Gate: Army of the Earth Federation

Author's Note: Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've written anything but I found this incredible anime (At least in my opinion it is), I've been thinking about writing my own story similiar to this (I came up with this original story of mine long before I knew about this anime so please no accusations of plagiarism, I'm going to incorperate some of my original ideas of my story into this but keeping the general aspect of the anime so that I don't completely rewrite the story to see if some of my ideas work.). While the basis of the story will remain the same, I will add a lot more on to keep the story going and hopefully keep it interesting.

NOTE: To avoid confusion of language let's just assume that all the characters from earth that speak are fluent in Japanese, thus they can communicate effortlessly.

Itami was on a train to Ginza heading towards a doujinshi convention, the only reason for his existence at this point.

'If it came between a choice between my hobbies or my job, I would choose my hobbies' is what Itami always says.

Playing a game on his phone fighting goblins, orcs, and other fantasy creatures Itami began to fantasize himself as the character he was playing staring down an army of enemies single handed he ran headlong into the fray sword drawing, adrenaline pumping. Itami found himself in the middle of the army staring down a large orc like creature Itami readied his sword as he prepared for his first attack. But to Itami's sudden and horrifying surprise, he couldn't attack.

'What's wrong?' Itami thought, 'Why can't I move'.

Thoughts and possibilities raced through Itami's head, from being paralyzed or somehow fear getting the better of him. However it wasn't long before a digital screen appeared saying "Out of Energy", shortly followed by a screen saying "Please pay 500 Yen to replenish your energy". A look of horror quickly etched itself across Itami's face as he realized both the problem and how completely screwed he was.

The army of enemies pounced on his digital character and mercilessly ruined his character. Itami hung his head back in deep disappointment as his fantasy was crushed in his view by a stupid condition the game has, needing him to pay for energy or wait extensive periods of time to replenish it, he only could inwardly growl at how his fun was ruined.

But as fate would have it, as his fun was ruined his train came to a stop at his destination. Remembering his original reason for being out there in the first place Itami quickly forgot his disappointment and proceeded to make his way to the doujinshi convention.

Else where in Japan

In a large spacious room near the center of Ginza in an office building that had been temporarily rented out. In this room 15 people sat around a large cheap maple wood table. The chairs were all the simple folding chairs, no coffee machine, a single water cooler in the corner. This wasn't a luxurious meeting place to say the least.

"I would like to thank you all for coming here this evening" An old man dressed in an American military uniform bearing the rank of General, he had gray hair and well grown beard around his face. The man looked like he could have been in his late fifties to mid sixties but still carried himself as if he was forty years old. "As you all know I have called this meeting to set up hopefully a military alliance with several nations of the world to be outside the insanity of politics that threatens to push us to the brink at times." The man continued. "You all know me I'm General Marcus Ford, and we have commanders and officers from all over the world, from the US, China, Russia, Brazil, both Koreas, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Britain, Belgium, Japan, and last but not least, Australia. As you all know nationality isn't an issue here, so please feel free to speak freely on this issue." General Marcus said sitting back down.

Back in Ginza

A crowd gathered around a weird stone gate that seemed to appear out of no where, people started whipping out their phones and taking pictures, believing it to be some form of a special attraction, though why it would appear and take up an intersection was making quite a few confused.

"Why is this in an intersection?" One person asked.

"Is it for some form of promotion?" Another asked out loud.

"Where did it come from?" another wondered.

With General Marcus

"Does anyone else have any objections?" Marcus asked to the group of military officers as he slightly slumped in his chair, right now he was getting fifty percent support fifty percent against his efforts. Russia, China, Japan, Germany, Britain, and Australia were more or less in support. However Poland, Belgium, North and South Korea, France, and Italy were still having some reservations.

"We all know this is going to be a rather unfair organization, most of the military personnel, equipment and authority is going to undoubtedly go to the United States" The French officer said rather snidely.

Marcus knew this would come up, this is why he despised politics, it does nothing more than take a well meaning effort and ruins it by means of an individual, or national need for getting the 'Better deal'. But that being said he knew that it was true, the US has the most money, one of the largest militaries in the world and have some of the most advanced equipment in the world, it would make less sense if the US relinquish significant control to share it with other nations. Cause that would be outside the US governments' interest.

"That is why I prepared the draft to state that one country can't establish superior funding or control of this alliance. Each country has control over it's own military participation, though sadly there can only be one commander, however each nation will be obligated to have an officer in the higher echelons to influence decision making. This also allows the nation that's not in favor of a particular motion to be able to refuse that nations military participation which could lead to the alliance being stuck in limbo". Marcus explained.

Marcus knew that was a risky move since it allows politics to interfere, but the only alternative would be to have that refusing country no longer participate, and the alliance would go on anyway. But that would kinda defeat the purposes and reasons for making this alliance.

Marcus quickly took a quick look at everyone there, the large number of officers he some how managed to gather to discuss this potentially historical event where war between developed and developing nations could and likely would never happen again, without incurring the wrath of his political superiors.

