Arthur was raging a blaze. Not only had he been humiliated but because of that his father saw him as a coward, not fit for the role of a prince and, AND he was short a one servant. His gut twisted thinking about Merlin's face when he, well, sacked her as she worded it. It hadn't registered at the time because his temper was flaring then, but now he could read it like she was still standing there. She was disappointed in him and for some reason it felt even worse than his father's. He did the right thing, right? It was because of Merlin that he was in this situation to begin with so punishing her was the right course of action.

He paced along his rooms thinking about Merlin and her convictions. She did gather a fair share of evidence and there was something off about Valiant, with that he could agree with. But there was something off about Merlin also. Why did she find it so important to warn him, even though she apparently has no seeming loyalty at all. Hell, the short time she had served him she had done nothing but insult him time after time. Although it was refreshing to have someone push his buttons he found Merlin's concern for his safety puzzling.

Frustrated with his thoughts Arthur decided to change and go to the training grounds, maybe to hack up some dummies. Morris was immediately there to dress him up and he found he missed Merlin's bubbling presence helping him to his armour. She was an enigma if not anything else. Where Morris was efficient and always did the job with a poise, Merlin was, dare he say it, entertaining. He liked the quips and humour and while she wasn't the most beautiful woman he ever looked at, she was pleasing to the eye, more pleasing than Morris to say the least. Yes, she infuriated him. Yes, she was annoying. Yes, she didn't know what she was doing. But he found that not an hour gone by after their "argument" he missed her.

He marched to the training grounds still aggravated and huffing and puffing his breath in his anger. Letting go of his frustrations with Merlin and Valiant was going to be needed after all, much needed. Arthur went to a straw dummy on the edge of the grounds, oblivious to the few knights sparring there. He didn't care who saw him, after all he being angry wasn't anything new. Usually the cause of anger was purely his father or Morgana, to be this angry that hacking and slicing was warranted being because of a servant was new but anybody needn't to know that.

Arthur knew the match with Valiant was going to be a hard one regardless if he used magic or not. He was skilled and brutal in the best of ways and Arthur needed to be above that to prove his honour and courage to his father, the king, and to their people. And to Merlin, he realised surprisingly. He wanted to prove to her that he was honourable and brave and worthy of the title of prince even though, he grudgingly admitted to himself, she probably wouldn't really care.

The dummy didn't have a chance under the forceful blows of Camelot's prince and soon enough it crumbled under the pressure and blows to heaps of straw and fabric, unusable and utterly defeated.

The crown prince found that he couldn't stay still and started wandering, swinging his sword experimentally all around the castle and it's grounds. Ultimately sir Leon found him from the castle square going through different choreographies, swinging, turning and twisting.

"There's been a fire, sire," Leon started when he came to a talking distance. Arthur looked up in surprise that turned into concern in just seconds.

"Where?" he went straight to prince mode.

"In Valiant's guest chamber. It wasn't big, but we'll have to relocate him to another room. All is in control now."

Arthur dashed to his rooms as quickly as was proper, Leon hot on his heels. A fire? Could it be a coincidence or was someone behind it? Valiant was respected by his father but Merlin had said she had a bad feeling about him. Could it be that someone else shared Merlin's sentiments?

"There is more, sire..."

"What?" and if he were standing on a rug it could have been pulled under him.

"Merlin was there too."

Arthur stopped abruptly and gazed at his loyal knight in surprise that was quickly turning into dread.

Was she okay? What happened? Why was she there? Did she start the fire? Why would she do that? He knew why, maybe, but sabotaging someone seemed so out of her character. Well, what did he know of her character, she had been his servant for a week, maybe less. People don't get to know each other well in that time. But still, the most pressing matter in his mind was her well being. "Is she alright?" he questioned.

Leon hesitated and prompted him to continue the trek to his chambers.

"Well?" Arthur's dread was growing by every facial expression Leon was convening. Confusion, dismay, doubt and suspicion, which Arthur thought was directed at her. "Leon, what happened?"

"She was unhurt what I could see of her. Unconscious, but..."

"But what?" Arthur was getting impatient with the crypticness.

