Hey, guess what I learned! To add a line break. Yes, yes, I've been writing for a while, but this is my accomplishment! I have finally learned.

Now, to get to the root of this. I wanted to write this. I had the idea, and it just stuck in my head, clogging everything up and begging to be let loose, so here it is. I am really really sorry if this doesn't turn out how you want it or if it's not your ship or whatever. You don't have to read it, but I just wanted to get it out there.

Chapter 1: A Lonely Visit Home


I sigh as I step into the room. This is my room, the one I grew up in, the one filled to the brim with everything that I never cared about. All of it is material possessions, riches that I never felt I needed but used anyway because that's what I was instructed to do. I feel so empty here, like I'm missing a part of myself. In a way, I probably am. My life has changed so much in one and a half years that I'm hardly the same person I was when I started Beacon. I run my hand over my bed, shivering at the cold that surrounds me. It's not just the temperature. It's the very atmosphere, the air around me, what I feel in every cell in my body. This isn't like the energetic air of the dorm room. This room isn't filled with people I've come to love as sisters. This room holds no love for me, either. No one in this house does, really. Father doesn't even acknowledge me anymore. He wouldn't even care if I never came home, if I just disappeared right from under his nose to never return.

I take a deep breath as I pass a window. There's nothing remarkable in the girl I see before me. I've come to learn that I'm not the best nor am I the brightest. I'm just me, just Weiss. Truthfully, I prefer it that way. I have friends now, people to lift me up when I'm down, people who will always chase away the loneliness. They're not here, though. They aren't anywhere near me. I feel the loneliness creep up and shadow me, pulling me into a strange void that I feel is choking me. I take a ragged breath as I pull out my scroll. I could message them. They'd never mind. I'm sure they'd answer me at any time of day. I type out a short message, one of acknowledgement, one of need, but I delete it. I can't just wake them up in the middle of the night because I'm feeling insecure.

I sit on my bed and place my scroll on the nightstand. I'll wait for the morning. This isn't important enough. I can wait. I've waited for years. A few hours will make no difference in the long run. I kick off my boots and place Myrtenaster in a special sheath at the foot of my bed before throwing on a nightgown and curling under the covers for a much needed rest. As soon as my shivers die, I drift off into an unexpected and truly horrifying dream.

The air around me shifts uncomfortably. Darkness greets me everywhere I look. Nothing I do creates even a bit of light. I try to create a glyph, only for it to fail. There's not even a flicker from my fingers. I can't even feel my Aura anymore. It's like I'm an empty shell, devoid of my very soul, my very self. I can't even scream as a pain suddenly shoots up my spine. I turn around slowly to see a tiny pinprick of light manifest in the midst of the void. I start to walk toward it, slowly, hoping that it doesn't disappear. I need that light. I can't live in this darkness.

The light moves, and I feel another pain shoot through me. This time it comes from my chest. I look down to see blood coming from a small hole. I touch the wound and only see a black liquid. It stains my dress as it leaks, creating a strange pool of black that spreads rapidly down the front of white outfit. The pain subsides, and the liquid stops spreading. What the hell is happening?

The light moves to the tip of my nose, and my scar starts burning. Moisture slides down my cheek, and I know it's bleeding, too. The light. It's got to be the light. It moves toward me again, but I back away from it. It stops in midair, seeming to assess what I'm doing. It bobs up and down, and I feel the same pain in my arm. I look down to see the black blood stain my sleeve. It slides down my arm and coats my hand, making that side blend in effortlessly with the darkness surrounding me. It's assimilating me. It's making me become darkness. I back away in fear. I don't want to live in darkness. I can't do this. I start to hyperventilate. I try to slow my breathing, but it doesn't work. I'm brought to my knees as my entire body erupts in pain. The black oozes from me as I fall forward. I can't catch myself in time, and I fall face first into the liquid. I feel it soak into me, pour from my every pore, become absorbed into my very being, filling the void that my Aura left. There's nothing left of me, now. I've become the darkness. I open my eyes long enough to see the light transform into a red blur before the darkness consumes me totally.

I jerk awake to feel the cold night air. I clutch at my neck as I struggle to breathe. Light comes from outside. The moon is reflecting light. I sigh in relief. It's light. It was just a dream. Thank god. My breathing comes back under control. I can't live in darkness, and I don't think I'll ever have to. My scroll vibrates, making me look down. On the screen is a message from Ruby asking if I made it home yet. I smile at that. I'm not alone. I'm not stuck in neverending darkness. I shoot her quick text back and curl back up, praying that that nightmare never happens again.



I'm outside her window. I sneer at the thought that she could live in such luxury while most of us have to scrimp and steal to have food on a daily basis. There's no justice in this world, but we're creating it. We will succeed in changing human views on Faunus, and this is how the new plan is going to start. This one girl will bring the salvation and justice that we deserve, that the White Fang has strived for.

I get closer, almost hugging the window. The moon shines in just the right amount, illuminating her face and hair. There's sweat on her brow, and it makes me raise an eyebrow. It's freezing inside and out. How the hell could she be sweating? Her face twists in pain, and something in me wants to comfort her, but I resist. I growl low in my throat, one that barely even registers in my ears. She's scum, I shouldn't care how she feels. Her family enslaves Faunus. I have to remember that. I have to forget that she's a girl. She's a monster. She's the scum of Remnant. Her kind live and breathe hatred.

I reach down and pry the window open slowly, making sure that I don't wake her. I hear her shift, and I automatically still. I inspect her form, making sure that she hadn't woken up just now. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. She's not awake. She's just fidgeting in her sleep. Thank god. I take a deep breath and move the rest of the way in. I'm standing over her bed, watching as she tosses and turns, most likely engrossed in a nightmare. Looking at her, she seems fragile, just broken, but I have a job. I just keep repeating that she's a Schnee over and over in my head. I start to move closer and grasp the blanket in between my hand. Inside my coat is a needle. I position the point over her arm when her eyes pop open. I leap to the side with as little sound as possible. Her scroll goes off, and I hide at the foot of her bed, right beside her weapon. The whole thing is over quickly. She apparently just wants to get back to sleep, and I'm thanking every god there is that I don't have to drag this out any more than I already have.I hear the covers ruffle, and I peek around the corner. She closes her eyes, and that's when I move in. I stab the needle into her arm and let it take effect. She doesn't move at all, and I smile. This was far easier than I would have ever imagined.

A/N: Yes! First chapter out! Woot Woot! Send me any thoughts. ANY. I don't care if you slam it or whatever.

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