DISCLAIMER: I do not own the characters from Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Dick Wolf), Tequila And Bonetti (Donald P. Bellisario) . All other characters are mine.

AUTHOR'S WARNING: Rape scenes (not explicit and no explicit language), various violence throughout the story (not explicit), love scenes (not explicit, just intense at times) and standard language throughout the story. Lastly, one parental punishing of a teen, and torture of a teen by a criminal.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Most all of the characters from the show will appear at some point surface in this story and possibly characters from other TV shows. Even characters that left in earlier seasons will show up in a scene or two.

"In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories."

Chapter 1

Unknown Location - New York City, New York

Streets Of New York

On a cold brisk night Angela Peterson, a 45-year-old woman with long blondish brown hair is walking down the sidewalk trying to catch a cab. One that never seems to come when she wants one. Angela was looking around, shaken and afraid. She's constantly looking over her shoulder. She appears to have tear stains on her face, and mascara smudges under her eyes.

She wondered if she lost the guy who had been stalking her for the last few weeks now, she saw him stalking her that night. Now she finally decided to call her best friend, Olivia Benson, who just happens to be a cop, to ask for help with her situation. She dialed Olivia's cell phone number, her best friend since college.

NYPD Special Victim's Unit - Manhattan, New York

Squad Room

It had been a very long day as well as a very long night at the station as Olivia Benson started wrapping up ready to go home for the evening. She couldn't stop yawning, and she couldn't wait to get home in her cozy bed under her warm blankets. Olivia hoped her son Jake was NOT still awake as he has done so in the past. She looked at Jake's picture that is on her desk and smiled.

"Oh, Jake my boy, you better be in bed sleeping by the time I get home." She looked up and saw Captain Cragen coming out of his office. He had turned off most of the lights in the station. "Hey, Cap' I'm ready to go home! I hope there is nothing more to do before I go?" Olivia wondered.

"Nope, you can go home Liv, goodnight," Cragen told Olivia. "Tell your son Jake thanks for the tub of Red Vines licorice he gave me yesterday! He is a good kid that Jake. He has your eyes. And too smart for his sake for a 16-year-old!"

"Okay, will do! If he knows what is good for him, he will be in bed sleeping!" She chuckled. "See you in the morning," Olivia said smiling. She turned around and started to walk out of the station.

Fin came walking by and noticed Olivia about to leave. "Hey baby girl, you want to get a drink with me?" Fin asked Olivia.

"No. Sorry Fin, I'm beat, I need sleep badly," she told him, "And my son is home alone. I want to make sure he's still in bed."

"Okay girl. Oh! There's a manila envelope on your desk that has your name on it," Fin told her, "Don't be too hard on Jake, he's a good kid. I used to read under my covers at night with a flashlight so my mom couldn't catch me." Fin chuckled.

Olivia laughed. "Okay, thanks, Fin." Olivia walked back to her desk, picked up the envelope, grabbed her coat, and put it on, "Goodnight Fin," Olivia shouted out to him. She walked out of the station and got into her car, and drove home.

Unknown Location - New York City, New York

Streets Of New York

Angela realized her cell phone didn't have a signal. In frustration, she shook the phone. Then she started to walk a little quicker as she continued looking behind her. As a man suddenly appeared out of nowhere and begun to walk down the sidewalk behind her.

Angela noticed the guy but knows all too well who is following her. She did see that he was wearing a hoodie as her heart started to pound faster and harder as she continued trying to get a signal on her phone. She walked faster down the sidewalk to get away.

The man who is following Angela is her ex-boyfriend. He had been stalking her for the past few weeks now; his name is Robert Harris, 6-foot-tall, medium build, short brown hair, tattoos on his muscled arms, and a grudge to bear.

"Come on! Work damn it!" Angela began to fear for her life. She just can't get her cellphone to work. "Where are the cops when I need one?" She started to shudder from the cold air as she tried to keep from crying.

Robert began to walk even faster after Angela; his clunky boots could be heard in the distance.

Angela quickly saw a large van and hid behind it. Her hands were shaking trying to get her cellphone to work.

Robert thinks he lost her and looked around quickly and suddenly shouted out, "Angela! Come out now! I will get you! You can't hide from me much longer!" Robert clenched his fists in anger.