"She was scared, really scared," Leon mused, "when I woke her up she flinched away from me and fled"

Arthur's mind went to overdrive and he came to the conclusion that it had to be her, why else would she react that way to a knight if she didn't do anything wrong. His stomach plummeted when he realised he'd have to expose her to his father. Attacking a knight was unacceptable.

"How about Valiant?"

"He seemed undisturbed, satisfied actually. He said that he knocked a candle over and that's it"

Why would Valiant shelter Merlin? And why would he be satisfied, unless… he spoke the truth and Merlin really didn't do anything and just happened to be there on the hallway. She didn't know the castle well after all. His stomach started to unknot and he sighed with relief, but still, Valiant's apparent satisfaction was a mystery that could get real ugly real soon. Arthur didn't like nor trust that man. With a clearer head he was more focused and could admit to being harsh in his treatment of the maid. It wasn't Merlin's fault that Ewan had died very conveniently and it wasn't Merlin's fault that she had so little evidence that her word accounted for nothing against a knight.

"This all seems a little..." Arthur mused aloud. He couldn't find the right word and something was bugging him at the corners of his mind. He just wasn't able to catch the thought.

"Yes sire", Leon agreed. "Permission to speak?"


"All of this seems a little suspicious", Leon started, " Valiant is a formidable opponent and skilled with the blade, I am not denying that or downplaying his accomplishments, but Sir Ewan was clearly dominating the fight. It seems odd to me that he fell with a mere push of a shield. The snake head is not one found in Camelot's grounds, not even south where snakes are more common. Then there is the matter of your maid servant. She seemed truly petrified when I woke her. If she was with Valiant I can't even imagine to think what he might have done to her to make her so scared."

"But Valiant is a knight. Harming anyone out of spite is against the code."

"As I said, I'm not saying anything against Valiant's skills or character, just presenting my observations, sire."

At that there was a timid knock on Arthur's door and Leon opened the door. Merlin peeked her ridiculously curly head through the gap apologetically seeing Leon there, no doubt fearing she interrupted something important.

Arthur sighed and murmured a little resignedly and a little exasperatedly: "Didn't I tell you to get out of my sight?"

Merlin didn't rise to the bait. She hesitated a little, probably because Leon was still there, but cut to the case almost immediately after the contemplating expression fell out of her face.

"Don't fight Valiant in the tournament tomorrow. He'll use the shield against you."

Leon stood to attention, clearly waiting for Arthur to snap or something with the mere idea of withdrawal. As it was, Arthur only nodded in agreement without a fuss. That gave Merlin more courage to speak her mind.

"Withdraw. You have to withdraw. You'll die, just like Ewan did and I can't let you die no matter how prattish you behave on a day to day basis. Please Arthur, you have to withdraw."

Arthur found her truly puzzling. Here was a woman wanting to save his life for the second time who also seemed to have no mind of propriety, honour or respect. She had come closer during her little speech and Arthur noticed how ridiculously blue her eyes were and how ridiculously many freckles this woman seemed to have, and the ridiculously big ears were just the jewel to the crown. The whole woman was utterly ridiculous.

"I can't."

"Why the hell not?!"

Leon looked very concerned at that moment but for what reason, that remained a mystery to Arthur while he argued with his vehement and did he say ridiculous maidservant.

"Don't you understand? I can't withdraw. The people expect their prince to fight. How can I lead men into battle if they think I'm a coward?"

"Valiant will kill you," she stated matter of factly, "If you fight, you die."

"Then I die," he replied in the same manner. It was odd how he was at peace with the thought. Dying on the field didn't terrify him, dying in general didn't terrify him. Of course he didn't want to die and the practical part of his brain reminded him of the reality that he was the sole heir to the throne and his father didn't have other children nor a woman to have more children with. But his father was still relatively young and strong of health and he didn't lack the attractiveness to lure some woman to his bed or to his hand for marriage. His father didn't have the need for more children because he had Arthur and the throne was secure at this time and place. Arthur could admit though that he often wondered how it would be if he had siblings but he figured Morgana

was close enough. She may not have been his sister in blood but she certainly was the big sister he never wanted in spirit.

