Mild masochism, orgasm denial, begging, restraint, humiliation

Emma gets payback

Chapter - ?

Emma groaned as she woke groggily. Her head felt full of bricks and cotton. The slip of bed next to her was empty and her meek keeper was nowhere to be seen. Blearily she stared up at the ceiling above the bed straining to put together the events of last night. Her memories were fuzzy at best. We were having dinner…The Lieutenant was watching me strangely. Her eyes widened in realization. He DRUGGED me! Emma's brows furled in confusion. Why would he do that? It didn't make any sense.

She shifted stiffly to sit and cringed. She was a sopping mess. Her cunt seeped cum. Drugged and fucked me is more like it. She glared down at the slick mess soaking her inner thighs. Why? She was more than willing to have sex with the nervous man. There was no need to drug her like that. Emma pursed her lips in confusion and irritation.

If she didn't feel like such a mess she'd be content to plop back down into bed and rest off this drugs lingering effects. Her eyes strayed to the chronometer on the desk. It was nearly lunch time already. With a small groan she slid off the bed and made her way to the refresher to clean herself up. She only wished he had the luxury of a real shower to ease away the groggy fog in her body and brain. I'll figure out what to do about the Lieutenant later.

Mitaka was silent when he returned from his duties for the day. He glanced Emma's way hesitantly and was met with the young woman's angry glare. She remembers… His eyes found the floor swiftly and he struggled to avoid her gaze. Emma said nothing and his hands began to shake nervously.

He began to dress down in the tense silence. Emma watched him with tightly knit brows as she decided her next course of action. Mitaka slipped his belt from its loops, but stilled as she slid down from the side of the bed. He remained frozen staring down at the floor as she approached. Nervous eyes darted to her in quick jerks.

"You've been bad Lieutenant," She stared at him pointedly before putting out her hand, "You need to be punished."

Even though her face and tone was serious both still held a haunting sweetness. He looked down at the belt in his hand before offering it silently. She quietly circled behind him. He tensed, frightened of what retribution she might have in store. Gentle hands ran down the sides of his arms as she drew Mitaka's hands behind his back. He swallowed roughly. She was right. He deserved this. He deserved to be punished. A shiver ran down his spine as the smooth leather tightened around his wrists.

Already he was straining against the constricting fabric of his uniform. Emma's soft delicate hands slid around his hips and splayed flat as they slid over his thighs. She didn't touch him there though. Her gentle touch avoided the straining bulge as they rose back up to the front of his pants, but strayed just close enough to make his hips buck. Mitaka whimpered softly. She tutted as she unbuttoned the fly of his pants.

The black fatigues slid down and fell to pool at his ankles. Emma's fingers played along the band of his underwear, tickling the soft skin at his pelvis and sliding through the sleek black hairs that descended from his navel. She dipped down low as she sent them the way of the pants. Tugging them both free, she be cast aside. Mitaka stood trembling, naked from the waist down from both excitement and the chill of his quarters.

"I wonder how I should punish you Lieutenant..." Emma's sweet voice sounded far too innocent.

She pressed her scantily clad body flush to his own and he bit back a groan at the warm pressure of her breasts against his back. She worked his tunic and the thin dark shirt beneath open to run her hands over his chest. She dragged her fingertips down his sides leaving a prickling trail of gooseflesh. His cock gave a sharp twitch when they came to settle on his bony hips once more. Already his breath was ragged and he stared down the weeping flesh straining between his legs, his cheeks flushed red with shame and need.

"You like this don't you?" Emma whispered against the skin of his neck.

"Y-yes," He said shakily.

Her hands continued to wander, but avoided his aching member.

"You like it when I touch you?" Emma bit her lip and Mitaka groaned softly at her words, "You like touching me?"

Emma giggled behind his ear. She shifted slightly and drew a hand to his backside, never once breaking contact with the trembling flesh beneath her fingertips. Mitaka's hips bucked sharply as she firmly kneaded a round pale cheek.

"Mmhm…" He murmured softly.

"You like to touch yourself while I sleep don't you…" Emma leaned in to hiss in his ear, "like a pervert?"

"Yes," Mitaka panted out weakly.

"You're too afraid to touch me aren't you? You have to do it while I'm asleep hu?" Emma stroked a finger up the cleft of his ass as she rubbed his rear. "That's pretty pathetic Lieutenant…"

His hips bucked sharply at the motion, "Y-yes ma'am."