They laughed at him, believing he would never be able to pull it off. And while it hasn't happened yet, he knew that if this failed, he would never get a second chance. But good news he got all of the big three, He being the representative of the US, along with Russia's and China's representatives taking a rather healthy interest in it, but knew that they would still have reservations.

"Everyone, I have a serious question to ask" Marcus announced sighing before anyone else could raise an objection.

Everyone's attention quickly spiked sensing sincerity coming from General Marcus.

"Raise your hand if you as military commanders of your individual nations, found yourself fearing outbreak of war with another country that you would dread ever having happen?" Marcus asked.

Everyone immediately raised their hands, some countries taking a quick moment to glare at another representative who's country has been on less than friendly terms with theirs.

"How many of you, ever wondered if there would be a time in our life times where we didn't have to look at each other with hostility?" Marcus asked again.

Every kept their hands raised, as everyone's hands remained raised some began to look around the room realizing some form of connection with each other now realizing that they all dread and wish for the same thing. Others didn't seem surprised at all.

"Now my question, if you all could, would you..." Marcus began but was interrupted by a guard bursting into the room looking rather panicked.

"GENERAL!" The American Marine cried.

"WHAT!?" General Marcus yelled back, he was in the middle of something important and he didn't appreciate being interrupted.

All officers brought with them up to five guards from either special forces or reputable combat divisions from their countries for the sole purpose of protection, the guards were all outside in the hallway either relaxing as nothing was happening or off in the break room to grab a snack. However one guard saw fit to interrupt much to Marcus's displeasure.

"I know you told me no interruptions sir, but we all have to go" The marine said with the most serious face he could muster.

"What do you mean we all have to go?" Marcus asked as all the guards quickly shuffled into the room to try and urge their officers to get up and go.

"There's been an attack in Ginza sir" The marine replied without hesitation.

"An attack!?" Marcus repeated some disbelief in his voice. 'Could it be them? Would they be that desperate?' Marcus thought to himself. "Who's attacking?" Marcus asked.

"We don't know sir, but we do know that who ever it is, is only a couple blocks away" the marine explained.

Marcus felt his stomach drop, while he couldn't get confirmation he couldn't take the risk that it was who they thought it could be. "We gotta go" Marcus agreed as he stood up and made for the door with everyone else in tow.

A Couple minutes ago at the gate

"Is that a movie prop?" Someone who had just arrived asked as he spotted the gate.

Suddenly a Dragon flew through the gate with a armored man on his back. While the crowd gasped in shock at the sudden appearance what they couldn't prepare for was the massive army that started pouring through the gate. First it was Orcs, goblins, pig men, and what could be best described as ghouls attacking with reckless abandon, suddenly thousands of soldiers wearing what appeared to be ancient roman armor followed after.

The crowd ran in panic as horns blared, and arrows began to rain from the sky, screams of terror and death began to fill the streets as the streets began to fill with these mysterious soldiers.

A police officer managed to make it to a police box and called the main station "THIS IS THE GINZA CHOME-4 POLICE BOX WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!" the officer cried.

With Itami

Itami ran through the streets towards the chaos as panicked people ran past him. Itami barely knew what was happening, all he knew is that Ginza was under attack, and he saw a dragon fly by. It shouldn't have been possible, of all things a dragon suddenly appearing in Tokyo with a man on it's back.

Itami also knew he was at a disadvantage, he had no gun, and no contact with his superiors.

"I've gotta find a way to stop this, or the convention will be canceled" Itami cried as he rushed towards the chaos.

On his way he saw a woman crouched on the ground her hands covering her head.

"Are you alright!?" Akalu asked reaching his hand out to her. "This place is dangerous you have to run!"

"Who are you?" The woman asked confusion and surprise evident in her face.

Itami's thoughts were interrupted by gun shots in the distance. A lone police man with his revolver firing desperately at a dragon trying to bring the beast down.

After the officer emptied his gun the rider fell off likely hit by the police officers shots.

The rider grumbled and struggled for a bit before gaining his bearings and rushed the Police officer with his sword drawn.

The officer couldn't react, the shock and empty gun left the officer frozen on the spot.

Itami quickly intervened using an arm-lock grapple Itami grappled the rider to the ground and quickly put the man in a chock lock. Itami then reached with one hand reached for the blade the rider dropped and without hesitation killed the would-be assailant.

"Are you alright?" Itami asked the officer blood covering Itami's chin and cheek.

"GRAH!" A high pitched growl was heard as Itami looked behind him to see a pig man charging at him with a blade larger than the one the rider had.

"Crap" Itami thought as he was crouched with the dead rider still in his lap.


A shot rang out and the pig man instantly dropped to the ground dead with blood pouring out of its head.

Itami looked towards the direction of the shot, he saw a young man dressed in a military uniform he didn't recognize holding a hand gun, and pointing it in the direction of the pig man.

A couple minutes earlier With General Marcus and the other officers

"Where are we going?" The French officer cried out loud frightened from what was going on.

