Chapter 12: Emerald and Mercury vs. Coco and Yatsuhashi

It has been two months since Sonic and Ruby were attacked by Adam, and since then the Vale Tournament had just began and Team RWBYS won the first round while Sonic sat the first round out then Team JNPR won their first fight. Then Sun and his Team won their first round after that Sonic and his friends mate Weiss sister Winter and Ruby's uncle Qrow. Now we go to the second round of the Tournament where Emerald and Mercury are facing off against Coco and Yatsuhashi.

Prof. Port: Emerald and Mercury Of Haven vs Coco and Yatsuhashi of Beacon!

Velvet: Good luck you too!

Sonic: Don't worry Velvet, they'll do fine.

After Sonic said that Velvet smiled at him. Back at the arena Coco looked at Emeralds outfit and said.

Coco: Hey love the outfit kid.

Emerald: I'll try to not get blood on it.

Yatsuhashi: I can't promise you won't leave without a scratch.

Yatsuhashi said as he pulled out his weapon.

Emerald: Oh I won't be the one bleeding.

Coco: Oh I like her.

Coco said to Yatsuhashi, then it was time for the fight to begin.

Prof. Port: 3... 2... 1... begin!

(Play 541 from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

After Professor Port said that Emerald and Mercury backed up and hid in some long grass. Just then Coco activated her Gatling gun and started to fire at the grass as she was done there was no sign of Mercury or Emerald, just then Blake shouted.

Blake: Look out!

Just as soon s Blake said that Mercury came down from the sky and headed right for Coco, but Yatsuhashi was able to move Coco out of the way and block Mercury with his sword. Then Coco started to fire her Gatling gun at Mercury but Mercury dodged the bullets by running sideways. From up in the stands Team Sun looked on in aw at what Mercury was doing.

Sun: He's good.

Scarlet: Yeah, but where is the girl?

As the fight continued with Mercury taking on Coco and Yatsuhashi a chain came out of the forest and garbed Coco and pulled her in.

Yatsuhashi: Coco!

As Coco continued to be pulled into the forest she hit a tree, as she got up she saw her glasses on the ground all broken.

Coco: I take it back... I don't like her.

Just then a shot rang out and a bullet came out of the trees just missing Coco. As Coco looked up in the trees she saw Emerald firing her guns at her. After dodging every one of Emerald's bullets Coco took out her Gatling gun and started to fire it at Emerald, but Emerald was to fast for her to get and so she lost her in the trees.

Coco: Damn.

Just then Yatsuhashi came from behind Coco.

Yatsuhashi: Coco?

Coco: Watch out she's in the trees.

Just as soon as she said that then a buzzer sound and when she looked up she saw Yatsuhashi getting elemnated by Mercury.

Prof. Port: Oh and with that hit Yatsuhashi is elemnated.

Coco: What!?

Coco turned around again expecting to find Yatsuhashi there but he wasn't. As she continued to try to find Emerald she didn't realized that she was right behind her and when she did it was to late Emerald slashed at Coco making her go flying in the air and land right next to Yatsuhashi. Emerald and Mercury had won the round.

Oobleck: And with an amazing upset, Emerald and Mercury are victorious!

Velvet: Coco...?

Sonic: I...I can't believe it, I thought that they would win.

Then Shadow spoke up.

Shadow: I'm not sure you guys but I think that there is something fishy about those two.

Tails: What do you mean Shadow?

Shadow: I'm not sure Tails, but something about those two just doesn't seem right.

Meanwhile outside of Beacon Winter was talking with her sister Weiss with Silver with them.

Weiss: Your... leaving!?

Winter: Yes.

Silver: But why? You just got here Miss. Winter.

Winter: I was merely needed to oversee the transport of additional units to Vale. Our last shipment was lost to an ambush. I believe you had a run-in with it's cargo, actually. It's fortunate those Paladins were still in the prototype stage. Otherwise, your team may not have fared so well. Weiss... You've done... Well. Out here on your own. You should be proud.

Silver: Of course she is proud, I know I am.

After Silver said that Weiss, had a little blush on her face.

Weiss: Thanks Silver.

Winter: Anyway I'll be honest, Weiss it was quite amusing seeing farther's face the day you left for Beacon.

