After the Storm Ends

"I promise you this is the one. The exterior was recently redone to add a porch so the paint is fresh. Now if you would step inside you would see the true beauty this house has to offer." Judith struggled with keys for a moment. This was the last couple to come see the house and she was ready for it to be over. The couple looked nice enough, she was just exhausted after losing client after client once they found out the horrors that happened here.

Judith was a respected and prominent realtor. This one home though, was going to be a real challenge. Before she could open the door she was surprised by a light tap on the shoulder. "Didn't people die here?" Judith sighed and turned around. Facing the couple with a strained smile. It was the same smile she had to force all day. Each couple would ask either the history or what happened to the previous owner to force them to sell such a grand place, and by law Judith was compelled to tell them the truth.

"The last owner was put in an assisted living facility after being paralyzed from the neck down. This house was the host of many deaths and even some burial sites. The Cassadines were a corrupted family that lived out their days torturing and murdering people. They once tried to freeze the world." She had told one client who was interested in the property that was known as Spoon Island. Mr. Grey couldn't leave fast enough after hearing all that. Another couple before the one she had now, were religious to the core and wanted to turn the large castle into a convent. It had the space they needed and the isolation they desired, but the wife stopped dead in her tracks once they entered the enormous ballroom. Her face was painted white and her lower lip quivered a bit. Judith thought the woman fell ill. Then she grabbed the sleeve of her husband, yanking him back the way they came. "This house is cursed!" She screamed. Judith tried to calm her, "There's nothing to be afraid of. This house is perfectly fine." She kept her picture perfect smile while she placed a reassuring hand on the client's shoulder. The woman jumped at her touched. Looking aghast by the gesture. "This house should be burned down for all the blood that has been spilled here. This isn't a place for worship. This is a graveyard!" After that her and her husband fled. Leaving Judith without a buyer and without much left of her patience.

She knew she owed these possible tenants the truth. She couldn't imagine living in such a house and not knowing that in the night the floorboards creaked as if someone was walking across them. The walls seem to expand and shift between glances like something was trying to escape its barriers. Also that in the night screaming could be heard from all parts of the estate and that an elderly woman dressed in all black could be seen walking the extended length of the bluffs just before she leaped to her death. She should tell them all of this. She would want someone to do the same for. "Of course not. The most anyone has suffered here was a stubbed toe." The couple traded looks. They seemed pleased by that answer.

"And the owner?"

"He retired and is now living in his birthplace, Greece. He said he lived a good life here and has many fond memories, but that it was time for him to move on and start a new adventure." She unclenched her jaw and lied with ease. The couple traded reassuring glances and nodded. "Then we don't need the tour. We'll take it." Judith released a sigh of relief by this. She successfully cemented an offer on Spoon Island. She knew Ms. Davis would be happy to hear this. She had been trying to get rid of this place longer than Judith had. She even tried to burn it once. This would be good news, something Judith was so desperately trying to give her employer. She honestly was afraid of her.

"Cassadines are never to be trusted."

Alexis told her during their first meeting and she never did.

Seattle, Washington

The gray clouds clumped together in the form of a worn down grumpy old man. The sun was hidden by the mutated cloud and Patrick couldn't be happier. He enjoyed the dark skies, the rain, the buckets and buckets of puddles that formed around each corner as he took his morning jogs. It was fall again and the leaves were turning bright earth colors. The temperature was dropping, becoming a chilly whisper in the trees at night as they scraped across the window. Halloween was coming up and they were costume shopping with the kids.

"I think I want to be a cowgirl." Emma mused, chewing the inside of her cheek. Sam picked up the costume Emma had her eye on. "You sure? Because last week you said astronaut and the week before that it was a WSB agent." Sam said,placing the costume in their cart. Emma stared back down at it for a minute and smiled, with a firm nod she finally made a decision. "Yes, I'm sure this time." Sam released a sigh of relief. She was harder to dress than the twins.

