, James was mad at her, she hated her new boss, J'onn was mad that she hadn't followed his orders, Clark was gone, and Alex had been ignoring her so she didn't have anyone to really talk to.

Kara tried to call Alex... twice. And each time she got sent to voicemail.

After three days of Alex not coming home and spending any time with Kara, the youngest Danvers was about to explode.

As soon as she made it through the front door and didn't see Alex, she burst into tears and couldn't stop crying.

She missed her sister, damn it.

She was her sister.



Not anyone else's.

Kara's. She was Kara's big sister.

And Kara needed her.

It took her a few hours, but Kara finally calmed down to sniffles and she did her very best to get changed into her onesie, and eventually she got it on, half zipped, but it was on.

Alex came through the front door, and she noticed that Kara wasn't on the couch and that she hadn't come running over for a hug.

Alex walked all through out the apartment and still saw no sign of Kara, but she had one more room to check.

Alex came into Her bed room and saw her little sister cuddled up around her pillow.

Kara's cheeks were red and tear stained, letting Alex know she'd been crying for a long time.

She took a shaky breath and realized that she hadn't been there for Kara in four days. For four days her sweet little sister had been left to take care of herself. She'd been left to make dinner for herself, get dressed herself, and she'd had to put herself to bed.

Alex changed Into her pajamas and then came over to Kara and picked her up before sitting down with a now sleepy Kara in her lap.

"I am so sorry baby girl. I am so so sorry. I'm supposed to be here for you and I wasn't. I'm sorry. God, I am so sorry." Alex's eyes were brimmed with tears as she told Kara her apology.

"Sissy. It otay. I misseded ou. I misseded ou a wot. Pease no go." Kara cried into Alex's neck, begging her sister to stay.

"Shh. Baby girl I am not going anywhere any time soon. I'm here baby girl. I'm here. Always. I am here." Alex told Kara.

"No go." Kara hugged Alex tightly.

"I won't. I promise."

"I lobe 'ou."

"I love you too." Alex whispered as Kara slowly started to drift back to sleep.

The Flu Isn't Fun

She'd felt awful all day. Her head hurt, and she felt like she was going to vomit. Her eyes were blurry, she was freezing cold and sweating, and she couldn't breath.

God, she hated it when she blew out her powers.

The work day was long, and she was ready to go home. She was ready for bed. And Alex. She was ready for cuddles with Alex.

She stumbled through the door and all but face planted into Alex, who was sitting on the couch reading.

"Hey Kar." Alex said turning the page of her book casually and ran her fingers through Kara's hair.

"Sissy..." Kara whined and buried her face in Alex's chest.

"What baby girl? What's wrong?" Alex furrowed her brows in concern.

"Bad." Kara sniffled and cuddle further into Alex.

"What's bad?"


"Who is icky?" Alex wasn't understanding.

"Me." Kara whined.

"And why are you icky baby?"

"I fewl icky."

"Are you sick?"

"Uh-huh." Kara nodded her head.

"Awe, sweetheart!" Alex scooped Kara up and held her tightly to her, and Kara buried her face into Alex's neck.

"Sissy. Make it go'way." Kara coughed roughly afterwards.

"I can't do that, it has to go away on its own. I can give you some stuff to make it feel better, but sissy can't make it go away." Alex felt awful because she wanted to make Kara feel better but she couldn't just un-sick her sister.

"But ou 'post ta makes it bewwer. Dats what ou do, Awex. Ou fixes dings when dey go wong." Kara pouted at her older sister.

"Baby, I know I'm supposed to fix things that go wrong. That's what I do, because I'm your sister and I love you. But this isn't something that I can make go away. But I'll help you, I promise."

"Otay." Kara uncrossed her arms and snuggled quickly back into Alex.

"Okay." Alex said. "No protest. It's bath time, missy." She stood up and Kara gave a long whine about having to take a bath, but other wise she didn't fight.

After being dressed and fed, Alex somehow managed to force the "yucky purple stuff" down Kara's throat and now the Danvers sisters were sitting on the couch watching Paw Patrol.

"Feeling better?" Alex asked gently.

"No." Kara huffed.

Alex wrapped her arms around Kara and pulled the younger girl into her lap. "How about now?" She pressed a kiss to the side of Kara's head.

