
Really like this story so far but a little annoyed with all stats at the bottom. Maybe only put the new stats Shiro gets in a chapter there and make a stat page as a story for people to check them.

Thank you for the advice. I have a story coming that has a detailed explanation of his stats.


First off good premise for the story, I think this is the only gamer/fate story I've seen on this site so good luck! For critiques though: you say dad way too much when Shirou is talking. When he is talking with his dad he doesn't need to include it in every sentence. I mean do you talk to people that way saying their name or title every sentence you have in a conversation? Secondly, after a year and a half his observation and snoop skills should be alot higher than you have them written. Well maybe snoop wouldn't be very high but observe should be his highest skill, it costs little to no mana to use and can be used continuously on everything and everyone in site.

Thank you for the advice. I have a changed the chapter so that his [Observe] Skill to be high enough to be believable. And I have a surprise for that skill. And after re reading my work I realized my grammar mistakes and am currently revising my work. And I also changed the observe skill level and I'm close to make it Lv. Max. And I have a surprise for the skill.

unwashed heathen chapter 6 . Mar 22

I like the story, but you should try to reduce the length of Shirou's status that shows up in every chapter. It artificially inflates the word count. I'd suggest removing the description of a new skill or flaw after the first time it shows up. You could post the full unabridged status on your profile if necessary.

I've been working on that and I'm posting the Stats Page for the characters.


I wonder just how long rescuing Illya is going to take

I have planned an entire arc for that. It's going to spam for about three chapters.

Judgment of the Arbiter

Nice chapter, thanks for the update.

Your welcome.


Hurray for new chapter! X3 I really hope Shirou can cure Kiritsugu, and if not, at least recue Illya before Kiritsugu passes.

Don't worry I have a plan ready for the Illya Rescue Arc. And you might like it.


Hmm, how come your work is so familiar. Oh well.. I hope you're not going to make everyone a Gamer later on. It tends to happen to other Gamer cross that everyone become a Gamer/Pseudo-Gamer. It makes the story ridiculous.

Don't worry I happen to share that sediment and I'm not having that happen.


Hope he can get them to meet one more time! nice chapter!

Oh he definitely will just not the way you expect it.

Server lock

It feels like he's becoming a bit op, I really am wondering how Archer will react to this.

I plan to even out his character to not be so OP by other characters. And he's definitely going to be shocked that's for sure.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fate stay night in any shape, way, or form. Fate/stay night is a Japanese visual novel developed by Type-Moon, which was originally released as an adult game for Windows. Please support the official release.

Speaking: "Hello"

Thoughts: 'Should I tell him'

Magic Spell/ Special stuff:[Might as well tell the truth.]

"Dinner's ready!" Shirou's young voice shouted from the kitchen, prompting everyone in the traditional building to all the occupants inside. The boy's call made all of the intended listeners to twitch their ears in response.

"FOOODDD!" Taiga shouted as she made a beeline for the dinner table and instantly began to chow down on each section of the meal as soon as the boy put the plates down.

"Fuji-nee, can you please at least leave some for dad?" Shirou moaned as he managed to swipe some food for himself with practiced ease. "You know he's been really tired lately…"

"He'll be here when he wants to be." Taiga stated in a calm tone, dispute eating like a ravinging beast. "Besides, it's fairly obvious that you already saved some of the meal for him in the kitchen. Your so cute like that!" Taiga swooned as she briefly leaned over and rubbed her cheek affectionately against the blushing an pouting boy. Sighing contently the girl resumed eating. "But yeah. He has always been really tired lately, but he seems more out of it than normal…" The teen looked at Shirou curiously.

"If that's the case, then why did I easliy beat you in kendo?" Kiritsugu asked with a tired grin from the doorway before slowly walking to the kitchen to get the food that Shirou had set aside for him.

You're finally up Kiri-kun!" Taiga swooned with teary eyes. "I was worried about you!"

"Don't worry." The man grinned as he began to eat. "I still have a year left in me I think…"

The teen pouted. "It's no fair when you talk like that. It makes it sound like you really are going to die soon." She grinned and began to poke him in the side. "But we all know that's not true. You're barely older than some of the noobies that my uncle smacks around…"

The dinner continued on like this, with Shirou and Taiga providing life and energy to the table while Kiritsugu just pointed out how silly they were being to various degrees and smiling faintly and occasionally laughing along with the others. It went well into the night. Kiritsugu helped Shirou clean up and Taiga left soon afterwards…

It was only then that the training resumed again.

"So son…" Kiritsugu grunted as he stretched out his body. "You finally get used to yor new additions yet?"

