A/N: My first story in a really long time. I have to say, I started this story prior the movie, but I had to wait until I watched movie because I made some assumptions to the characters and backstory. It also helps that I've read some other peoples work, which are amazing. Now that I've watched the movie, I can confidently publish my work. I noticed that a lot of NickXJudy fanfics here and I want to do something a bit different. There will be some of that for sure, but I don't want it to be the center of my story.

Disclaimer: This can be considered an AU since I did assume that reptiles and amphibians do exist. Just 0 count in Zootopia.

Summary: Leaving Zoo York, John has finally settled in the city of Zootopia. All is well until he gets a visit from an old friend. Judy and Nick investigate a theft.

Chapter 1: Population One

Ellie Taggert

32 W 42TH ST APT 7C

Zoo York, ZY 10040

Dear Ellie,

It's been so long since we've met. I wish I could explain my situation, but I really got into some serious trouble. I flew over somewhere I shouldn't have been. Now, they're after my head. I wish I could tell you, but it's top secret. I don't know when I'll be able to come home and I know this comes at such a bad time considering our hatchling. I wish I could tell you where I am or where I'm going, but I don't want you look for me. I can't risk your safety. I promise you, when all this is over, I will go back to you.

Yours truly,


John, a python from Zoo York, stared at the mailbox in front of him. He looked at his letter one last time. He resisted putting the letter in the mailbox. Once he did that, it would be the end of his current life and the beginning of a whole other. He had no choice though. He lifted the letter with his tail and carefully pushed it in the hole.

It was done.

"I'm sorry, Taggert." An animal from behind him replied. The animal, a pig, then handed out a package envelope. "You're new identity."

Taggert grabbed the package.

"Open it after." The animal added.

The two began leaving the scene going along the sidewalk.

"You should've done your job. I wasn't Special Missions, Hammy. I wish I hadn't flown that last mission. Me, my crew. I'm responsible for them." John replied.

"I get it. We screwed up. It's not easy to analyze data and make a threat level assessment. You can only do so much before you start making assumptions."

"You once said there was no room for assumptions in this line of work." John waited for a reply but was met with silence. The two continue walking. "So what now?"

"My only suggestion is you try to build your hobby on your new life. You know, I heard the best way of starting fresh is making your own bar. Get a bunch of henchmen, stuff like that." Hammy replied.

John looked at him with a strange look. "This is strange coming from you. A G-man."

"It's just advice. You don't need to look farther than Zootopia. Also, you'll need the protection. We'll keep tabs with you, but just to be sure. Of course, you can choose to not take my advice. It's all good."

"Okay. Noted." John was resigned.

"Remember the drill…"

I've gotten somebody to get a crew change for a weather plane. It will take off at 0900.

John approached his crew animals, three other members will be joining him for the ride: a red fox, a crocodile, and a deer. All four animals looked at each other and nodded in agreement with each other. Together, they were going to fly a recon propeller aircraft with a specialized weather radar equipment.

They were tasked to monitor an incoming storm.

"Take-off checklist complete, Captain." Robin declared. He then radioed the air traffic control. "This is Casper 1. Request take-off clearance. Runway 3."

There was a moment of silence. The fox stared at the window beside him noticing the other aircraft on taxi, a pair of fighters and some transport.

"Casper 1, Departure. Cleared for take-off. Runway 3."

John and Rob grabbed the throttle and prepared to accelerate toward the runway. When they were on the air and everything settled, John looked at his co-pilot. He looked rather stiff.

"Think of it as just a routine flight, Rob."

"Is it?" He had a worried look in his face. "You know what I'm thinking of right now?"

"What?" John asked.

"My kid."

"That was a long time ago." John said matter of factly. "He's probably not a kid anymore."

Proceed to your normal flight path until you're 10 nautical miles from the waypoint NVARO.

"Tom? Rusty? How are you guys holding up back there?" Rob radioed.

"We're fine. You could make the ride a little less bumpy." Tom, the deer, answered.

"Gentlemen, we're on a weather plane tracking a incoming storm. What were you guys expecting?" Rob looked at the radar image on one of his multi-flight displays. "It's a doozy, I can tell you that."

"Tell me about it. Got a lot of reds and oranges here. Heavy rainfall." Rusty the croc, added as he looked at the Doppler image displayed to them.