"Okay, Emma is a cowgirl, Danny is going to be a ninja, Lexie and Matty will be…" Sam trailed off as she tried to make a choice between a few of the toddler costumes they had. "A handful." Patrick added, wrangling the energetic toddlers. "Ha. Funny, but I was more so thinking Star Wars Luke and Leia." Sam held up the two mini lightsabers she found. "Sweet." He said, coming closer with the twins in each arm as they tried to wiggle from his grasp. "And us?" He tilted his head curious. Sam let a tiny smirk appear as she mulled over the thought. "Well during the day I was thinking Dorothy and the Tin Man." Sam walked forward letting her fingertips slide across a few witch hats and the matching brooms. "During the day?" Patrick asked. His interest piqued. Sam bit her lower lip. She watched as Patrick released Matty and Lexie from his grip and let them run ahead to Emma and Danny, who's attention was completely absorbed by the light-up skeletons. "At night we go as doctor and patient and I let you personally examine me." She stopped to let her ass brush against his pants. He whispered, "Are you sure?" She turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she did. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" She let her hands fall into his beautiful wavy locks as she waited for him to respond. "I mean I thought you would be tired after trick or treating. You know being nearly six months pregnant and all." Sam dropped her hands from his neck and groaned. Hitting him with a plastic sword. "You just ruined the mood. You know that right. You was so close to getting a quickie." She pushed the cart toward the checkout line. "Aww, c'mon, babe. I was just thinking about you." He said groping her extended stomach. She slapped at them until he released her. "Mood ruined, Dr. Drake. Kids come on. Daddy made mommy mad. We're leaving." Patrick couldn't help the laugh that escaped his lips, but stopped instantly when Sam twisted her head around to scold him.

He loved this woman more than life itself. He couldn't imagine where he would be if he never got her back after losing her. Now he didn't have to think about that. He tried not think about that. Focus on the good. They were expecting their fifth child and it wasn't planned, but they were at such a good time in their life. The nightmares Sam had at night were all, but gone. She still had a few nights where she would scream like the pain in her nightmare was so unbearable she would literally die. He would hold her in his arms and soothe her pain, but that could never stop the tears from silently falling or her trying to pull away. Fight him like it was instinct to get away from anything that bound her.

He understood her pain. He suffered too, just not as openly. His scars were much deep and manifested in other ways. He had guilt for his actions, it lessen after he told Sam what he had done. She didn't even flinch by his confession. She was use to the death and violence, but he could still see she was saddened by how far he had went to save her. Silently blaming herself for all the trouble she caused the man she loved. He knew this when she started to cry at the sight of his stump.

"This is all my fault." She murmured as the tears fell without her acknowledgement. He pulled her into his embrace. She was resistant at first then slowly sunk into his lap, burying her face into his chest. Not wanting to meet his steady gaze. "This is not your fault. None of this is. We are not the cause for the terrible things that happen to us. The only thing that really matters anyway is that we both survived. We survived, Sammy. You. Me." His hand stroked her hair until she was ready to face him. She gripped the sides of his face and planted a kiss onto his lips. "And that is why I love you, Patrick."

Hearing about her demons were just as difficult. They saw a therapist about it. She didn't understand how she could see her dead child. The doctor told her it was a coping mechanism after her coma. She needed something...someone to help get her through the ordeal she was placed in. She had to agree. It did help, but at what cost? He could still see she was affected by that and the haunting nightmare that island brought. She was different. A little more cautious and apprehensive when it came to their family's safety. So when he suggested the move to Seattle she was firmly against leaving the comfort of Port Charles. Well, she was until her mother help bring to light all the trouble Port Charles brought to her life and to those she loved. She told Sam, she needed a fresh start and Sam finally agreed.

Three years had past like that. Their babies were no longer babies. Emma was soon about to start middle school. Danny was losing teeth only meant for the tooth fairy's eyes. The twins were some of the biggest troublemakers anyone had met. Lexie wasn't the Lexa from Patrick's dream. She was different and he could see that. His love for her was just as strong though. She was a part of the force that pushed him to save her mother, all those years ago. Now when he looked at her all he could see was a beautiful mischievous toddler, who was the mastermind in all the trouble her and her brother cause. Matty was more observant. He loved his sister and was extremely attached to her. Those two were always together. Thick as thieves, Anna would say when she babysat. Something Patrick and Sam welcomed. They loved how close they were as a family. Their kids are what they lived for, even if Sam was less than happy when she found out she was pregnant again. Blaming Patrick for all her morning sickness and gas. He didn't mind though. They were happy and living the life he had dreamt.

