**I saw so many errors that I redid and fixed this chapter. Will be doing this with the rest before continuing on with the story :)** ~Ocean

Chapter 1: Reoccurring Memories


"There's too many! We have to fall back! Everyone towards the ship!" The older Jedi shouted orders to the two teenagers who were attempting to take out as many storm troopers as possible. The youngest was doing exceptionally well with his lightsaber but even he could feel the force pulling them, urging them away from the star destroyer and back to safety.

Ezra ignored it, there were too many; this mission was a failure, there was no way they would be able to get out without something drastic happening to stave off the Imperials that were threatening to suffocate them with their population.

Ezra looked around quickly, spying a vent, he thought back, remembering that not too far back they had passed the main reactor. If he could cause it to generate enough power to overheat and cause an explosion, that would buy them time to get off the star destroyer.

"I have an idea. Get back to the ship. I'll meet you there." The youth used the force to open up the previously closed vent and jumped up into it, quickly disappearing.

"Ezra! Wait!" Shouted the frantic voice of Kanan, the last thing he wanted was for them to get separated with all the Imperials and confusion surrounding them.

Something told the adult it was a bad idea. There was no response; he wanted to wait for the padawan but the oncoming Imperials made the adult's idea null and void. Instead, Spectre 1 growled in frustration before repeating to Sabine to fall back. The two took off running, only looking back when a bucket head got too close and needed to be taken out.

They arrived back at the ship where the other three spectres were waiting with their own onslaught of enemy forces attempting to destroy the small rebel cell in the docking bay.

"Where's Spectre 6?! We need to be out of here soon, soon meaning 10 minutes ago Spectre 1!" Shouted the irritated Twi-lek captain over the gun fire. The three were supposed to stick together, why was Ezra not with them.

Kanan and Sabine arrived on the ramp finally, turning around to continue shooting down the bucket heads flooding into the area.

"He said he'd meet us back here. Just give him a few minutes." Kanan said glancing around as he deflected the shots, trying to find any trace of his padawan. He wasn't focused enough to try and locate the youth right now. Hera could tell he was in the least, slightly distressed; this wasn't part of his plan; she was willing to wait a few more minutes though for the very boy that brought life back to the Jedi. Besides, they had been in tighter spots before.

"We don't have a few minutes Kanan. I set the detonators to go off any second!" Sabine exclaimed taking out another Imp with her pistols.


The whole star destroyer shook, the electricity flickered, threatening to go out completely. Kanan looked over at the Mandalorian; this time she had really outdone herself with the explosions.

"How many did you set?" He asked with amusement, still keeping a vigilant eye out for his student. Kanan planned on lecturing him about running off and about punctuality.

"Those weren't mine. I only set mine-" She didn't get a chance to finish as her own special surprises went off in a series around the ship and hangar.

"Where did the other explosions come from?" The older man asked, genuinely confused now.

"I don't know, but we need to go before we get destroyed with this ship!" Hera stated as she ran back into the ship to head for the cockpit. It hurt to consider leaving their youngest member behind. If he was captured, they would find some way to get him back though. Ezra had a knack for escaping Imperial hands without help anyway.

"Spectre 6, it's time to go!" Kanan had pulled his comlink out again trying to reach Ezra. There was no return.

"What about the kid?" Zeb asked picking off the last of the Stormtroopers. The rest had scrambled to stay away from the explosions. Kanan wanted to ask the same question. They couldn't just leave Ezra.

"If we don't go now, we're going to become real ghosts." Hera spoke urgently with a crackled voice over the intercom. Another explosion sent the Ghost sideways, and off its landing gear, the crew in the loading bay lost their footing at this. Hera took her opportunity and shut the ramp, managing to get out of the hangar before the last of Sabine's detonators went off, engulfing their previous landing spot in flames.

"Spectre 6! Come in! Where are you?" Kanan yelled into the comlink in his hand.

"It looks like someone channeled all the power into the main core generator Kanan. The whole ship is on fire and going down fast." Sabine said with slight awe, staring out the window of her current place on the ship. She had moved up to the aft gun. She was getting ready to take out TIE fighters, but it looked like that wouldn't be necessary.

"Ezra? Come in! Ezra!" Kanan gritted his teeth as he tried the com once again; once again, only receiving static in return. He gave up and rushed to the cockpit, looking out the window. His eyes widened. Escape pods were flying in all directions away from the blazing ship. Within the next few seconds, the rest of the core, the fuel cells, ammo and other explosives went off soon leaving the ship in billions of flaming pieces of shrapnel.

"Ezra…no…" The older man felt weak suddenly. He felt empty and drained; Kanan allowed himself to drop to his knees, his palms hitting the floor of the ship as he landed. The Jedi shut his eyes, willing the force to give him some sign that his padawan was alive and had survived the blast.

Everything was silent around him. He didn't hear Hera and Zeb shouting at him as he fell. The Jedi was completely oblivious to the blaster wound he had received that was bleeding profusely; he continued to focus on the force to locate his padawan. He was greeted with dead silence.


As he opened his eyes, Kanan was unable to see anything, but he heard the constant dripping of liquid hitting liquid; his nostrils flared slightly at the smell of fire. The older human looked up; there, about 30 feet in front of him, was the lifeless body of his student.

Slowly, things came into focus more. Ezra's body was hanging limply on the edge of the cat walk, his arm dangling. Kanan saw blood running down the youth's arm dripping into a puddle of the crimson fluid below.

The Jedi tried to run to him, but it seemed that any step he took forward he went five more backwards. As things began to focus, he saw that Ezra was lying under the control panel of the main reactor. Ezra had triggered the explosions to save them, without him, the crew would have lost everything.

He seemed to know what the young teen was thinking. He had done it to prove a point to his master; to show Kanan that he wasn't scared and could hold his own. Ezra had sacrificed himself to save his family.

Kanan stood weakly, staring at the boy on the cold ground in despair. Kanan tried to take a step but an explosion went off in his face. He felt a white-hot searing heat that launched him backwards.

"Ezra! NO!"

Kanan bolted upright from his bed; his breathing hard and labored. The Jedi was soaked in sweat, the sheets twisted around him, completely drenched. His eyes darted around the area looking to focus on something familiar to bring him back into reality.

They finally landed on his lightsaber laying on the nightstand next to his bed. From there his eyes trailed around finding objects to focus on.

Realizing he was on the Ghost, the older human shut his eyes again and forced himself to take a deep breath to calm his restless mind.