She's startled by his voice and thought to herself, 'Why did I ever fall in love with that monster!' She shook as tears started to fall as she tried her phone again. "Come on, please work! I have to call Olivia! Please God!" She then saw two bars on her phone and quickly dials Olivia's cell phone number and waited for an answer.

Robert shouts out again, "When I find you, Angela, you will be punished for leaving me! I will find you, and I promise you I'm going to whip your ass woman!"

Angela gasped in fear and suddenly loses her balance as she has been squatting behind the van. She peers around the front of the car to see where he was while hearing the rings, as she heard it go to voice mail. "Olivia!" she whispered so Robert couldn't hear her. "Please help me! Robert is stalking me, and I'm hiding from him, please hurry!"

Robert heard something and quickly turned to the right. He tried to look into the darkness of the night. He started walking closer to her unknown to him at the moment; he is only 20 feet away from her.

Angela continued to whisper enough so he couldn't hear her, "Please Olivia! Help! Robert is going to kill me!"

Though, unfortunately, it's too late, as Robert walked around the van, and saw her. He walked up behind her and quickly grabbed her by pulling her up by the shoulders.

"No Robert! Stop! Don't do this, please!" Angela screamed as her cell phone falls to the ground. The cell phone is still on as it kept recording everything that Robert is doing to Angela.

"I hate you, Robert! Leave me alone!" Angela cried and screamed. "You cheated on me, Robert! I will never love you ever again!" She struggled to try to get away from him, but he's too strong for her.

"No, you bitch! You're going to pay for leaving me!" Robert shouted and backhanded her right across her face not once, but twice on each side of her face.

Angela screamed in pain. He threw her to the ground as she fell back on her back. She struggled to get up. Robert had pinned her down to the ground and straddled her looking down at her. He grabbed her neck wanting to strangle her. "Please stop!" Angela pleads through her breath. She grabbed a hold of both of his wrists, trying to get his hands away from around her neck. She was terrified of him. Nevertheless, she quickly took a swing at his face and scratched him as blood was drawn.

Robert growled in pain from her scratching at him. He grew angrier with her. He doesn't realize her cell phone is recording every word and every sound.

Cassidy & Benson's Apartment - New York City, New York

Family Room

Olivia finally reached her apartment. She walked in but didn't put the light on right away because she didn't want to wake up her son, Jake. She stumbled a little from lack of sleep. She had been up for 24 hours already. She tried to stifle a yawn and started to get ready for bed. She walked to her bedroom and took off her clothes. She let them drop to the floor. She didn't care if she was sloppy right now when her cell phone fell to the floor with her jeans.

Somewhere Near an Alleyway - New York City, New York

Streets Of New York

Angela's cries continued as Robert slapped and punched her around. She had been bruised everywhere on her body, her face and arms in particular.

"You bitch!" He touched his face feeling the scratches on his face that had been bleeding. With his clenched fist, he punched her in the stomach, then her face once again.

Angela groaned in pain, curling up from the punch to her stomach. She held her stomach in pain. She tried desperately to get up off the ground.

"That's what you get for leaving me!" Robert shouted in her face. He looked at her again remembering how hot her body was even at her age. He looked at her luscious looking lips as he leaned down to force a deep, almost crushing hard kiss on her mouth.

Angela tried desperately to push him off her while struggling, crying, and in pain from the beating she just got from him. She is finally able to force his mouth off her and screamed out. "Get off me Robert! Stop it! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" She's hurting and afraid of him.

"No, I won't! I deserve you! You should have never left me, Angela!" He continued to hold her down looking at her. He's naturally very aroused by her body. He grinned at her as he slid his hand up her shirt. He felt her rounded breasts. Then he slid his other hand down her pants. He touches her; Robert's feeling very aroused as she has become as he wickedly grinned at her. He looked down the dark street when he quickly picked her up over his shoulder.

Angela felt what he was doing as tears began rolling down her face. She doesn't want to provoke him, but she can't help not feeling the natural feeling of being aroused, knowing what he wants. She struggled and shouted at him, "NO! NO! Robert, stop! Don't do this PLEASE!"

Robert continued groping her. She cried out, as she continued to hit his back as hard as she could and tried to kick him with her feet. She wished her body would stop feeling aroused by his actions. She attempted to kick him in his face with her foot, as she did break his nose, which just makes him angrier. He quickly slammed her against the wall of the alley.

