Chapter 8

Emma awakes the next morning to a snoring mayor beside her. She thinks this can't be real, I must be dreaming. She thinks this every night and morning since returning from the Underworld. She gets up and goes downstairs to start making the coffee, knowing Regina is the Evil Queen before her coffee.

"Morning babe" Emma says as Regina walks into the kitchen. "Want some brekkie?" "Just water I think for now I can't stomach anything and it seems your daughter can not stand coffee either, I am going to die before this thing is born" Regina flatly states. "Thing" Emma pretends to be shocked. "That thing is our daughter, and yes I know the feeling, this one doesn't like coffee or burgers". Regina laughs and says "Oh dear, do I need to plan your funeral my dear?".

Emma leans in and kisses Regina as Henry walks into the room. "Ugh seriously before I even got something in my stomach, well now I am not hungry, I am so sick mom, I need to go back to bed to get over this scarring image". "Henry you will do no such thing Regina says as she goes to the left of him as Emma goes to his right. They both kiss his cheek at the same time and ruffle his hair. "Ma, Emma I just combed that". He growls at them.

"Henry, I think it is time to go and get Roland and his sister today, are you still ok with this arrangement we had with Robin?".Regina asks as she looks at Emma. "We told Robin we would look after his children mom, where else would they go?. I don't want them to go into a foster system like Ma endured". He says this as he grabs Emma's hand and looks sad. "Mom, no I didn't mean it like that, you have atoned for all you did, I just meant.." "You meant you don't want to lose them and never see them again, and you don't want them to be sent from home to home like our Emma was didn't you?"

Emma looks at Regina and states "well we have been doing up their room, but Madam Mayor unless you have an extra room hidden here, we will need a bigger house within a year, especially since" and she touches their stomachs. Henry stares at them "Well I will be late for school, MM is taking me, so don't rush, but when do we get to tell others in town?".

Regina looks at Emma and says "I think everyone will know within the next few hours or so, considering Snow can't keep a secret for her life. Well I need a chai tea from Grannies before I do a thing today, I have a meeting this morning, Emma would you like to meet me at noon for lunch at Grannies. I will take the afternoon off and we can collect the children. I am sure Granny is tired of them by now. She has had them a lot longer than I expected after all".

"Hmm, If I can push back the reports I am supposed to deliver to the Mayor at 1pm then sure we can do lunch", she says with a wink. "Bring them with you, we can do a working lunch and be done for the day then dear". Regina collects her keys and purse and walks to Emma, kisses her and leaves.

Regina arrives at the diner, Red is there filling the sugar bowls. For some reason no one is in the diner this morning. She looks sheepishly at Regina and her eyes grow wide as she sniffs the air. "You too". Red says to no one in particular. Regina is in her face before she can utter another word. Red thinks she is going to be attacked but instead Regina takes Red's hand places it on her stomach and whispers "Now you know, but under no circumstances are you to say a word to anyone please. We want to announce it at the right time. It hasn't even been that long since we got..." "Together" said Red. "Yeah Emma told me, but she would never share how you got together, even when I press her, she feels it is something you don't want shared and she respects you far too much".

Regina is shocked that Emma has not told Red everything being her BFF now. "Seriously! She never told you a thing?, I need to sit down". "Hey, are you Ok Regina? Do I need to call Emma?". "No, No I am fine I just came over feint was all, this darn morning sickness is killing me, I can't drink coffee no more she won't allow me too, I can't even eat greens I feel like I am dying what child unborn hates salad so much that will force the carrier to eject it soon as in their mouth, sorry more info than you wanted". "Well Miss Lucas, what would you like to know? I know your dying to ask. No let me make this easy for you, but this is still not to be shared outside of the three of us least for now please. I do not want people to look down at Emma, ever, are we clear?" "Crystal" Red says as she sits at Regina's table. Regina then preceded to tell her all that had transpired between her and Emma and how it had first happened. "You did..." "Yes not something I am proud of but it did work out for us both it seems".