Weiss: I can't wait to show him what I've learned.

Winter: Oh? And what do you think you've learned?

Silver: Oh boy now she did it.

Weiss: What do you mean? I'm getting better and better with my glyphs. I've even started time dilation.

Silver tried to help Weiss out.

Silver: She has Winter, I mean I've been helping her out a bit.

Winter: Oh? And what about her summoning?

Weiss: Well I... You know I can't.

Winter: Don't be ridiculous. Every Schnee has the ability to Summon. We have for generations.

Weiss: I've tried! It's just... It's the one thing I'm having trouble with!

Silver: Whoa Weiss calm down. Um Winter what is this Summoning?

Winter: We Schnees are unique. Unlike many, our Semblance is hereditary. But that doesn't mean that it will come easily. Weiss Semblance is like a muscle. The more she practice with it, the more stronger it will become.

When Silver heard this, he was amazed.

Silver: Wow that sounds cool.

Winter: Yes it is, but if she only focus on one aspect of it... If she fails to test the limits of what she thinks is possible.

Just then a bright light flashed and their was a image of a Grimm.

Winter: Then she'll never truly grow.

Silver: Wow Weiss, your sister is something else, you should be proud of her.

Weiss looked at Silver and smiled, meanwhile back at Beacon.

Ruby: You'll never beat me old man!

Qrow: Heh, you're nothin' but talk, kid.

Yang: You can do it, Ruby!

Sonic: Yeah give him the right to left Ruby!

Game Announcer: Soaring Ninja wins! Total annihilation!

Yang: Ouch...

Sonic: Yeah no kidding Yang.

Tails: At lest you tried Ruby.

Qrow: By the way. Don't ever call me "old".

Just then Yang pushed her sister aside and said.

Yang: My turn!

Game Announcer: New challenger approaches.

Qrow: Now, where was I?

Ruby: You were telling us about you last mission!

Qrow: Right, right. I came across a small village in the swamps west of Mistral. Right off the bat, I knew something wasn't right.

Ruby: What were you doing there?

Qrow: I needed information. Tired from battling Grimm along the way, I decided to start my search at the town's Inn. The place was crawling with low-lifes and thugs, even a few Huntsmen I could only assume had been hired by less then reputable people for less then respectable jobs. And that's when it happened.

Yang: What happened?

Tails: Yeah what?

Qrow: I was defeated... by the mere sight... of the Innkeeper's skirt length!

After he was finished Sonic, Tails, and Yang looked at Qrow with strange looks on their faces.

Sonic: Are you kidding me!?

Tails: That is just not right.

Just then Yang threw a pillow at her uncle but he was able to catch it.

Yang: You are the worst!

But this just made Ruby and Qrow laugh.

Ruby: So, uncle Qrow, did you get in trouble with Ozpin?

Qrow: Nah, me and Oz go way back. We're cool.

Yang: *Scoff* Cool for an old guy.

When Yang said that Tails laughed.

Tails: Ha good one Yang!

But Qrow was not impressed.

Qrow: Not funny fox boy.

Ruby: Hey, so, what are you doing here anyway? I thought dad said you'd be away on a mission for, like... ever.

Qrow: Well, a professional Huntsmen like myself is expected to get results, as soon as possible.

Ruby: Yeah i get that. We're pretty much pros, too.

Qrow: Oh really?

Yang: Pssh, yeah! Read the news sometime! We totally saved Vale while you were gone.

Qrow: Funny, because I heard Vale suffered a Grimm attack after you almost managed to stop a train.

Just then the game announcer spoke

Game Announcer: Soaring Ninja wins! Total annihilation!

After that Qrow Spoke up.

Qrow: But they don't give out medals for "almost."

Ruby: They do, and they're called silver!

Yang: Well, we helped take down Roman Torchwick. He's locked up in Ironwood's ship and crime's been down ever since. That's basically a bounty mission.

Qrow wasn't convinced.

Qrow: Sure, you may be acting like Huntresses, but you're not acting like one. Your really think four girls and their friends could end all crime in a Kingdom?

After Qrow said that Ruby looked at him with a worried look on her face.

Ruby: I mean, I did until you said that.