Angela groaned in pain as she's pinned against the wall. She slid down the wall to the cold hard ground and can't help but look him in his eyes. She knows he's too strong for her. She watched as Robert dug into his pocket, and pulled out duct tape from his jacket pocket. He ripped a piece off and put it over her mouth so she couldn't scream anymore.

"Mm-mm! Mm-mm!" She tried to scream but fails. She attempted to remove it, but couldn't as Robert dug into his other pocket, and pulled out a piece of rope. He grabbed her arms behind her and tied her hands up. Tears ran down her face as she shook her head 'No' she was terrified knowing what he wants to do to her.

Robert smiled his evil grin at her, and grabbed her, leaning her against a bunch of old boxes in the alley. He unzipped her pants, ripping them off her followed by her underwear. Then, he unzipped his pants and let them drop to his ankles. He laid on top of her and began to rape her.

Angela can't scream, but her cries and shaking can't do a thing to stop it, and she hopes it ends soon. Each time he thrusts inside her so hard, she felt the pain of him inside her. Angela has bruises on her face, neck, arms, stomach and now on her thighs.

Robert's arousal intensified as he climaxed inside her, and her body had felt it. "Now that's what you deserve, you know you love it, Angela! Now you will have to come back to me!" He moaned in pleasure as he leaned down to her face and kissed her cheek. He left the tape on her mouth, and her hands tied behind her. He can't help what he feels for Angela. "I will make you want me again! We will have a life together like I said I wanted!"

Angela just lays there half-naked, and in so much pain. She can't move; she felt so weak, as she finally passes out. Robert kept going and couldn't stop getting what he wants.

Cassidy & Benson's Apartment - New York City, New York

Family Room

Olivia was dressed in her nightclothes. As she started to walk out of her bedroom, she noticed her cellphone was on the floor. She bent down and picked it up, and she saw there is a message on it.

Jake's Bedroom

Jake, woke up hearing someone in his apartment. He got up from his bed, and grabs onto his baseball bat, hoping it's not a burglar. He slowly and quietly opens his door, peeking through noticing what he thought was a burglar - it was his mom! He lets out a breath of relief, and he walks out to the kitchen where his mom is.

"Hey mom, glad you're finally home!" Jake says in a normal voice.

Olivia was startled by her son's presence. "Geez, Jake you scared me half to death!" She noticed Jake holding his bat. "What do you intend to do with that, were you playing baseball in your sleep?" She chuckled.

Jake sighed. "Come on mom, you always think you are funny don't you?"

She looks back at him, "Oh, I'm sorry baby, come here, give me a hug and a kiss." She reaches for Jake and hugs him tightly kissing on his head.

"Mom! Geez, I'm not a little kid." Jake says trying to squirrel out of her arms and groans.

"Hey! Wait a minute, what are you doing up this late? You're supposed to be sleeping young man!" she says poking him in his chest, "What are you doing out of bed?"

"Well, I heard something out here! I almost hit you with my baseball bat." Jake sets down his bat and then gives his mom a typical kind of hug.

Olivia sighs in relief, as she returns the hug, "I love you. Now get yourself back to bed kiddo. It's way past your bedtime. Which by the way Jake, it's a good thing I didn't have my gun on me!"

"Mom, I was in bed! You're the one that woke me up! I just wanted to give you a hug goodnight. I love you too mom." Jake tells her while hugging her. "By the way, where is dad?"

Olivia sighed hearing him ask about his father. "Your dad is out in the field undercover; I don't know how long it will go on. I was about to listen to my voice messages after getting myself a glass of milk. Just promise me you will go back to sleep. Even though it's summer, you still need your sleep. All right?" Olivia says.

"Mom, you and dad work too much! We hardly ever get to do stuff together. I'm always the one to ask to go out to a movie or to lunch or just to throw a Frisbee with you in Central Park." Jake sighs, as he leans against the couch, looking down at the floor. Without looking up Jake adds, "And look who's talking about sleep, you spend more time with the guys at the station than you do with me." Jake sighs, "I need a drink of water."

Olivia heard what Jake said and feels horrible, "Jake honey, I know. I'm sorry. You know dad and I are cops, you know what that entails." She leans over the kitchen counter while he gets his drink of water. "Jake, you do know that your dad and I love you very much don't you?" Olivia asks him.

Jake gets his water and walks around and into the family room with his water, and looks at his mom. "Yeah, I know that mom. But...

