Hey guys its been a while hun?

I'm sure that most of you guys don't even remember what's going on so I'll give you a short summary

Last chapter Harriet found out that she was a wizard and that she could start attending a magic school which her fiance, whom she has communications to through a diary, attends. Professor Quirrell came to pick her up and now they are at the Leaky Cauldron.

So ya now you're all caught up.

Also, thank you for your amazing review. I feel loved, which is surprising motivating.

The inside of the small motel was just as pleasant as the outside. The dark lighting made it hard to figure out everything, but the things that Harriet could see were not in the best shape. Most of it was just wooden furniture that was not polished and the furniture looked mismatched. The tables were surrounded by small groups of people still drink. The table by the entrance was occupied by a group of men playing some sort of card game. The stairs were occupied by a young lady dressed in a purple robe struggling to walk upstairs, tripping over her own feet. There was a group of scantily clad women surrounding a single man in one of the dark corners. Professor Quirrell put his hands on Harry's shoulder and lead her to a well-lit area where a man was sitting behind a counter.

"Well hello, Quirinus what are you doing here his late at night?" The salt-and-peppered hair man asked cheerfully when he noticed the taller of the duo standing in front of the counter. The man looked down and noticed Harry, " Well hello to you too, young lady. She is another student for Hogwarts Quirinus? My, they seem to be getting smaller and smaller each year! By next year they won't even be able to look over the counter."

"Ye-Yes she i-is," Professor Quirrell managed to say, "I-I would li-like to h-have a t-two room s-sweet p-please."

The bartender reached under the counter and gave the duo a large silver key. The key was attached to a large piece of leather that indicated the room number: 4075. The duo walked up the multiple flights of stairs to the fourth floor. The fourth floor looked like all the other floors. Long corridors that branched into smaller ones filled with doors made out of dark oak on either side. After multiple right turns and left turns they had finally reached the right corridor, the room was on the right.

The sweet was a giant square, however, because of the rooms, the common space looked more like a rectangle with a narrow corridor to the entrance. It had a small living room and an even smaller kitchen attached to it. The living room was sparse containing only a sofa, coffee table, and bookshelf. The entire kitchen was merrily a small island counter and sink. There were two doors. One next to the front door and one between to the kitchen island and the bookshelf

The professor claimed the room by the entrance so Harry was left with the room next to the kitchen.

Harry went to her bedroom straight away. Despite the shabby atmosphere of the lobby and living room, the bedroom was in good condition. It was a small room with an even smaller bathroom connected to it. The paint on the wall was chipping off in the corners but the rug was clean and the room was recently dusted. On one side was a single bed, above it was a window which showed London's empty street. Next to the bed was a small bedside table. On it, there was the breakfast menu and a list of obscure instructions if a customer ever needed anything. Harry noticed that there were no phone numbers to call the lobby written down, or any hotel phone in the room for that matter.

Harry set her suitcase down in the middle of the room and opened it. On top of all her closet was her diary. She knew she should write on it, that she should tell her fiancé about the fact that she was finally "part of his world". But she was tired. It was already past eleven, which is three hours after her bedtime, and all the excitement of the day had really drained her. So instead, she put her diary on the bedside table and changed into her nightgown, which was lilac silk dress with lace trim around the bottom. It was also a gift from her fiancé. She washed her face and laid her glasses next to her pillow before laying down on the bed.

Before she knew it she was asleep. Harriet's dream that night was filled with the infinite new possibilities this world could give her. New opportunities to make friends, new ways to learn and grow, and most importantly a new way that she would be united in person with her beloved.

Professor Quirrell, on the other hand, did not sleep. Instead, he was reading a book on defensive spells. When he finally finished the chapter on shielding, Professor Quirrell closed the gigantic tomb-stone he was reading and stood up. With a flick of his wand, his traditional monochromatic cotton black robe was switched out for a black silk robe with gold detailing on the bottom and sleeves. He exited his room and slowly, making sure not to make a sound, creeped across the sweet to Harriet's room. Quirrell opened the door gently and looked toward the sleeping figure. A soft, repetitive breathing sound filled the empty room. He gave Harry a quick glance, making sure she was still asleep and cast a sleeping charm on her before leaving the room and the sweet. He could not risk the girl waking up and finding him gone, no matter how unlikely it was that she would search out for him.

He didn't come back until the dawn of day.

Harry reached her arm out to the right, grasping at the air, looking for her glasses. No matter how low she reached out all she would feel was the emptiness of the air. Strange... my bedside table isn't that low. Opening her eyes Harry noticed she wasn't in her beautiful bedroom back in Privet Drive, but in a dodgy motel like room. Harry let out a loud shriek and sprung out of bed running towards, what she assumed, was the exit.

