It's dark. It always is.

Genos doesn't know if his eyes are open or not, but hazy darkness is all he sees. Sometimes he might even see the hint of an orb. A shining white orb in the periphery of his vision.

Otherwise it's always dark.


The black shade of shadows, of nightmares, of the deep end of the sea.

He can't move either. His hands are stiff by his side, his legs useless. They're heavy and he can't seem to find the energy to even twitch a finger. The sensation is as if Genos is drifting underwater.

Aimlessly, carelessly, with no power to change.

The time in darkness has given Genos the opportunity to drift in his thoughts.

Floating in the darkness, Genos is prone to memories haunting him.

He wonders if anyone will find him.

He wonders if anyone will care.

He wonders if anyone still.. Remembers.

It's been too long.

The darkness is ever present, and the memories come and go.

It's been too long since that incident.

It had been a wondrous celebration.

Everyone was happy, they were cheering and laughing.

The skies had been bright with fireworks.

The stars were shooting down in celebration as well.

What a beautiful night it had been.

Till the monsters came.

The night was filled with screams, with the thunder of terror as everyone attempted to flee.

The demon had come and with his blazing red eyes, he terrorized the town. He killed everyone.

He killed Genos' father, he killed Genos' mother.

Genos charged, but he was too weak. He had been too young.

He wasn't strong enough.

And he watched as his people died, and the red seeped into the ground, and the trees started to burn.

A fairy Kuseno gave Genos a wish, as he laid upon the broken bodies of his brethren, and he took it.

He too, would transform into a demon.

To fight fire, he must be fire himself.

To fight a demon, he would be a demon as well.

The fight was long and tiresome, and he defeated the monsters that had plagued his home.

They burned in flames that he procured. The flames that had often visited him in the night, when he closes his eyes. The flames that turned his palace to nothing more than a ruin.

They burned, and when they screamed, the need for revenge continues fueling on.

Yet even as he travelled to lands beyond his imagination, he could not find the demon that had destroyed everything he owned.

When he had scoured the lands, and found nothing, Genos decided to return.

He returned home, the walls crumbling, the bodies turned to dust, and as he approached the hall where his family had been killed, he saw it.

The demon.

The demon sat in the throne that was bequeathed to his father. He lounged in it as if he belonged.

The anger that Genos felt, blazed through him and he felt his body lighting up as fire churned within, aching to be released out.

At last!

At long last he had found the demon!

"Demon!" he cried out, and the demon had laughed. "Are you not a demon too?" he said, as he pointed at Genos.

Genos lunged as tears dripped down, for he was truly a demon himself.

He tried to defeat him with powers he had earned from his travel but he was still too weak.

The demon laughed, and that is when darkness became his home.

"You shall remain here, and you shall never obtain your revenge." The demon vanished and Genos blinked against the heaviness that threatened to consume him.

The fairy that had granted his wish appeared again but this time he could not undo the curse that Genos was bound with.

"Only true love's kiss will free you," the Fairy placed a blessing upon the curse, and both laid intertwined around Genos' body. Like the vines that grew on trees, the blessing made its way around the bulk of the curse.

He could not fight it no more, and he allowed the deep end of the sea to drown him. He allowed the nightmares to surround him. He allowed the shadow of darkness to bind him.

Genos slept in the crumbling ruins of the palace that was once the sight of glory and pride.

He slept, and the world around him continued to live, even if he was no more than alive.

It's dark.

Always dark.

Today there is something that shines.

Someone presses their lips to yours. Just a gentle and warm pressure on your lips. The warmth spreads from your lips to the rest of your body. Slowly, the heat reaches your face, goes down to your hands, and legs.

Suddenly they're not that heavy anymore.

Suddenly your fingers twitch, and they move.

Suddenly your toes can wiggle now.

Suddenly your eyes fly open and you raise yourself up.

Suddenly it's not dark anymore.

In front of you, it's a man. His bald head is shining so bright under the light.

He smiles.

"Wake up Demon Prince," the man says. "We have to go save the world!"