"Depends on what happens when we get outside" An officer named Akalu replied coolly, as if this situation didn't phase him in the least.

"How can you be so calm?" Marcus asked. "Do you know what's happening?"

"Of course not" Akalu replied. "If I knew what was happening I would know where to go."

"Then how can you be so calm?" Marcus asked again.

"Cause losing my cool would mean I've already lost" Akalu replied.

Marucs starred down the officer named Akalu, he was rather young, very young, Black haired man, he couldn't have been much older than 28 years old, yet already holding such a high rank within his nation's military. But Marcus knew why, Akalu's father was a high ranking officer and taught Akalu everything he knows. But then an idea quickly came over Marcus.

"Very well then, Akalu, you lead everyone out of here" Marcus said.

"WHAT!?" The American marine and other officers cried as they heard what he said. "But General, he's a..." The marine tried to protest only to have Marcus quickly interrupt.

"It doesn't matter where he's from, I know his father, and I know what kind of commander Akalu is. Not to mention he's the only officer here that hasn't lost his head". Marcus retorted.

"Not entirely true" Akalu interrupted, he quickly gestured towards an American officer named Eric Tanner. Eric is also a young officer with golden blonde hair, no older than 26 years old, but he only holds the rank of Captain, his purpose of being there was to be Marcus's entourage, he wasn't meant to be a large part of this meeting.

"Captain Tanner here actually hasn't lost his cool either" Akalu stated calmly.

Marcus quickly turned to Eric and saw that Eric didn't lose his cool, but he could see Eric seemed to be eager for a fight.

"Very well, Akalu you lead everyone here, Eric you will be his second in command" Marcus instructed.

Every other officer there seemed to grow in amazement that Marcus the one who called them their was delegating authority of all their guards to Akalu.

"Are you sure about that General, wouldn't Eric be a better choice for you?" Akalu asked stoically, obviously not too concerned about what Marcus was trying to do.

"Yes, that would be better" The American marine agreed as he glared at Akalu.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Eric yelled shocking the Marine. "We're under attack and you have the gall to question what your superior officer commands? You should be ashamed!" Eric yelled angrily. The Marine drooped his head in shame.

"I have made my decision" Marcus said reinforcing his belief in his judgement. "Does anyone else have any objections?" Marcus asked everyone. With no one raising any objections Marcus turned to Akalu. "Lead on Akalu"

"Very well" Akalu said as he approached the Marine who voiced opposition to Akalu leading. "Do you have a side arm soldier?" Akalu asked.

"Y-yes I do" The marine replied.

"Give it to me" Akalu instructed.

The marine hesitated for a second but then quickly handed Akalu his side arm. Akalu inspected the hand gun quickly before turning towards the 28 guards in front of the officers. "Alright, the American and Chinese marines will secure the area immediately outside this building. Once it's secure the rest of us will follow" Akalu instructed. The Chinese chanted approval without hesitation, the Americans however took a moment and a glare from Marcus and Eric before acknowledging their instructions.

"The French army soldiers will follow behind, and support the Chinese marines, and I want the Russian marines behind, and supporting the American marines after we leave. All other guards will stay near the officers and the rear to protect our flanks." Akalu continued.

Marcus quickly smiled as he watched Akalu command. Akalu was playing out Marcus's idea brilliantly.

"Lt. General Hazama" Akalu called turning towards the Japanese officer.

"Uh, yes" Hazama replied.

"Is there any significant landmark or fortified building in this area?" Akalu asked.

"Well, we do have the Imperial Palace nearby?" Hazama replied.

"Where would the citizens be gathering for protection?" Akalu asked.

"Um, again likely the Palace, its easy to find, but it's a historical site, they may not likely give people entry to the grounds." Hazama replied.

"Oh, trust me they will" Akalu added as he turned to leave.

"Wait you're going to join the civilian evacuation, I thought you were going to escort us to safety!?" a random officer cried after Akalu.

Akalu only turned his head slightly barely acknowledging the officers cry. "Unless you wish to run like a coward and leave the people of this area to fend for themselves then yes." Akalu replied turning towards Hazama again. "Oh and that reminds me for some reason, Lt. General Hazama, with your permission to operate in Japanese territory, I'll command our guards and take us to the Palace."

This came as a surprise to Marcus, the thought of asking Lt. General Hazama for permission to operate a military force in his country's territory didn't register in his mind with all this confusion. While at this point Hazama's silence to Marcus's appointing Akalu was basically approval by silence, what Akalu did at this point was merely a formality but it seemed to speak volumes to Lt. General Hazama. Marcus smirked again, suddenly feeling overwhelmingly confident in his choice to have Akalu lead.

Akalu approached the door as the American and Chinese marines quickly exited the building to check if the out side was safe.

"All Clear!" one of the marines cried.

Akalu was the first to exit with the other officers and the remaining guards close behind. The remaining guards took their positions as the remaining officers filed out.

Akalu noticed several people running away, which didn't surprise him in the least, what surprised him was they seemed to pay him and the several multinational armed soldiers no notice.

