"So Genma, are you happy now that you successfully intoxicating everyone in the entire school?" Helios- one of my best friend and my crush since I was like seven-, asked as we watched most of our classmates make questionable life decisions they will probably regret tomorrow.

"Is your girlfriend here?" I asked, doing very little to cover up the bitterness in my voice because everyone, including fucking Helios himself, knew about my crush on him for a while now. Helios sighed heavily, pinched his perfectly freckled nose in annoyance. I shake my head softly, "No, I'm going to need a lot more alcohol before I have to deal with reality."

"I thought you understand that I just think-"

"What ever." I interrupted shortly. "I have a party to attend to, some people have been asking me to make of my famous 'ecstasy' party drinks. Tell Jewel I say hi, have some fun you have been working hard and disserve some kind of break."

I hear my named called out, but quickly slipped through a group of highly drunk teenagers trying to dance without falling over. Once across the room I take a shaky breath and whip at my eyes, I can feel tears welling in them.I will be damned if I cry at my own party because of a boy.

"Genma another great party!"

"Girl you keep outdoing yourself."

"Imma sooooo drunk."

I can not help grin, the only time anyone in the room ever notices me is when I throw a party.

Usually I'm just the homely girl in the back of the room with crooked teeth, failed pink cheetah print hair, and a 'Mountain Dew' addiction. Not that anyone ever believes it's just soda in the tonight I'm everyone's favorite person, the center of everyone's attention. I'm also the only sober...well mostly solder person.

Except as I watch Helios and Jewel dance and drink, I really wish I was drunk enough for it to not hurt so much. Why do I have to have such a high alcohol resistance?

!Line Break!

Hours later after the party started to die down in a sense, most of the sober kids left and the drunk ones became more rowdy. When two people started having sex on the floor I take the opportunity to step outside for a breath of fresh air.

Outside is quiet but my ears still ring with loud pop music.

I nurse a can of Red Mountain Dew sadly, the memory of Helios pulling Jewel towards the house's guest bedroom is all too real in my memory.

I hate Jewel and Helios, why'd they even have to come to my party?

While I'm relaxing, I suddenly hear a soft voice in my ear 'Leave. Go to 111 Sea Way, do not hesitate. An foe lays in the shadows, you must have Sally Jackson take you to Half Blood.'

I jerk up from my seat, feeling uneasy down to the pit off my stomach.

"Hey Genma!"

I jump back slightly when I see Jewel standing in front of me. She looks flustered, dark brown hair matted together, and pink lips awkwardly puffy red. There is a darkness deep in her eyes I can't place but something about it makes my ADHD start to act up.

"Jewel." I say shortly. "Shouldn't you be with Helios, it kind of looks like you might have left in the middle of something."

"Helios needed a drink. I brought you another Mountain Dew, you sure have a big collection. It looks like you have every color in the rainbow. I didn't even know they made yellow ones." Jewel says, passing the soda to me. "Why are you outside?"

"Felt like it."

I see a tiny smile forming one Jewel's lips as I tap tab of the offered soda to open it. Something about the smile makes me shiver inside. My mind suddenly starts jumping in a way it never has before.

'Think this through. You drank your last yellow Mountain Dew three months ago, you thought it was terrible and didn't even buy anymore. Besides that you know yellow was discontinued two weeks ago and every store is sold out. How did this girl get one? You know you shouldn't drink this so don't.' The voice of reason in my head reasoned, except for some reason the voice sounds really masculine.

"Thanks." I say, setting the soda in my bag. "I've got to go pick up some more beer. Have a good time. See you in a bit."

I don't wait for a response, running down the street as fast as I can. My feet carry me towards 111 Sea Way without any thought. Ignoring the fact it is one in the morning, I pound on the door that's mailbox has the name 'Sally Jackson' on it. Apartment 3.

A beautiful woman opens the door, slightly disheveled and tired looking.

"Hi." I say. "My name is Genma."