"Hey! No more buts okay? Now you need to get your butt back to bed...," she said as she gave him a slap on his rear end.

Jake was startled by the slap. "Ouch! Damn it Mom! Come on! I'm too old for that," Jake says shaking his head. "One of these days I will get you back for that!" He said chuckling.

"Hey! What did I say about language?" Olivia sighs. "I'm your mom I'm allowed to," she tells him and yawns once more. "Hurry now, I'm so tired. These old bones need some rest. Which, by the way, young man, you are plenty old enough to get your butt slapped. Your brother Danny, on the other hand, is eighteen. Now that is too old to get spanked."

"Yeah, you are an old mom, older than dirt!" Jake laughs at his comment. Jake heard the butt swatting comment his mom gave, and hoped he would never get his swatted. "If you have to go out again mom, please be careful! Love you!" Jake gives his mom a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey! I'm not older than dirt," she laughs when Jake kisses her and kisses her son back, "I love you too honey. Goodnight." As she is about to swat him again for that comment he made, he jumps forward just in time.

"Ha! You missed me that time, and thank goodness, too, your swats hurt!" Jake says as he walks back to his room. He has an idea and drops his pajama pants and moons his mother, and he laughed.

Olivia just happened to look up at hearing him say that and sees Jake mooning her. "Jake! Are you 5 or 16? Get that bare butt of yours in your bed. I swear I will come in there and swat that butt again!" Olivia sighs chuckling. "That kid is going to make me crazy in my old age. He has his dad's genes. Although, I do like Brian's cute butt better." She tells herself with a snicker. Jake finally shuts it bedroom door.

Then, she pushes the voice message button, puts the cellphone to her ear. Her eyebrows rise upon hearing Angela's voice. And she could hear Robert, Angela's ex-boyfriend beating her up. "Oh no!" And hearing her screams and cries, Olivia's heart sank. She felt sick to her stomach as she continues to listen. She realizes what she is hearing. Robert is assaulting her and possibly raping her. Tears run down her face. "Oh, Angela I will find you!"

Olivia quickly runs back into her bedroom and picks up the clothes she left on the floor and put them back on. She puts her gun back in her holster and grabs her keys as she calls the station. "Hey Cap' I need a trace on this number please, the number is 212-555-7609. It's my friend Angela - she's in trouble, I just heard her being assaulted and a possible rape through her cellphone!"

"Okay, got it Liv. I'll call you when I get the directions," Cragen told her.

"Thanks, Cap.'" Olivia knew she had to try to find Angela on her own. She walks into Jake's bedroom and leans down to him and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Jake, I have to leave; it's an emergency. Be good baby, and go back to sleep." She gives him a comforting pat on his hip, then left his room.

Jake felt his mom's kiss and heard what she said as he just sighed. He pulled up the covers over his head and hoped his mother and father won't get hurt. Jake fell back asleep.

Olivia left the apartment, ran downstairs instead of using the elevator as it was faster for her. She reached the street and wondered if she should use her car or just walk the streets. She walked down the sidewalk, using her flashlight when it was too dark to see. She points it down the street. "Come on Angela. Where in the hell are you?" Olivia sighed, as she wipes the tears that are running down her face.

Four Blocks Away - New York City, New York

Streets Of New York

Angela lies in the dark alleyway, bruised and battered, with the duct tape still over her mouth, and her hands tied behind her. Her jeans were ripped from her, and her underwear was down around her ankles. She continues to go in and out of consciousness but is terribly weak.

As Olivia got to another block, she sighed. She kept looking down the streets when her cell phone rings. She answered it quickly, "Cap'? Please tell me where she is!" Olivia said frantically.

"Liv, her location is three blocks from your position down on the left side of the street, looks like an alleyway," Cragen told Olivia.

"Thank you so much, got to go!" Olivia turns her cell off quickly and starts running down the street. Using her flashlight, she runs like a marathon runner and begins to get closer to the location.

Angela was in so much pain. Her bruises are becoming more black, purple and blue on her thighs, her stomach, and upper arms. Her face is swollen, and her eyes are bruised with slap marks on her face. Her throat is marked up from being strangled almost to death. "Mm-mm! Mm-mm! Mm-mm!" Angela groans hoping it's loud enough for someone to hear her.