"Uh-huh." Kara nodded while snuggling into Alex and falling asleep.

"Good." Alex sighed and leaned back into the couch arm more. After a few moments of silence, she just had to ask. "Are you falling asleep?"

"...No. I... not.. seepy." Kara's words slurred together and there were long pauses between each as she fell asleep.

"Sure you aren't. Goodnight Kara. I love you, very very much." Alex kissed Kara goodnight and the youngest Danvers was out like a light.

She didn't sleep long though, because she woke up throwing up.

The acid burned her throats and her head was pounding. She was shaking, but not from the cold.

Everything was fuzzy and she felt very dizzy, like the room was spinning.

Alex was right beside her, promising her that she was going to be okay, but Kara wasn't so sure.

She was scared, she'd never been sick like this before.

Her whole body ached and she just wanted it to stop, or go away, or leave her alone. She didn't care which as long as it was gone.

A ruff coughing fit ripped through Kara's chest and she felt as those her throats was going to rip in half from the violent coughs on top of her acid-burnt throat.

Alex gave her a glass of water and it felt nice going down her raw throat, but it didn't stop her from feeling miserable.

Kara sniffles and held her arms up to Alex, who picked her up and carried her over to the couch and sat her down with her blanket and bear before heading into the kitchen to get some more flu medicine.

The stuff was nasty, but Kara was willing to do anything to make it go away.

"Can I get you anything? Something to drink? Eat? Some soup maybe? I should take your temperature, and get a cold pack for your forehead-" Alex was cut off.

"Sissy..." it was a hoarse sounding whisper, but Alex still heard it.

"Yeah?" She asked as gently as she could.

"Cuddles." Kara opened her arms to Alex and the older girl scooped her up and the sat down, letting Kara cuddle into her.

"I'm sorry that your so sick, baby."

"I wan it ta go'way." Kara's voice was muffled by Alex's chest.

"I know you want it to. And it will, but it's going to take time. But your going to be okay baby girl. And I'm here for you, okay?"

Kara scooted up on Alex and rested her head just below Alex's, "otay."

She hated being sick, but having Alex there for her definitely helped her an awful lot.


Alex and Kara had been watching yet another episode of Paw Patrol when a commercial for Chucky-cheese came on and Alex just couldn't resist.

It would be so much fun to take Kara there and watch her younger sister run around and play the games.

It was Saturday, so the girls had the day off, and so far it had been a safe and crime-free day. Those were rare, and in this case Alex was willing to take full advantage of it.

"Hey Kara, you've been a really good girl today. How about we go somewhere fun?"

"YES!" Kara screamed and then realized she is supposed to use her inside voice when inside, "sowwy. I mean yes." She said quieter and Alex couldn't help but to laugh.

"It's okay, lets go get you dressed and then we can go." Alex watched as Kara scurried quickly into her room giggling.

"How about this one?" Alex pulled out a simple baby blue shirt and a pair of black leggings.

"Otay sissy, I ecided." Kara giggling wildly as Alex tickled her before pulling the clean shirt over her head and then helping Kara into her leggings.

After loading into the car, Alex turned on the radio and smiled as Kara sang happily along to the cheerful words of "In Summer".

When they pulled up outside, Kara had no idea where they were but all the lights and people made her really nervous. "Sissy." She timidly tucked her face into Alex's side.

"Shhh. It's okay. This is Chucky Cheese!" Alex exclaimed and Kara quickly pulled her head up and smiled as she found out where they were.

"YAY!" Kara tried to run inside, but Alex caught her before she could and told her that she had to stay with Alex.

Once inside, Kara began jumping impatiently as they waited for their stamps.

After receiving matching stamps that showed Kara couldn't leave Without Alex and vise versa, the two bought tokens and began playing their games.

Kara really loved ski ball, and she liked the water gun game. She even beat her sister!

Of corse, Alex had let her win but Kara didn't know that.

The next game was wack-a-mole, and Kara at first thought it would be fun, but when she realized she had to hit the poor animals she looked at Alex and stepped away terrified.

"Hey hey, no it's okay. We don't have to play this one. What do you want to do next?" Alex said taking Kara's hand.