"Well I have to get to work, will you tell Grannie we will be here at lunch to collect Roland and his sister. I suppose we had better name her too soon can't keep calling her lil bug now". With that Regina walks out and goes to City Hall.

Emma has had such a bout of sickness she can't even stand up right now. She had managed to get to the Sheriff station, but that was it. The morning sickness was bad, she also knew it was her magic playing up too. She thinks should I call Regina?. No she thinks I can do this "Regina" she says out loud as she grabs the trash can yet again.

In her office, Regina clutches her chest where her heart is and purple smoke as she disappears, re appearing in Emma's office. "Regin.. as she expels contents of her stomach into the trash can. "What are you..." "Shhh Miss Swan, I am here now, we need to get you to bed right now". Emma's eyes darken and she looks at the vacant cell … "No, not like that, and don't tempt me my hormones are off the Richter scale right now Emm aaaa", Regina says in a sultry arousing tone. "I want you Gina, now here take me, I am so hot for you right now". Emma then flicks her hand and Regina is standing naked in front of her. "Ok, why do I feel better once I did that?" Emma asks Regina.

"You are using your magic Emma, be careful, its a powerful aphrodisiac. Which you still have not learned to fully control yet". "How did you know I needed you Regina?". "We are connected in more ways than one now my dear, allow me to expand upon this for you later when I am not standing in the Sheriff station naked as day I was born, when anyone like Charming could walk in any time. Do you want your father to catch us like erm this?".

Emma thinks for a minute and said "Well that would be awkward but as creepy as sounds very arousing". Regina lifts her brow in that look she has just for her Emma. "Seriously... You want to get caught by your father..., What am I missing here?". "Regina, it's not that, it's well he never had any firsts with me and this would be one he could never forget and would never want any more firsts with me, does that make sense?". Regina seeing Emma is serious, sends a magic text to Charming's cell saying Emma not feeling well taking her now, you need to cover her shift".

Then with that done she moves towards Emma, and states "Well I think you are over dressed" and snaps her fingers and Emma is naked like her. "Are you sure you want to do this here?". She asks knowing Charming will walk in any moment now on them but this is Emma's fantasy so she will play along and hope it does not backfire on her later.

Emma drags her to her on the desk lays her on the desk legs apart and gently licks her slit and bud, Regina moans and thrusts forward for more contact. She knows this is for Emma, she feels on display but she loves this woman and will do anything for her, plus she knows she is so hot for her right now she blames the hormones but she knows it is just her love for her fiancee.

Emma is so busy licking and sucking and hearing Regina moan and gasp, she does not even hear the door open and Charming walk in. He is texting Snow so does not even notice. He hears a couple of moans and Regina say "I'm so close Emma", he looks up and as Regina comes undone loudly he coughs and just stares. He is so shocked he can't stop staring at them both. Emma pulls Regina into a kiss as she notices her father watching them. Regina smirks and says "Charming, take a picture it will last longer". Charming still has his cell out in his hand and goes to do so not really thinking about it as Emma screams "Dad, No, she was joking, seriously you want a picture of your daughter fucking her fiancee is that to show Snow?".

"Oh God!, WTF am I thinking, erm well I can see your both busy I will go find Snow, Yes I need Snow now", he stammers as he walks out the door. Within a moment a text comes to Regina's cell


WTF was that, I am going to find my wife. Text me when it is safe to come to the station again, but better give me an hour after that I need stress relief myself". :)

Regina snorts as she shows Emma the text from her father, "Seems your workout got your dad pumping". "Oh God,Regina that really dampens the mood thinking of my parents and pumping, He wasn't due to come in today why did he … Regina what is that text before this one? YOU SENT THAT" she raises her voice. "You said you wanted to be caught it was your fantasy, I just set that fantasy in motion, how do you think I feel I am mortified to be seen in that position by your father, you forget I am a Queen and the Mayor here, but my love for you allowed me to fulfill your fantasy for you dear". "You did that for me? Knowing he was was coming here". "Well let me take you home dear and I will show you who is coming soon!". Regina smirks.

