Yeah I don't own the "Twilight" franchise…or any other!


"This time, the reaper's playin' for keeps"

Chapter 1|Bella… "That's just fucking great"

It's been five years since that fucking pussy-pire Edward left me in the woods but it has been four fucking years since my life became a living hell. I was fine after Eddie boy left, relieved actually, controlling psychotic jackass; just pissed the fuck off that the fucker left me in the wood to die. I was lost for almost twenty four hours and came close to dieing from hyperthermia, thank fuck that the wolves found me. It would have been nice if the asshole could have told me how worthless I was in the comfort of my home or hell, my front yard, but no, the dick head had to take me in the goddamn cold as fuck forest to dump me. Yeah, he wasn't expectin' me to come out alive…Fucker!

I was fine after I recovered but a year later my dad was killed in a car accident and a week after that my mom and Phil were killed in a plane crash when they were headed home after Charlie's funeral. I was to fly out to Jacksonville a few days later but there was no one waiting for me there, I was left alone in this god forsaken world. So I stayed my depressed ass in fork after my mom and step dad's funeral for exactly four days until I couldn't take it anymore. I needed a fresh start so I collected my parent's life insurance, went to Jenks to change my identity and brought my lily white ass to Houston Texas. Where I am now and will be for the foreseeable future.

My first night here I walked into a bar called Rock Bottom with a fake Id and drank myself stupid. The next morning I woke up with the owner of the bar standing over me with a smile. She gave me a place to stay and a long lecture of using fake Id's. She and I became fast friends and she eventually taught me everything she knows about being a coldhearted bitch that can and will kill you if it calls for it, and in this day and age it calls for it more than not. Just ask the bartender that Lisa is keepin' me from killin' for the time being…

"Lola, table six needs some damn attention; kick it in gear woman!" Speak of the devil and he shall open his fat trap and piss me the fuck off.

Fuck my life, and fuck you Chuck. "If you don't stop ordering me around I will most defiantly kick something asshole" I yell at the slimy ass bartender over the noise of the jukebox. "I don't mind repeatin' yesterday's events fucker." I cut my soulless eyes at the man I just might stab in the face before the night's over with, then making my way over the table six.

"Welcome to Rock Bottom; if its hard liquor you're after then I guess what, you've finally hit rock bottom" I laugh at my blatant disregard for anyone's fucking feelings.

"Fuckin' hell Lola" I hear my boss and friend Lisa chuckle behind me. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop making the customers feel like alcoholics?"

"What" I turn to her as I hear chuckles and giggles from the table that I have yet to grace with my attention. "Alcoholics are people too and very good for business!" I grin at her "and you're welcome."

I turn back to the table of the supposed chugalugs "Now what's your pois-" I stop as I come face to fucking face with Jasper mother fucking Hale and two others I don't know, all sportin' red eyes. "We don't serve blood dude but the bartender over there is plannin' to meet his make in the immediate future so" I shrug "enjoy!" I go to leave when I feel a cool hand grab my arm.

"Wait Bella I need to talk to you, please" I stop him with a raise of my hand.

"No need for apologies sugar and its Lola now, I know you weren't tryin' to hurt me; you were the only one in the room with golden eyes. So my question is why were they restraining you?" I give him a pointed look.

"Very perceptive darlin'" Damn the southern drawl "I was trying to protect you, Edwards bloodlust skyrocketed, I'm just glad he controlled himself and left the house with the rest of us." Ok, so I wasn't expecting that.

"So" I drawl "Jasper Hale, you say it was the hundred year old virgin that was tryin' to eat me?" I chuckle and shake my head.

"Yep and its Jasper Whitlock now…Lola!" He winks at me with that sexy smirk. How the hell did I not notice this gorgeous vampire before? Oh yeah, the pixy-pire bitch that he's married to!

I continue to look at him and give him a small smile. Good god I never realized how hot Jasper is and that southern accent has my panties wet and judging by the look in Jaspers eyes, he knows all about the affect he has on me.

I turn to Jaspers friends to distract myself…for now! "Hi, I'm Lola and you are?"

"Hi Lola, I'm Charlotte but you can call me Char and this cowboy here is my husband Peter" A shorter than me woman with blond short hair stands and hugs the shit out of me.