"How can you go out there and fight like that?" she flinched when he took a step closer, peering in to her eyes, trying to make her understand for whatever reason, he didn't know.

"Because I have to. It's my duty." The answer to Arthur was simple as that. It was his duty as a knight to fight honourably and it was his duty as a prince to show his people that the royal line was strong and capable of defending their subjects should the need arise.

"Forgive me sire." Leaving with that Merlin fled the room. He could be wrong, but Arthur had seen a hint of a tear in the corner of her eye. As it was, he was too gobsmacked by the honorary title that he took a while to shake it off. He turned back to Leon who was still standing near the door looking concernedly after the maid.

"Is there something going on that I don't know about?" he asked one of his best friends. Merlin's behaviour was entirely contradicting in nature. He hadn't known her long enough to know what was normal and what not, but her recent mannerism today went against all of his previous preconceptions about her. She was a funny little thing, clumsy in appearance and in movement, rude and confident, perhaps a tiny bit arrogant as well. What she was not, or so he thought, was sensitive, considerate and compassionate. Well, in truth he hadn't seen her interact with anyone else besides him so maybe some of his thoughts about her needed reevaluating.

It was with an odd sort of zap that he realised he wanted to get to know his new maid better. He usually left servants on their own value, which was beneath him of course, that's what he had been taught.

"I don't know sire, but she seems to be shaken for one reason or another," Leon replied.

"Do figure out what is the matter, please Leon. I would hate to have a mess of a person as my servant."

"If I may, my lord, but you did fire her earlier."

"How do you know about that?"

"The servants talk, sire. It's not very difficult to know what is going on in the castle if you know from where to acquire the information."

"Huh. I need to be more mindful of that," Arthur mused half by himself.

"Indeed sire."

"And I need to give her her job back." With a rational mind, he did believe her after all.

The next morning had Arthur readying himself with Morris for the final battle of the tournament. He had slept badly, trying to figure out his maid servant and worrying about Valiant's snake shield. He needed to find a way to expose him during combat, preferably in a way that doesn't get himself killed in the progress.

He heard the door open and close behind him and he unconsciously waited for a snarky hello or good morning but when he turned the person he hoped for wasn't there.

Morgana fixed his gorget and tightened his vambraces with a quiet "Let me." She seemed worried and calm at the same time. She knew his talents with the sword, there was no need to be more worried that usual.

"I used to help my father with his armour," she explained. Arthur had never met lord Gorlois, he died when Arthur was but a babe. He knew the stories though. His father remembered Gorlois fondly and tell exaggerated tales of their youth to him and Morgana. Another figure from the tales when he was little was uncle Aurelius, but Uther didn't tell stories about him anymore. Said the pain of his death still cut too deep. Arthur did know that Aurelius was the reason for their dragon crest and their surname, he had conducted his own research of the subject even though there weren't much information on the man who started the Pendragon dynasty in Camelot. Only the name and his significance in the battle for Camelot.

Arthur wondered if Morgana missed her father much. At least she didn't have so many unanswered questions about her parentage, having got to know her parents in her childhood before their untimely death. Arthur knew nothing of his mother. He had only seen one portrait hidden in a deserted hallway, covered with a heavy velvet, and he knew the name of course. Ygraine. It always gave him goosebumps to think of his mother's name. But that was it, his father didn't talk about her, because the hurt was still as fresh as it had been 20 years ago.

Ready to head to the field Arthur gave Morgana's hand a one last squeeze before turning away.

"Arthur," he heard timidly from behind him and turned to acknowledge the king's ward. "Be careful"

He nodded and left with a simple "See you at the feast," that is layered with all of his contemplation, worry, courage, confidence and readiness.

The trek to the battle arena seems too long when he walks out of the castle halls. The people are already cheering him on and the stands are filled with red flags and every peasants' best clothing. He looks around for Merlin and is a little disappointed when he doesn't see her anywhere.

With one last breath he steps on the arena to thunderous applause.