Once you get to that point, do what you have to do.

Zootopia Air Traffic Control

A weasel on duty that evening looked on the screens, watching air traffic movements of a specific zone. Half of his attention was focused with the conversation of two of his colleagues when he noticed something go off his screen.

"Guys, Casper 1 just disappeared on my airspace."

His two colleagues approached his station. "Must be radar interference. Clutter from the storm."

"Try contacting them." The other one replied.

"Casper 1, this is East Center. Readback current vectors."

"Casper 1, do you read?"

On a cornfield in a rainy day, smoke billowed over the site of a wreckage. The rain did not stop the fire from raging, fed by the fuel in its stores. As it continued, four onlookers watch from just over a small hill.

"There's no turning back now. Gentlemen, it's been an honor serving with you." John replied as he looked at each and every one with high regard. "That said, I hope I never have to see your mug faces again."

They all gave a light chuckle at the remark considering the situation, John as well. He handed each of them an envelope. "Your new identities. There's also enough there to start a new life."

They looked at each other one last time. "I guess this is it." John said.

"Yep." Rob replied. He then made an about face and headed off the distance.

Rusty then about faced as he walked away.

"See ya later alligator."

"Very funny, Tom."

John and Tom simultaneously parted ways and that was it.

Immigration (Zootopia, Zootopia)

It was the python's turn to approach the immigration officer at the desk. To his surprise, the officer was a sloth of all animals. The animal looked at him with a friendly smile.

"Iden…ti…fica…tion?" The sloth asked.

The python smiled, handing over his passport.

The sloth opened the passport. He looked over the information. According to the passport, the serpent's name was John Stripes. Country of Residence: Kingdom of Whales. He looked at his face before looking back at his passport. So far, it was clean with the exception of the immigration stamp from the country of residence. He looked back to the serpent once more, to which he replied with an even wider smile.

The sloth grabbed the stamp and pushed it to his papers at excruciatingly unbearable speed.


5 years later…

It's been five years. Five years since I started this new life of mine. And I guess it's not so bad.

"… in other news. Today marks the 1st anniversary of the savage case, the most notorious case in recent memory. Then assistant mayor Bellwether was arrested for drugging the predator community with a Nighthowler serum. Though despite the proof and witnesses, the former assistant mayor's case has been delayed due to the political process as well as health issues from the assistant mayor. After several delays, ZNN has finally confirmed that the former assistant mayor's sentence will be read at the end of the month…"

A python was busy preparing coffee in the kitchen while he listened over the television. The kitchen wall was blocking the way however. Now that he thought about it, he never truly did watch a lot of television lately. Television was only to those who could afford to slow down. He could only afford listen now and then.

"John?" He heard someone knock on the door.

"It's open!" He yelled.

The door unlocked and a white wolf appeared from the living room. "You leave your door unlocked?"

"I was expecting you, Arty." John replied as he ground his coffee beans. He was not doing a good job.

"You need help with that?"

John, who managed to make a mess of his own kitchen, looked at the white wolf. He had that look and John resigned himself. "I have no idea what I'm doing."

Arthur or Arty as I'd like to call him, is an white wolf living in Tundra Town. I met him four years ago when I was interviewing him for a job at my bar. The wolf had a special set of skills, and as luck would have it… he makes great coffee.

"Appreciate it." John replied as he grabbed the mug with his tail and took a sip of the brew.

"No worries, boss." Arty sat on the couch and took a sip of coffee from an extra mug.

"Hey, no free samples."

"I got you that coffee, didn't I?" Arty gave a smug smile.

"You know what? Fine. Let's just watch while we finish this."

"Whatever you say, boss."

"… With us in the studio is police officer Judy Hopps from Precinct 1, the officer responsible for Bellwether's arrest. So tell us your thoughts on the sentencing to be done later.

Of course, but first, I would like to make a statement. Zootopia is city like no other, where predator and prey coexist, where anyone can be anything. If the skyscrapers and the mass transport system we have is the life and blood, the people who live in this proud city is its soul. For as long as I can remember, Zootopians created relationships through trust and respect, not on fear…"

Arty's phone suddenly rang. He swiped his phone to answer. "Arty." He answered casually.

John just continued to watch the television.