"When you put it like that, what are we waiting for? Let me switch the phones to Charming's cell and well maybe we need to be dressed again". As she says that Ruby walks into the station, seeing them both naked she wolf howls and walks to the desk like this is normal. "I forgot my badge I can't be a deputy without it". Regina notices her looking her up and down and sideways, usually this would make her very uncomfortable but being pregnant her hormones are so out of sync all she can think of is how Red would taste and feel under her. She blushes but then notices Emma watching her and Ruby and is as red as she is. Sheepishly she states "I need my clothes, before Red loses hers". "Whhaat" Red says surprised.

Emma smirks at Red and says, "Our hormones are so wacky, it is hard to keep our hands to ourselves and it seems my Queen has a fantasy of having you for lunch". "No, Emma, that is not what I meant I meant the three of us...". She never finished the sentence. Red is looking very hot under the collar and as a wolf her blood is already boiling.

"I came here to get my badge, I wasn't expecting to be seduced by the two hottest women in this town". Regina wasn't even sure if Ruby would be interested in women before this, but she leans in and gently kisses Rubys lips. Red returns the kiss with fervor. Emma looks a little uncomfortable at being left out. Emma asks "Red, what are you doing the rest of the afternoon?", "Fucking you two I think, but not here". Regina flicks her wrist and the 3 of them are in her mansion bedroom.

Emma sends a quick text to Charming saying they home and could Snow pick up Henry from school and have him overnight. He sends one back a few minutes after saying Ok just let them know when coast is clear to bring him home the next day.

By the time Emma has finished sending the text, she looks up and Ruby is naked as they are. Wow quick worker Emma thinks. Her hormones take over then and she reaches out for her Regina, who is already straggling Ruby. Regina growls "Emma hurry up we won't wait forever, I can't" "Is this what you really want Rubes?" Emma asks her BFF. "I don't want this to be weird for us after this".

Ruby looks at them both and says very softly, "Do you know how long I have had this fantasy for? I well lets say at first it was your mom and the Evil Queen, but when I saw you it changed Emma, and I think it's always been a fantasy of mine, one I would never act on so I would not ever hurt you. Now you are giving me mine". "I am not the Evil Queen no more, but I could become her in the bedroom if you want me too", Regina smirks and then adds "but that might scare my dear Emma, so maybe I will keep her in check if she shows up".

Emma who is very hot and bothered now is thinking Whoa I get to make love to the Evil Queen too, hmm could this day get any better. "Regina I would love to see the Queen in you, especially the famous outfit, just remember who we are though". Regina smirks and thinks hmm maybe she will let Emma see this side of her another time. "Ruby to put that outfit on now defeats the purpose of us all here naked already does it not?" Regina then adds "But maybe next time if we like this and its not too awkward for any of us".

With that Emma who has had enough talking pulls Regina and Ruby towards the bed, she utters 3 words as a desperate plea here. "Fuck me now". Ruby it seems has a lot more experience than even the Queen knew about and she thought she knew all of her subjects in the EF, of course she thinks I am not that person anymore, but even the Mayor which I still am I should have known this about Ruby before now. Damn why did I waste time on Graham when I could have had this vision of beauty fucking me.

Regina takes the lead and lays Ruby down on the bed and goes down on her hard, Ruby squirms as Emma kisses her. Ruby says "Stop, please", Regina lifts her head and stops "Is something wrong, do you not like this, your body tells me otherwise but...". "No you are I cant state what you are Regina, I just want Emma on my face while your down there, thats all".