"GRRRAAAHHH!" A loud roar echoed above them.

Everyone looked up to see a dragon fly over head with what appeared to be a rider with a really long lance riding on top of the dragon.

"What!?" Akalu asked out loud. That was something he was truly not expecting.

"Was that a Dragon?" Eric asked.

"Guess it was" Akalu replied a look of worry crawling onto his face. "Either fantasy some how came to life or someone is playing a horrible prank" Akalu said.

"What?" Hazama asked.

Akalu turned to Hazama. "I'll explain later. But for now we have to go".

"IT'S COMING BACK!" one of the Chinese marines cried.

Akalu and Eric looked to see the Dragon fly back over head, but this time several gun shots rang out. Akalu and Eric looked to see a police officer shooting at the dragon. To their surprise the rider fell off his dragon and hit the ground hard.

"What a shot" Akalu said impressed, considering it was just a small short barreled revolver the accuracy of such a gun isn't something to brag about but this police man seemed to hit the rider. But apparently he didn't hit him that well as after a moment of grumbling the rider got up and rushed the police officer.

Akalu reacted as quickly as he could and aimed his gun at the rider, but held back as a random male jumped in front and grappled the rider to the ground and shortly after killed the rider.

"Impressive" Akalu stated.

"GRAH!" A high pitched growl rang out, and Akalu noticed what could be best described as a Pig man began rushing at the individual who just killed the Dragon's rider.

"What is that!?" A marine said in surprise.

Akalu didn't waste any time as he aimed his hand gun carefully and fired one shot. The shot found it's mark as the Pig man was knocked off his feet and flopped to the ground dead. The man who killed the rider quickly looked in his direction.

"Are you alright!?" Akalu called seeing blood on the man's face.

"Yeah!" the man said standing up. "Who are you, you're not wearing the JSDF uniform!?" the man asked Akalu.

"Yeah that would seem weird" Akalu sighed. "I'm Lt. General Akalu of the Russian Western Army Command!" Akalu introduced himself taking a slight bow, he quickly ushered Eric and Hazama to come up and introduce themselves. Akalu knew that if he just introduced himself it might put the man on guard as he is a soldier of the Russian Federation, and that was the last thing he needed.

"I'm Captain Eric Tanner of the US Marines!" Eric called introducing himself.

"I'm Lt. General Hazama of the JSDF who are you!?" Hazama asked.

"Ah, General!" The man said in surprise and quickly went into a salute. "I'm Second Lt. Itami Youji!" Itami replied.

"Ah a JSDF soldier" Hazama said in surprise as he rushed over to Itami. "What are you doing here, are you off duty?" Hazama asked.

"Yes sir, I was on my way to the Doujinshi convention when this crisis broke out" Itami said calmly.

"Well, it's good to see you, oh and at ease soldier" Hazama said getting Itami to relax.

"Um sir, what are all they doing, here?" Itami asked pointing towards Akalu and gesturing towards all the heavily armed marines and soldiers.

"Oh, well we were having a meeting with different commanders from around the world nearby when this happened" Hazama replied.

"Ok, I don't quite get what's going on but, where were you planning to go general, and where is the rest of the JSDF?" Itami asked.

"Oh, well I only have my guard of three men here, the rest of the JSDF is likely being scrambled at this moment." Hazama thought. "and we're heading towards the palace that's where we're anticipating many people to gather."

"Then I shall escort you general" Itami said dutifully. 'The sooner this ends the sooner I can get to the convention if it doesn't close' Itami thought.

"Excellent" Hazama said turning towards Akalu. "Let's get this soldier a gun!"

"Of course" Akalu said as he turned towards a JSDF soldier and took his side arm and handed it to Itami. "Ok, let's get to that palace!" Akalu commanded as all the armed guards went on guard and began to quickly make their way towards the Palace.

After a few minutes of navigating their way through the streets to the castle, the group found themselves in the middle of a huge crowd of people struggling to get deeper into the imperial palace. Itami and Hazama quickly went to the police box.

"What's going on, you need to open the gate!" Itami cried as he walked into the police box.

"Who are you, just stay outside and do as we say" the police officer said.

"How do we open the gate?" Hazama asked as he walked in behind Itami.

"A JSDF Soldier, um, we would need approval to open the gate and let people in" the police officer answered.

"Then get him on the phone and ask, we need to get these people out of the open, the enemy will soon find us" Hazama said getting the police officer to pick up the phone and started calling HQ to get something.

Akalu and Eric were standing with the 28 armed soldiers that they brought with them at the end of the large crowd near the outer gate of the palace grounds.

"If the enemy arrives here, we need to keep these people safe" Akalu said speaking with all 28 soldiers. "We appear to be the only ones here with heavy weaponry, but that's also considering that we don't know how many enemies there are and we have limited ammunition, and we don't know when reinforcements will arrive. Don't be wasteful with your bullets, make every shot count" Akalu instructed, earning a nod of approval from all 28 soldiers.