Qrow: Violence hasn't dropped since Roman got nabbed. It's stopped. Completely. No White Fang activity anywhere around the city. You cut off the head of a King Taijitu, but now the second head's calling the shots.

Sonic was going to tell Qrow about Adam but decided ageist it because him and his friends agreed to not to tell anyone about him, then Qrow continued to talk.

Qrow: That's what Ironwood can't get through that thick, metal head of his.

Yang: You... Know the General?

Qrow: Hey, I know everybody to some extent. Remember, you're talking to a member of the coolest team to ever graduate Beacon!

With that Qrow showed them a photo of him along with three other people. Yang looked at the photo with sadness, seeing this Qrow put his thumb over a women with long dark hair and said.

Qrow: *Sigh* Team STAQ. That's when i met your parents. We were pretty well known back in the day.

Sonic: Really?

Qrow: Yeah we were.

Ruby: Well known for crummy fashion sense.

Qrow: Hey we looked good! And I have a number of inappropriate stories that'll back that up. But, I'll save those for when you're older.

Ruby: Ew, gross!

Tails: Yeah, you ain't kidding Ruby.

Qrow: Anyway, I'm too old to be hanging out with a bunch of kids. You're gonna cramp my style.

After Qrow said that Tails and Sonic, looked at him with angry looks on their faces. But before they could say anything to him he turned around and said.

Qrow: Look. Just remember that you've still got a long way to go. And don't think for a second that graduating means you're done. Every day out their is worth a week in this place. You two, you're gonna go far. But only if you keep learning. If you never stop moving forward.

Then Qrow looked at tails and Sonic and said.

Qrow: And you two, take good care of them ok?

Sonic: Don't you worry sir.

Tails: Yeah will take good care of them.

With that Qrow smiled and left. Meanwhile with Weiss, Winter, and Silver. Weiss was trying to use her summoning.

Winter: Excellent form! Now think to your fallen foes! The ones that force you to push yourself past who you were and become who you are now. Think of them, and watch as they come to your side.

As Weiss continued to try to do her summoning Silver looked on cheering her on.

Silver: Come on Weiss you can do it.

But then Weiss dropped her sword and said.

Weiss: I can't!

Just as soon as she said that Winter slapped her and said to her.

Winter: Stop doubting yourself!

Weiss: I'm trying!

Winter: If this is what you call trying, then you have no hope of winning the Tournament, let alone succeeding as a Huntress. Why don't you just move back home? I'm sure father will give you a nice job as a receptionist.

Silver: Oh wow burn.

Weiss: I don't need his charity.

Winter: But you do need his money, don't you?

When Weiss heard that she looked at her sister with the look of shock on her face.

Weiss: What?! How did you know about that?!

Winter: Lucky guess. I may have been in a similar situation when I joined the military. So what have you done this time?

Weiss: Well, that's the thing. I'm really not sure. I went to pay for lunch the other day, but my card didn't work.

Winter: How embarrassing.

Weiss: I know! Well, it was! Why would he cut me off like that?!

Winter: Perhaps so you'd stop avoiding him and call home.

After that Silver tried to help.

Silver: You know Weiss, she's got a point.

Just then Weiss turned around and pointed her sword to the ground and her summoning reviled and started to spin around faster and faster.

Winter: Emotions can grant you strength, but you must never let them overpower you. It sounds to me like you have two choices in front of you. You can either call him, beg for his money back and explain once more why you want to study at Beacon over Atlas. Or... You could continue to explore Remnant. Discovering more about the world, and honestly, more about yourself.

After that Silver, went up to Weiss and said in a sweet voice.

Silver: She's right Weiss, I mean I never knew my father, but at least you have one.

Then Winter looked at her sister and said.

Winter: It's time for me to go.

Weiss: It was really good to see you, Winter.

Winter: Until next time, sister.

Then Winter looked at Silver and said.

Winter: Take good care of my sister, Silver.

Silver: Don't worry Winter, I won't anything happen to her.

With that Winter smiled and then left. After Winter left Weiss phone started to ring.

Silver: Well are you going to answer it?

Weiss looked at Silver and to her phone, and with a smile she said.

Weiss: Nope.

And with that she left to go back to Beacon, with Silver hot on her tail.