A couple of notes:

This is actually two chapters combined, which means I will probably skip posting next week; but I just couldn't leave you nerds hanging again. I hope you don't mind!

This is very much not PG-13, so if you're not into reading that, I added a horizontal line to let you know when you should stop reading.

As I'm sure you noticed, I don't shy away from the angsty anger bits of what their relationship is like, this is no different. So a trigger warning for consensual but aggressive sex is needed for this chapter.

Next chapter will follow the M rating as well. (At what point is M really an E?)

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter, I am super curious to know what you think!


Lexa didn't move, couldn't move. She stared at the empty space next to Clarke. The fur pulled down was promising a warm bed and the possibility of an enticing sleep. But she couldn't get her brain and feet to coordinate enough to move forward. She just stood there, staring back at Clarke with wide eyes and gripping the table for support.

"Now." Clarke ordered, her blue eyes fierce with determination.

Lexa inhaled slowly, and felt her body move more than she directed it willingly toward the bed.

Her usual grace became an awkward stumble as she neared the bed, struggling to kick her boots off before debating what else she should remove. Deciding that it was best to stay as fully clothed as possible, she lifted her leg to enter the bed when Clarke's hand popped up. " Pants. Off." she demanded, turning her back to Lexa.

Lexa stared down at her pants as if seeing them for the first time. Ok, she thought, don't make this weirder yet. Unbuttoning them quickly, she fought with them, suddenly finding them too tight to take off, then quickly jumped in bed and immediately pulled the covers all the way up to cover her body. She lay on her back, arms folded on her stomach, stiff like a board.

Clarke's back was to her, and she couldn't tell if she was asleep already. She lay there, eyes wide open, trying to calm her body down enough to relax, but she could feel the heat radiate off of Clarke's body and it was distracting.

She felt Clarke's muscles tense and Lexa reflectively closed her eyes as she felt her shift and turn. She could feel her eyes on her and fought the urge to meet her gaze. "I know you're not sleeping." Clarke's husky voice forced her eyes open and she turned slowly to look at her. She was surprised by how close the blond was to her.

"I thought you were tired?" Lexa asked quietly, forcing her eyes to not roam anywhere.

Clarke pulled the fur pelt off of her, leaving it by her waist before doing the same to Lexa's, "It's hot," she explained. Lexa merely raised an eyebrow in response. "I've spent a lot of time in bed this past week. As tired as I might be, my body is restless."

"It seems that all that time has been good for you. Nyko has you moving around much sooner than I expected." Lexa's eyes flashed down the exposed length of Clarke's body, relishing the sight of cream-colored skin.

Clarke nodded absentmindedly. She reached out, grabbing Lexa's hand from her stomach and petting it with her thumb. "He's a good healer, don't you think?" she asked. Lexa could only nod her agreement, her eyes focused on the wayClarke's hand had shifted, her fingers dragging across her palm in a smooth continuous motion. "Of course, he could be a better healer," the blond added, eyes shifting up to the ceiling as Lexa turned her body to match Clarke's pose. "For instance, it would be good for him to learn the proper names of the bones, instead of making things up."

"Mmhmm, bones," Lexa agreed absentmindedly as Clarke's fingers moved to her wrist, her palm laying flat against her own. Suddenly, what Clarke was saying clicked. "Bones have names?"

Clarke rolled her eyes, a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Of course bones have names! How else would you identify them? These," Clarke glided her fingers from Lexa's wrist to the tips of her fingers, causing a small shiver to trace its way across her arm and down the length of her body, "are called phalanges."

Glancing up from her hand, Lexa narrowed her eyes at Clarke, "fil-what?"

"Phalanges," Clarke rectified, gently pulling against Lexa's fingers. "To be more specific, this is your distal phalange, your intermediate, and your proximal phalanges, which attach to your metacarpals." Clarke's delicate fingers moved down the length of hers before resting against her palm, stroking it gently.

Lexa's breath caught in her throat as she watched the movement. "You're making that up. That's a strange name for fingers," she countered, testing if Clarke was playing a joke on her.