Suddenly four large buses pulled up and out came a considerable force of riot police. The commander of which didn't waste time walking up to Akalu as he was talking to the rest of the armed guards.

"Who are you?" the police captain asked.

Akalu turned around and smiled at the police captain. "I'm Lt. General Akalu of the Russian Federation, I have several soldiers here with me from different countries and a few JSDF soldiers. I'm sure you have questions, but if its all the same to you we're here to help protect civilians, we can talk more after this is over." Akalu answered saluting the police captain.

The police captain took a moment to think, while he wasn't fully approving of the idea that a Russian officer of all people was commanding a military unit inside Japan, he at the very least wouldn't turn down an offer to have proper army soldiers help protect all these people, and from what he heard earlier the enemy number in the thousands.

"Very well, however I need to know if you're the one in charge, or if you have a commanding officer I can also talk to" the Captain asked.

"I'm just in command of the soldiers presently here, if you wish, Lt. General Hazama of the JSDF is in the Police box right now if you want to talk to him" Akalu answered gesturing towards the police box up the hill behind him.

"Oh good a JSDF officer is here, yes I would like to talk to him" The captain said as he took off.

"Akalu" Eric said as he walked up to Akalu now carrying one of the US marines side arms.

"Yes?" Akalu replied.

"The other officers are wondering what to do?" Eric said as he gestured towards all the other officers they escorted safely here.

"How many of them have combat experience, or training?" Akalu asked.

"All of them" Eric replied.

"Have all of them get a side arm from the guards and take up position behind the guards, if any of them climb the wall, or manage to push through I want them trying to slow them down." Akalu instructed.

"Yes sir" Eric answered as he turned and left.

"Oh Eric" Akalu called.

"Yes sir?" Eric replied.

"I was wondering why you were so accepting of me being in command? I mean Russians and Americans aren't exactly friends these days." Akalu asked.

Eric gave a smirk. "I believe in what General Marcus is trying to do, and while I have no support for the Russian government, I'm sure you are no different towards my country's government. Plus call it a gut feeling that I can trust you" Eric replied.

"Well thank-you Eric" Akalu said turning towards the gate where a mixture of the riot police holding their shields up front with the armed guards behind watching the open street ahead.

Akalu walked up to the guards line and continued to watch the street with his hand gun in one hand.

"Sir" The same American marine who tried to voice opposition to Akalu being left in command by General Marcus approached Akalu. "Sir, if I may ask, why did you take command without much struggle, and why did you choose to come here?" the marine asked.

"My, you went from disapproving to overly curious quickly didn't you?" Akalu asked smirking.

"Ugh" The marine sighed. "I still don't like you but, I am curious why"

"To answer both your questions Marine, it's because unlike you I don't hate soldiers from the US, but at the same time I know you really don't like me. And the meeting was politically approved but was supposed to be kept in secret, with all this chaos if we stayed in the building the police would eventually find us hiding there then we would have to explain ourselves likely in jail. And if we left and went straight for our planned exits out of the country I would be denying you the reason you joined the military in the first place, to protect the innocent right?" Akalu both answered and asked with a slight grin on his face.

The marine looked at Akalu surprised. That wasn't an answer he was expecting. He was wholly expecting Akalu to say that he wouldn't turn down the chance to command American soldiers like they were his play things and brag about it in Russia. But he gave an answer that he couldn't refute.

"Satisfied marine?" Akalu asked.

"Y-yes sir" the marine replied.

"Then get in formation, the enemy is here" Akalu said as he nodded towards the open street where lines of men, ogres, and other creatures were quickly becoming more visible.

The marine jumped back in line with the rest of the guards and awaited Akalu's command to fire.

Akalu quickly analyzed the distance between them and the enemy lines. Recognizing the formation and equipment to be similar to that of what the Roman empire used, Akalu guessed that they likely had bows and arrows too. And that was a problem, while Akalu wasn't aware of what the average range of bows and arrows, but he was sure that if he could see individual soldiers shields quite clearly he was sure that they were in range.

"Don't let them get any closer, FIRE!" Akalu yelled.

The 28 guards present fired their guns at the front line of the advancing enemies, the bullets tore through the armor of their shields and chest plates dropping the phalanx formations like wheat before a scythe.

"Don't Let Up!" Akalu cried above the gun fire.

The roman soldiers seemed to quickly collapse into confusion as they couldn't tell what was tearing their formations apart so effectively.

The commander of the legion decided to issue some of their faster fighters to flank them.

"Goblins! Swarm that Wall!" The commander cried.

Dozens of small goblins broke from behind the formations and proceeded to run for either the opening in the gate the soldiers and riot police were huddled behind, or running for the wall of the palace in hopes to scale it.

"Why are they running for the wall?" A French soldier asked out loud.

"They're Gonna Try To Scale The Wall! FOCUS ON THE RUNNERS!" Akalu cried.

Every soldier complied immediately aiming for the goblins, however the goblins were unusually quick, and their smaller bodies made it more difficult to aim at for soldiers used to practicing on human sized targets.