"Nice to meet you Char" I turn to her husband and notice the tight ass wranglers he's wearing. "Broke back Mountain" I reach out to shake his hand. "How the hell did you get into those jeans; good god it's a good thing you don't need to breath."

"Can I keep her Jasper, can I?" Peter grins "My knower is telling me that I just met my new bestie."

I step away from the crazy vamp and try to pull Jasper in front of me. "Um Jasper, what does he mean by keepin' me?"

"Don't mind him darlin', we don't let him out much" Jasper chuckles and wraps his arms around me. Ooh, this feels nice. "Captain calm your ass down before she sets you on fire; Lola put the lighter back in your pocket" Damn it.

"Fine" Broke back and I both grumble at the same time.

"Tell you what Bell's palsy" the fucker chuckles as I flick my zipo at him before Jasper snatches out of my hand and shoves it in his pock. "Stop calling me broke back and I won't call you Bell's palsy anymore, we will be forever known as Lola and Yoda." He grins at me.

"Why Yoda" I ask then get a wicked grin on my face "is your dick green and tiny?" I somehow say with a straight face.

I can feel Jasper shaking beside me before he doubles over along with Char; both are laughing there butts off.

"You are evil" Peter grins "I like it. So can I keep you?"

"Dude I am done being a pet so if that's what you are implying then fuck no! If you're talking partner's in crime then hell fucking yes dude, I'm all for that shit cause you look like someone that's willing to reek all kinds of havoc" I reach up and pinch his cold cheek "I have a feel you and I are gonna cause all kinds of trouble as well, but I apologize ahead of time if I set you on fire on accident." I turn back to Jasper. "Hey speaking of crazy vampires; where is your psycho bitch of a wife, I like to introduce her to a good bon fire?"

Jasper grins at me and I fucking melt, yeah I have developed a cowboy fetish "Well darlin', I haven't heard front the Cullen's after the pretentious bastards left you and I in Forks. I got a note from Malice tellin' me to not follow them and to stay the hell away from you." He tells me. Wait hold the fuck up! "Before you ask; yes I stayed in Forks, well, for as long as you were there anyway."

"So you followed me here?" I ask him.

"Yep, but before you go chewin' my ass out I want you to understand I was doing it for your protection, well mostly." The fucker winks at me.

Before I can ask what he means by mostly; Chuck starts yell my damn name.

"Lola you lazy little bitch, get your ass to work!" I turn and see a grinning and nodding Lisa. Thanks boss!

I move to the table next to us and grab an empty beer bottle and turn to the fucker as I throw the bottle and nail him in his big ass forehead. Fucking five head if you ask me!

I turn back to my new friends. "My shift is over let's get the hell out of here." I walk over to the bar with Jasper right behind me "Lisa, throw me a bottle" I wink at her as she tosses me a bottle of Chivas Regal. "Thanks bitch, love ya!"

"You leavin' for the night doll?" she grins at me. "And love you too shug!"

"Yep, don't wait up" I turn to the groaning piece of shit on the floor "I told you that if you keep disrespectin' me, I was going to lay your sorry ass out and not in a good way." I point at him "watch your back asshole" I turn to a bouncing and grinning Peter. "What?"

"Nuttin' honey" he grins. "Come on let's go find you another target; that was an awesome shot. Bet my aim is better than yours!"

"Peter, you can't hit the broad side of barn!" Jasper sighs and shakes his head "you and Char go hunt or somethin', I need to talk to Lola alone"


"Now Captain" Jaspers growls at him as we reach the parking lot!

"Fine Major, we'll be home tomorrow" Peter turns to me "see you then Lola and have fun doll!" The asshole gives me a weird look.

"Later Yoda, Char" I wave before they disappear.

Once we were alone Jasper leads me to a big ass Ford F-150 and opens the passenger door for me. Before I can climb in I feel his hands on my hips stopping me. "I'm really glad to finally be able to approach you Lola" he whispers in my ear before growling "you have no idea how hard it was to watch you from afar." I turn to look at him and his once red eyes are now black. And I gotta say that color suits him a whole lot better!

"I have two questions for you Jasper" I reach my hand up and place it lightly on his cheek. "What did you mean by mostly for my protection and why didn't you make yourself known to me before now?" I feel him pulling my body closer to his as he brings his lips closer to my ear.