"Dat one!" She pointed to the jumping game and the two went over to it.

Alex put in the tokens and Kara began to play, it was very cute to watch.

After messing up, Alex took Kara over to the car rides and the two did the virtual reality race.

Alex couldn't help but laugh at the smile on Kara's face as they went up and down and all around, it was a sweet sight to see.

After a few more games and rides, Alex got a pizza and two drinks, apple juice and sprite.

"Are you having fun?" The older girl asked with a smile.

"Yesh!" Kara giggling with a mouthful of food.

"Well, I'm glad. And don't talk with your mouth full." She playfully scolded.

When they had finished eating, Kara went right back to her games and even got to play in the jungle gym.

Every time she saw a window she would look out and smile down at Alex before giggling and running to the next one.

Alex counted up the tickets and got Kara to come down so they could go and get her a prize.

She had a lot of tickets, so many that she had to option of anything on the shelves, with the exception of the scooter and skateboard.

She ended up choosing the big stuffed dog and a bag of Cotten candy.

Alex carried her prizes for her and told her it was time to go.

"Nooooooooooo. I haven fun!" Kara whined and pulled back hard on Alex's hand.

Alex let her hand go to pick up the candy while telling her that "we can't stay. We have to go, you and I have had a lot of fun but now it's time for us to go home and get ready for bed." But when she looked up Kara was gone.

She had run back into the jungle gym and was hiding in one of the tunnels, trying to avoid any windows so that her sister wouldn't see her.

Alex walked all around the place, and she knew Kara wouldn't have left, but she didn't know where her sister had gone.

There was only one place left. Alex barely saw it, but a pair of familiar blue eyes caught hers from up in the tunnels.

With a heavy sigh, she slipped her shoes off and climbed into the tunnels after Kara.

"Kara, come on. We need to go." Alex grunted and she hit her head against the tunnel.

Kara ran into a different tunnel away from Alex and she couldn't contain her laughter

As now it had become a game.

Alex huffed and went in the direction of the giggles, in and out of tunnels, left and right through little openings, and up and some platforms.

She sure was getting herself a work out.

Finally, Kara had herself pinned in the back of one of the tunnels at the very top of the jungle gym. There was no where for her to go and she knew it.

She could hear Alex coming after her, but it was still a game to her.

"There you are." Alex smiled as she came into the opening. She stood at the opposite side of the tunnel and waited for Kara, but she knew the younger girl wasn't going to come to her.

She wanted to be mad and tell Kara that she had to come over to her, but Alex knew Kara wasn't doing it to be mean or to misbehave, she was just having fun and it was just a silly game of chase for her.

"I'm gonna get you!" Alex called and rushed after Kara, causing the younger girl to pin herself against the back of the tunnel and giggle.

Once Alex got ahold of her, she tickled her relentlessly and blew a raspberry into her stomach before carrying her back out through the tunnels.

She didn't want to do those platforms again, so she had Kara sit in her lap and the two sisters went down the slide.

"I twouble?" Kara asked.

"Yes." Alex hid a light smile.

"I sowwy?" It came out more as a question then as a statement.

"I don't know, are you?" Alex teased.

"Yes! I sowwy!" Kara began to panic slightly.

"Okay, okay. Shhhhh. Your okay. I forgive you. No more trouble. Your not in trouble anymore." Alex calmed Kara down and then they left Chucky Cheeses and began the drive home.

"Dat was fun sissy." Kara smiled sleepily from her car seat.

"Yeah it was, we will have to go again." Alex laughed as Kara fell asleep.

Eliza Finds Out

Alex had forgotten to tell Kara, as she had been a very busy young lady. Both of them were, with Kara being Supergirl and working at CatCo, and Alex with the DEO.

It had just slipped her mind, it's not like she didn't mean to tell Kara.

She hated it when Eliza came to visit them. It was never very often, but it was always annoying.

All the women ever did was tell Alex what she was doing wrong and what she should be doing to fix that.

Alex knew her mother wasn't happy wth her working at the DEO, and she knew her mother was not happy with Kara being Supergirl.

She also knew her mother was not going to be happy with Little Kara.

Oh shoot.