Miscavige Hospital

for the Criminally Insane

The halls were set ablaze by the setting sun. The sky above was a bruised color. Dark purples and burnt orange colored the edges while the blues started to move in. It was quiet and way past visiting hours. Alexis didn't care though. She had bought this hospital a new wing for not only keeping her nephew under lock and key but also Irina. The girl was once again surrounded by the doctors she loathe so much. Helena sure did a number on her kid. Alexis exploited those fears the young girl held so deeply. Using them like a weapon. She did the same with a catatonic Nikolas. After finding out he was nothing more than a mouthy prince with no action he was stunned into silence. Redrawing within himself until there was nothing left of who he once was. A victory Alexis welcomed gladly. He was getting all he deserved. Laura, his weak willed mother, did all she could for him. She knew how hard it was for someone to escape their own mind. She had failed so many times before she was successful. It was a goal for her to rescue her demented son. No matter the cost. She was a problem for Alexis.

Laura sat in front of him holding up picture after picture for him to gaze at with the permanent glossed over look he had perfected. What an actor, Alexis thought. She didn't believe for a second he abandoned everything in life for the comfort of a retreat within la la land. He was just planning his next move and when he could truly escape this prison, he would. Alexis would see to his imprisonment for the rest of his days if she could, but since there was no proof of Nikolas committing any of the actual murders he would get out of any prison the judge sentenced him to. His crimes were nothing compared to Valentin and Irina, and Nikolas knew that.

Alexis pulled up a chair beside her. "Still at it I see." She mocked her freely now. This whole thing was a joke to her. Laura ignored her and kept at it. "He's in there. I know he is. I just have to reach him. I was hoping Spencer could do it. I brought him the other day, but I fear I did more harm than good." Laura brushed away a tear as she picked up the last photo she was holding. It was an old one of Lucky and Nikolas holding a baby Lulu. Alexis wanted to snatch the picture from her and tear it up. She would curse her and laugh at her failed attempts while her other children, real victims, suffered without her comforting help. No. She was too busy trying to bring back a man that had a hand in their torment. "So you traumatized my great nephew in order to help his sociopathic father. Excellent. You're doing a real great job at this." Alexis clapped her hands and laughed cruelly. Laura slammed her hand down on the table. "Shut up!" Alexis ceased all movement and stared at her. Shocked, by her outburst. "I get it," Laura added, lowering her voice as she did, "I get it. I know you hate him and you have every right to. But this is my child, Alexis. What would you do if it were one of your children?" Her eyes were pleading for Alexis to understand. Crying for her to do so. Alexis shifted her eyes from Laura to Nikolas. His eyes stared at nothing and yet everything. His mouth was firmly shut with his lips pressed in a tight line. Gray hairs started to make their way amongst all the black. He looked aged by the days. Then suddenly he stared at her. Directly at her with an expression that read as anger or was it just her eyes playing tricks, because as soon as she blinked his eyes were back in their usual position. Eating the entire room like the empty vessel it was. Alexis stood and with such a swiftness, letting her hand glide across Nikolas' face. It sent the young man sprawling to floor. Laura jumped to her feet. Shocked by Alexis' action. Nikolas didn't move from his spot on the floor. His head was tilted back and his arms and legs were position like an awkward rag doll around his wheelchair. She wish she had her camera to take a quick picture for posterity.

"You asked what I would do if it was one of my kids? I have your answer." Laura stared back up at her like the monster Alexis saw Nikolas as, but she was nothing more than a protective mother fighting the cruel men in this world, who wished to do her family harm. She was a dragon slayer and she would slay all who dared to breathe even a ounce of fire at her or hers.

"I would put the evil bastard out of its misery."

Dr. Lainey's Office

Molly picked at the peeling pieces on the armrest of the brown faux leather chair as she sat out in the waiting area. The receptionist watched as she did it. This was a everyday thing for them. Almost like it was part of her routine. She had a daily routine she followed. It was suppose to help her feel at home and in control. Something they said she lacked. Maybe they were right. The "they" being her mother and her doctor, Lainey. They wanted what was best for her. She understood that, but they were suffoca- "Are you going to keep staring at me?" Molly asked sharply. The lady seemed unnerved by this and dropped her pen. "Well, are you going to keep destroying such expensive furniture?" Another voice responded. Molly's eyes beamed from the familiarity the voice brought. "What are you doing here?" Molly watched as Kristina crossed the floor with just a few steps and took the seat beside her.