"What?" Arty exclaimed, now grabbing John's attention. "Okay, we'll be there." He then put down his phone. "It's Buster. Somethings happening down at the bar."

The two immediately left the apartment, but not before grabbing his black fedora hat and a black tie. John liked how it made him look like a mobster. They went for the underground subway just two blocks away. John couldn't help but notice the local café tuning in to the news they watched prior. He could still hear the voice of the bunny over the television.

"… This sentencing has been delayed for far too long. With the amount of time elapsed, we've acquired more evidence to put Ms. Bellwether behind bars for a long time."

"I see. And is there anything else you'd like to add, Ms. Hopps?" The female snow leopard asked as she looked at her interviewee.

"No, I have nothing further to say."

"Ms. Hopps, it's a pleasure having you as our guest."

Judy looked right past the news anchor to see Nick Wilde in his police uniform. He smiled and gave a thumbs up signaling to her that she was doing a good job.

With that Judy smiled a confident smile. "The pleasure is mine."

"Thank you. Up next on our coverage, the opening bell on the Zootopia Stock Exchange. The ZSE is poised to track the stock exchange in Zoo York. ZYSE futures are pointing to a rise in today's trading session…"

Judy Hopps drove her police car while his partner, Nick Wilde, sat on the passenger seat at the front. They had just left the TV station with smiles on their faces.

"You did great back there, Carrots."

"Thanks, Nick. Still, none of this would be possible if you hadn't helped me. You should've come with me on the set."

"Me? Nah. I'm camera shy." Nick replied back.

"Camera shy? Pfft. What kind of excuse is that?"

Nick thought about it. It was a rather silly excuse. Truth be told, he was okay if he got a chance to face a tv camera, he just doesn't like to take the initiative.

Almost as soon as they were talking about one topic, they've moved to another. "I'm moving out my old place." Judy said.

"That's new." Nick replied giving just the slightest hint of interest. "So, any ideas where you moving at now, Hopps?"

"Hopefully, a little deeper in Sahara Central, near the precinct."

"I hope it's bigger."

"Don't worry. I made sure of it. You're not trying to move in with me, are you?" Judy then gave the fox a suspicious yet suggestive tone.

The fox almost choked on his words at hearing those remarks. He tried to recover by going for the concerned friend approach. "I just think your old place really wasn't big enough. I mean it could be big for a mouse, but not yo- I mean bunnies."

Judy couldn't help but giggle at how his partner attempted to create an appropriate response.

"Hopps? Wilde?" Wilde picked up the squad car's radio and replied back. "What is it, Clawhauser?"

"Yeah. We got a 10-44. Report of theft at the Tundratown Limo Service."

Both their ears lowered knowing who owns the establishment. "We're on it."

Judy pressed on the accelerator as they sped through the streets. Nick flicked on switch that turned on the siren. "Might as well buy her daughter something. Mabye he'll be nice to us."

"You're not still intimidated by him, are you? We're on his good side, now." Judy reminded.

Their car strolled along an intersection and passed below an elevated railway.

Commute is easy. For the most part, it rarely ever gets crowded and the travel time is a relatively pleasant 30 minutes under. The rides are uneventful…

"Mom, there's a giant talking stick!" A little bunny replied as she continued to poke on the python's leather scales.

"That's not a stick dear." The mother replied.

Arty, who was just beside the 'talking stick', tried to hold his laughter. "Seriously, how do you get by?"

Well… most of the time. Have to admit though, being the only snake in Zootopia-no… the only reptile in Zootopia, and I am sure I am the only one. Occasionally, I would get the odd look, but no one seems to mind, especially in a city of mammals.

"Just ignore it and it goes away."

"Now arriving at Sahara Square. Passengers taking the Little Rodentia Loop or the Red line and the Bunnyburrow Loop or the Orange Line, please disembark…"

John and Arty were just on the block to a bar called the Bomb Shed. It was a small 1-storey establishment sandwiched between a flower shop and a hardware store. If anything, it was an odd place to put a bar in-between.

"What in the world?" John murmured as he saw two predators in the front. One was a polar bear trying to get in and the other was Buster, a gray wolf, making an attempt to resist the attacker. Unfortunately, the attack was able to push him aside.

Arty lunged forward at the polar bear to which the bear deflected the wolf's push with a swipe of his back paw. Arty tried to get up, to which he noticed the giant polar bear looking at him, now fuming for his assault. He was coming for him now.