Akalu watched with deep worry as the goblins quickly closed the distance and even reached the wall. One goblin got close enough to actually leap at the line of police. The police officer raised his shield to defend himself from the leaping goblin.


Akalu, without wasting a breath shot the goblin out of mid-air. "KEEP THAT SHIELD FACING FRONT SOLDIER!" Akalu yelled at the police officer who took a second to look behind him at Akalu. The officer quickly resumed his original position of defense.

Akalu looked to his left and right to see goblins starting to reach the top of the wall. "ERIC!" Akalu cried to his new found friend to his rear.

Eric quickly acknowledged Akalu's cry and turned to the rest of the officers. "Keep those goblins off our defense line!" Eric yelled as he raised his handgun and started picking off the goblins crawling over the wall.

The officers including General Marcus stood only a handful of feet behind their guards who were still gunning down the remaining goblins in the street and the now regrouping legionnaires.

Eric however decided to take a more hands on approach. Without hesitation he would step in front and confront a goblin that was starting to get close. The goblin tried to slash at Eric only to have Eric effortlessly dodge the blade and shoot the goblin in the head at nearly point blank.

Another tried to slash at Eric but Eric kicked the goblin in the head and forced it to stumble back. Eric raised his gun and as the goblin growled at him, Eric ended the foul creature.

Akalu fired his gun a few more times, counting down his remaining bullets, he then heard out of his left side a call from a German army soldier.

"I only have one Mag left!" He cried.

"So do I!" An American marine added.

"I have two!" A French soldier followed.

Akalu was now getting worried, they cut down many enemies where their bodies were now almost paving the concrete where the soldiers were lined up, but even more kept coming. They were running out of ammo and fast, reinforcement needed to be here soon or there would be nothing stopping these creatures and legionnaires from slaughtering everyone inside.


Akalu looked above his head to see two AH-1 Cobra attack helicopters fly over head.

"Thank heavens, reinforcements" Akalu breathed a sigh of relief as the gunships performed a quick but devastating strafe run on the lines of roman soldiers.

It was at this time that Itami, Hazama, Eric and the other officers joined the front line to observe.

"Akalu, their formations are broken!" Itami observed.

"Agreed, ALL MEN ADVANCE!" Akalu commanded. The riot police with riot shields took the front trotting towards the enemy keeping their shields up. Other riot police with teargas launchers fired their munitions at the remaining soldiers only forcing them to break their formations even further. The guards only a few feet behind with the Officers right behind them, moved and fired with the police line.

It wasn't long before columns of armored cars and JSDF soldiers began to flood the area, gunning down the scattered and deeply demoralized legionnaires.

As the enemies that formed up near the Imperial Palace fled, all the soldiers and officers of Marcus's meeting gathered together in the middle of the street in front of the Imperial Palace entrance.

"Looks like we won" Eric sighed a sigh of relief as the danger was finally over.

"Not quite" Akalu sighed earning everyone's attention. "We did win the fight, but we still operated a foreign military unit on the sovereign territory of Japan, without permission of the government."

"But we helped save their citizens" Eric protested.

"Doesn't matter, it was still an illegal act" Akalu replied. "What we did in saving lives was our biggest saving grace against political retaliation, but it won't stop the Japanese government from taking all non-Japanese military personnel into custody" Akalu explained breathing heavily.

"What about you asking for permission from Lt. General Hazama?" General Marcus asked.

"A mere formality without the backing of the Japanese government. He may be a General but he alone doesn't have the authority to allow foreign military personnel to operate on his country's territory. My asking permission only allows us the defense against accusations of ignoring their sovereignty" Akalu answered.

"You had all that thought out?" General Marcus asked.

"Most of it" Akalu sighed. "I'm good but not that good"

"Excuse me" The French officer interrupted stepping forward. "But after all this is now over, I am seriously curious about something."

"What's that?" Marcus asked.

"What was that important question you wanted to ask before we were interrupted?" The French officer asked.

"Oh" Marcus said letting out a small chuckle remembering his build up to his question. General Marcus turned to all the officers and the soldiers. "My original question was going to be. 'How far are you all willing to go to achieve that dream of truly achieving world peace?'." Marcus looked at everyone present taking a moment to think deeply about the question. "But considering what just happened I would change my question" Marcus continued earning everyone's attention again. "How much are each of you willing to give to experience this feeling, all over again? The feeling that we as the world truly united against something we can all be proud of fighting for"

Everyone took a long moment to ponder this question, after analyzing the past events, pushing all their past objections out of their minds, they all quickly came to the same conclusion, there was nothing any of them wouldn't give to experience this feeling of success as a united world once again.

"I'm glad we can all agree on something for once, but we have company." Akalu said as he pointed past the group towards an on coming group of JSDF Soldiers.

"HANDS IN THE AIR!" One of the soldiers yelled as he and his group of soldiers edged closer guns raised, ready to fire at the slightest provocation.