Alex had no idea how she was going to hide everything! Everything in her apartment screamed "over-worked single parent of a messy wild child two-year old", even though Alex wasn't Kara's parent, she was responsible for her.

What was she going to do? Kara had had a very bad week, which meant keeping Little Kara in was going to be very, very hard.

Should she just tell her?

No. That's bad. That's a very bad idea. Retreat, back out!

New plan.

She could just keep it a secrete and try and hide it all.

Of corse that would take a lot of time, and she was running out of that. It's not like Alex wasn't trying to come up with anything, she was. She just didn't know what to do.

The cat would be out of the bag, but Alex didn't want to put someone as vulnerable as Kara on the other side of her disappointed mother.

She'd come up with something, she still had two days.

Or not.

As usual, Eliza had arrived early and when Alex saw the message from her mom saying that she was here and waiting for Alex to pick her up, she began to panic.

She ran out to her car and grabbed the car seat out before running it inside and putting it in Kara's secret room.

She grabbed Kara's blanket, bear, and a pacifier and ran it into her room before setting it on the bed and then she put her sisters high chair into Kara's special room.

She quickly put everything that screamed Little Kara away and then locked the door behind her.

She texted her mom back, "sorry, I'll be there soon. I had to finish something at work and I couldn't get to my phone. See you soon :)".

Alex picked her mom up and the drive home was filled with typical mom and daughter conversation, except the talk about Alex's alien little sister.

"I'm very proud of you, Alex. It's very clean." Eliza noted about Alex's apartment. "Especially for someone like Kara living here." The two chuckled at the comment.

At the mention of her name, Kara peaked out from Alex's room.

She rushed out to see Alex, but skidded to a stop when she saw Eliza. She took a deep breath and fought with herself momentarily, before calmly going out and hugging Alex, and then Eliza.

"How are you?" Eliza asked as Kara pulled out of the hug.

"I'm good, super actually." Kara laughed at her own joke before looking to Alex.

"Hey Alex, theoretically speaking, how mad would you be if someone, not me, but someone theoretically broke, not saying I, I mean they, did but If someone-" Alex cut Kara off before she could finish.

"Kara, spit it out."

"I broke your picture frame." Kara cringed and looked slowly up at Alex.

"I- how did you break it?" Eliza asked and Kara's gaze snapped in the direction of her.

Internally, she was at a war with herself and Little Kara.

"Umm." Kara couldn't exactly tell Eliza the truth that she was little and running through the house And accidentally bumped into the wall. "I'm not sure how." Kara lied, but the crease in her eyebrows and the slight twitch of her nose told Eliza that she wasn't telling the truth.

"The truth, Kara." Eliza demanded.

"Mom, lay off of her. If she said she didn't know how she broke it, then she doesn't want to tell us how she broke it. Right?" Alex looked at her sister.

"Right." Kara stood very close to Alex, almost hiding behind her.

"Your just going to let Kara lie? Your just going to let her get away with anything she wants to?" Eliza was growing annoyed. What was the big deal?

"Basically. It's fine, it's a picture frame. Not the whole apartment. Besides, she's an adult. She doesn't need me to reprimand her." Alex defended her sister, taking Kara's hand in hers.

"You two are impossible." Eliza sighed and gave up on it for now.

The three Danvers sat and caught up for a few hours, and Kara has slowly made her way closer and closer to Alex, until she was practically on top of her.

"Don't you think it's time for dinner, Alex?" Eliza stood up and headed into the kitchen.

"I believe so." Alex followed suit, leaving Kara pouting at the sudden absence of attention and warmth from her sister.

Alex and Eliza began preparing dinner, leaving Kara to be very very bored.

With a heavy sigh, she went over to her special room and tried the handle only to find it locked.

"Dang it." She whispered under her breath. Kara went into Alex's room next, and visibly relaxed at the sight of her blanket and bear.

She collected the two sacred items and went back into the living room with them, sitting down on the couch and turning on the Tv.

Eliza knew the bear well enough, Alex had given it to Kara when she arrived on earth to help her deal with her nightmares.

That bear went everywhere with Kara, and She was very surprised that the bear was still intact.

It was almost 12 years old now, and Eliza had a feeling it was going to be around for 12 more years.

It always amazed Eliza how opposite Alex and Kara were, and yet how much of a perfect match they were.