Robert is so involved with Angela, he is oblivious to anything else around him, as he groans with pleasure, giving everything he's got, as Angela has no strength, blood is coming from her face, and legs. Tears were running down her face, mascara running down as well. Angela's cries can't be heard through the duct tape across her mouth.

Olivia finally reaches the location Cragen said and lighted her flashlight into the alleyway, but sees nothing. "Angela where are you?" She asked herself. She decides to yell out for her, "ANGELA? COME ON SAY SOMETHING! WHERE ARE YOU?"

Angela faintly hears a voice in the distance as she tries to yell through the duct tape. She can hardly move. "Mmmm! Mmmm! She continued to come in and out of consciousness.

Olivia heard something on the other side of the street. She uses her flashlight, runs across, and notices a bunch of discarded boxes. She walks in closer with her flashlight. As she squints her eyes, she sees someone, a dark figure, as Angela lies on top of the boxes as Olivia runs into the alleyway and sees her friend bleeding and looks unconscious to her, "Oh god Angela!" She looks over at Robert seething inside. "ROBERT! STOP! HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!"

Robert heard someone behind him shouting, as he stood up getting off of Angela as he started to panic.

Olivia aimed her gun at Robert, as her hands began to shake a little. "Robert turn your ass around NOW! Robert Harris, you are under arrest for the assault and rape of Angela Peterson. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford one, you will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as I have told you?"

Robert remained silent; he does not say anything at all. He just stands there half-naked with his back to the cop.

Olivia sauntered behind him. She doesn't know if he's armed or not. "Robert Harris! Kneel down right now!"

Robert grinned, then turned around showing off all his glory. "Is there anything you like here officer?"

Olivia tried very hard not to move her eyes downward as her gun is pointed right at his heart. "Put your hands on your head NOW and step away from the woman!"

Robert started to go to the left away from Angela. His eyes stay focused on Olivia and her gun. "Wouldn't you like some of this?" Robert taunted her. He tried to keep her attention on his manhood. He walked a little closer to her, watching her eyes.

Olivia is apparently nervous of this guy; he is very muscular and tall. She hasn't been able to call for backup because he won't let her.

"Oh, come on Sargeant," Robert said as he lowered his hands from his head. He started to walk even closer to her. "You know you want this Angela wanted this, she loved every minute with this!"

"I said don't move! I doubt very much that Angela loved it. No woman deserves to be raped!" Olivia yelled at him.

"I just want a cigarette! I have them in my jacket pocket. Just let me have a cigarette, please?!" Robert asks her.

"Fine! But watch it! I will shoot you" Olivia watched every move he made.

Robert slowly puts his hand in his jacket pocket, as he watches the officer, he notices she is taking notice of Angela. He quickly bends down picking up a 2X4 not realizing there is a small nail sticking out of it, and as fast as he can, he took a big swing with the piece of wood like bat and hit Olivia's shoulder as hard as he could.

Olivia suddenly screamed out in pain, "Owwww! Ugh!" Olivia fell to the ground on her side, and her gun knocked out of her hand, at least, twenty feet away from her as she goes unconscious.

Robert swung at her once again and hit Olivia on her side as hard as he could. He grinned and said out loud, "Oh Miss Benson, too bad I have to run, I would love to rock your world, but I have to run!" He grabbed his jeans pulling them on quickly. He picked up the cop's gun and ran out of the alley, and ran down the street and into the darkness.

Fifteen Minutes Later…

Olivia finally woke up from being knocked out, and groans in pain, but managed to sit up; she grabs her flashlight feeling sick to her stomach that Robert got away. She crawled over where Angela was holding her side; her shoulder is killing her.

"Angela…Angela" Olivia is bleeding on her shoulder. She tries to stand up but can't at the moment, and she crawls over to her friend. The pain is evident on her face. She shines the light on Angela's face. She sees the bruises and swelling and the tears running down her face. As Olivia moves the flashlight to her chest and her abdomen, she sees bruises on her stomach. Olivia notices she is half-naked, the horrible bruises on her thighs, and sees the blood on the ground.

Olivia pulls out latex gloves out of her jacket pocket and puts them on her hands. She pulls out her radio and pushes the button and speaks into it as much as she can, "This is SVU portable Sargeant Olivia Benson badge number 4015 2nd class to Central," Olivia frantically calls.

"This is Central, go ahead SVU."

