Hi people! I will warn you of two things right now: 1. I have not seen all of Gravity Falls, and 2. SPOILERS! Also...disclaimer: I do not own Homestuck or Gravity Falls. Those belong to Andrew Hussie and Alex Hirsh respectively.

Vriska leaned against the window of the bus, thoroughly bored. She was the last person on the bus.

"Last stop, Gravity Falls, Oregon!" the bus driver hollered. Vriska stood up, dragging her luggage behind her. Another boring hick town with normal people. This won't be interesting at all. After stepping off the bus, her phone buzzed.

-ectoBiologist started pestering arachnidsGrip-

EB: hi vriska!

AG: Hi Joooooooohn.

EB: you in gravity falls yet?

AG: Just got here. I'll 8e so 8oooooooored.

EB: it'll be okay. i'll try to visit.

AG: Awwwwwwww. Thanks. ::::)

-ectoBiologist ceased pestering arachnidsGrip-

Vriska smiled. John, while incredibly naive, could also be...sweet.

"Hi! Are you Vriska?" a girl in a bright pink shirt that would put Kanaya on the warpath chirped at Vriska. "I'm Mabel Pines! You'll be staying at my Grunkle's place!"

"Your what?" Vriska asked, having no clue what a "grunkle" could be. "W8, never mind, I don't care. Can we get moving already?"

"Mabel, is she here or not?" a boy walked up who bore a striking resemblance to Mabel. "Oh, hi. I'm Dipper, Mabel's twin. The car's over here." Vriska shrugged and followed him. Mabel skipped along aside her, babbling her head off. the trio reached a bright red car.

"Hiya kids! You must be Vriska. Nice eye patch and arm." an older man commented bluntly. The twins looked at him, seeing as most people found it impolite to comment on things like that. The man ignored them. "What'd you do?"

"Got into a fight. You should see what I did to the other guy." Vriska boasted, smirking.

"I like you, kid. Name's Stan. These two troublemakers are my grandniece and grandnephew, so they call me Grunkle Stan." the car pulled up to a tourist trap that was falling apart.

"Please tell me this isn't our final stop." Vriska moaned.

"Yup. The Mystery Shack." Stan said proudly. "You'll be rooming with these troublemakers until your parents get here."

"Parent and sister." Vriska corrected. As the car rolled to a stop, Vriska pulled her luggage out of the trunk and headed up to the ramshackle house. "You guys coming?" Mabel was skipping up to her, Dipper looked up from diary scribbles and just said "huh?", and Stan was climbing out of the car.

"Hey guys!" a man-boy? Boy. Greeted happily. "Hey, who's this?"

"Vriska Serket." She held out an arm to shake.

"Soos. Cool robot arm." Soos complimented.


"You got a whole pirate theme going on, huh?" he continued.

"Yeah, kinda following the footsteps of my mom. Aranea-my sister." Vriska clarified at Soos' blank look. "Really disapproves, though."

"Woah, your mom's a pirate?" Mabel butted in, marveling.

"Used to 8e a pirate." Vriska clarified.

"Why'd she stop?" Dipper asked, curious. "If I were a pirate, I'd say on a boat forever."

"Not sure. I'm going to have a look around, so..." Vriska trailed off and lugged her luggage into the building. Stepping in, she could tell this place was a complete sham. Her phone buzzed again.

-grimAxiliatrix began trolling arachnidsGrip-

GA: Have You Reached Gravity Falls Yet

AG: Yeah. This place is weiiiiiiiird.

GA: They Say The Forests Are Full Of Strange Things

AG: Like what? ::::)

GA: I'm...Not Sure

AG: Oh, the meddler isn't sure.

GA: Very Mature

AG: Unless there's anything else, I'm leaving.

GA: No, That Is All

-grimAxiliatrix ceased trolling arachnidsGrip-

So yeah. First off, sorry if the characters are ooc. Also, in case people are curious or confused, Vriska already knows John, Dave, Rose, Jade, Karkat, Kanaya, and Terezi. The ancestors are the parents of the trolls, and the dancestors are their siblings. Every character will at least show up once. There also will be cameos of god tiers. The story of how Vriska got her prosthetic and eye patch is that she was in a very bad fight, but did not kill anyone. Also it wasn't Aradia. So yeah, bye!