Shirou hesitantly nodded as he rubbed his back… where 9 magic circuits were implanted. They were all that was left of the Emiya clan's thaumaturgical crest.

Despite the fact that it carries little meaning now, the Emiya name did have a fair bit of history to it. The family lineage dated back a few centuries and focused on 'Time Manipulation' in their quest for Akasha. The original crest that had belonged to Kiritsugu's father, the clan's 4th head and a magus that had a sealing designation and researched forbidden magic, was confiscated by the magus association upon the man's death. Kiritsugu had managed soon afterwards to get permission to implant 20% of that crest into his back after his adopted mother, Natalia managed to call in a few favors. However instead of trying to further his clan's research and improve on it once more, the assassin merely used the crest as a tool and giving him the power of innate time control.

Simply put, the spell was designed about creating a bounded field and then making "adjustments" in the flow of time on the space inside of the field so to create a difference between it and the passage of time outside of the field. Taking the time of the "outside" as a standard, the time in the "inside" can be either accelerated or slowed.

The major drawback is that the efforts necessary to use this ability increases in proportion to the size of the bounded field made and to the deviations between the two flows of time. Usually the user would need to channel huge amounts of prana and use time consuming rituals when activating high level thaumaturgy to use this, but Kiritsugu was able to mostly bypass that by limiting the size of the field to his own body and even then for very brief spans of time. Although this doesn't let him do much outside of his body, it gave him great control over the rhythm of his bodily functions, letting him do physical feats above humans by accelerating or simulating a state of suspending animation by slowing.

However this particular use of this magecraft put a heavy burden on his body. Once the field is lifted, the world will forcibly, more often than not violently, correct all time deviations in the affected space, which in this case is his own self.

He experienced these feedbacks to the extreme firsthand during his final fight in the war against Kirei when he accelerated his body to 4 times normal speed. His body would have shattered upon itself hundreds of times over, and did, however Avalon, the legendary sheathe of Excalibur, was implanted in his body at the time and repaired the damage as soon as it was done…

It still did nothing to prevent how much it hurt like a bitch though.

Since he was cursed by the cursed grail, not only were most of his own magic circuits fried, but a good majority that made the small crest on his back were as well. Only 9 had remained intact. It was far from enough to perform any form of moderate clan based thaumaturgy by themselves despite their quality, let alone make an innate time field… yet they could still serve a purpose… he just had no idea what just yet other than giving the boy a small boost to his reserves.

Grafting a crest onto another person had always been an extremely risky procedure, especially when the one receiving it was not a blood member of the clan… yet Shirou pointed out that there were so few circuits to be shifted over that the odds of something going truly wrong, even if he wasn't actually qualified to do such a task, were rather small. Shirou was still a child, so he could still adapt to them fairly well. But it worked well... a little too well.

It ended with Kiritsugu going to the hospital to get a paternity test to see if Shirou and him were related in any way. So it came to him a great shock when the results came back and it turned out that Shirou was his actual son. He was so shocked that he had to lean against the wall for support. He asked how because he had never been with anyone except for his wife, Irisviel. Then his son dropped another boom on him with how he was his father. It turned out that he had an ability called, [The Gamer]. It actually explained a lot about his weird Prana and Od. But he knew that if his son's ability came out then he would be slapped with a Sealing Designation faster than he could say "Game". He made him promise to never let anyone know about it.

And so Shirou recovered quickly. Within a week of the implants, Shirou was up and going to school again. He still had to take the standard potion that many recipients took to ensure that nothing went wrong (much to the boy's displeasure since he claimed that nothing had happened to him), however other than that he was pretty much recovered at this point and now possessing a solid 36 Master Quality Magic circuits in his body…

It had been a couple of month since he had pledged to get Illya back, and Shirou had been doing well. Because of his father's curse, Shirou had started to take training his Healing Related Skills seriously to level up his Healing Magecraft Skill to destroy the curse that plagued his father's body. He had learned a few things to stagnate it's flow, but lacked anything concrete that would have enough power to destroy the curse. Overall, he had learned a lot about the fundamentals of Healing Magecraft in the last couple of months, and along with his own independent work, he could now honestly say he knew and could treat most illnesses better than some doctors. But to be fair though, doctors didn't have [The Gamer] Ability that could do almost anything with enough power and knowledge.

