The small plump nurse walked up to Starfire and she looked around the room. "I forgot to mention Robin lost a lot of blood and he needs some or he will die," The nurse explained. " the only person who has the same blood type as Robin, is Starfire."

"She can't do that she is-" Bee was interrupted by the nurse.

"Her people can regenerate blood as soon as blood leaves the body." The nurse explained. That shut Bee right up.

"When do we start?" Starfire asked.



The nurse hooked the IV up and inserted the needle into Robin's arm. Robin's face gained its natural color back. Starfire dug her head into Raven's shoulder more tears staining her hood. Raven patted Starfire's back as Starfire released Raven moments later.

Back To Beastboy and Terra.

Beastboy's POV

My eyes slowly open and I can feel hot air flowing towards my face. This room is cold and dark, it is probably cold because I am completely naked. I remember what happened a few hours ago, I sadly liked it. I enjoyed her taking my clothes off and giving me sexy grins. I shudder at the thought of me betraying Raven, but I still have a tiny speck of love in my body... for Terra. I can still remember me meeting her for the first time. She looked sexy as hell. Why the fuck am I thinking about this? I am a real bitch for thinking about all this, Raven is the one that I love. Terra is just a jealous bitch who only cares about herself. That's why she should be stopped.

A/N For the first time in forever! I update my fanfictiooooonnnnn! For the first time in forevvverrr! I is actually a good chaaaaapppterrr. Yeah, sorry again guys about not updating, I always make up excuses but this time I am not, I kinda ran out of ideas with the whole Starfire thing until Robin wakes up, that will be some good ass shit, and that chapter will be long.

Also for my new fanfic "Mates Forever I got SO MANY FOLLOWS AND FAVS. I got [I am not joking] like 50+ emails for that fanfic. HOLY SHIT THANKS GUYS. I have a lot of shout outs to do... -_-