Kristina rested her arms on the untouched armrests of her chair. Then suddenly she got back up. "Wanna get out of here and do something actually fun?" Kristina asked with an inquiring look upon her face. Molly looked from her sister to the receptionist, who was undoubtedly eavesdropping, to Lainey's shut door. She was in session with another patient and it would be Molly's time in less than five minutes. "What about my session? You know how mom gets if I miss one. Plus I'm meeting TJ after." Molly could hear herself trying to talk her way out of it. She didn't know why, because she did want to leave. Escape these four walls and breathe the fresh open air of the day over the stale air of this quaint office. "So? Forget about all of that and spend a day with your big sisters." Kristina pushed. Before Molly could ask, Sam came through the door next. Belly coming in first and her second. "Yeah. Come spend time with your sisters. Especially the one who took a flight all the way from to Seattle to come spend time with you. This is an order." She smiled. No more words were needed. Molly stood to leave. She paused just for a second though. Looking back at Clare, the receptionist, who now held a look of contempt. Molly moved closer to her until she was just a few inches from her face. She knew Clare would retracted like the scared doe she was. This brought Molly some amusement. The lady couldn't even open her mouth to say anything because Molly was already backing away and heading for the door. Sam and Kristina shared a confused look and burst out into laughter once they walked out.

"Come on, crazy." Sam said, wrapping her arm around Molly's head. Muffled laughter and teasing could be heard down the halls of GH as the girls left. The wounds were still raw, but with time they would soon heal.

Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goodnight

Part II

Sebastian let his fingers glide across the keyboard as he finished up his report on a murder victim found last night at the edge of town. The case was similar to two others. All women, found near water, with their skulls bashed in. Oddly enough the blunt force trauma isn't what killed these women. They were all strangled beforehand and then after they were dead, hit profusely with something big enough to cause sever damage to the skull. It puzzled him. Whomever were committing these murders felt some type of remorse. Enough so to bury their victims and place freshly picked flowers on their graves. Bash had immerse himself into his work not hearing when she walked up.

Hayden dropped the keychain onto his desk. "Don't you have to be getting ready?" Bash looked up from his work. First at her then down at the keychain with the tiny globe on it. "You kept it." He was surprised and touched. She ruffled his hair. "Of course I did. It was the only thing that got us through our shitty childhood. Now one of us is actually going to get to do it." She grabbed the keychain and placed it in his hand. After his mother died, Bash was placed in the system. He bounced from one foster home to the next, but Hayden was right there with him. They were lucky enough to get the same caseworker who placed them in all the same homes. They once lived with an eccentric women who own over a thousand postcards, travel brochures, and keychains. One of them was the very keychain they had now. The lady would have episodes of rage, where she would beat them and make them clean her kitchen. During one of these episodes Hayden was able to take the globe and at night they would point to all the places they would go together. Now Bash was leaving her behind to travel with Lucas.

"I feel bad." He said holding the small globe in his hand. "Why?" She asked confused. She pulled a chair up to his desk and sat down next to him. "This was our dream and now I'm leaving you for a year to fulfill it with someone other than you. This should be us, Hayden." Hayden waved off his guilt. "It was and now it's your dream with Lucas and I'm happy for you. We have all the time in the world to complete our dream to travel to Madrid and Belize. This is your time, baby bro." Hayden said hoping she snuffed out any lingering feelings of regret. He pulled her into a hug and this confirmed that she did. "We definitely will." She released him. Holding back the tears that begged to fall. "Now get out of here. Go be happy and in love." He nodded and left with the gift of a fractured childhood she made whole.

Pentonville Penitentiary


Goodnight, sweetheart, well, it's time to go

Goodnight, sweetheart, well, it's time to go

I hate to leave you, but I really must say,

Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

"Are you sure about this? He's dangerous." Anna whispered to Alexis, as they waited to get access to Valentin's section in Pentonville. Alexis rebuffed her pleas. "He didn't send me this letter for nothing, Anna. If he's trying to threaten my family, he better threatened them to my face. I'm not afraid." She was though. He was always at the edges of her mind, gnawing at her fears like a sewer rat. He was so far gone in the head while also being mentally sane. He was worst than Irina because he knew what he was doing and wasn't pushed by some mental illness. The girl these men manipulated was suffering in the head and they knew that. Alexis didn't feel bad for her though. She hated her like she hated him and Nikolas.

Once inside and actually moving down the hall, Alexis wished she could go back. This was a mistake.