"It's true," Clarke responded with a firm nod, shifting slightly closer. "These," she glided her hand up from Lexa's wrist to her forearm, "are two bones, the radius and ulna." Clarke's fingers continued up to her elbow. "Which are connected to your upper arm through your cubital fossa, to your humerus."

"Huh…" Lexa swallowed thickly as Clarke's fingers stroke up to her shoulder and back down the length of her arm to her fingers, "That's…interesting. What else?" she asked, not wanting Clarke to stop touching her.

Clarke smiled at the question, deep blue eyes peering into blown green irises. "The longest bone in your body is your femur." Suddenly she grabbed Lexa's knee and dragged her leg over the top of her hip, forcing Lexa closer.

Lexa couldn't hold back her gasp at the sudden movement. She found herself staring at blue challenging eyes, unable to turn away from the gentle glide of Clarke's hand from the top of her thigh to her knee. She was painfully aware of the growing throbbing at her core as Clarke slid her own thigh towards her center, adjusting her hold on Lexa's leg.

"Like your elbow, your femur is connecting to your calf by a bone called the patella." Clarke's hand glided to her knee, stroking it gently as she slid the rest of the length down. "This is called your tibia and fibula," she whispered, pulling Lexa closer to her. "There are two bones just like these in your forearm."

Lexa couldn't move. Her mouth was dry and she was certain that if Clarke shifted her leg even the slightest bit, she would feel just how painfully aroused she was. She knew Clarke was carefully studying her, staring at her face, looking for some kind of reaction. The best Lexa could come up with was a small nod and a weak smile as Clarke's fingers glided up from her calf to her thigh.

"Are you OK?" Clarke asked softly, her hands stilling as she searched Lexa's face.

Lexa nodded, her brow furrowed at the stilled action. "Bones are interesting," she husked out, her voice at a dangerously low octave.

Clarke smiled and her hand returned to gliding along the length of her thigh. "Science is quite interesting, Lexa," she corrected her. "Would you like to know what your femur connects to?"

Lexa wasn't sure if she wanted to know, if she could stand another moment of this, if she could keep her cool with Clarke's hands running hot against her body, with the blond whispering at such a low octave. Betraying her, her head nodded, coaxing Clarke to continue spouting random words that did not make the faintest bit of sense, not that it mattered to Lexa. She would worship whatever this science was called if it meant more of Clarke's hands on her body.

Gliding across the underside of her thigh, Clarke slowly made her way to the edge of Lexa's shorts. She slid a finger under the band as her hand came across the top of the thigh, before suddenly grabbing Lexa's ass and squeezing the perfectly perk cheeks. "It leads to your illium," Clarke whispered.

Lexa bit back a moan as her eyes involuntarily rolled back at Clarke's motion.

"Which leads to your back. Did you know it's not one solid bone?" Clarke continued, as if Lexa's breathing was not betraying her.

Lexa shook her head weakly, not trusting herself to speak as Clarke's fingers trailed up her waist, under her shirt to her back. Her breath was coming out in short pants and she struggled to open her eyes at the feeling of Clarke, who seemed to somehow be moving closer and closer to her.

"It's actually a column of 33 vertebrae." Clarke's hand glided up towards her shoulder, pulling her shirt up with the movement, before moving slowly down again. Lexa struggled to find a reason to care about the exposure, but found herself melting into the blond's touch instead. "24 presacral, 5 sacrum, and 4 coccyx." Clarke's breath whispered against Lexa's face as she inched closer still. Lexa's wide eyes stared into blown blue irises as the blond continued in a whisper, "It's also my favorite structure, do you know why?"

Lexa shook her head, her traitorous body leaning into Clarke, quaking at her touch. She hoped that Clarke was not noticing the shallowness in her breath, the exertion to stay away causing her muscles to strain slightly under the blond's touch. Clarke was a flame, white hot and constantly burning bright, drawing her in no matter how much she fought. And right now, she didn't want to fight, wanted to give in to Clarke's draw, feel the flame burn the edges of her wings, her sanity, and fall precipitously into blue pools.

"I mean…Most people would say it's because it supports the body." Clarke's fingers glided back up to her shoulder, running the length of each of the jutted bones in her spine. "But in reality, it's because…" The blond's fingers slowly scratched down her back, the action releasing a low moan from Lexa as her back arched into Clarke. "It carries the nerve endings to every part of the body."