That had gotten her a definite reaction from the meek man. She ran two fingers over the clef once more, earning her a deep shuddering moan. He pushed back against her hand urging them deeper. Emma bit her lip and let the tip of her finger trace his puckered asshole. Mitaka gave a desperate whimper. He was tight and unprepared.

"You're a pathetic little pervert who touches himself while young girls sleep aren't you?"

"P-please…" Mitaka panted softly, his cock weeping as it strained in the air.

"Aren't you Lieutenant?" she asked again in a low hiss. He nodded vigorously and clenched his eyes shut.

"Please…" Mitaka cringed at just how desperate he already sounded. Emma hummed softly against his neck in question. He swallowed roughly again before finding his words. "I…I need to be punished…Please, punish me."

Emma giggled shyly again against his neck. Her finger pressed firmly against his unprepared anus and Mitaka gave a pained hiss as she slipped inside him. She moved slowly and gently as she explored him. He was soft and warm and the tight ring of muscles clenched firmly around her every time she slid a little bit further.


She eased out and back in slowly, earning her a desperate whimper. Finally she buried the digit fully in his warm body and she pressed herself flush against him once more. Her chin came to rest on his shoulder and Emma bit her lip as she looked down. The young officers cock wept clear precum to the point that it now dripped slowly from its straining tip.

"Filthy pervert…you're dripping cum everywhere."

Mitaka panted and bucked his hips at her harsh words, "I-I'm sorry. P-please…"

She snickered softly and turned to nuzzle behind his ear, "Please what?"

His voice came out small and trembling, "Please t-touch me…"

Each gentle stroke of her finger made him moan softly and a small puddle of precum had begun to form at the man's feet. The Lieutenant was losing his mind from the lack of stimulation where it was needed most.

"I am touching you…not that you deserve it."

He groaned pitifully at her words, "My cock…please. Touch my cock."

Emma bit her lip and giggled, "You really are a perv, begging girls to touch your cock…No I don't think you deserve it."

His groan was agonized and his hips gave another needful thrust. He rocked back against her hand and she pushed deeper still, prodding and exploring his hot depths. A stray motion brushed by something inside of him and his back arched with a pleasured cry. Mitaka's eyes shot wide. Emma's gentle fingering came to a stop and she watched him curiously. She brushed over it once again and he moaned once more.

"Please. Please…please…" Mitaka begged between panting gasps and desperately rocked his hips.

"Look at you…" Emma mocked, "You look ready to cum and I haven't even touched your cock. Look at what a sick little pervert you are."

Mitaka's head tilted back against her shoulder and he strained against the belt binding his wrists, "Yes…y-yes ma'am."

Her stokes came firm and quick and her other hands slowly traveled over his abdomen towards his groin, "Say it Lieutenant…what are you?"

Mitaka shuddered out a gasp, "I'm…I'm a f-filthy pervert. I'm a sick little f-freak. I…I."

His stammering tirade of self depreciation was caught by a sharp gasp. Emma's fingers laced through the dark curls between his legs to bush the base of his straining shaft and her finger firmly curled to stroke deep inside him. With a sharp cry he arched against her, barely able to keep his footing. Cum shot from his cock in thick ropes again and again. Emma watched captivated as he spilled himself, splattering his seed across the floor and far enough to leave some dripping down the front of his desk across the small room.

Mitaka shakily struggled to find his breath. Emma slipped her finger from him and wrapped her arms around him in a gentle hug. His legs wobbled and he gave a small shuddering groan as she did so. Once strength had returned to his legs she pulled away to release his wrists and came to sit at the edge of the bed. Mitaka staggered forward a few steps to brace himself against the table top of his desk. He remained there panting softly as Emma watched.

They remained in silence for a long while and when Mitaka finally straightened to face her he couldn't quite meet her eye. He made no motion to join her. Emma considered him with a small frown before finally patting the bed beside her. She crawled under the covers facing away from him. Mitaka watched her back for a few more moments before the meek man slid hesitantly into bed beside her. He lay awkwardly at the beds edge, to uncertain to embrace her. He just lay there stiffly staring at her back. Emma gave a small sigh. Reaching back she tugged at his arm to pull it around her. His tension eased slowly and he wiggled closer to spoon her. Mitaka buried his face in her black locks.

"Sorry…" He whispered softly into them.

Emma gently pat his arm in reassurance before pulling him around her tightly.