"Patience, Isabella" he whispers before nipping my earlobe and yep…I'm done for. Fucking sexy ass vampire!

Before I can say anything, he lifts me up into the truck and shuts the door, not a second later he is next to me and we're pulling out of the parking lot. The drive was kind of long and yes, I admit I should have been paying attention to were we were going but I was kind of distracted by a hot as hell vampire…oh well!

After about an hour dive we pull up to a huge gate. "Hey darlin'" Jasper gets my attention as he jumps out of the truck "climb over here and drive through the gate after I open it."

"Sure thing sexy" I grin and climb over the console. I pull through the gate and stop to wait for Jasper to get in the passenger seat, cause I'm drive this big bitch now! A couple of seconds later the driver side door open and before I can tell him that what's what, he lifts me out and slides in the seat pulling me in his lap. Well, this works too!

"What in the hell are you doin' cowboy?" I turn to him as he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me against his chest, his cold hand slipping just inside the hem of my shirt.

"This is better don't-cha think?" he chuckles at the look I'm given him and proceeds to put the truck in drive.

I shrug and lean my head back against his hard shoulder. "Where are we?" I ask as a huge ranch style home comes into view, fucking vampires!

"Home" he says as he puts the truck in park and jumps out of the truck with me still in his arms. Wait, what? Eh fuck it, I'll fine out later!

"I can walk Jasper" I grin at him as he climbs the stairs to the front porch.

"Yeah, but cha ain't gonna" he chuckles as he carries me through the door and proceeds to climb another set of stairs before opening a door to the right.

After he sets me down I begin to look around at all the books lining the walls.

"Wow" is all I can squeak out before I feel Jasper take my hand and pulls me to a brown leather love seat. "I take it you like to read" I turn to look at him and all he does is nod.

"Bella" he stops at the look I give him and shakes his head "Lola, why haven't you said anything about my obvious all human diet, well besides encouraging me to eat the bartender?"

"Because it doesn't bother me" I shrug "it's who you are Jasper, why try to be someone you're not?" I turn to look at him the moment he crashes his cold lips to mine and immediately deepens the kiss. Holy shit he tastes so damn good. I climb into his lap straddling his thighs and threading my fingers through his soft hair. YUMMY!

After a few minutes or possibly days, I'm not quite sure because the kiss is that hot; I pull my lips from his and the fucker growls at me for it. I just lick my lips and wink at the sexy bastard. "Not that I'm complaining but what was that for?" I ask breathlessly, my chest heaving with the effort and Jaspers eyes locked on my cleavage.

He brings his right hand up and drags the tips of his fingers across my covered tits. "Ask your two questions again" he says as he begins pulling my hips into his with his other hand and grinding his hard cock into me. "Ask me Isabella" fuck me that was the sexiest growl I have ever heard and yes I have heard a lot. Hello, I'm a fucking magnet to the supernatural. Case and point is still grinding into me…Fuck I can't think; what was my question? Oh yeah…

"What did you mean by mostly for my protection" I gasp and moan loudly as I arch my back and grind harder "and why didn't you make yourself known to me before now?" I think if he was human he wouldn't have understood that through all the moaning I was doing as I spoke my breathy words.

"You weren't ready for me to approach you baby, and the main reason I stayed as close to you as I could is because I can't be away from you." I feel Jaspers hand sliding up my back and into my hair as he leans his upper body into mine, tugging my hair gently so I'm looking up into his onyx eyes and my neck is completely exposed to him. "You weren't Edward's mate Isabella" his lips are just barely touching my neck "Your Mine!" and with that I feel his teeth slice into my neck bushing me over the edge in pure ecstasy.

Well that felt amazing…until the fucking flames engulfed me.

"I can't live without you baby" I feel Jasper lift my body "so I can't let you stay human any longer"

Well this is what I wanted once upon a time, only difference is; I don't have to be stuck playin' human with those fake squirrel munchers. Might as well let the reaper take what's left of my soul and burn with the best of them! And being mated to the sexy as all hell God of War…well, that ain't bad either!

-Ok so this has been on my mind for a while and I feel I needed to get it out so I can work on one of my other stories.

My A.D.D has got my mind all kinds of whacked out. But on the bright side I'm still alive and kicking!