She'd always wondered why it was so easy for Kara to tell people and truthfully accept Alex as her older sister, but not her. She wouldn't take Eliza as a mom, but she accepted Alex as her sister instantly.

Why, she'd never know.

But something did seem off about Kara, the attachment to the bear was normal, but she'd put her blanket away years ago. She only ever took it out when something was wrong or when she thought no one was around.

It was baby blue in color, and as far as Eliza could see it was still very fleecy and soft. That was another thing she didn't get. How Kara could carry both items to so many places and have them for so many years, and them still be fine.

She was brought out of her thoughts when Alex called her over to get the chicken out of the oven.

"Oh, sorry honey I was a little sidetracked." Eliza chuckled and pulled the chicken out.

"By what?" Alex began setting the table for three.

"Just some stuff that's been on my mind, nothing to worry about." Eliza brought the chicken over to the table and put it in the center so everybody could get there own.

Kara sat next to Alex, and the three had dinner, it was mostly small talk revolving around their day jobs and being Supergirl.

After cleaning up from dinner, the three girls sat in the living room to watch a movie.

During the movie, Eliza couldn't help but to notice some... odd behavior in Kara.

She was almost in Alex's lap, and though Eliza was used to the two sitting close to one another, Kara was never that close.

"Everything alright, girls?" Eliza raised an eyebrow.

"Just chipper." Alex grunted at Kara's weight suddenly on top of her.

Kara hugged her tightly, and she was really struggling with herself, and her sister could tell.

"Just a little longer, okay?" Alex whispered.

"Otay." Kara whispered back.

"You two are not ever going to grow up, are you?" Eliza laughed at the two, they hadn't changed at all over the years.

Alex nervously laughed, and in the back of her mind couldn't help but to think "if only you knew the half of it."

"I suppose we aren't." Alex played it off, the DEO had taught her well.

"Alright girls, I'm going to go to sleep. I will see you in the morning. I love you both, sweet dreams." Eliza gave each of her daughters a kiss on the forehead and went into Kara's bedroom for the night, as they didn't have an extra room and Kara didn't mind staying with Alex.

When she was sure Eliza couldn't hear them, Alex said "okay little one, it's okay now."

"Yay!" Kara giggled and nuzzled into her older sister.

"Okay, okay. I get it, I missed you to."

"I no wanna be big." Kara huffed and sat back off of Alex.

"I know baby, but do you want mom to know about you? That is a question for big Kara. Can I talk to her for just a minute? Please?" She softly asked and with a heavy sigh, her little sister complied.

"I don't care if Eliza knows or not. I just don't want you to be the one to get in trouble over something that is wrong with me."

"If Eliza is mad at me then I will deal with that, what's important is that you are happy. And why would you think that there is something wrong with you?" Alex was concerned about Kara and her sudden self-doubt.

"I... it's weird, Alex. Normal people aren't like this."

"First, you aren't normal. Second, there's nothing wrong with it. And third, normal is boring anyway. I love you exactly the way you are." Alex hugged Kara to her and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks, Alex. I just sometimes feel weird. Especially now that Eliza is here and I can't even be comfortable in our house."

"Okay Kar, I'll talk to mom and we'll just see how it goes, I can't promise she'll like it, but it's mom. Who knows."

"Yeah." Kara gave Alex a sloppy kiss on the cheek before bursting into giggles and racing into Alex's room.

Alex knew that it was going to be a long, long night.

The next morning, Kara was up and active but not before Alex was.

Alex had already pulled Kara's high chair out and put it at the table, as she planned to tell Eliza at breakfast.

But it seemed Kara has other plans, because as soon as Eliza came out of her room, so did Kara.

And like a bat out of hell at that.

She ran right over to Alex and jumped up in her arms while Eliza stood with a... perplexed look on her face.

"Sissy!" Kara giggled nuzzled into Alex, and at first Eliza thought it was a joke or something about her comment last night, but after seeing not only what Kara was wearing, but the high chair too, she realized that it was nothing to laugh about.

"Alexandra and Kara Zor-El Danvers. Just what do you think that you are doing?" She placed a hand on her hip and Kara couldn't help but notice how similar Alex and her mom were when she was in trouble.