"We'll need to survive this first" Akalu said with a smirk as he raised his hands in the air along with everyone else, in compliance of the JSDF soldiers commands.

Everyone minus Itami, and Hazama were detained for further questioning.

After all enemies are defeated.

After all the enemies are defeated, numbering some 60 thousand legionnaires dead, and over 600 Japanese citizens were killed. This tragedy came to be referred to as the "Ginza Incident". After securing the gate, the area beyond the gate was now officially considered a "Special Region" of Japan since the gate appeared on their territory.

General Marcus and the others were detained for questioning but after vouches from Lt. General Hazama and 2nd Lt. Itami, and some protests from the police for their detention, they were let out and returned to their country's embassies, but not before the group of officers got together one last time to sign Marcus's intended agreement and present it to their respective governments. With the countries of Canada, New Zealand, Spain, India, Iran, Iraq, Netherlands, and South Africa also joining in.

It wasn't easy but each government was eventually convinced to ratify the agreement, especially in light of the calls for a joint military operation into the "Special Region".

Each country gathered to negotiate what will be supplied by whom, and since it was a meeting between Officers of the newly formed 1st Army of the Earth Federation specific number of troops was agreed upon and what will be sent by whom. Of course the US, Russia, and China will be supplying most of the equipment as they as independent nations can produce most of their own equipment without needing to hastily create manufacturing agreements.


US: M1A2

Britain: Challenger 2

Germany: Leopard 2A6

Canada: Leopard 2A6CAN

China: Type 99

Russia: T-90AM

India: T-90MS

Japan: Type 10

France: AMX Leclerc

Poland: PL-01

and Italy: Ariete.


Germany: PzH 2000

South Korea: K9 Thunder

Russia: 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV

US: M109 Paladin

China: PLZ-05

Britain: AS-90

Japan: FH-70

Canada: M777

Infantry Fighting Vehicles:

US: M2 Bradle

Russia: BMP-3 and BMPT-72

China: ZBD-97

Britain: Warrior

Germany: Puma

Japan: Type 89 IFV

Armored Personnel Carriers (APC):

Canada LAV III

Russia: BTR-82

Australia: ASLAV

Japan: Type 96

Fighter Jets:

US: F-18, and F-15

Japan: F-2, and F-4

China: J-11, and JH-7

Russia: Su-35, Su-34

Germany: Eurofighters

Attack Helicopters:

Japan: AH-1 Cobra

US: Apache

Russia: Ka-52

Germany and Britain: Eurocoptor Tiger.

Transport Helicopters:

US: Chinook

Canada: Chinook and Griffon

Russia: Mil Mi-26 and Mil Mi-38.

All countries will contribute up to 4,000 personnel, except for Japan who will provide 8,000 personnel as it will be their country that will be operated in.

And as one last thing to add to each country's arsenal, the US and Russian officers managed to make a contract to make a firearm that is a hybrid of the US M4 rifle, and the Russian AK-12, called the AM-14 all soldiers participating will be using it.

After a short time all the countries that are now part of the Earth Federation, gathered together over 200 tanks, 400 artillery pieces, 3,000 APCs, 600 IFVs, 60 Jets, 45 Attack Helicopters, 200 Transport and utility helicopters, and roughly 92,000 soldiers. Though only a quarter of that will be the first to enter through the gate since 92,000 soldiers all in one go would be difficult to say the least.

It was agreed that since Japan was the one attacked they will go first through the gate to stake their claim as the leaders in this war of retaliation, closely followed by the forces of the Big Three as they were now called (China, US, and Russia), then every country after that. The idea was to show both the world and the enemy that the three biggest and most powerful nations on planet earth are in support of Japan's ventures and that they are going to follow Japan's lead.

Itami was promoted to 1st Lt. After his actions to help save lives in the crisis, Lt. General Hazama will be the lead commander of the entire 1st Army of the Earth Federation, General Marcus will be the representative of the Army of the Earth Federation to the governments of the world. Akalu was appointed the strategist of the Army, Eric now promoted to Major, is now commanding the Earth Federation's Air Force, And German Lt. General Ludwig as commander of all ground forces.

The 1st Army gathered in the streets in front of the gate lined up in formation with Japanese citizens paying respects to those who died in the horrifying attack.

Lt. General Akalu, Lt. General Hazama, and 1st Lt. Yanigada seated in the command vehicle behind the Type 10s and array of Armored Personnel Carriers.

"Are you nervous Akalu?" Hazama asked.

"We are about to invade not just a foreign country, but a foreign world all together, to say that I'm not the least bit nervous would be a lie" Akalu answered.

"Ha, what do you think will happen once we get through that gate?" Hazama asked.

"Best guess there will be at least a decent sized detachment waiting on the other side to defend the territory" Akalu answered.

"If we do get into a conflict right away we'll have to make due with what we have" Hazama said.

"You are in command of the 1st Army of the Earth Federation, a world military united to help seek retribution for your slain people, don't worry, it will be more than enough" Akalu said giving Hazama some comfort.