Regina resumes and Emma moves herself into a 69 position, Ruby starts to lick her clit as she moans and then she has an idea, she is grabbing and playing with Regina's sensitive breasts, she looks at her and thinks your next my love. Regina see's her look lifts an eyebrow but carries on plummeting her tongue into Ruby. Emma with one look gets Regina to change position so she can reach her and she starts to rub Regina's wet folds. She pulls Regina towards her a little more and then all three are eating each other with a famished look on their faces. Emma knows it wont take but a few minutes now for Regina to climax or her its those damn hormones, its making their sex life harder than it needs to be.

"I'm clse" Ruby mutters into Emma's folds. Regina sucks on the clit and gently tugs it while inserting two fingers into Ruby. She thrusts hard in time to her tongue. Ruby squirms she feels her tighten on her fingers as she climaxes hard onto Regina's face. Emma seeing this climaxes too not realizing Regina has done the same thing. All three women fall flat on the bed and pant while catching their breath. "Wow" Ruby states "Just Wow" "Did we disappoint your fantasy?" Emma asks her. "We are not finished with you yet Ruby" Regina just states unless your finished and had enough.

"You mean theirs more, Oh,no I think I can stay I am not finished with either of you also, if that's Ok". Ruby says sheepishly to them both. Regina looks at Emma and gets up and goes to her closet. I bought this the other day, well this one anyways. Ruby do you mind a little magic it wont hurt you, and its not dark magic?". She brings out the 2 ended dildo, she waits for Ruby to answer one way or the other. "No, I know its not dark no more and yes OK not sure what your going to do but somehow I trust you".

Emma who has been quiet through all this suddenly without thinking asks Ruby "So how long have you been in love with my mom then?" as she leans in and kisses her. "Since first day I saw her, but she is charming's". Regina while they are kissing and asking idiotic questions waves her hand over the dildo turning it into a 3 person one. Regina moves towards the bed holding it in her hand Emma's eyes go wide when she see's what she had done to it. "Damn, Gina.. Fuck me now, I need you I want you
she whines. Ruby looks at it and decides to get into a comfortable position. Regina places one end on Ruby and one end in Emma. She then places the last end into her, somehow they all end up comfortable on the bed and Regina then inserts into Ruby who howls. "Thank god for silencing spells" Emma states. "I am not sure how quiet I can be now". Regina thrusts forward a little and both Emma and Ruby moan. Regina thrusts a little harder until she has a rhythm going, all three women are panting and even Regina moans. Ruby got a lot louder and Emma and Regina look at her and each other and Emma starts to thrust too, now both Regina and Emma are thrusting which is causing longer moans from Regina, she is feeling Emma's thrusting. Ruby can do nothing but howl and say "Fuck yes oh fuck".

Emma thrusts harder and faster she can feel her climax building and she looks at Regina who is thrusting faster, she knows Regina is close too. Emma grabs Regina's breast and twists it this sends Regina over the edge and she screams "Fuck Yes, Oh god, I'm Cumming" and then one more scream of passion and she climaxes hard. Emma cums next after a few seconds but just moans a little, Ruby growls and howls and cums hard. All three fall back onto the bed trying to catch a breath.

Regina knows something is wrong Emma is never this quiet when they make love. She thinks when did I start to call it making love and not fucking. Well it is I love her I would do anything for her, I already am.

Ruby states enough I cant take anymore, She grabs Regina and kisses her then she pulls her down and starts to gently lick and suck on her hardened nub. "Oh god, so soon" Regina whines and Emma leans in for a kiss. Regina licks Emma's pulse point behind her ear, she looks at her with the I know something is not ok we will talk later. Regina being so tender cums hard into Ruby's mouth within a few minutes. "Sorry, Ruby I tried to hold out". Ruby laughs and said "he whole point was to send you over the edge within a few minutes of that orgasm. You have a lot to learn about sex with women I think".

When Regina had got her breath back she looks at Ruby and asks "You don't have to answer this but how much experience do you have with women, I mean in the EF, I am sure here you are starved and Oh god, I gave you a desire for men in the curse, I am sorry about that". Ruby laughs and says well my first kiss was with Snow at a party for Aurora. Snow seemed to be into it til Aurora went to second base". Emma looks white as a ghost at that comment. Regina realizes now what has Emma's goat.