"Bebiede þe arisan cwicum"

Merlin nodded of. She had tried to get this stupid spell to work for hours. Almost the whole night to be exact. Guinevere, bless her heart, had found her on the steps to the keep understanding immediately that something was wrong and stopping to cheer her up a little even though Gwen probably had some work to do. Merlin got the idea for a reanimation spell from a dog statue (who had statues of dogs, Camelot apparently). She had read about it in passing and was sure that she could get the snakes to appear from Valiant's shield if she just could get the spell right. Her hyper focus had made her forget about the pain and humiliation and this was her way of getting her self-determination back.

Something barked beside her right ear and Merlin snapped awake. There was a dog, a living, breathing dog. She made it! The big dog barked again and she quickly hopped over to the door.

Gaius was pacing nervously and told her the fight was already on. Merlin hurried out of the physicians chambers and to the tournament grounds. She could deal with the dog later.

Like Gaius said the finale was well underway when she got there. It was evenly matched but Merlin knew that with the snakes Valiant had an upper hands. Before repeating the spell she saw a glimpse of a lion roaring furiously and attacking a big snake trying to get the upper hand. She shook her head to see that Valiant managed to disarm Arthur but Valiant didn't get the killing shot. Merlin saw her chance when Arthur pushed Valiant away from pinning him.

"Bebiede þe arisan cwicum!"

Two snakes slithered from Valiant's shield and Arthur said something she didn't catch. The audience was in uproar, Uther most of all. Valiant ordered the snakes to kill Arthur but Morgana saved the day by throwing Arthur a sword. Arthur kills the snakes rather easily in Merlin's opinion. Arthur stepped up to Valiant and run him through. Merlin found she could finally breath, never realising she had hold it in the first place. A silent tear slipped down her cheek now that her tormenter was dead.

Arthur walked away from the tournament grounds towards her. He stopped before her and tried to take a hold of her shoulder but Merlin flinched away. Arthur's eyes were gentle and understanding and Merlin had a moment to fear that he knew. He must, but how would he? Did everybody know that she was a ruined woman now? Merlin watched Arthur walk away towards the castle contemplating what would become of her now.

The court was mingling and Merlin with them. The brown haired knight from the market approached her and she very cleverly pointed out that she knew him.

"You were laughing when me and the prince sparred."

"Yes, indeed. It was very amusing to hear such eloquent language. I am sir Kay."

"Oh yes, Leon told me about you."

"Oh, it's Leon not sir Leon. Are you two close?"

"I'd say he is my first friend here."

"Well, I'll be your second."

"Too late, that position is already occupied by Guinevere."

"Ah, sweet Gwen. I'll gladly let her take that away from me."

At that Leon approached and sir Kay left her to converse with the blonde.

"Merlin, I have a question I want answered," when he saw her eyes widen in fright he hastily added: "no, you are not in trouble."

Merlin was apprehensive about this but let him ask.

"Did Valiant hurt you?"

Her already pale complexion whitened further and she started to shake. Leon tired to comfort her but Merlin backed away from physical contact.

"He, ah, he took something from me and I don't know what is going to become of me because of that."

Leon seemed to understand.

"Do you want me to get Gwen?"

"Yes, please."

Leon pumped into Arthur and whispered something to him before approaching Guinevere and lady Morgana. Arthur came to stand with her and he obnoxiously started going on about not being saved by a girl.

"Well, you already lost to one, is being rescued by one somehow more embarrassing to you inflated ego?"

Arthur grinned for some reason.

"I came here to apologise."


"Yes, me. I made a mistake, it was unfair to sack you."

"No, don't worry about it. Buy me a drink and call it even."

"You drink?"

"Yes you prat, I'm a woman, not a child."

"Uh, I can't be seen to be buying drinks for my servant."

"Your servant? You sacked me."

"Now I'm rehiring you."

Merlin snorted at that.

"My chambers are a complete mess. My clothes need washing. My, uh, armour needs repairing. My boots need cleaning. My dogs need exercising. My fireplace needs sweeping. My bed needs changing. And someone needs to muck out my stables."

"You have Morris."

"But I would prefer you do it," Arthur replied with a smirk.

Merlin sighed but secretly she was grateful to have something to focus on in the near future.