Kiritsugu had taught him some basic healing magecraft that he had picked up from Enforcers used for the field. It was mostly the kind that heal minor wounds and broken bones, but what Shirou really interested in was curing curses. It was simple in theory, you use enough prana to penetrate their magic resistance, if they had any, and try to penetrate the curse. Then if you got pass the curse you simply annihilate it from within. But in practice, however, it was incredibly hard. The closest thing he could relate to it was hacking. The magic resistance was like the firewall that would either protect the computer or take off certain, random, parts of the program every time that they met, so you had to apply the connection continuously while making sure the program doesn't trip up or make sure that you get over the firewall completely. Then you had to actually remove the curse, which was much like solving a puzzle, through absolute darkness, and containing a rabid animal.

Alongside his magic training with is father, Shirou had been doing some independent research. He had learned how to read quickly and gain the basics of what the book was about. And due to that he had then gained the skill [Research]. Due to getting this skill he had worked to read everything he could find on medicine. He had constantly used his [Charisma] skill to convince his father to buy more books about Medicine. Due to that action he had upgraded his [Medical Knowledge] skill to [Level: 69], and found out a lot of intimate details about the human body. He things like the skeletal system that helps support the body and how to wreck or build it, to modify the chromosomes within each cell. According to the description of the skill, he had about as much medical knowledge as most university students majoring in science or pharmaceuticals alongside some extra skills, like first aid, and CPR.

Shirou was sure that the two of these together would somehow help him save Kiritsugu, but for now they were just skills used to avoid Kiritsugu from getting more sick and keeping up his physical fitness. It would help him keep Kiritsugu's health from getting worse, but wouldn't make it better. Still, Shirou was sure he would be able to cure Kiritsugu, he even got a new quest from it called [Cure The Curse]. Apparently, Kiritsugu had the same curse he did when he came out of the fire, but for some reason he hadn't been cured from it. Personally, Shirou had no idea why he hadn't recovered, but he knew it was progressively getting worse, and if he wasn't careful, his father might die. From personal experience from that fire he had been robbed of his innocence in the face of death. He knew that once you died that's it. There was nothing more that you can do for them. To be honest it scared him that his father could disappear any second.

Of course, just because Shirou had started learning to heal didn't mean he was slacking off anywhere else. In his other studies he had progressed well, especially his [Reinforcement] and [Graduation Air], but they had always come easier. His father had started to teach him both [Basic Battle Magecraft] and how to create [Boundary Fields]. He had gone far in either, he could keep a fireball burning easily, though it might have something to do with his [Element]. And his boundary fields could keep from falling in on itself, but it depends on the chances. But so far he had made significant progress nonetheless. He had even been able to make a small boundary field around the shed to absorb enough mana to keep a constant source of energy for his research. When Kiritsugu had noted how much it looked like he was setting up a workshop Shirou had gained yet another quest called [Setting Up Security]. He hadn't quite been able to complete it, as he needed to set up security fields, and a few points to map into the boundary field around the place, but overall he had done alright.

Today, however, Kiritsugu had something else in mind. Shirou stood in front of him, ready to start his magus studies, when Kiritsugu waved him off. "Today you won't be learning magic, Shirou." Seeing his confused face Kiritsugu explained. "Today you will be learning the practical uses of magic in modern weaponry and even computers." Kiritsugu stated. "Wait Old Man why would I need to learn this. I have my Magecraft that can do so much more." "But son have you thought of it like this. A normal mages would never think so much of even touching it no matter how useful. It has so many uses and it doesn't cost any mana nor it get degraded."" Oh." I guess it did make sense. It expands my repertoire. So the lesson went, Shirou listened dutifully as his father explained how magecraft and science mixed, and how they worked together, and the benefits of using of both instead of one or the other. Computers processing quicker than they should be, explosives larger, cars accelerate faster and many more great examples of magic and science mixing together.

It had now been a full year since Shirou had been training with Kiritsugu, and he was showing phenomenal progress. He had been able to start to make long lasting [Projections], if only for ten hours before they disappeared. Combined with his improving reinforcement he was slowly becoming quite a powerful mage.

That's exactly what Kiritsugu feared.

His son was becoming quite powerful, and if he was ranked on the magus scale, one through one-hundred. One being a normal person with no Magic Circuits and One-hundred being a true magic user, Shirou would measure between a 60 and a 90 . Given that Kiritsugu had measured him to be a a 43 a few months ago, was a significant improvement. Kiritsugu knew that Shirou would go far in both the magic and the mundane side of life. In short, Shirou was a genius with fantastic magecraft abilities.

In Shirou's classes he was considered the perfect remodel, perfect grades, great attitude, the peak of physical fitness, and the list goes on. Shirou didn't even seem to notice the gap he had on his classmates, even his teacher! Despite being in the curriculum for less than a year, and having no memories before the fire, Shirou had curb stomped his classmates with ease. The children in his classroom looked up to Shirou, as unlikely as that is to be, and worshiped him greatly, listening to the his opinion he says. The only one that could even be compared would be Rin Tohsaka, the Second Owner of the city.

