The conference room was full of turmoil and noise and chaos.

"You have to help me! We have to distribute the refugees all over Europe! You are all doing nothing!"

"We have to do shit, Germany, we don't have to do anything! Don't act like you are the dictator of Europe… ", Poland crossed his arms confidently.

"In my opinion we have to stop the stream of refugees. And if he,", Hungary pointed towards Greece, "can't close his borders, we have to act by ourselves."

"You can't demand that much of me! You can't isolate me! I am still weak, I am still ill!", Greece screamed with a cracked up voice.

"But hey, look at me: I am doing a lot for the three billion euros you are going to pay me.", Turkey smiled at all of the participants of the meeting – especially at Germany.

"Don't judge Germany! I have to say I didn't like Signora Merkel before, but she's doing good in my opinion… but still: A lot of refugees are coming to me with all the boats and especially big brother,", he squeezed Romano's shoulder, "reach a lot of refugees especially on Lampedusa!"

"Jup, big shit, we can't take more in."

"'M afraid can't take more in too. Closed m' borders."

"I won't take any. If I have to, I'll leave the EU. Bloody Brexit for sure.", England put his hands in front of him in a repellent manner.

France looked at his fingernails.

Germany mussed up his hair in a manner that looked like he was about to go nuts.

Next to him America grabbed a smiling Russia by the collar and screamed at him: "You stupid bastards are bombarding Kurds and innocent insurgents, just because you are afraid you won't have friends anymore, if you don't stick to fucking Assad!"

"We aren't bombarding any innocent people. You can't proof anything.", Russia smiled.

"I am going to rip off your… -"

"By the way, America: Why don't you take in more refugees?"

"I have already taken in 70,000!"

While the nations began then to argue about who should take in more and who wouldn't and couldn't and why and what and how, nobody recognized the thin voice crying miserably coming from the small boney figure in one corner of the room covered in nothing but bandages and scratches who whispered almost inaudibly: "I thought you were supposed to help me…"

A/N: Please think before you may judge me. I tried to portray every country in a miserable way. I am unhappy myself to portray my lovely babies like this, but I somehow had a feeling in my gut that it was necessary. Some people may say my knowledge about their country is wrong, but I could also say their knowledge is wrong. And since the whole world is already arguing majesticly already, I don't want to argue with anyone. If you have valid criticism to express, feel free to do so, if you just want to hate… you have missed the message, buddy.

I have also started a blog by the way. Maybe you want to check it out, even though it'll probably be mainly in german (self-promotion is important, duh.).

Best greetz, try to love each other, buddies. :* Well, I love you ._., tehe.

#A/N is almost longer than fic.