They had the same time of voice and the same posture. And hand on the hip thing. Jeez, did it give her anxiety.

"Mom, calm down. This is just... I can explain if you let me." Alex said and she walked over to the couch, setting Kara down next to her.

"You sure do have something to explain alright."

"Okay, so Kara and I were talking one day..." Alex couldn't help but to notice the grimace on Eliza's face as she explained. "...And this is how I make it up to her. She wanted a childhood, and you want me to take care of her. I'm doing just that." Alex finished.

"I just don't understand how you see this behavior as acceptable. She is 24 years old."

"And? She missed all of her childhood. Being a member of the house of El meant being mature. When she came here, she'd lost everything. She had nothing and no one. Now, I'm someone. She's my little sister. And she needs me." Alex clenched her teeth to keep from saying something she'd regret.

Eliza took a deep breath. "And this really helps her?"

"Yes." It was a simple answer, but it was all Alex needed to say.

"Well, okay then." Eliza didn't like it, but she had to admit it might be nice to help Kara, if this is what this did for her. "I think... that if a childhood is what she wants then she should come home with me. She needs a mother."

"I may not be her mother, but I am doing a damn good job parenting. She's taken care of, she's healthy, and most importantly, she's happy." Alex wanted to scream, but she knew Kara was watching her.

"What do you know about parenting, You've never done it."

"I've been doing it for the past two years! Longer, actually! I've been there for her and she has relied on me for the past 12 years! I'm a all but an expert at this point with her. And where have you been? Who has she always gone to with a problem? Who does she expect to save her when she decides she can do it on her own but gets stuck? Who is there when she wakes up from a nightmare? Who is there for her every second of everyday? Me. I am. Not you. She needs me, not you." Alex was seething at this point, and for the first time Eliza could see that she'd not only said, but done something wrong.

"I am... sorry Alex. I didn't see it that way. You're right. No one knows her better then you. No one ever will, because your her everything. But, I can't help but to feel... jealous. Because your right. She doesn't come to me. She never has. It's always been you. All she ever talked about when you were gone was when you were coming back, how much she missed you, and all the fun things you'd done together. She never once came to me for help if you were in the room. And, if you weren't in the room her primary instinct was to ask for you. And I can't help it. I wanted her to need me, I wanted to be her mom and I wanted her to accept me the same way she accepted you." Alex sat slightly dumbfounded and Eliza put her head in her hands.

"Mom, I didn't dictate who she got an attachment to. But, I can't lie and say I would have rather it been you. Because I don't know what I'd do without her. I need her as much as she needs me. And I'm sorry to, for getting angry with you.. it's just when you talked about her needing a mom and to leave with you, I just... I panicked. I'm sure you can be a part of her life, little or big. She does love you, she just misses her real mom. But she loves you too." Alex comforted as Kara climbed into her lap and hugged her tightly.

"It otay sissy." Kara stayed hugging Alex for a while.

"I know it is. It's okay. Do you wanna go and say hi to mom?" Alex asked and laughed when Kara slowly peeked out to see Eliza and then buried her face right back in Alex's shoulder. "Is that a maybe?" Alex looked to her mom. "She'll warm up to you. She's just shy."

"I believe it." Eliza smiled softly, silently thinking to herself about all the fun things she could take Kara to do now.

I'm Sorry, I Didn't Mean It

"Did I kill anyone?" Kara asked.

"No. you didn't kill anyone." Alex told her and Kara noticed her sisters arm. "Broken bones heal, Kara. And so will this."

"I-I'm so sorry Alex. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean any of it. It's just... every dark thought I've ever had it came bubbling to the surface and I... I couldn't stop it. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it." Kara sobbed, trying to keep her voice steady but failing miserably.

"I know, but there's some truth to what you said. And I'll have to work on that." Alex offered a small smile and took Kara's hand in hers.

"I'm so sorry." Kara sat up and Alex hugged her. She was hurt by what Kara said, but she knew Kara was just as hurt, if not more so.

"I know. I know." Alex rubbed Kara's back gently.

"Sissy?" Kara cried harder, knowing what even as Little Kara she couldn't get away from her emotions.

