A broad smile slowly appeared on Valkyrie's face as she snuggled into the passenger seat of Skullduggery's Bentley. Oh, how she had missed this seat. It was about 100 times more comfortable than those cuddy school seats. She would never complain again on the stake outs with Skulduggery. Okay, well, she wouldn't complain about the car seat anymore. If she couldn't complain during those long stake outs she wouldn't have anything to do. the week had gone passed reasonably fast considering her complete and utter boredom. The Cullen's were mainly the cause of that. Alice wanted to do EVERYTHING with her, which was kinda weird. Considering they had just met each other at the beginning of the week. Rosalie, Bella, and Jasper were usually dragged along with Alice's plans. For some reason, it was like Alice didn't want to let her out of her sight. Like that time when they had ended up in Dublin to go shopping and had gotten split up. When Alice finally found her in a shop it had looked like she was panicking. With a shrug, she brushed all of those thoughts away, it was her reflection's problem now. She had fun detective adventures to go on!

Edward looked over at Alice, she had seemed nervous last night. Now she was practically paranoid glancing constantly at the door. The thing she was so jittery about? Stephanie. Alice wouldn't give any of them any specifics and every time he would try to read her mind she would think about clothes or makeup. The only thing the rest of the family knew was if Stephanie was left alone she would be in trouble. To Edward, Stephanie was sort of like Bella. In the way that he couldn't read her mind. Well, most of the time he couldn't. When she had an extremely high emotion through he could hear those, or when she was daydreaming and wasn't really focusing on anything. Otherwise; most of the tie her mind was like a sealed vault.

The main thing making Alice worried at the moment was that Stephanie was running later than she usually did. Class was going to start in less than five minutes. Suddenly Alice went stiff, a vision taking over her. When she came out of it her eyes narrowed dangerously. Alice caught Edward's eye and tapped her temple. She wanted him to read Stephanie's mine when she got here. He didn't know how that would help, but he wasn't about to go against his sister. About a minute later Stephanie entered the room, however she was different than usual. Stephanie usually stumbled into the room tired, yet she had an air of confidence around her. Now however she didn't seem tired at all and she went out of her way to avoid people. Edward carefully took a small smell of the room and his eyes narrowed. Her blood didn't smell the same either. While normally her blood smelled good, they had absolutely no desire to drink from her. That was one of the main reasons they all liked hanging out with her, they could let their guard down a bit. This Stephanie however, her blood smelled disgusting, like it was fake or something.

Stephanie sat down next to him and didn't say a word. She just started getting her stuff out and ready for the class, almost mechanically. Edward tried reading her mind, but nothing. He didn't even hit the fog that he normally did that protected her thoughts. There was just nothing, like she didn't have a single thought. What in the world was going on? Throughout the classes the Cullen's kept a close eye on 'Stephanie.' When lunch came around they decided to see if she would act normal yet. Maybe she was just having an off day. If not, they would confront her.

Emmett decided to test her by acting like his normal joking self. Stephanie always had a quip or comeback handy to whatever he said. Stephanie sat down at the normal table and the Cullen's sat around her.

Emmett let a smirk take over his face "Hey Steph, how was first period's lecture today?" he teased. Knowing that she usually just sleeps though it and complains about it later.

This time however "It was fine, I found it easy to follow."

Edward glanced at Jasper and he shook his head 'I don't sense a single emotion from her.'

"Alright who are you and what did you do with Stephanie?" Alice practically growled.

The girl's eyes widened slightly and looked at Alice "I don't know what you mean. I am Stephanie."

"We know for a fact that isn't true." Emmett said "So where is Stephanie and why do you look exactly like her?"

She hesitated for a moment before standing up and saying "I need to make a call, excuse me."

As she started walking away the Cullen's got up and followed her. Rosalie grabbed her arm "We aren't letting you out of our sight." She merely nodded and continued walking outside.

As soon as they were out of earshot from anybody Stephanie pulled out her phone and dialed a number. They only had to wait one ring before it picked up.

"What's wrong? Why are you calling me?" to the Cullen's surprise it was Stephanie's voice on the other side of the phone.

"Valkyrie something happened." She said plainly.

"Well obviously, something happened if you are calling me. What happened is what I'm asking." Stephanie, Valkyrie, whoever said in an exasperated voice.

"Right. Our new friends caught on that I'm not you." Stephanie said.

"They what? Wait a minute did you say our friends?"

"No I said your."

"I'm pretty sure you said our"

"I have no recollection of saying that."

"Is it bugging again?" a new voice asked. It was a man's voice. It sounded low and silky. "You really shouldn't use it as much, it's not meant to be used that much."