But just as he was going to him for the finishing punch, the bear tripped himself. He fell, face planted on the floor. He tried to move, but realized his movements were becoming limited. He realized he was being entangled by the python.

"Don't try to move, it'll only make it worse." John replied as he mazed his way to his body.

The polar bear grunted. He was not done and made another attempt to break free.

"Boys, why don't we show how we calm down unexpected visitors."

The two wolves approached their employer, smiles creeping on their faces.

Buster had a black eye on his right and spat out on the floor, blood staining his spit. He cracked his knuckles. "With pleasure." Buster replied.

Nick and Judy parked the cop car in front of the limo-rental store. As they approached, they noticed a limo that was being towed back to the establishment. The windshield was shattered and the driver's door missing.

Nick and Judy now sat in front of a desk. Nick looked at his surroundings, seeing at at least 4 polar bears guarding the room. Judy was right though. Both of them were on Mr. Big's good side. And yet, he could not help but still feel a little bit nervous. He looked at Judy, who was busying herself taking down notes. He tried shuffling his feet to preoccupy himself.

"How long do we have to be here?"

"Relax, scaredy fox. He isn't even here yet."

"I'm not scared of him." He replied. He then lowered his voice. "Just these guys." Pointing to the polar bears surrounding them.

The door opened and out came a polar bear. On his paws was a comfy chair that rests the infamous Mr. Big.

"Well if it isn't my favorite bunny and fox duo. So glad of you to come." The shrew replied with his trademark accent.

"Yes. About that." Judy started as she closed her pad. "I understand you reported a theft, Mr. Big."

"Yes. That is correct. A stolen vehicle."

"But the stolen vehicle that you reported, we just saw it being recovered to your garage." Judy stated.

"Look officer, that car right there is the light of my life."

"I thought your daughter was the love of your life." The fox added.

"Look." He gave them a look that he meant business. "That car is the next closest thing to my heart after my daughter. And just like my daughter, if something happened to it, I would be devastated."

"With all due respect, Mr. Big, your insurance should cover-"

"Maybe we didn't understand each other, officer." The shrew rubbed his temples. "You're a family person, aren't you Ms. Hopps?"

The bunny nodded.

"The car is like family. We don't take it lightly when something happens to family. I want justice."

"Hold still." John replied as he swabbed an iodine solution over a few cuts on Buster's face. They were inside the kitchen nursing their wounds with the establishment's only first aid kit.

Buster squinted, but after the application, he just took a heavy breath. "Thanks guys. That was some timing."

"Yeah. Lucky you." John replied. "Care to tell us what happened?"

Buster looked up to him and it looked to him. Without letting go his gaze, he shifted his eyes toward the entrance of the basement. Arty looked at Buster who nodded.

No words were exchanged but everyone understood. He put down the iodine solution and headed toward the counter. There was a drawer that he had never opened since the day he bought the place. He opened the drawer and with his tail pulled out a small pistol. It was the same gun handed to him with his new identity. The same gun he thought he'd never use until today.

John slithered down the basement followed by two wolves. The two wolves held with them wooden bats. Arty looked at the way John held his weapon with his tail. He'd never seen the pistol before, but it was not the first time he'd seen his employer carrying guns. He wrapped around the handle with the tip at the trigger. It still amazed him. A snake with a firearm, he could never get over that. One time he asked John about it. When you only have one appendage, you make it count, he'd always say.

"Show yourself, stranger."

With their heightened hearing, the wolves were able to pinpoint the source of a sound out of place in the basement. Out of the stacks of alcoholic beverages is the sound of a slow and heavy breathing.

"Who are you, stranger?" John asked.

The stranger continued to catch his breath. His voice seemed to catch his attention. "I…" The stranger started. "I know… that voice."

The Buster found the lights and finally flicked the switch on.

And so in the city of mammals, perhaps there is room for just one small reptile. And perhaps, after five years, this lonely reptile may have found a place to settle in a city that's meant for mammals.

Until today of course.

The three animals exchanged stares at the stranger in front of them, a crocodile who was friend to no one except the serpent.

"It's good… to see you again… John." The crocodile replied.

Life is never dull, it seems. Every day is full of surprises.