"Hey baby, hush now. It's okay. No need to cry. I'm here. Shh, you know I love you so much." Alex comforted and pulled Kara into her lap, rocking slightly.

"I no mean it." Kara clung tightly to Alex as she cried.

"I know that, it's okay. Now, let's just go home and cuddle." Alex picked her sister

Kara just cried as Alex carried her out, and didn't even put her in the car seat. She just at Kara next to her and began the short drive home, as the new DEO was very close to they're apartment.

When they got home, Alex sat with her devastated little sister and tried her best to comfort her.

"I know it's hard. I know that you feel miserable and alone. I know that your sorry and, Kara, I know you didn't mean it. There's some truth to what you said, and I'm to blame for that. I know I wasn't always fair to you, and for that I am sorry. I am sorry for how I treated you when you got here, and I'm sorry I made you feel those think. I was callow, and I am so sorry

For that."

"It otay sissy. I da bad one." Kara looked down at her feet and the expression that graces her features broke Alex's heart.

But Alex knew Kara's heart was worst off, and for the first time she wasn't so sure she could fix it.

It would take time. Lots of time.

"Your not bad, your perfect. You weren't in control of yourself, it's not your fault." Alex assured her sister. "I love you."

"I lobe 'ou too." Kara sniffled some more and buried her face into Alex's neck.

It would be okay, but it was gonna take time, for both of them.

Visiting Eliza

Thanksgiving was right around the corner, and this year it was Alex and Kara's turn to go to their childhood home in Midvale.

Kara had gotten so excited about the holiday, she could barely contain herself.

"Hold up, Kara! Not so fast." Alex smiled as she scooped Kara off of the floor to stop her from running out to the car. "I have a few more things to get and I need you to stay put." Alex placed Kara into her play pin and continued to collect the things that they needed to take with them.

After loading it all into the car, she grabbed Kara's favorite blanket and bear, and then her sister before locking the apartment up behind her and going down to the car.

Alex got Kara into her car seat with the beloved items and a sippy cup of milk and then hopped into the front seat herself.

The drive was a few hours long, but it went fairly smoothly. A few eye spy games and sing alongs helped to pass the time until Kara fell asleep for the rest of the drive.

When she woke back up, Alex was pulling into the drive through.

"Hewe?" Kara asked as she sleepily rubbed her eyes.

"Yes, baby girl. We're here." Alex stepped out of the front seat and left Kara in her car seat while she collected all of their items and brought them into the house.

Eliza heard the commotion and right as she came out of her office, Alex came in carrying Kara, who was rubbing the last little bit of sleep out of her eyes.

Kara saw Eliza and she shyly snuggled into Alex, wrapping her arms around her sister's neck and her legs around her waist. She tucked her face into Alex's shoulder.

Eliza didn't know exactly how to feel about Kara's behavior, she knew she didn't exactly like it but she was warming up to it, albeit slowly.

"Hi mom." Alex said happily as she walked in the door.

"Hello you two!" Eliza happily exclaimed and hugged her daughters, kissing Alex's cheek. When she had gone to kiss Kara's cheek, the younger girl shied away and shrank into Alex.

Eliza let out a disappointed sigh, maybe it'd be easier to accept Kara's behavior if she'd just warm up to her.

"She just woke up, mom." Alex explained to her mother as she kissed the top of Kara's head. "I'm going to go and put her on the couch and leave her to wake up a bit more." Alex took her little sister into the living room and sat her on the couch, covering her with her blanket and making sure she had her bear before turning on Paw Patrol and going back into the kitchen to see her mom.

They sat and chatted for a bit while her mom made the two girls a snack. "You must be hungry, I know Kara is." Eliza chuckled lightly.

Alex ate a few of the cookies and talked with her mom about Eliza's work and her own, as well as Kara's. After a short while, Alex saw Kara peeking around the corner.

She caught her big sisters eyes and Alex motioned for her to come over to them. Kara looked at Eliza and then back her sister, then to Eliza again. She then ran to her sister, climbing into her lap.

The eldest Danvers smiled to Kara and offered her a snack, laughing as she quickly accepted and began eating it.

"Tank 'ou." Kara said quietly after she was done.

"Your very welcome." Eliza reached out and culled Kara's cheek before returning to her conversation with Alex.

