Crossover: NCIS and Supernatural

AN: This idea just popped into my head. So, I decided to follow the bunny trail. I just hope it's not my evil plot bunnies leading the way. But then, hey, that could be fun, too. JL

"Dean, we have a problem." Sam called to his brother. They had entered the warehouse looking for vamps. But the unconscious and bleeding man who sat, tied up, before them, changed their focus.

Sam had knelt down in front of the man and checked his pulse before he called out to his brother. He then saw the G.I. gun and holster lying across the room. He knew that they were dealing with either military or law enforcement. He was just not sure which one and what area.

Sam searched for I.D. He found it and read it out to Dean as he entered the room.

"Apparently, this is Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo with N.C.I.S." Sam reported.

"Why would a Navy cop being going after vamps?" Dean asked.

"He wouldn't."

"So what, N.C.I.S. has its own X-Files." Dean mused. "Well, he's too pretty to be Mulder."

Sam grinned at his brother's observation.

"I sure as hell ain't Scully." Tony said, opening his eyes.

Sam and Dean looked at the agent in surprise. They didn't think that he had heard them.

Tony looked up at the two men. He had heard them enter the room. He had pretended to be unconscious, thinking his captors had returned. He surmised that these two had run them off. He recognized them now, from 'whatever' to cold-blooded killers. Today was just not his day.

Dean moved towards Tony, and Tony automatically went for his gun. But he came up empty. Then he remembered. It was lying on the floor across the room.

The vamps had disarmed him as soon as they could. They had gotten his two guns and one of his knives. But they had missed the one he carried as a part of his belt buckle. If he could just get himself free and get to it, he could take care of these jokers, too.

"Hey," Dean stopped moving as soon as Tony reacted. "Dude, just checking to see if you've been bit." He paused. "I'm Dean. This is Sam, by the way."

Tony looked Dean in the eye. "I know exactly who you are."

"What are you talking about, bit?" Tony thought for a second. 'Vamps?' He meant vampires. "But they don't…."

"Yeah, you know, Count Dracula." Dean said. "Trust me. We know. We were looking for them, and found you."

Tony let the elder Winchester look at his neck. Just as he had let Sam check him for I.D. Tony had managed to loosen his bonds. He just needed to wait until the right time. When Dean backed away Tony pulled his hands free.

Seconds later he had the youngest Winchester brother down on the floor. The agent had his knife raised, ready to strike. What Tony had not counted on was Dean's quickness. That was, until he felt the barrel against this head.

"Drop it and let him up?" Dean demanded keeping the gun trained on Tony.

Tony moved slowly, doing as he was told. And he was rewarded for his cooperation by Dean using the butt of his gun on the back of his head. The agent collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

"What did you do that for?" Sam asked, after he had stood and brushed himself off.

Dean looked at his brother, shocked. "After what he tried to do to you, you ask me that?"

"I meant he's going to be harder to get out of here now?" Sam replied.

"I say we leave him." Dean said.

"The vamps may come back."

"Fresh meat."

"Dean!" Sam implored his brother to have some compassion.

"He's a douche bag, Sammy!"

"He doesn't deserve to become a vamp because of it."

Dean considered what Sam said. He started to pick the unconscious agent up off the floor. "Come on, Samantha. Help me get him up."

Sam smiled and soon he and Dean were dragging the unconscious man to the door.


FYI: GI means Government Issue