Lexa's head was spinning. She could feel the blond pressed against her, and her tongue snaked out against her bottom lip, trying to bring some semblance of moisture to her dry mouth. "Klark," she tried weakly, all bite from her voice gone. "We should…." Should what? Stop? She thought. She didn't want to stop, but she didn't want to take advantage of Clarke either. "Talk," she forced out, releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"I don't want to talk," Clarke countered, running her hand up and down the length of Lexa's back.

"This isn't you, it's the herbs…" Lexa struggled to find some semblance of rationality as Clarke's hand moved from her back to her stomach, her thigh pressing dangerously close to her core. "You need to…"

Clarke's eyes darkened, "You don't know me, don't pretend you understand what I need. I know what the herbs do." Clarke grabbed Lexa's thigh and pulled her closer.

Lexa struggled to understand what Clarke meant. She rolled the words around in her mind as best she could with her body reeling from being so close to the blond. "You what?" she asked thickly.

A broad smile wrapped itself across Clarke's lips and her eyes fluttered slightly when her nose touched Lexa's. "Nyko warned me."

"I don't understand." Lexa pulled back a little, shaking her head, and tried to clear her muddled thoughts again. Clarke pressed against her again, and a flood of emotions soared through her body. Behind the overwhelming feelings was the flash of a warning that she was about to lose control. She needed to stop this before it got out of hand and Clarke would regret it. "It doesn't feel right Clarke, not like this."

Clarke reared. "Now you get a conscience?" Her voice hitched slightly as she moved to get up, but her movements were too quick and she doubled over the moment her foot hit the floor, grabbing her ribs with a loud groan.

"Klark!" Lexa leapt to her side, grabbing her to try and support her.

"Don't!" Clarke yelped back, trying to pull out of her grasp, her breathing rough. "I don't need your help." She glared at Lexa, reclining slightly against the bed.

Lexa stared hard, confusion swirling through her. "What do you want from me, Klark?"

"Nothing, Lexa," Clarke seethed. Lexa's mind caught the slight flinch in her body, the leaning in instead of away that should have matched her tone. As far as she knew, Clarke wanted to move away, but something was keeping her there, engaged. How much of this anger is real? She wondered, watching her.

"Tell me, Klark," she asked quietly, inching closer, trying to close the distance that tore at her in a way she didn't quite understand.

"What, Lexa? What do you want me to tell you?" Clarke asked, her voice high with a barely controlled anger. "Tell you that I feel used? Betrayed? How do you think I feel?" Clarke pushed off the bed, and began to pace. "I trusted you!" Lexa stared at her, unable to cut her off or calm her down. "And the worst part is that even though I hated you, I couldn't stop thinking about you! I saw you everywhere, heard your voice in everyone! It drove me crazy! "

"I didn't use you," Lexa countered quickly, trying to keep up with Clarke's stream of consciousness. Her words were cutting her like a knife. "I care about you!"

"Go float yourself! You made me believe in you, trust you! You said 'we' and 'us' when it was all about you!" Clarke stopped pacing and abruptly stepped into her space. She stared hard at Lexa, keeping her pressed against the bed. "It was always about you and your agenda, that's all you ever care about!"

"Klark, calm down, let's talk about this," Lexa pleaded. Everything was spinning out of control. She felt like she was fighting to hold sand in her hand while water rushed in, washing everything away.

But Clarke didn't hear her. There was nothing Lexa could do to stop her. "You know what I think? You're nothing but a coward, running from anything that might make you feel something, blaming it on your duty." Tears were coming down Clarke's face, hot and angry. "And this is what you leave in your wake, me! And I don't want to, but I can't stop thinking about you. I hate that I want you! That I miss your voice and your touch and the way you look at me." Clarke's breath came out halted and jagged but she held Lexa pinned under her intense stare. "I hate that I love you." The dam broke and whatever had been holding the tide of emotions that Clarke was struggling to keep in disappeared as a desperate sob escaped. "I hate that you don't care. You never did!"