Olivia groaned and coughed into the portable radio. "I need a bus to my location, officer down, and a civilian was assaulted and raped," Olivia's voice shaken.

"Bus en route SVU, ETA 10 minutes."

She put down her radio, giving her full attention to Angela. "Hey, Angela! Are you with me? It's Olivia! Open your eyes Angela come on. Please wake up." Olivia moved her long hair away from her face gently and saw the horrible bruises. She gently and carefully took the duct tape off her mouth as she grabbed the evidence bags out of her coat pocket and bagged it.

Angela heard someone's voice and slowly tried to open her eyes. She groans, but with her blurred vision, she can't see who it is. Angela tried so hard to focus on the person and realized it is her best friend, Olivia. "Liv," she attempted to say Olivia's name as more tears run down her face. She felt the sting of the salt on her face with the bruises and opened wounds. "Robert did it! Robert did it!" She said twice making sure Olivia heard her right.

"Shhh! I know don't force anything don't talk right now, Oh Angela I wish I could hug you right now" She sighed and wiped the tears from her face once more and winced in pain, "I heard the message you left on my phone, and I listened to all of it. I'm so sorry." She looked at Angela's face. She could hardly recognize her. She took hold of her hand and just held it while waiting for the ambulance to come.

The pain in Olivia's shoulder and side are becoming unbearable, and she tries to comfort her friend before getting help for herself. Olivia puts her head down as she holds onto her friends' hand as numbness starts to set on her shoulder and side. She remembers what her son had said to her before she left the apartment, knowing he will be upset that she got hurt.

In the distance, the sounds of sirens can be heard. Olivia is thankful and flashes her flashlight on and off for them to see where they are and yells out, "Over here! Hurry! My friend is badly hurt!"

EMT's quickly get to the victim and sees Angela with her eyes almost closed shut from the swelling and bruises surrounding her eyes and cheeks. One paramedic quickly inserts an IV drip into her arm to make sure she gets fluid in her system, so she doesn't dehydrate. The other paramedic puts an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth.

Angela continued to go in and out of consciousness but knows Olivia is there. She looked up at her. Tears continued to run down her face as she tried to lift her hand needing her friend's comfort. The pain is so excruciating mostly between her legs, remembering what Robert said and did to her. "Liv don't...leave me, please."

"Shhh! Honey don't worry I'm here for you," Olivia told Angela as she gently held her friend's hand just as the paramedics are finished getting her ready. Olivia was feeling pain from the 2X4 piece of wood that hit her shoulder, and to her left side. She closed her eyes for a moment. Blood still flowed out from her shoulder, as she couldn't put pressure on her shoulder not wanting to let go of Angela's hand. She tried to keep her head up. She tried so hard to be there for Angela.

"Okay let's get her on the backboard be careful now." The first paramedic said.

They carefully put the backboard under her and carefully lifted her up to place her on the gurney. Olivia stood up still holding her hand as they put a blanket over Angela to cover her. "Angela, I'll be right behind you okay? I have to bag your clothes and any other evidence. I will see you at the hospital okay. I promise!" She gives her a gentle kiss on her hand and gives a small smile to Angela.

Angela nodded slightly, as she closed her eyes and finally went unconscious once again. Olivia hoped she will wake up again - she hoped!

The paramedics carefully but quickly get Angela into the bus. One of the paramedics noticed the officer was also hurting. "Ma'am? Are you hurt, too?" the paramedic asked.

"Yes, but, please take care of my friend first. She needs more help more than I do." Olivia told him.

"But ma'am, your shirt is torn, and you're bleeding. Please come with us so I can take care of you, too." The paramedic pleaded with her.

Olivia sighed and just nodded. "Okay fine. But hold on a minute, please? I have to get the evidence the perp left." Olivia said to him.

The paramedic just nods okay. Olivia looked around and sighed as she shook her head. She realized how many times she has seen this too many times. No matter if it's a young girl or boy, teenagers, women, and men. She will never understand the scumbags who do this. Now her best friend has been raped.

Olivia saw Angela's pants and underwear and put them into a bag grimacing in pain. She noticed all the blood Angela lost on the ground. She continued to look around and saw that Robert forgot his underwear! "That son-of-a-bitch! He left without his underwear! How nice for him to leave his DNA for us." She picked it up carefully feeling disgusted and in terrible pain herself, and put it in a separate bag.

