Vader's Folly

Author's notes: Been reading a lot of Star Wars time travel fics and AU fics for the past couple of weeks. I blame them for this story. Don't worry I haven't forgotten about my other stories. They'll get updated eventually.

Summary: An ancient site filled with ancient technologies, of course Dr Aphra can't resist playing around. The result, one Sith Lord with a lot of options. NB: Title and summary may be revised at a later date.


Her arms ached from where she was tied up on the Tuskens' strange triangular wooden frame. Her back ached from where they had beaten her. Her head throbbed from too little food and water.

Shmi Skywalker winced as she tried get into a more comfortable position, but the Tuskens were good at making their prisoners as uncomfortable as possible.

She didn't know how long she'd been here, a few days at least maybe more, already the days were starting to blur into one another.

They would come, feed her, beat her and then leave her alone for a while. Then they would start all over again.

She steeled herself, refusing to cry, to waste water on something useless. Deep down she knew this was a the end, she'd survived for for so long.

She'd been so lucky in her life. The Force had given her Anakin, even being a slave hadn't been that bad, Watto had been a better master than any slave could expect. Then the Jedi had come and freed Anakin. Then Cliegg. He'd freed her from Watto and their life together had almost been least by Tatooine standards.

Shmi held on to the happy memory, immersing herself in it. Together they'd been a family, she'd raised his son-her son now as well. Years had passed, life had been hard but they'd been happy.

...And then the Tusken Raiders had taken her and her world had come crashing down.

This was it. The end. No heroic rescue, no more chances at life.

Just the end.

It was a good life...but I wish I could have seen Ani, just one more time...

She sighed, willing away the fantasy, it was never going to happen.

He was happy, he was away from Tatooine, probably a Jedi by now living a life she could only imagine.

A Tusken scream interrupted her melancholy thoughts. She shuddered wondering what evil act they were performing now.

More screams rang in her ears and suddenly she could hear blaster fire as well. An explosion deafened her for a moment and suddenly hope blossomed in her heart. Cliegg and the other Moisture farmers had come for her!

More and more screams came to her ears, and she realised something was wrong, she could hear the pain in the screams. More explosions sounded and she realised whoever was attacking wasn't Cliegg and the other Moisture farmers. Cliegg and the others only had blasters not explosives.

A rustling sound distracted her. She twisted her head towards the door of the tent. She watched as a shrouded figure stepped into the tent and took a look around, not paying any attention to the screams of the Tusken Raiders coming from outside.

Brown eyes met her own and the stranger's mouth twitched into an amused smirk, "I don't know who you are lady, but Lord Vader is really going all out to get you out of here."

The woman bent down and pulled out a knife from her boot. She approached Shmi and quickly cut her down from the wooden frame she was attached to.

Shmi's legs held out for a second before collapsing but the woman caught her and gently lowered her down to sit on the ground.

"Here," the woman held out a canteen.

With shaking hands, Shmi took and the canteen and drank deeply deeply. A coughing fit took her and she nearly dropped the canteen.

Strong hands steadied her hands and took the weight of the canteen, "Easy there, I guess you were here for a while then."

Shmi nodded shakily, "Days ago, I think, I lost count after the first few."

The woman nodded, "That sucks, Tuskens aren't good hosts, then?" she remarked sardonically.

Shmi started to laugh, but pain jolted her chest with the movement, and the laugh became a little whimper of pain.

"I'll take that as a no." The woman pulled an injector out of a pocket and injected Shmi. "This will help."

Relief flooded Shmi's body and she felt the pains of her body start to subside, "Thank you, yes." She took a deep painless breath and asked, "Who are you?"

The woman smiled a bid toothy grin, "I'm Dr Aphra, archeologist extreme, and activator of ancient technologies at your service," Aphra said an extravagant wave of her hand.

Shmi frowned and stared at Dr Aphra in confusion at the strange introduction.

The conversation stilled and silence descended. Minutes passed and Shmi frowned something was missing.

It took a minute for her weakened mind to realise what was missing.

The screams had stopped. Silence surrounded the tent.

No wait there was still some noise, she could hear it very slowly getting was a harsh vesicular breathing, almost like someone using a respirator.

But how and why, would someone on a respirator risk being out here in the middle of Tusken land? In the middle of the dry Tatooine desert?

The sound of the heavy stentorian breathing pulled her attention towards the door of the tent. She expected to see an emancipated small creature standing there being supported and instead a monstrous creature completely covered in black body armour stood there, heavy cape falling from his broad shoulders. His heavy stentorian breathing echoing in the confines of the small tent.

The creature stepped towards Shmi and she flinched back.

"The Tuskens are dead." boomed the towering monster in black, his tone oozing with arrogance. "You do not have to fear them anymore." The Black mask stared down at Shmi.

She looked in the eye plates of the mask, she imagined that she could see her fear reflected back at her in the eye plates. "What are you?" she asked in a whisper afraid of the answer and what was possibly in store for her.

The figure stepped back as if stuck and wavered were he stood. " to save you." he said in quiet almost quivering voice. "Aphra, bring her to the speeder now." he commanded, his voice once more booming. He turned and swept out of the tent without another word.

Shmi mind tried to process what was happening but illumination eluded her.

"Fierfek! Who in the nine hells of Corellia are you? Did you see him quiver? Or hear the waver in his voice?!" Dr Aphra demanded surprise, shock and disbelief written all over her face.

Shmi stared after the monstrous wraith in black, eyes wide with fear and confusion. "I'm Shmi...Shmi Skywalker."

Aphra blinked...then blinked again, she swore in Huttese then said, "Skywalker? ...Skywalker! Now this makes even less sense!" she lamented. She shook herself and then put her arm under Shmi's shoulder, "Come on let's get you out of here. It's not good for one's health to keep Lord Vader waiting."

Lord Vader? Who is he? Thought Shmi.

Shmi then nodded and slowly managed to get her feet with Dr Aphra supporting her.

They walked slowly, cautiously out of the tent. Outside was scene from a nightmare. She found them standing amid the remains of the Tusken village. Tusken corpses littered the entire area, Shmi held back the meager contents of her stomach when she realised that many of the corpses were in pieces, no longer actual bodies but now nothing more than pieces of meat.

Aphra urged her along and slowly they passed amid the carnage towards their destination.

A large speeder stood at the edge of the dead village, the black armoured creature-Lord Vader? He stood there waiting with a dark silver Protocol droid with red optics and an astromech.

Shmi's mind was a confusing mix of thoughts about her monstrous Savior in black with one question at the forefront of her mind.

Why had he saved her?

Author's Notes: I hope this wets your appetite for this story. An explanation of how we got here will come in the coming chapters. As always, don't forget to review! :D