Lexa grabbed Clarke's shoulders, needing to physically stop her from continuing, needing to pull her back into reality. "By the Goddess Klark, how do you not see what you do to me?" The shock of being grabbed startled Clarke enough to snap her out of the emotional rollercoaster she was on. Lexa didn't wait, couldn't wait. She needed Clarke to understand, to feel how much she cared for her.

She roughly pulled Clarke against her, slamming their lips together in a rough and fevered kiss. The bruising kiss fanned a flame that spread sharp between the two of them, roaring hot against their bodies, melting their defenses as Lexa pulled Clarke closer to her, hands digging into the back of her neck, refusing to give her space to think, let alone breathe.

Clarke growled low, her fists pushed against Lexa, demanding her to stop. A heartbeat later the same hands were grabbing at Lexa's shoulders, pulling her rough against her as she returned the kiss with as much hunger as Lexa expressed. The roughness of her pull caused Lexa to slam into her unexpectedly and Clarke groaned at the impact against her ribs.

The sound was enough to pull Lexa momentarily out of her haze and she pulled back, relinquishing Clarke's lips to make sure she was ok. She felt the muscles tighten on Clarke's forearm and found herself reflexively blocking Clarke's palm before it hit her cheek, leaving both of them stunned.

Lexa stiffened, and stared at Clarke, completely dumbfounded. "Klark…" she winced, not at the paint, but at the sudden violence in the action, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…"

Clarke shook her head, her hands in tight fists at her side, her breath coming in shuddering gasps. Lexa could see the conflict playing itself across the blond's face, anger, confusion, remorse, fear; and it didn't matter to Lexa, she would take a thousand hits from Clarke, if it meant that the sky girl would forgive her. She could see Clarke reeling from what she had done, saw her pulling back. The thought of Clarke blaming herself, being angry with herself for what happened, spurred Lexa back into action.

"Don't," Lexa husked, pulling her back in, her breath ghosting her lips, "don't disappear on me." The demand in her voice pulled at Clarke, her head cocking slightly as the flame inside her appeared to relight and in a heartbeat, Lexa found herself half-seated on the bed as lips hungrily met again.

Clarke's kiss scorched through her, sent shockwaves of pleasure through her body, the tip of her tongue demanding entrance, which Lexa gave eagerly. Lexa couldn't help the moan pulled from her mouth by Clarke's eager tongue. Their kiss was sloppy and fevered, and it made her head spin with desire. She pulled back, the demand for air too strong. Clarke, however, would not give her such a reprieve and quickly pulled her back in, biting against Lexa's lower lip possessively. Lexa could taste a tingle of metal, Clarke having broken skin with the intensity of her bite.

Lexa's hands moved roughly on their own accord, running the length of Clarke's willing body, revelling in the softness of her exposed skin. Clarke pulled back long enough to coax Lexa's body out of her underwear. She didn't care where or how it landed because her mouth was already back to Clarke's lips.

She had never imagined it like this, angry, hurried, rough, demanding. In a better state she would have slowed down, taken her time to revel in every inch of Clarke's magnificent body, worshipped at the altar of her, drunk in every inch of her she could lay her hands on.

But this was not a better state, and in the lust of the moment, there was no better way to sate their thirst. She kissed Clarke, pulled and sucked at her bottom lip as she bit it back. Her hands cupping Clarke's head, keeping her steady while her mouth navigated its way across her chin, licking and nipping as she made her way back to Clarke's pressure point. She bit down and felt the pulse bounding in response. A low needy moan from Clarke told her she wanted it just as aggressively as Lexa was willing to give it.

She needed this, Clarke needed this.

Clarke dug her hands into Lexa's hair, pulling roughly at her, fighting her for dominance - something Lexa was not willing to relinquish at this moment, enjoying far too much the feel of Clarke's skin under her lips. She growled low in her throat, a warning meant to draw Clarke down, but it only seemed to urge the blond as she pulled Lexa in aggressively, her hungry lips trying to find some part of Lexa to connect with.

Clarke drove her hand down in between Lexa's thighs, the tight heat coiled low in her had sprung free and settled between her legs, leaving her dripping and wanting. She felt Clarke pull her in as she searched for her center. "Fuck, Klark," she groaned as she felt her wetness coating her thighs. Her hips bucked slightly from the need to press against Clarke, and she found herself biting her lip to stop herself from begging for some type of released.