Olivia was helped up into the bus and sat down. Once inside, they closed the back doors as one paramedic jumped in with her. The other paramedic got in the front seat and took off to Mercy Hospital.

Mercy General Hospital - New York City, New York

Emergency Room

The bus reached the hospital as the paramedics quickly jump out. Olivia stepped out of the bus and groaned trying to get herself to a chair. While the paramedics pull Angela out of the back of the bus, two nurses rush over to help. "We've got a 45-year-old woman, who was brutally beaten and raped. She has contusions and bruises on her inner thighs from forcible rape, possible internal bleeding on her abdomen. She is dehydrated. We gave her 100 milligrams of saline solution to bring her hydration back up. She's lost at least two pints of blood."

"Okay good. Take her into operating room two," one of the nurses said. They help get the woman into the room just as the doctor arrives.

Dr. Keller quickly scrubs up, and goes to Angela, lifting the sheet off her. He spreads her legs to see how much damage there was. "Unbelievable," Dr. Keller says shaking his head. "When will rape ever be stopped?"

One nurse removed the oxygen and replaced it with anesthesia to put her to sleep to get her ready for surgery.

Emergency Waiting Room

Back in the waiting room of the ER, one of the other nurses noticed the other woman in pain, with a torn shirt and bleeding. "Ma'am, let me help you. You are bleeding pretty badly."

"I'm Sargeant Olivia Benson. NYPD, Special Victims Unit, please just help" Olivia's eyes flutter a little, as she held her forehead. "Please just help my friend. She was assaulted and raped." Olivia said knowing Angela is more in need of help than she is.

The nurse apparently noticed the Sargeant trying to keep from passing out. She saw her eyes, knowing she will collapse soon. "It doesn't matter who you are, you are injured, and that's what we're here to do to help anyone and everyone in need." The nurse tells her.

Olivia suddenly felt very extremely dizzy, as she held her head when suddenly her legs went weak. Olivia's eyes rolled back and passed out collapsing to the floor from so much blood loss.

"Whoa! Hey now!" The nurse tried to catch her before she hit the floor but failed. "Doctor! Help! The Sargeant has collapsed, and she has lost a lot of blood!" The nurse called out quickly.

Dr. Bowman raced over to the woman along with an intern and a gurney. "Okay let's get her on the gurney quickly. Nurse get her information on file, we will need to transfer blood into her quickly."

Olivia's Hospital Room

They quickly get Olivia into a room and start her on an IV of saline. Olivia still is unconscious due to lack of blood and oxygen, as they put an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth. The nurse checked in her medical file, and saw the type of blood she needed and quickly orders the blood type.

An Hour Later…

Olivia slowly started to wake up; she was a little groggy with the pain medication in her system and a tube in her arm giving her saline to help her blood flow throughout her body. "Ang…Angela." Olivia started to mutter. "Wher…where is Angela Peterson? What happened?"

The nurse sitting with her heard her, and she put her hand on her arm letting her know she's there with her.

"Shhh! Honey relax your friend she's in surgery right now. It will be at least an hour until she will be in the ICU. But you can't go anywhere right now. You passed out from lack of blood in your system." The nurse told Olivia.

Olivia sighed feeling exhausted; she had been up now for almost 28 hours. She promised to be here when her friend Angela woke up. She lies there very groggy. She remembered the evidence bags, "Where are my bags?" Olivia started to get anxious and tried to sit up.

"Honey, calm down your bags are in the closet here. They won't go anywhere. Do you want me to call someone for you?" The nurse asked.

"No! I…I don't want my family to know I got hurt they will just get upset!" Olivia remembered it was Robert Harris that did this to her. She becomes angry, yet in horrible pain and weak.

The nurse sat the bags down on the table next to her. "I will be right back okay? I will get something for you to drink." The nurse said to Olivia.

"Oh, nurse! Please make sure they do a rape kit, too. I have to get that back to our M.E.!" she shouted out to the nurse.

"Yes, we will get you that after her surgery," the nurse told her. "But you need to calm down, relax and stay put.

Olivia appeared so exhausted emotionally. Tears fell as she covered her eyes with her hands. She's so frustrated and upset this happened. She whispered under her breath. "Oh Brian, just when I need you, you aren't here. I wish you were here!" Olivia closed her eyes for a moment, as she soon she falls back asleep.

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