Okay, so this is a redo of my story 'Iron Skye', and that whole series. I've changed a lot, including that I'm going to just make it one big, long story. I'll mark when it changes from movie to movie, but otherwise it'll just flow from one to the next. I've also changed a lot of the plot. I didn't like how the first version turned out, so I decided to change a lot. This is going to be a pretty dark story, and most of the changes were inspired by Civil War.

So, with that said, as usual, I don't own anything you recognize. I hope you enjoy this one.

UPDATE: This is not Skye (Daisy) from Agents of SHIELD. This story will not tie in with Agents of SHIELD. Just thought I should clear that up.

"Miss Pepper, when's my daddy coming home?"

Skye Stark was only six years old, but she was quickly showing signs of being a genius like her father.

"I don't know honey." Pepper said as she tucked Skye into bed. "I think he'll be back tomorrow, probably sometime in the afternoon."

Skye nodded, looking down at her hands. When Pepper had been offered the job as Tony Stark's personal assistant, she hadn't expected to also become a nanny to his daughter. But after the last nanny had quit, she volunteered herself for the job. She hadn't expected to come to care for Skye like she had over the past couple years. The poor girl had no mother and a father who spent half his time travelling the globe, and the other half drunk, shaking up with women. Pepper knew Mr. Stark loved his daughter, but she was quickly starting to play second fiddle to his playboy image.

Pepper didn't know the story behind Skye's mother, or how Mr. Stark had even met her. Skye herself didn't even know. Mr. Stark had buried those files deep down where no one except him could find them. She hadn't tried to pry that answer from him either, knowing it wasn't her business. She was there to assist Mr. Stark and Skye however she could, no matter how strange it felt. She hand't ever expected herself to be so good with kids. But Skye wasn't like most kids. She was independent, bright and was very capable of doing a lot of things herself. Skye loved Pepper, one of the reasons she even got the job in the first place. Skye had been there when she met Mr. Stark, and the four year old immediately latched on to her. She could tell then that Mr. Stark really cared for his daughter. She was offered the position right on the spot.

She quickly learned how the Stark family worked, learning a lot from the nanny at that time. She was a nice woman, when she wanted to be. A bit dim though, as Skye would constantly outsmart her. Skye had JARVIS who was more than capable of being a nanny, especially when Mr. Stark had left and the nanny refused to show up. Mr. Stark had programmed her phone so JARVIS could call her. That was the day the nanny quit after Mr. Stark had told her she was fired. It was then that Pepper stepped up to the plate after Mr. Stark had complained about getting another nanny. Between her, Happy and JARVIS, Skye had a pretty good system going. Apparently, Pepper was good with kids, and JARVIS could keep her out of places she wasn't supposed to get into. She may have been smart, but she was still a kid, and had a bit of her father's mischievous side in her. But she always respected Pepper, even more than she did her previous nannies. Pepper had been a little shocked at first, but had quickly learned she could use that to her advantage. She left most of the discipline to Mr. Stark, who surprisingly would step up into the parental role, even though Pepper felt like she did that more than he did recently.

Having a kid wasn't exactly ideal for someone's playboy image. So, Mr. Stark tried his hardest to keep that up, going to parties, getting drunk, sleeping with multiple women within a week. Some people called him a bad parent, others seemed to forget that he even had a child, as Mr. Stark tried to keep Skye's life as private as possible. He had her home-schooled so she could move at her own pace, and so she was kept out of the public eye. She had hoped when Mr. Stark made that decision, it would bring them closer together, but nevertheless, here she was, tucking Tony Stark's six year old daughter into bed while he was halfway around the world, probably waking up with a horrible hangover, in between two blond women and no idea how he got there, or who they were. Skye knew what her father did. She was a smart girl, and the six year old tried not to show that she hated it.

Pepper walked to the door, about to turn the lights out when a small voice stopped her.

"Miss Pepper? Will you read me a story?"

Pepper turned back around, smiling at the dark haired girl. "Yes, of course I will."