His magic ability was even worse. Shirou was a natural at [Projection], and had made a new branch of Magecraft called [Tracing]. Tracing was like the upgraded version of [Graduation Air] which was able to copy an object from its magical properties down to its history! Though it did come with a price in which it cost a much larger amount of prana, but that was solved since his natural output of prana was incredibly high, already the level of a trained magus. He was skilled in almost everything Kiritsugu had taught him, from [Boundary Fields], to carving [Runes], and especially [Reinforcement]. Combined with being the same element as him, Shirou Emiya was a natural at the arts of magecraft.

And that's what made Kiritsugu worry.

The Clock Tower had a very bad tendency to give Sealing Designations to dissect people who had unexplained abnormal powers and growth that couldn't be explained or replicated easily. When Kiritsugu died, and he knew that he was going to die, he was worried that Shirou would have no defense against the Clock Tower. At the same time, Kiritsugu recognized the potential of Shirou's ability. It had taken several months, but he had finally figured out why Shirou was so bad when learning some skills and good after learning the skill, Shirou could do any spell just by knowing what it does. Because of this, Kiritsugu had instituted a new rule to his magecraft training, reading the entire section. It sounded silly, but Shirou was a genius, capable of using spells without knowing how they work, and in able for him to practice properly he needed to learn all about the spell. It saved him both time and Prana.

It also gave Kiritsugu time to do something very important, try to rescue his daughter. He hadn't been gone long, he had hopped he could break in easily, so he had only booked single week in Germany. Unfortunately, as he had expected, the Einzbern had activated the bounded field around the mansion. He couldn't get through without years of preparation, even if he was as strong as he was before. As it was, it would take longer than he could possibly live with out using magic, if he was to use magic.

Shacking his head, Kiritsugu thought back to the matter at hand, now wasn't the time to get saddened by his missing daughter, he could do that later.

What really worried Kiritsugu though, was how Shirou wanted to become a hero. He wanted to kill Dead Apostle Ancestors until he was recognized as a threat capable of taking down Types. That was dangerous by itself, but what scared him was the next part of Shirou's plan, because then Shirou planned to take over the Mage Association and teach magic to the world.

He had to cut the bud at the nip before it got out of hand. He had to explain why if he was going the path he was on he would have chaos on his hands. He reveled everything about the nature of magecraft and if everyone knew it then it wouldn't work anymore. There would be consequences so dire that society would be forced back to the Dark Ages. He made Shirou promise to never go down that path.

It had been nearly three years since Kiritsugu had taken to training Shirou. In that time Shirou had taken to protecting people on a lower scale, while he wasn't able to stop Dead Apostle's, or even stop bank robberies, he had started helping bullied children. Why he had just returned from helping a young purple haired girl. He had gotten a few bruises, mostly because he didn't use magic, but he had saved the girl, and that was all that mattered.

It happened a few months after the tragedy. He was walking back home from school like every other children his age, cutting through a small park like he did every morning. It was usually deserted at that hour and Shirou never stopped there before. This time however he was forced to stop when he heard someone shout. Out of curiosity he looked for the source of the sound and stumbled upon a group of four kids around his age surrounding a girl with purple hair. She was on the ground, her face streaked with tears, but her expression was distant and unfocused, almost detached from her current predicament.

"She isn't reacting at all. This is not even fun," commented one of them

"Try pulling her hair."

"No. Let's put some mud on her face."

She didn't react even while the boys debated how to bully her further. Shirou, on the other hand, felt a scorching sensation inside his gut that robbed him of all conscious thoughts. When his brain connected again two of the boys were already on the ground holding their bleeding noses.

"Leave her alone!" he shouted.

Perhaps in different circumstances they would have run, but their numeric superiority gave them enough courage to stay and retaliate against him. Far from being skilled in combat, Shirou found himself on the receiving end of a nasty beating, but he wasn't the one to being defeated that day.

He refused to go down, forcing his legs upright, opening his arms wide as to create a wall between them and the girl behind him. Compared to the fire, that pain was nothing. By the end of it he was bleeding from the mouth and his clothes were dirty and there were more than a few bruise already forming on his arms.

"What's wrong with this freak? Come on, let's go. This guy's crazy," one boy said sounding a little unsettled by the display. They left in a hurry, shooting glances at their back in case Shirou tried to follow them and strike from behind, but he simply stood there, arms wide until they were out of sight.