Clarke hesitated, tension tightening in her shoulders and Lexa was suddenly unsure if Clarke was waiting for permission or if they had moved far beyond that. "Clarke," Lexa breathed, "don't stop!" She reached for Clarke's hand, intent on coaxing her to continue, demanding attention, release.

Clarke tightened her hold on Lexa's hair, forcing her to bare her neck, and she could do nothing but swallow roughly at the action. "Say it," she demanded.

Lexa's mind whirled. "What?" She barely breathed out, willing to say or do just about anything in this moment for Clarke. She leaned back as best as she could, looking at Clarke, taking her in, her wild desperate eyes full of hurt, and it clicked. Lexa understood what the blond needed to hear, needed to feel from her. "I won't ever abandon you again, Klark." She felt the hold on her hair relaxing slightly, Clarke's breathing slowing down as she listened to her words. "I'll protect your clan, your people as one of my own," she offered, watching Clarke shake her head ruefully, "I'll take care of you…"

Clarke chuckled darkly. "Ever the politician, aren't you?" Lexa tried to shake her head, not understanding what she meant. "I'm not talking about the clan, yours or mine, Lexa. I want to hear you say it."

"What, Klark? What do you want from me?" Lexa asked, nearly begging for understanding.

"Say you're mine." Clarke breathed out, her lips gently gliding along her neck up to her chin. A reflexive shudder worked its way down Lexa's spine at the delicate action. "Say it."

Lexa shook her head weakly in Clarke's grasp, her eyes rolling back as the blond's lips kissed their way to her pressure point before nipping at her ear. Lexa wasn't sure if she heard or felt the moan that came from Clarke, another shudder from her body as it arched, reaching for the blond, needing to press against her skin.

Clarke pulled back suddenly, staring down at Lexa with a new intensity. "Say it," she growled, bringing her lips close to Lexa's, but not allowing them to touch.

"The Commander is claimed by no one." Lexa could barely whisper the words, breathless at Clarke's actions and demands.

Clarke slammed her lips into Lexa's, the kiss fierce and demanding. Lexa saw stars as Clarke pulled away. She couldn't take in what was happening around her. Her entire body tingled and burned at everything Clarke was doing. "I'm the great Wanheda, and you belong to me now."

Lexa's eyes were closed as she tried to process everything. She wanted to refuse, deny Clarke the right to claim her, despite knowing that Clarke had long ago been given ownership of her heart. She shuddered at the feel of Clarke's breath on her lips. "I'm yours " she breathed out.

Clarke responded by kissing her slowly. Lexa's brain short-circuited slightly at the feel of Clarke's hand closing the distance to her core. "You are mine, Lexa," she whispered, her finger focusing its attention on sliding through Lexa's wet folds. Lexa relished the hitch in Clarke's breathing at the sensation, before her own breath stopped when Clarked pushed two fingers inside, hard and fast. She rewarded Clarke with a howl and her head lobbed back, panting. Clarke pulled her hair, forcing her head back, licking and nipping at her exposed neck, moving towards her ear while her fingers began a slow torturous pace. Lexa was held in place by Clarke, she could feel herself accommodating her fingers, opening herself wider, giving Clarke room in between her legs. "Show me how much you're mine, Commander," Clarke whispered low, biting at her earlobe.

"Harder," Lexa demanded, her mouth finding Clarke's neck, and the sensation caused Clarke's eyes to roll back, her hand stuttering slightly at the unexpectedness of Lexa's lips. Lexa felt Clarke's fingers pull out as she adjusted them slightly to get a better angle before slamming them into her again. She released a needy moan as Clarke repeated the action. She could hear Clarke grunt with each slam of her hand.

"Klark!" Lexa cried out, her hands gripping tightly Clarke's shirt, pulling her in against her body, and Clarke growled at the word, searching desperately for Lexa's lips. She struggled for more control, and for a brief moment Clarke appeared to consider relenting as Lexa's hips were grinding against her, wanting to drive the pace of the blond's hand. The moment passed as Clarke took control again with another moan pulled from her lips. Lexa didn't want to give control, didn't want to stop being filled by her, tasting the sweat on her skin, pulling the anger out of Clarke with each powerful stroke of the blonds fingers.