"Ok well leaving Snow out of this, for Emma's sake .." "Regina I can't count how many to be honest I am not proud but I was kind of a slut for women in the EF, we were in very different circles or I am sure we would have been chamber mates before your end of being Queen, May I ask if you had extra marital affairs yourself as Queen?, how did you keep them secret?". "Ruby, I don't think you should ask about that stuff". This is the first thing Emma has said in it seems like forever. "It's Ok, Emma, I actually want to answer, it might help for all of us if I do. Yes I had affairs if you can call them that, more like what does this world call them booty calls. I lost my true love Daniel I would have married him and never been the Evil Queen but my mother and Rumple saw to that. I was forced into marrying Snow's father and let's just say it was a marriage of pure hell, the king that everyone knew was not the king I saw. You see this scar she points to the one hidden under her breast that she wasnt even sure if Emma had seen yet. Emma's eyes widen as she stares at Regina's breast. Ruby stays quiet she is listening to Regina and thinking she knows what she is going to say next. Regina says "Dagger wound when I said no to the kings advances one night". "OMG my grandfather did that to you, what else ? Are all your scars from him?" Emma can't stop her tirade now she is mad. Regina seeing this grabs Ruby and pulls her to Emma. "Kiss her now". While Ruby kisses Emma, Regina strokes her hand and arm to calm her down. "Emma, this is my past, I have let it go, you need to also for your own sanity and family". Emma's magic had begun to swirl around the room but when Regina touched her she reigned it in. Regina felt the pull on Emma. "Talk to us Emma, what is wrong, you were distant earlier and now enraged".

"I .. I ugh I don't want people to think of my soon to be wife as the Evil Queen no more, it's hurtful to you. You don't get it I feel it, ever since our magics combined and I saw your memories, I feel every emotion you hide, you can't hide anything from me. It can be overwhelming to work out what is my feelings and what are yours?. "Oh Emma, it should not be like this, we need to do something to fix that now". "No, I like it, I like to know what your feeling it keeps you safe".

Ruby sensing that the night might be over asks "Do you want me to leave you alone to talk?". "No, I have not finished explaining to you yet, so lets just leave it that the king was not a nice guy and move on. I gave him what he wanted when he wanted it and he left me alone then. I could not leave the castle grounds but I had magic, I made a little hut in the corner of the grounds I furnished it with a bed and a few items and made it invisible to all except those I took there. There was also a silencing spell around the room, that is where I took my lovers and I had a few, noone more than once they were boring to me. The women I took there just didnt know how to please this Queen. I got bored too easy I think plus with all the abuse for a better term from the King, I really wasn't in the mood for dalliances anymore. I think this is where Rumple had me, no don't look so shocked he wouldn't and didn't thank god considering now what I know about him, oh yes we are keeping another secret but I think you can be trusted but Ruby this is a top secret you cant say anything peoples lives are in danger if you do, in the underworld we found out Rumple is also my birth father". Rubys eyes widen at this information and she gasps and just says "Well that explains a hell of a lot now". Regina stops speaking and asks her what she meant.

"Think about it you have white and dark magic in you, Cora couldn't just have had dark magic in her and from what bits I have heard and been told she removed her own heart didn't she?, you know this means one thing. She was Rumples first true love, Milah wasn't his true love. It explains your magic Regina. To be the child of true love for one you have both kinds of magic in you, your dark magic is part of the DO curse. This is why when you used it you had to kill someone closest to you that you loved. The DO curse was part of your destiny well it seems that was shaped for you somehow. Do you understand what I am telling you Regina? The fairies could never help you like other children no one could you had the for a better word to coin Harry Potter you had the Dark Mark on your life they were powerless to intercede to help you in any way.