"Ha, I just hope that our world will be enough, after all who knows what else is on the other side of this gate" Hazama said.

Akalu just smiled at the thought. "I'm sure it'll be more than enough".

"Ha, I know you and I will get along just fine" Hazama said as he reached for a radio. "All Units...Forward!" Lt. General Hazama ordered as the 1st Army began its tense march forward.

Itami was inside one of the leading APCs clutching his brand new AM-14 wondering what will be on the other side, however he didn't have long to think before Kurata interrupted his thoughts.

"Hey Lt?" Kurata began. "Do you think there will be any cat girls in this world?"

Itami gave a slight chuckle, "Why wouldn't there be, this is a fantasy world after all" Itami answered earning a grin from Kurata.

After what seemed eons to travel through the gate the Type 10s were the first to appear on the other side. What awaited them was a large hilly terrain with the gate on the highest hill in the area, with the hill sloping gently downwards leading to some small ridges and hill tops below, the rear of the the 1st Army and the gate was flanked by mountains to their rear, the area was dark and seemingly lifeless. The APCs carrying mostly JSDF soldiers arrived quickly and took positions behind and to the side of the Tanks leading.

It wasn't long before the command vehicle arrived through the gate where Lt. General Hazama, Lt. General Akalu, and Lt. Yanagida, started receiving radio signals.

"Enemy Sighted!" A Type 10 tank commander cried spotting thousands of creatures and soldiers carrying torches and a variety of weapons.

The APCs opened up with several hundred soldiers mostly from the JSDF grounded themselves and took up positions to engage the oncoming horde of enemies.

Akalu watched the computer screen that the Type 10 was transmitting to them one what it saw. Akalu could see that the enemies looked rather confused and unsure on how to react, they must not have been fully prepared or expecting for anything to come through the gate.

"How many forces do we still have present on this side of the gate?" Akalu asked.

"Only 15 tanks, 52 APCs, and 12 trucks and cars have come through so far" checking a monitor that indicated how many vehicles where receiving and transmitting a friendly radio ping after coming through the gate.

"We're still too close to the gate, we need more room" Akalu growled knowing that the area they had just taken was too small to allow several thousand troops never mind vehicles in. Akalu then turned to Lt. General Hazama. "With your permission Commander, shall I begin?" Akalu asked smiling with anticipation.

"Give them hell my friend, for Ginza" Hazama replied handing a radio to Akalu.

"All tanks, Load one round, HE, fire at will" Akalu commanded.

The tanks responded without hesitation, firing one HE round at the enemy's front line.


The rounds found their target erupting in a brilliant bright orange light sending dead legionnaire soldiers and other creature bodies and body parts everywhere.

Itami watched as the smoke cleared to see enemies staggering and began to shamble together in disarray. Itami quickly grabbed his radio. "Sir, the enemy is in disarray" Itami relayed.

"Copy that" Akalu acknowledged as he continued to observe the computer monitor. He was hoping the enemy would turn tail and run after the first shot but it still achieved a good response, the heavy hitting and dazzling effects of an HE tank round hitting their front lines left them in such a state of confusion as to what hit them, breaking the rest of their lines will now be easy. "All units...Open Fire!"

The night sky lit up with tracer bullets, and cannon rounds. The enemy began to drop rapidly as the machine gun fire tore through their ranks. Their shields proving useless against the penetrating power of the Earth Federation's (EF) bullets, 30mm cannons, and tank rounds.

"RETREAT!" a legionnaire cried as he and the others turned tail and ran.

Akalu watched happily to see the enemy's lines crumble so easily, but he still needed much more room than they already had. "Tanks and APCs up front, Soldiers to the rear. Advance 100 meters. Advance!" Akalu ordered.

The tanks and APCs took the front forming a loose line of armored vehicles with foot soldiers close behind they advanced to the next set of hill tops to form a new defensive line.

Itami close behind a Type 96 APC reached the 100 meter point and took cover, he quickly peaked his head from behind the mound of dirt he was behind to watch the enemies retreat further and further away. Itami grabbed his radio. "Sir, the enemy is still running"

"Hold position until more of our men get through" Akalu responded. Nothing would have made Akalu happier than to chase down the fleeing enemies, but doing so would only leave the hill vulnerable and potentially have several soldiers and vehicles get lost in this strange new world. Since they didn't have any satellites, never mind even a map, Akalu wasn't going to risk that this early in the campaign. Their first job was to secure the gate and set up fortifications, the enemy will be back, they will have justice, but first they needed patience.


So what does everyone think? I'm open to constructive criticism and suggestions. I'm sorry if some people are a little disappointed with the military equipment listed above and what countries supplied what but, that'll take a lot of time and research that I don't have the patience to do right now. All the equipment of each country part of this Earth Federation will make a debut but for now Japanese, American, Russian, Chinese, and German equipment (and those who use similar equipment), will be the prominent equipment of this story as it'll get confusing if I just hope from one nations' equipment to the next.

Please review, I love reviews. Thanks.