After a while, Kara got tired of all the adult talk and she went back into the living room to watch some Tv.

She was about half way into her show when suddenly Alex came running into the living room and tackled her against the couch, tickling her mercilessly as Kara giggled wildly.

Kara tried to tickle he sister back, but she was laughing to hard.

She gave her sister a break and stopped tickling her, but not before blowing against her stomach.

Alex stood and ran up the stairs calling down to Kara to come and find her.

Kara ran up the stairs after Alex, and she searched each room until she found Alex hiding in a closet.

Alex sat down with Kara and began to show her a old science kit that her dad had given her.

But, like most two year olds, Kara got bored quickly. She got that glint in her eye and a mischievous little smile on her face. She hoped up on her feet and climbed up on the bed, proceeding to jump up and down on the bed.

Alex cleaned up the science kit and when she reached out to get her sister off of the bed so she wouldn't fall off and her hurt, Kara slid off and raced out of room giggling while Alex chased her, laughing as well.

When Alex finally caught Kara, Eliza came into the room to ask them to stop running and go outside and do that instead.

So, Alex took Kara down to the beach. She played in the water for a little bit, but after long she got tired of that.

So Alex began a game of hide and seek, she told Kara to count and she'd go hide.

Alex hid behind a sand dune, thinking she was in a obvious place but Kara didn't see her.

She'd hidden to well.

After about ten minutes of not seeing her sister, Kara got scared and began to call out to her crying.

"Sissy!" Kara sniffled and sat down on on a big piece of drift wood.

Alex heard the sniffles and ran over to Kara, picking her up and cuddling her close. "Shhh. I'm right here. Your okay." Alex comforted and when Kara stopped crying, her sister took her back inside and made them both a cup of hot chocolate.

After dinner and a bath, Alex left Kara to watch tv while she and Elisa finished up some work on their computers.

Kara ran around with her toys happily, and she was pretending her bear could fly.

Eliza heard all of the noise and came into the living room to see what was going on. "Kara! Don't run in the house your gonna fall and either break something or hurt yourself."

"I... otay. I sowwy." Kara gave her best puppy dog eyes and Eliza's heart just melted.

"Oh, alright. I forgive you." She smiled and went back to her work and Kara went back to her game.

Only, she didn't stop running. And this time she ran into the kitchen and bumped into the counter, spilling a cup that had been sitting there.

She stood there mortified for a minute before running off into the room Alex was in and diving into her lap.

"Well, hello." Alex laughed softly and hugged her sister.

"I not hewe." Kara said quickly.

"But you are here..." Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Shhhh. I not hewe." Kara said again.

"Okay then. Your not here." Alex gave up.

"KARA ZOR-EL DANVERS!" Eliza yelled and Kara tucked herself tightly into Alex, already crying.

"What. Did. You. Do?" Alex asked and pulled her sister off of her.

"I not hewe."

"She is going to see you, you know."

"I not hewe."

Eliza came into the room and Alex looked up, "she's not here right now."

"Oh yes she is." Eliza tapped her foot against the floor.

"I know, but she wanted me to tell you she's not here." Alex laughed. "What did she do?"

"She spilt a cup."

"Okay, well. Kara, what do you say."

"I sowwy." Kara looked sheepishly at Eliza.

And she melted... again. "Don't let it happen again." Eliza smiled and walked away from her two girls.

She still wasn't sure about the whole situation with Kara, but how could she refuse to love something as cute as Little Kara?


Neglected story, I know. I'm aware. And I'm sorry.

I say this every chapter, but I'm trying. Updates are slow, and life is so fast. I can't keep up with it sometimes.

In my defense, this chapter is words long, and that's a lot for one chapter.

The new season is definitely inspiring me to keep writing.

Speaking of which, has it inspired any more request out of you guys? Lemme know In the reviews.

Anyways, thank you to everyone who's ever left me a request and review. I'm sorry if I've yet to get around to it, I will I promise.

Thank you to everyone who reads, follows, favorites, and reviews.

What do you guys think about me writing Drunk Kara for Always There in the next chapter of said story?

Okay, I'm done now. Have a blessed day or night, depending on when you read this, and I will try and update soon!

~ Xoxo, Isabella