"Are you ready?" Anna asked. She wasn't, but she pushed forward anyway. "Of course I am." She lied to herself and Anna. She hadn't spent as much time with him like Sam and Molly, but his grip on her was just as firm.

Well, it's three o'clock in the morning,

Baby, I just can't treat you right,

Well, I hate to leave you, baby,

Don't mean maybe, because I love you so.

His knees were curled into his chest while his head rested against the cold hard cinder block that made up his cell. He was visible behind a thick plexiglass. His long slender index finger scratched at the wall, barely making a mark. "Hello, sister." His deep voice hit her. She didn't waver now. She stood strong and held her ground. Anna was smart enough to hold onto some fear for the man, but not enough to cripple her. He was a true villain, one that was behind torture and nearly two massacres. He was to be feared, but never to an extent that gave him the power.

"What was this letter about? It's blank. What do you want?" Alexis said, holding the blank white paper with only a stamped C on it. He didn't bother to look in her direction or even answer any of her questions. Instead he asked a few of his own. "How are my nieces? Sam..Molly? The twins? They should be starting to really wrap their heads around this crazy world we're in." Alexis held her breath at the mention of so many she held close to her heart. "If you're not going to answer any of my questions I'm leaving." Alexis said crumpling up the letter and dropping it onto the ground. This is when he looked at her. Getting to his feet in a whimsical way. "I bet they both still dream of me. Enamored by my valiant effort in procuring them and creating our new family." His eyes were glued on Alexis, he had not yet acknowledged Anna's presence.

Until now. "You're a deranged murderer, who lives and breathes to torture people. What they remember about you is your horrifying actions against them. They wish you dead. Nothing more." He shifted from Alexis to Anna. Sneering at the woman. "You speak to me as if you know me. You only know what you heard. Not the real me." Valentin said dramatically. He pressed his hands to the glass. Looking like he was testing the thickness. It sent a shiver down Alexis' back. "What I heard were from the mouths of your victims and I think I'm inclined to believe them over you." She retorted. Valentin laughed. Alexis could feel a slight quake in the earth. Her eyes peered down at her feet. Anna didn't seem to notice. Her focus was on the madman before her.

"Does Molly share these same sentiments? Of my vicious behavior toward her, I mean? Sam, might not appreciate everything I did to make sure her babies came into this world healthy and alive, but she will forgive me one day. I'm sure of it. But Molly doesn't hate me." His matter-of-fact like presence made her insides tighten. "And how do you know this?" Alexis asked before Anna could. The corners of his mouth curled upward in eerie smirk.

"Did you ever ask her who really killed Ethan Lovett?"

Suddenly it was like time froze. Alexis felt like she was watching everything in slow motion. She of course was too late to react, but thankfully Anna wasn't. The world around them exploded.

Goodnight, sweetheart, well, it's time to go

Goodnight, sweetheart, well, it's time to go

I hate to leave you, but I really must say,

Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

She hummed the sweet tune that played over the loudspeakers of the hospital. Her feet moved slowly across the linoleum as she pushed her patient to his next destination. Her white dress was flawless and free of stain. Ironed to perfection She love a good white dress.

"We're almost there." She told him. He was the silent type. She liked that. He could listen to everything she had to say and she did have a lot to say. She turned the corner. Stopping only to fix her nurse's cap. She continued on their trek down the long halls of Miscavige. She smiled and hummed as she passed the sleeping night guard. He was at peace now.

Once outside her patient raised a hand. Stopping her dead in her tracks. "We still have a couple more feet to the car?" She said, irritated by this distraction. "I'll walk." And so Nikolas did…

In his head. This dream was repetitively played over and over in his head. He could see himself walking across the parking lot and escaping this place, but it never happened. He was trapped in a wheelchair that went nowhere, but from his room to sitting area his mother met him. Today his aunt came by. She always came on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Making sure he sure he didn't make any progress. He knew one day she would gain the courage to smother him in his sleep. Maybe even pay someone on the staff to do so. He now knew somewhat of her pain. He thought that would be enough for her, but she wouldn't be satiated until she could taste blood. His blood to be exact.

Anyway, he would walk. He knew he would. He just needed time and time was all he had.

Now my mother and father,

Might hear if I stay too long,

One kiss and we'll part,

And you'd be going

Although, I hate to see you go.