"But then I would have to go to school, I hate school." Valkyrie said "Anyway what do you mean they found out? What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything different than I normally do. I did exactly as you told me to do; go to school, take notes in class, don't draw attention to myself, and after school do the homework and don't make your parents suspicious." Stephanie said.

"Well I guess you would seem weird to them since they met me first. You're just a reflection after all, you just follow my directions."

"What would you like me to do?"

They all head a quiet conversation on the other side of the phone, but they couldn't' make out what was being said.

"Well we are kinda busy right now doing absolutely nothing and Skul refuses to move the car a single inch. So, after school call Mum and tell her your spending the night at a friend's house."

"You don't have any friends." Stephanie interrupted.

They heard the male laugh while Valkyrie growled "Yeah, but Mum doesn't know that. Just make something up. Then have them come and take you to Scapegrace's bar."

"Is that really wise?"

"Probably not, it is Skul's idea after all. And since when has any of his plans gone over well?" Valkyrie said completely seriously.

Stephanie gave a shrug "I guess you're right. Alright then, after school I'll take them to Scapegrace's. See you then." Without another word, she hung up. She looked up at eh Cullen's and started saying "I'm supposed to takeā€¦"

"We know, we heard." Rosalie said harshly.

Stephanie didn't even blink an eye at the tone "Okay then. I'll meet you at the front of the school." Then she turned and walked away.

As soon as she was out of ear shot Emmett commented "That thing, whatever it is, is really creepy."

Bella nodded her agreement "It's almost like she's not real. Like, I don't know, a clone or something."

Jake gave a small shiver "Her smell just isn't right. She almost doesn't smell like anything. The only thing she smells like is the things she's come into contact with."

"We'll have to find out what is going on after school. For now, we just have to watch her closely." Jasper said.

The rest of the day went quickly. Edward had skipped the last class of the day to collect the rest of his family. Alice had brought Steph over earlier in the week and she had hit it off with the last three members of the family.

As the last school bell rang the entire Cullen coven and Stephanie climbed into three separate cars. Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, and Jasper shared one. Bella, Edward, Renesmee, and Jacob shared the second. And Esme, Carlisle, and Stephanie were in the third. Stephanie called Val's mum and told her the cover story and then they were on their way.

Stephanie gave them the directions, step by step. After a close to two hour drive they finally came to Roarhaven. To the Cullen's it was a very unwelcoming town. To be completely honest it almost looked abandoned. Then the further they got into the small town a few people started appearing. They were given glares by every person they passed.

"Are you sure we are in the right place?" Carlisle asked.

Stephanie needed "Yes, they just need to keep normal people out. Most of them are actually quite nice."

"What about this Scapegrace person we are going to?" Esme asked.

"He is sometimes tolerable. He talks a lot. He does what they ask him because he knows if he doesn't Skulduggery will punch him. He still sometimes tries to kill Valkyrie and Skulduggery, but he's very much an idiot so it will never happen." Stephanie said calmly. Before they could say anything, Stephanie said "Oh pull over there. By the Bentley, that is where we are going."

If the town was sketchy, the br was even sketchier. There were holes in the windows, there were more bare spots than areas with pain on it, and the whole place just screamed Keep Out!

As they got out of the cars they head an argument from inside the bar.

"How do you two make a stake out into a full out battle?" a husky/ gravelly voice asked.

"That would be Valkyrie's fault. She got bored and started playing with fire which alerted the hoard of hollow men." The suave voice from the phone said.

"You didn't say we were over watching an illegal hollow man transfer. If I would've known that I wouldn't have practiced with fire and ignited those nasty gasses." Val protested.

"Why do I even assign you two assignments?" the gravelly voice asked.

"Because we're the best and you love us." Val said happily. "Anyway, we may have ended up destroying the place, but we did shut down their operation. Points for us, right?"

"What are you waiting for? Just go in?" Stephanie said and opened the door.

The conversation cut off and the Cullen's got a glimpse of who was all in the bar. There was Valkyrie who was wearing all black. Her hair looked slightly singed and she had a small gash on her forehead. The second person had everyone on edge. Quite simply he was a skeleton wearing a suit. The third person was a tall muscular man who had scars all over his face. There was also a pretty lady behind the bar and a handsome man sweeping the floor.

Valkyrie spoke first "Good job bringing them here. You can go over in the corner and start the homework." Stephanie nodded and went over to do just that. Val turned her attention onto the group that had entered with her reflection.

"Welcome to Scapegrace's crappy pub." Val said with a smile.

The lady behind the counter scowled "Hey my bar isn't crappy. I've worked really hard to make this a nice place."

Val gave a deadpanned expression "All you've done is sweep and replace the pool table."

"What is going on?" Emmett exclaimed.