Emma is true love via white magic only she only had white magic until she took on the DO curse for you. Now she is like you, you both have that magic and that pull. This is why when two Dark magic users come together it can be a powerful pull. Regina I know about you and Mal, she told me she and I errr well anyways she mentioned she had a pull to you and your dark side. She knew she could never lose that which made her settling down with anyone impossible for her thinking. God I miss her..." Ruby stops speaking mid sentence.

Regina sits up shocked at this it did make a lot of sense to her. "Do you love her? Mal I mean, are you in love with Mal? And I knew you two had seen each other for a while, she told me, she came to me one night after you had seen her and she had broken your heart. She cried and told me how much you meant to her and how she had to leave you before you got hurt or saw her at her worst. Personally I think the pair of you are meant to be together".

"Yes I still love her, I mean I am in love with her, I can't eat I can't sleep I can't even get off without thinking of her, well till tonight, what did you do to me? What did she do to me? Am I under a spell?.

Emma laughs "nope sounds like true love to me. This is how I was with Regina, before the second curse and she sent us to New York. Quite honestly when I got my memories back I got all that jealousy and anger and rage at her when all I wanted to do was take her in my arms and kiss her and tell her I wanted her to give us a chance, knowing she would laugh at me, at the time I did not even know if she even liked women..." "Emma, I never knew, is that why you were so adamant to go back to New york when the second curse broke?". All Emma can do is nod she is trying not to cry, Regina takes a sudden breath and "Wow, this is what that feels like". She takes Emma's hand laughs and looks at Ruby, "Did you know about her love for me even then?". " Only the blind couldn't see that much Regina, well maybe you were blind to it, Even Snow knew and at first she was not happy, she was happy that nothing came of it, as you Regina never made a move on her daughter". "This is why it wasn't a shock to them in the underworld when it became known how we felt about each other then, and Ruby I knew I was in love with Emma for a long time, the first day she came to town she threatened me I found that such a turn on, the only way I could get anything from her then was to argue with Emma, when all I wanted to do was fuck her brains out".

"You two, damn its got to be fate you got together at all, the way you two carried on, but look at you now, happy in love and both pregnant, everything you could ever have wanted. I want ...". Regina takes Ruby's hand in hers and says I will help you to get Mal back if that is what your heart wants, but then this is over now, we can't do that to Mal".

Emma feels Regina's emotion then, she looks up at her and softly asks "You still have feelings for Mal?, don't bother to deny it remember I can feel it too", "Yes, but not in the way you think, Mal is a very old friend she gave me oh boy she gave me the sleeping curse I used on Snow, of course I had to fuck her to get it, but honestly I didn't mind it she could please me in ways no other had, I felt a bond to her but more I think about it now, it was our dark magic mixing as well we did quite a few dark things in this time you would call it drugs I suppose but we took each others magic essence into us and it heightened the pleasure, but boy the hangover was awful, it is not something I would entertain today it is too dangerous, what you are feeling in me right now is regret and love, she was the first to make me orgasm and well Ruby I am sure knows this but once you had Mal,no-one is good enough, that is until you Emma. I did not know I could feel like this for anyone other than Daniel. He told me to love again when Whale brought him back to life and I had to kill him to set him free".

Regina waves her hand and everyone is dressed again, she grabs her cell and sends a text to Mal, asking her to come right now to her bedroom and sends it. Regina looks at Ruby and Mal appears in Regina's bedroom. Regina sees her eyes twinkle as she glances at Ruby and then the confusion at seeing Emma there too. "What is going on? What am I Missing out on? My Evil Regal why have you summoned me here now? As she looks to Regina for answers.

"Emma, Ruby can you give us a minute to chat, maybe make me a drink, Emma will show you where the cider is kept and bring one for Mal too". With that her hand waves and Emma and Ruby find themselves downstairs in the study. "WTF" Ruby says as she growls and falls to her knees. "Regina had a spell on her bedroom, she transported us down here so we don't wake Henry up, of course this means I need to use magic to transport us back into the bedroom but lets give them a few moments, I trust Regina she won't do anything stupid".