"Lexa," Clarke breathed out, a mixture of ecstasy and pain in her words. Lexa wrapped her legs around Clarke's waist, her hands finding their way under her tank top, and Clarke was unable to stop the arch of her back as Lexa clawed at her back. Clarke growled a warning, her teeth clamping down on Lexa's neck before she licked and soothed the hot skin, forcing her to lean back again and give her access.

Clarke twisted her hand, arching to reach Lexa's clit, her thumb brushing it haphazardly with each thrust. It felt sloppy, but Lexa responded just the same, moaning her approval into Clarke's ear as she thrusted back.

She wanted to beg her not to stop, to tell her that she couldn't stop. Not as long as the sky girl was pulling at her, fighting for any purchase of skin to hold on to. Not as long as she was whimpering her name, begging for her to touch, to feel, to fuck her.

Clarke's lips hovered just over Lexa's and she could hear and feel her panting moans and the hitching of her breath as Clarke slowed down her pace, her fingers driving in deeper, curling into the spot that forced Lexa to roll her eyes back and nearly had her holding her breath. Clarke kissed her, her tongue tracing her lips before Lexa granted her access, moaning at the touch of their tongues. Clarke moved her thumb, keeping a circular pressure on her clit as her fingers curved deeper in her.

Lexa moaned as she felt herself tighten around Clarke, knowing she was close. She breathed out a whimpered, "Oh Goddess," pulling back slightly, needing to see Clarke, not wanting to come undone just yet.

"Look at me," she ordered, pulling the blond's head up as Clarke adjusted her fingers inside her. Clarke leaned down to give herself a better angle. Panting, she opened her eyes and met Clarke's gaze. Her lips were swollen and raw, her blue eyes clouded despite the anger having melted away into something different, and it caught in Lexa's throat. Lexa leaned in, pushing the sky girl's fingers hard and deep inside her, and felt her entire body respond to the action, her eyes clamped shut by the ferocity of the moment, her muscles tightening and spasming at the blond's actions. She groaned Clarke's name, her fingers tightening and tearing at her shirt. She could come undone at Clarke's hand, her lips. She could finally allow herself to do so.

"I love you," Lexa whispered, unable to hold it back any longer.

As if she had been waiting for it to let go, Lexa stopped teetering on the precipice of release and came hard. Her moan turned into a roar as she clenched hard around Clarke's fingers. Clarke refused to stop, watching in awe as Lexa let herself came undone, her body tensed and shaking with the power of the action, her head rearing back and her body arching as she held on for another tense moment before going limp.

She felt the feather touches of Clarke's lips as they roamed haphazardly over her face, kissing gently her cheek, her eye, her brow, her nose, before landing on her lips. She allowed herself to relish the warm and languid response from the sky girl. Slowly, Clarke pulled her fingers out, drawing a sharp gasp from Lexa.

Lexa wrapped her hands around Clarke's waist, holding herself in place as her head lolled forward, resting on Clarke's chest. She didn't move, giving herself time to get her bearings together, to catch her breath. A few moments passed before the sky girl shuddered and Lexa realized that she was crying. Without a word, Lexa wrapped her arms tight around the blond, guiding her back into the bed, and pulled her against her body protectively, giving her the permission she needed to let go.

Jedi Caro: That is almost exactly what I screamed every time they were both in a room together on the show! lmao

Life-is-rolling-keep-on-going: Beauty, brains, and artistic creativity; what does Clarke not have?!

SkyWanheda: Was it what you expected? I hope it surprised you a little bit :)

unrestricted paradise: Thank you! I hope you continue to enjoy the story!

jetthead69: Lisa Lynn, I hope it was worth the wait! Thank you for sticking with the story and letting me know your thoughts!

rmstevens001: My heart grows every time some posts a comment, and a comment like yours only makes it grow even more! I am so glad that you are enjoying the story!

Sailor Sayuri: Is that not so very much Clarke? If it's not right, she will just do it herself. Plus I loved the opportunity to remind people that she is supposed to be an exceptional artist! I'm glad you liked Lexa, I think she's shown to be an incredibly competent leader, but a little heartstruck when left alone with Clarke.