Before she would even get a meter away from the bed, Harry tripped over her open suitcase and landed in it was a large thump.

" Ms. Po-Potter?" The door to the room creaked open and a blurry figure dressed in black appear "A-are you a-all right-t I he-heard a loud no-noise and I ca-came to che-check on you."

The's right... I got my Hogwarts letter yesterday Harry recalled I'm getting my stuff with this man. The exciting events for yesterday had finally caught up to her. A surge of energy when through Harry's body and she bolted straight up.

"I'm fine ahem Mr. err ahh Sir," Harry struggled to remember the name of the professor that had brought her to Diagon Alley so she changed the subject as fast as she could. "I was just ahhh surprised by the weather. It is really cold today. I excepted to be sunny because of the time of year its summer ahhhh yaa..."

"W-well, y-ou shou-should start get-getting ready. W-we a-are going sh-shopping f-for your su-supplies to-today. W-we will be hav-ving brea-breakfast d-down s-stairs," The professor informed Harry gently, he handed Harry her glasses, which he found laying on the bed. However, before he left her room he turned around to say one more thing "My name is Professor Quirrell"

"I'm so sorry sir.! I mean Professor Quirrell," Harry yelled out to him as he exited the room. Letting out a sigh Harry sat back down on her bed. I can't believe this is all real. My serpent was my gosh. He was right. That means he might be here too! Wait! I can't let him see me like this.

Quickly, Harry got up and rummaged through her suitcase. The first thing she grabbed was a pale yellow dress with white fur around the sleeves and end of the dress. Like a whirlwind Harry got dressed, brushing her teeth and braiding her into twin French braids at the same time. Looking into the mirror for the last time Harry was satisfied with what she saw, it wasn't too flash but she certainly did look like she put an afford. Harry grabbed her matching yellow purse and walked out the door.

When Harry finally reached the bar in the lobby, she saw Professor Quirrell waiting for her with two plates of food. The bar was bustling with life today. Mothers were feeding their children food and scolding them for being messy. Gentlemen were reading the papers while drinking coffee. Older teens were crowded around a table playing with marbles. A young waiter was writing down the orders from a large family of redheads all shouting out their orders at once. Tom, the bartender, was behind the counter again, ringing up people their bills.

The food was wonderful. It was like nothing Harry had tasted before. Even the best food that the Dudley's had was inferior to a single piece of toast. By the time Harry had finished her food, the Professor had already paid the bill and was waiting for her.

"Where are we going to?" Harry asked Professor Quirrell as the duo walked out of the bar and into the busy streets of Diagon Alley. The bright advertisements, exotic creatures, and fascinating spells all distracting her from properly listening until the professor grabbed her forearm and led her to a looming building, separated form the rest of the stores in the alley.

"Gringotts Wizarding Bank" he replied curtly. The building was gigantic, large and white with burnt bronze doors. Behind the bronze doors where were another set of doors, this time silver. On these doors, there was a warning.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

Harry felt goosebumps appear on her arms.

The inside of the building wasn't any friendlier.. It was a long marble-tiled room filled with all sorts of people, some that didn't even look human. On the opposite wall from the entrance were counter after counter after each counter was a strange looking creature, which Harry could come to know as goblins, dealing with the people dressed in archaic robes and making snarky comments. Everything was pristine and so clean that Harry felt like she would contaminate it by just looking at it.

"I I wo-ould li-like to ta-talk to Griphook" the professor told one of the goblins, who pointed the duo to one of the counters. Behind the counter was a nasty looking goblin. He probably didn't even reach Harry's elbows, but the scars that covered his face mad him look like he was ready to fight anyone who dares to disrespect him.

"Yes?" the goblin asked as the duo walked up to him.

"I I wo-ould li-like to go to v-vault 689 and 713," the professor told him handing him two keys. The goblin inspected the two and muttered something at the keys. When the keys started to glow, he led the two down several flights of stairs. The stairs moved and rearranged themselves. The goblin told Harry that it was to confuse robbers and prevent break-ins. After what felt like centuries the trio arrived on a dark platform full of mine-carts. Getting into a mine cart Griphook turned around, smirked, and told them to hang on tight.

Before Harry even noticed the cart started flying down into darkness. Screaming into the void, Harry grabbed onto the cart for dear life.

Sorry for taking so long to up date guys.

Part of the issue was that I have no motivation to write, I mean that first section of the book is basically going to be similar to book... so that's boring to write. Another issue is that I feel the need to reach a certain word count before I can publish anything.

Anyway. This chapter sorta felt like a filler chapter to me so I didn't want to publish it just yet, but I knew that if I didn't publish now I never would.

Until next time