"Are you all right?" he asked turning around and offering his hand to girl. She stared at the foreign appendage like something alien before raising her eyes to meet his. She stared for some time before accepting his hand and standing back up with his help. "Are you all right?" He asked again. She blinked shaking away the faraway look in her eyes.

"Ah. Yes," she replied with a soft voice.

"Thank goodness. What's wrong with those guys? Picking on a girl like you. Who do they think they are?"

"… It happens sometimes. It's nothing." she said never removing her eyes from his.

"It's not nothing," he replied a little unnerved from her constant stare. Was there something on his face? "Hey, if those guys give try something like that ever again, just tell me and I'll teach them a lesson."

"But they'll hurt you again…" she whispered.

"What? You're kidding, right? This is nothing. Ugh!" he tapped his chest proudly and then winced at the pain it brought forth. "All right, maybe that hurts a bit," he laughed. It was like a spell had been broken and she laughed with him, with a look of surprise on her face like she didn't remember ever doing it before. Shirou watched her with amusement. There was something heartwarming about her laugh. Something that lifted the sprit.

"Thank you for helping me. I'm Matou Sakura, pleased to meet you" she introduced herself offering her hand once she regained control of her breathing.

"Emiya… Shirou," he stuttered back, hypnotized by the small smile she was showing him. "Please to you meet you too."

They walked together to his place. Kiritsugu was surprised to see Shirou bringing home a friend but welcomed Sakura nonetheless, regardless of the condition of their clothing and the evident bruises on Shirou's face. He could question him later. He was a little more surprised when he discovered her last name but didn't address the issue in her presence. Later, when Taiga joined them after school, Shirou saw her shooting glances in his directions before whispering something in Kiritsugu ears. They both looked at them and snickered.

They spent a pleasant afternoon and evening together after informing her parents of what had happened. Taiga borrowed Sakura some of clothes from when she was a kid since she couldn't remain in her dirty clothes all day. After dinner, Taiga offered to escort her back home since Kiritsugu was feeling a little ill and Shirou was still too young to go around the town at night.

"Am not!" He argued.

"Are too! Come now, Sakura-chan. Say goodbye to Shirou-chan."

She did just that. Well not just that. When she was close enough she planted a soft kiss on his cheek whispering a soft "Thank you," before scurrying away without meeting his eyes. Taiga looked at the exchange with a hand in front of her mouth, hiding a grin. Her eyes, however, betrayed her amusement. Kiritsugu didn't put the same amount of effort and simply laughed at Shirou dumbfounded expression.

"I'm proud of you Shirou," Kiritsugu said. "Sakura explained me what you did for her."

"Ah. Yes. I just couldn't let something like that happen in front of my eyes and do nothing to stop it."

"I understand," he paused. "You know? When I was your age I wanted to be a superhero. But then things happened and I couldn't believe in that dream anymore?"

His training had been slowing down recently, and Shirou expected it was because of his level. When Shirou was at [Level: One], getting a skill over fifty was a major problem, but at level five, a level fifty skill was one of his weak skills. Now though, a few days of part-time practice could easily get a skill to level one-hundred. Still, even now he would have to try very hard to get one of his skills to that above the average magus.

Sighing, Shirou looked back down to his latest project, making the bounded field around his workshop to solve a power problem. It wasn't that hard in theory, he just needed something to capture mana into a container and covert it into electricity and connect it to his outlets . From there he just needed to make sure the power was at an acceptable voltage. But right now he needed a conduit for the mana to act through. There were a few things he could use, blood, mystic codes, and some... other things he didn't want to mention. Right now, the only thing he had was blood.

The only real problem with that was that the blood needed to be kept relatively fresh, meaning he would have to keep a stasis spell in the bounded field, meaning he would have to lower the mana available to the charging his work. Unfortunately, Shirou did not have the skill to create a bounded field with a centralized stasis spell around the blood, nor did he have the skill with stasis spells to reduce the cost of the spell to take little enough for the container to actually gather prana.

Sighing Shriou started on the most effective way to fix the problem, and slowly started taking down the current bounded field, fully intent on building a new one to fit his current purpose.

Author Notes: So here we are with the seventh chapter. It's completely different from how I had first written it. It actually started with Kiritsugu's death because I didn't want to write Shirou's full background, showing the differences I've envisioned through flashbacks. Anyway here it is. The Holy Grail War is still a few chapters away and by then Shirou will be a lot different from canon skill and personality wise.

I sincerely hope you like this chapter. I'll be looking forward to your reviews. Thank you and goodbye.